Days of Our Lives -Tues., May 5, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Missed only the first 20-25 minutes, which might have been a good thing, as there is a lot of jumping around with different characters. Eli has evidently told Brady that Victor fingered Kristen, not him. He is trying to get Brady to tell him where Kristen might be. Brady figures if Eli knows he is innocent, then let him go, but Eli says he is accessory, so No Way. Eli finally points out that Kristen threw Haley down a flight of stairs, stabbed Victor in the heart, what does Brady think she might do if she finds Sarah? What might she do to Rachel. Who would Kristen turn to, who are her friends? Nope, she doesn't have any. Eli gets a lightbulb turned on.

Nicole & Eric are having a picnic, tho Nicole starts feeling guilty, he is still feeling loss of Mickey, she should not have done this, sorry. But Eric is enjoying it all, just what he needed. He calls out to Holly that he is coming to push her on the swing. Later, all 3 are together, enjoying, Holly is loving it, snuggles up to Eric, saying I love you daddy. This surprises both Nicole, and Eric, No, Nicole did not tell her to say that. She reminds Holly her daddy is in heaven. Holly knows that, but feels Eric is her daddy down here. He is fine with it, Holly pulls their faces together for a kiss.

Sarah has Rex tied to a chair, inside the apt., he talks her out of putting the gag back on. Again, he tries hard to make her realize she cannot keep Rachel, that she will be found out, and it will go badly. He tells he was supposed to go home yesterday, be at work today, and when he doesn't show up, they know last place he was...Paris, and will come looking for him. His phone rings, she grabs it to check, yes, it is the hospital. He pleads with her to let him take it, she refuses. What if it is a patient. She says there are other doctors, shuts the phone off. He tries to reason with her, talking of contacting a friend, someone she can trust. She gets very angry, she has no one she can trust, has been lied to over and over again, every day since her baby was born. He says what about your mother. Sarah gets even more angry. My mother.? My mother? She is a drunk. He notes they were always so close. She says things change. And then, spits out......she is the one who killed my child.

Kristen & Lani are in some hotel/motel room, Kristen trying to figure out where Sarah has gone. Evidently, Kristen realized Rex tried to call her, so they get on the phone. O.K. Sarah took Titan jet to London, they learn Rex was in Paris, figure Sarah took train to Paris, met up with Rex. Lani learns from his hospital, Rex has not returned home.

Eli's light bulb moment has him on his computer, checking security footage. He sees Lani taking Kristen out of the police station.

Xander is visiting Maggie at the prison, has a lot to tell her, not much time, so gets the guard, or maybe it is another prisoner to leave the room. And of course, Xander takes his sweet time, lots of silence on his part. He finally tells that Brady did not stab Victor, it was Kristen. Maggie wants to know why, again, he just takes forever, till she says enough, calling for the guard, she will find out on internet later, tho better if he tells her. He drags it out, but finally says Kristen's baby did not die, is alive. Maggie is puzzled, then he says it was Sarah's baby who died. Maggie face changes, distraught.
Thanks. It sounds like a lot of info for the last half. I wonder if the first half is worth watching?
Omg Lani. I liked Lani. But seriously Kristen is your best friend? And Eli, you were a little slow in figuring out that Lani helped Kristen.

Rex looked like he could have used his tongue to push out that gag. Sarah, you are as unbalanced as Kristen right now. Where is Mackenzie/Rachel? A year old, is she watching you torture Rex or is she locked in the other room, alone?

Wow, I can't believe Maggie has been told that the real Mackenzie died. Please let this mean that the real accident truth is going to come out. Maybe that is Christian/Evan and Orpheus's secret?
Between psychopath Kristen, unbalanced Sarah, and morally compromised Lani I fear what will happen once these three meet up.

Lani truly has become Dr. Rolf to Kristen's Stefano. Lani's supposed morals don't apply to Kristen. Lani follows Kristen around like a lost puppy dog, it is sickening.
I know, I know - no one ever pays consequences, but Lani needs to be fired. And Eli has to suck it up and report her. I am guessing that he will cover it up for her, but, then he should also be fired. And, if he truly loves her, he needs to make sure she gets psychological treatment. She is incapable of thinking beyond her grief and Kristen sure knows how to manipulate her "BFF" - ha!
Lani broke every rule in the book in re: being a police officer, & whether or not she sympathizes with Kristen wanting her baby girl, the fact remains that Lani knows Kristen pushed Haley down the stairs, and stabbed Victor......(not sure if she knows all the other dastardly things Kristen has done) & yet she aided and abetted Kristen's escape. I truly hope there are repercussions and this writing regime doesn't let her off the hook.
Dumb question: Today, Nicole asked sourpuss Eric, "Are you OK?" When is Mr. Gloom-and-Doom ever really happy? Even when he's smiling, he's crying on the inside.

Lock her up: By aiding Kristen, a fugitive who attempted to murder Victor, she is guilty of a crime. In Illinois, where Salem is usually presumed to be, this is a low-level felony.

Lock him up: By continuing to hand Eli b/s about Kristen and the attempt to murder Victor, Brady is guilty of obstruction of justice, which is also a low-level felony in Illinois.

Fuzzy thinking: Clueless Rexy actually thinks that a social-legal network will protect Baby Mickey/Rachel from creepy Kristen? He should guess again. When could anyone or anything provide protection from a psychopathic DiMera?

Please make it stop: The interminable Rexy-Sarah show was unbearable. Instead of blathering at her cheating ex-husband, Sarah should be on her way to the airport or train station with Baby Mickey/Rachel.

Love Doctor heaven: Nicole told little Holly that the late Dr. McScruffy is in heaven. What kind of heaven would that be -- one in which he's working at a hospital where all the patients are hotties in hospital gowns?
Surprised me. Tho, she had knocked him out.....doubt she could have dragged him back to the house. So, he evidently came to??? Maybe someone who saw the first part could let us know.....unless, in Days style, it was "off screen"......lolol
So, maybe it is just me, but evidently Sarah's nose was running a lot with her occasional tears or something, as she sure rubbed across her mouth, nose, and never bothered looking for a tissue. (Anyone with a small baby usually has them with them, or around them at all times) Anyway, she did it so often, it just got very annoying. Constantly wiping her hand then on her clothes......guess Rex wasn't carrying a handkerchief anywhere either ...sorry, maybe I am just being petty.
Thanks, Poirot.

It's a new day in Salem.

Eli told Brady Victor was awake. Brady asked he's alive? I laughed.

Wow, there are cameras in the Salem PD that work and Eli found
Lani helping Kristen.

Lani brought Kristen her phone. Did they turn it off after Kristen heard
Rex's message? Because someone might be able to trace the call.
Well, it's Salem, so maybe not.

It was cute when Holly said Eric was her daddy down here.

Xander told Maggie about the baby switch. Will Maggie forgive Victor
and Xander?

Sarah's hairdo reminded me of Pebbles Flintstone.
