Days of Our Lives - Tues., May 28, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Follow the yellow brick road, and be warned that when you reach the poppy field, you will definitely become disoriented. Xander compliments Kristen on how good her “Nicole” face is. They go over all they have done, faking Holly's death, getting 2 bodies from the morgue, having “Nicole” get rid of Eric, telling off Chloe & Maggie, even how things fell in their lap, like Stefan holding Ted on some island, where Xander rescued him. Kristen brags of her plan to snare Brady, is convinced he actually loves her, made “adjustments” to her body in order to fool him, even removing her phoenix tattoo. She brags of escaping the explosion intact, is like her father, the phoenix will always rise again. She will never die. She is removing her black dress, brings out the red one, is planning on staying alone in the room, as herself all evening, puts on dangle earrings. Applies lipstick, etc. She laughs how things worked in their favor, the cartel going after Chloe, Ted convincing Hector to say it was the cartel who did in Holly, she is having herself a wonderful time.

Will sits in the square as Gramma Kate joins him, he is puzzled as the plaque has his last name on it, he wonders if they are related to him. Kate is surprised, tells him of Alice & Tom, he gets upset at another memory failure, she assures him all will be well.

Meanwhile, Hope & Ted both have been packing up their belongings from their offices, run into each other, decide to have dinner together to celebrate. Now they are in the square, she doesn't want to go to the club, Tis Julie & Doug's anniversary, and with her divorce, and getting fired...he understands, they decide to eat there in the cafe. Will spots them, comes over, ranting at Hope about being on a date with Ted, who framed him & Sonny for murder. Kate rushes up, calms him and he apologizes, not himself, should not have gone off like that. Kate takes him away, Hope wants reassurance that Ted in no longer doing bad things. He promises.

Brady talks with Victor, about Nicole, not a romantic relationship, just worried about her, she is grieving. Victor figures she has already hurt Brady, he should not fall for it again. Brady talks about Maggie, what a help she was to him when he was having woman problems, thinking each one would fix what happened before. The drinking, but Maggie made him realize his problems were within himself, he had to fix those himself, no one else could. He cautions Victor about not taking Maggie or his marriage for granted.

Upstairs, Sonny goes into Brady's room with a question, only to find Maggie with a bottle of vodka in a paper bag. She tells him she was gathering laundry to do for him, found it under a pile of dirty laundry. Sonny is surprised to learn Brady has slipped, is drinking.......she claims she will take him to a meeting, as Sonny mentions her being his sponsor. Sonny glad she is there, keeping an eye on him. He leaves, she opens the bottle, and starts drinking it. Sonny runs into Brady, mentions seeing Maggie in his room, the bottle, hoping Brady will go to a meeting. Brady covers for Maggie, says he was having a bad time, bought the bottle, but did not drink any. He thanks Sonny for his concern. Now Brady goes looking for Maggie, who is no longer in the room, cannot find her.

Rex, Sarah & Eric all talk about Rex finding Xander with Holly's file, why he had it. What would he be trying to influence Victor for with it. They wonder if he was trying to alter the contents, Eric thinks maybe he wanted to do something for Nicole, make her think Holly wasn't dead. They cannot fathom why, though. Rex gets a panic call from Kate, worried about Will, says he has not yet checked his notes in storage, will go now. After he leaves, Sarah does her usual comments to Eric about Nicole, she is sorry she kissed him, blah, blah. He leaves to go and try and see Nicole. Later, Rex & Sarah are going over the notes, Rex saying is hard, he was such a genius scientist, so many different things he worked on. Even something to raise people from the dead. Can you imagine?

Kate is having a drink in her room, pounding on door, tis Maggie. Kate can tell she is drunk, can't hardly walk. Maggie accuses her of meeting with Victor behind her back, Kate says only once, notes Maggie drunk, refers to her drinking because of Holly, because she did not convince Victor to let Chloe & Holly stay there. Go talk to Nicole, she is who you have to see.

Will comes to Kmansion, Sonny asks how things went. Will hesitates, he is scared, asks Sonny to hold him.

Xander comes out, running into Eric, who knows about him trying to take Holly's file. They exchange all the barbs one would expect. Xander tells him he just left Nicole, and is in no mood to see Eric.

Kristen in the red dress, is having a drink, knock at door, figures it is Xander, opens with a “what do you want?” sees a shocked Maggie, slams the door in her face. Maggie knocks again, “Nicole”, in a bathrobe opens the door, asks Maggie what she is doing there. Where is Kristen, replies Maggie. Nicole is holding the robe closed, says Maggie is drunk, and go home, and sleep it off, you lush. Closes door.
Thanks for the write-ups. I had a friend in town for a few days, and then we went to Miami for a few more, so I've been busy. But now being caught up, I will say that the show seems to be taking a very dark & depressing turn. Is Nicole actually dead then? They still found no trace of her, so maybe not? I'm not interested at all in Kristen's return and her plotting with Xander.

