Days of Our Lives - Tues. May 18,2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Episode #11,337 Taped 3/18 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Ah, today is the day of pity parties, plots and poison. Sami comes into the DiMera study, having finally gotten the kids to sleep, only after promising Johnny another DiMera family night soon. (I nearly choked when she said that…) Sami & EJ play cozy family as she asks about his work, he is bothered by something, no not his father who is fine….oops, he means stable. Baby monitor goes off, Sami gets Sydney, who just doesn’t seem all that sleepy. EJ offers to take her and later he returns, magically having gotten her to sleep at last. Now Sami goes into HER pity party, talking of the special bond EJ seems to have with Sydney, whining about how much of Sydney’s life she’s missed, how she knows Sydney looks at her, wishing she was Nicole. EJ tries to bolster her ego, but Sami goes on and on, even talking of being in witness protection, getting so close to Rafe, him telling her that Sydney would be returned safely, and he was right. She was, but if she ever finds the person who did this, she will kill them.

Nicole is plotting with a reluctant Dr. Baker in the seedy poker room, as Hope arrives outside the door, listening. Baker tries get out of framing Arianna, but Nicole is insistent, giving him the bags of doctored evidence to plant. Nicole insists she & Baker are a team, Hope is getting more and more ticked. Baker wonders how Nicole can make sure Arianna has no alibi, not to worry…..she will take care. Hope hides as Nicole leaves, then enters the room, chiding Baker for trying to go over her head. She hisses at him that he is her partner, and she has a little pity party, won’t tolerate him trying to team up with someone else, betray her, etc. . But, she has learned now he is Dr. Richard Baker, baby switcher extraordinaire. Baker tries to tell her that Nicole would rat them out, but then he would tell how she wanted to frame Arianna. Hope hops onto the “them”… one knows about her. Baker says Nicole knows he is involved…..with a woman, mentions Hope is a cop….would not take long. Hope yammers about being in power, in control, etc. then leaves, telling him she will be back.

Arianna is ticked at Brady, storms out of the restaurant, brushing past Kinsey, who wonders what her problem is. Nicole comes in, runs into Roman, inquires about the mugger who slugged Brady. Roman has no comment. Nicole only is asking as a friend, wants to see justice, but Roman doesn’t bite, telling her that is justice was served, she would still be in prison. Brady listens, as Nicole talks of how sorry she is, that she did not want people to be hurt, yada, yada. Roman just says if she goes sniffing around his granddaughter for any reason, he will make sure she pays, then walks out. Now Nicole’s attention is at Brady, who will have none of it, says he already told her this, and he takes off. Kinsey manages to mention to Nicole that Brady quarreled with his fiancée, how Arianna stormed out like a diva, Nicole’s face brightens.
She calls Arianna, to make sure she is alone, gets cut short, Arianna is going to bed. She sees her lights go out, then calls Baker, telling him Arianna is alone, in bed, no alibi, so go find a victim, anyone will do, and plant the evidence. Hope returns to the room, tells Baker she has the next victim set up, let’s go. And now we see Roman, in the darkened Pub, seemingly locking up (no idea why he is doing this). He is outside, locking the door, takes 2 or 3 steps away, and out pops Hope with her gun, and bam, down goes Roman. She smiles.
Arianna is feeling sorry for herself, is unable to sleep, wishes she could, figures she should not avoid Brady, has to talk it out, finally throwing the covers off her, saying this is ridiculous.

Mia has come into the kitchen, Maggie is on the phone with Julie, learning Alice is not feeling well, and promising to stop by in the morning. Mia offers to get out the things to bake some cookies to take over, as Maggie explains how Alice has not been the same since Mickey died. Mia notes that then Maggie was in the hospital, & Maggie agrees, Alice just has not been herself. Now Maggie senses something amiss with Mia, who seems to have been skipping school. No big deal, end of semester. Maggie chides her a bit, but Mia proceeds to have her own little pity party, talking of dropping out of school, going to New York, and resuming her dance career. She has too many memories of Grace here, wherever she goes, tears forming as she talks of playing with Grace in the park, holding her, that Chad feels bad, too, but he did not carry her for 9 months. Maggie talks of missing Mickey, that every corner of the house has memories of him there, but if she went away, those memories would go with her. More encouraging talk, and she manages to convince Mia to stay, just one more year of school, and she can then do whatever she wants. College, New York, etc.

Rafe is trying to get Anna to give him the name of the person who planned the kidnapping, she agrees to tell him, starts to choke. He thinks she is stalling, warns her to stop it, she is barely managing to whisper she can’t breathe, he tells her to cut the act, she is no Meryl Streep, when over her head goes right into the plate that had contained the chocolate cake. He jumps up, tries to get her to come to, calls the desk, and EMTs arrive. They inquire about drugs, alcohol, medications, No, Rafe did not see her take any of that, no pill bottles around, she consumed no alcohol…..only…..he looks at the dinner cart, and immediately guesses it had to be something in the food. (Probably would have taken the Salem PD a month to guess that one, lol). They wheel the unconscious Anna out, Rafe packages up the food.
Next he is at the hospital, gives the doctor the food she was eating. And inbetween all of this, we have little scenes of Stefano, on the phone with someone, happy as a clam. First he wants to know when it was delivered. Good, good, he exclaims. Another phone call, he must be hearing that Anna is in the hospital.
Rafe is questioning the hotel manager, who tells him Diego did not work, someone stole his uniform. Rafe rightly figures the porter who brought the food was an imposter. He wants all the info the hotel has, guest registrations, video surveillance tapes, employee records, etc. Back to the hospital, the doctor returns, tells Rafe that the food was poisoned, it is rare poison, and hard to treat. Not sure Anna is going to make it. Rafe pleads with the doctor to do all he can to save this woman. It means everything.
And there is Stefano, at his chess table, knocking over the queen, muttering, “sorry, Tony, but this was a move I had to make”.

Thanks so much Poirot. This sounds like a great show. Love that Mia is in it. I know that lots don't like her, but I do. Poor Roman. Did Doc Baker put the evidence at the scene? I feel bad for Arianna. I sure hope that Anna lives. I so want her to tell Rafe about EJ. I am feeling sad that Alice is not well.
Thanks for the write up!! Always good to read & decide if its something I need to watch. Thinking not really today! :)
Poor Anna, a double whammy! Poisoned chocolate cake and no CPR mouth to mouth from Agent Hot Stuff! about having a bad day!............JT:cool:
I knew Stefano was the one who poisoned Anna, though w/o much of EJ's influence... The DiMera's are digging a hole, I think eventually they will fall in... And please Sami, please it!
Alice is not feeling well? She is dead. Or are they pretending that she is alive? If so, that is just plain sick.
Poor Anna, a double whammy! Poisoned chocolate cake and no CPR mouth to mouth from Agent Hot Stuff! about having a bad day!............JT:cool:

LOL - I totally agree!
Alice is not feeling well? She is dead. Or are they pretending that she is alive? If so, that is just plain sick.

Frances Reid is dead, but the character of Alice has not died yet. They are leading up to the character's death.

Thanks for the summary Poirot. This episode sounds good to me. :)
Alice is not feeling well? She is dead. Or are they pretending that she is alive? If so, that is just plain sick.

the actress is dead,they have to give her characte a proper goodbye. Alice has not died yet... they are menioning her feeling sickly..i'm guessing soon her character will be pronounced dead and all will prepare for funeral which is in June. remember - they have to write it in, the its taped a month or two in advance...the actress probably just died when they wrote this particular script.
Alice is not feeling well? She is dead. Or are they pretending that she is alive? If so, that is just plain sick.

This episode was taped on 3/18/10, Francis Reed died in Feb! Give them time! She desereves the best send off and I think that they are really gonna give it to her.
This episode was taped on 3/18/10, Francis Reed died in Feb! Give them time! She desereves the best send off and I think that they are really gonna give it to her.

exactly.. :) if this was taped in march...think of when they wrote the script, how long it took for proofing, editing, and approving... yeah, I'd say they wrote this one shortly after she passed away. they began writing it in right away it looks like to me.
Actually, in these scripts, the show is "making room" for the story to come. Scripts are written 6 months in advance, then refined and edited down/added to/pumped up, etc in the next 3 months or so. When the actress died, lots of things had to be changed, put off, etc. The writers had to change plans for May/June plus all the flashbacks that will be shown also will be using time.
It will be a great homage to a great lady.

And back to THIS summary.
Thanks for the recap Barb...and I wish you well on recapping Wednesday(CANADA) Thursday(USA) episode...after what I read on my Comcast guide...lets just say you might want to get a barf bag ready
Altho I will be sadden to say good bye to Alice Horton I cannot wait to tune in in June and see all the Hortons that I have missed

Thank you, Barb. Sounds like a great show with no fast forwarding for me.

Yeah, right, Sami. NOW you want to kill the person who kidnapped Sydney. A while ago you only care that she was home.

:rotfl: I guess Anna's cake was Death By Chocolate. Oh man, I might even try eating her cake if it meant CPR from good looking FBI guy.

At least they are letting Mia leave Salem (even though I am not happy about her dropping out of school) instead of her just disappearing from Maggie's house.
You know... today when the scene started with her dinner I kept saying "Rafe... don't let her eat until she gives you the name! She isn't going to die of low blood sugar in the time it takes her to say one name."

At least they are letting Mia leave Salem (even though I am not happy about her dropping out of school) instead of her just disappearing from Maggie's house.
So far, Mia has agreed to stay in Salem. Time will tell if she changes her mind.

I certainly hope the writers can bring back the pieces of the Horton family who can never seem to find time to come back; i.e., Sarah who couldn't make it to her dad's (Mickey) funeral, Jennifer Rose, Dr. Mike, Alice's son Bill, daughter Marie and family, etc. I know some of the actors have passed (Bill and Marie), but the characters never died, did they? And what about Julie's son, Scotty (?) or her brother, Steven? Are all of these people, "out of sight, out of mind"? Sorry for the rant!