The Gabi-Stefan storyline, as well as Ben investigating Claire, looks like it'll be really interesting. And although I don't like the idea of Maggie returning to alcoholism, it could be good for her storyline, particularly at this time. Still can't stand Jack or Eve, and am bored by the Haley/JJ developments.
Days has been dark for far too long. I am not sure it can ever get out of the hole it has dug. These writers and the previous ones have no clue how to write a soap opera.

Make the science fiction stop. That's not why fans have followed soaps all these years. It's not even creative. If I want creative these days, I'll watch just about any movie in the Marvel universe.

By the way, I am extremely disappointed that Hope can't put on a happy face and go to Julie and Doug's anniversary party. That is what family does. Stop wallowing in your own misery. Think about someone else like your parents/sister for a change. No, you are going out with low life Ted instead of recognizing a milestone. Does she really think they will be around for the next 25?

I guess our writers would have to not be millennials who think the world revolves around them. Family isn't that important. Gag!
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Delusions abounded in Salem today.

Kristen: She thinks that she can't die? Why? Stefano and Andre have demonstrated that contrary to popular opinion there is no DiMera immortality. Even more deluded is any thought that she can win back Brady. When he realizes that he's not dealing with Nicole, but instead Kristen in a mask, he might just lose it and order some Kiriakis thug to terminate her with extreme prejudice.

Xander: Based on Sarah's utter lack of common sense and her past "encounter" with the X-man, his hopes of trysting with her isn't all the far-fetched. However, if he thinks that he and Kristen could someday rule Salem, he needs a reality check. If they ever did get control of Titan and DiMera Enterprises respectively, Kristen's first move would be to take out both Xander and his towel.

Maggie: What made her think that she could blame the evidence of her adventures with a vodka bottle on Brady? And why did she go to confront Kate and "Nicole?" Salem confrontations are always of total waste of time.

Finally, if Dr. Rolf could make ultra-realistic masks, why was he wasting his time working for the sketchy DiMeras? He could have made a fortune working for Hollywood and TV producers.
Is Nicole actually dead then? They still found no trace of her, so maybe not? I'm not interested at all in Kristen's return and her plotting with Xander.

Xander and Kristen talked about her return to Salem. He said that she could have come back as anybody she wanted. She replied that she needed somebody about same size as she is, and that Nicole was conveniently dead. I think the word she used was conveniently, or something like it. So yes, it does appear that Nicole is dead, at least to Kristen. Or maybe it's what she wanted Xander to think. We shall have to wait and see if Nicole really does come back from the dead.
I got the impression Kristen meant Nicole conveniently was THOUGHT by everyone to be dead. If Xander got out, Kristen got out, Nicole did as well. Xander & Kristen have talked all along as though some things are true.......that are not. Xander constantly talked to her as if she WAS Nicole, talked of Holly the same, tho let us all know quickly she was not. It was YOU told off Eric, Maggie, Chloe........YOU did this or that. So, to have Kristen say something ab out "someone who was dead", phrased the way she did.....I just think Nicole is somewhere.......she could be held prisoner, be hospitalized, be in a coma, or told she can have Holly with her, only if she stays wherever she is, and doesn't try to leave....they have someone watching.....Any number of things.
Thanks, Poirot.

Wherever Holly is, I hope it's a good place.

Too bad Eric went down the wrong road concerning Xander. He did figure out
Xander was changing results, but the wrong way. I guess it's too soon for
anyone to know Holly is alive.

I enjoyed Rex telling Sarah all the odd things Dr Rolf invented.

Interesting conversation with Xander and Kristen. Can they both be in
charge of their families companies?

Poor Maggie. She saw Kristen, but then she put on the Nicole mask. Will
anyone believe her since she started drinking?
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While WE figure their ages, all the years they have been around, how old their children and grandchildren are....time stands still on the show for most characters. No ages ever mentioned after 21.
Victor has been treating Maggie horribly of late, this is not the same man who signed away his business, home, everything to save his wife who had been poisoned. Victor seems to not care at all about his wife now.
I do agree tho, the show has really not presented well the reasons for Maggie's fall off the wagon. She has held fast for so many years, sponsor for so many loved ones.

P.S. For some Days characters, who reach "middle age" they sort of come to an age standstill. Never have a birthday, don't get older, not a single grey hair, (except for the more handsome than ever John Black) females keep their hair long, like a teen, etc. etc. (Kayla being the exception, bless her!)
Thanks for the summary!

made “adjustments” to her body in order to fool him, even removing her phoenix tattoo.
I thought I saw a quick glimpse of a tattoo on her back? Did I imagine that , or was it to show us what she had removed? It was large and I would think it would leave some mark to remove one so large. I certainly am no expert on tattoo removal however!
Hope wants reassurance that Ted in no longer doing bad things. He promises.
Yea, right!
there was flashback to her showing the large phoenix tattoo on her back.............I guess for newer viewers. She did say it was a chore to remove.