Days of Our Lives -Tues., Nov. 6, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

A day of apologies, some being received well, some not so well. Susan is gushing over finding her child, EJ. She spots the envelope with the DNA results, reads how the sample with Susan Banks DNA is a match. She is overjoyed, wonders when a sample was gotten, spots the doll, realizes Sami used it, is not a happy camper. She goes on and on about how Sami lies, and is a thief, talks to her boy, is never going to away from him again. She hears a voice, it is Marlena’s voice, sort of muffled……saying help, cannot breathe. She looks around, and guess what, folks, tis the doll. Everyone entitled now to roll eyes, as Susan takes the doll from the plastic bag, the doll happy to breathe again, nearly suffocated. Susan figures Sami never intended to give the doll to Marlena, the doll agrees, says she was never going to tell you about finding EJ.

Rex is holding the baby, cannot believe he is actually a father, understands now the strong connection he felt. Mimi tells him he is under no obligation, she knows this is a lot to take in, she always planned on raising Emily alone. She is sorry she never told Rex when pregnant with their first child, she thought she had done all the right things now, but…she wants Rex to go talk to his fiancée before making any sort of decision.

Bonnie bursts into Hattie’s room, she is startled. Bonnie needs to get out of town, wants Hattie to help, she needs her, as Marlena, to say she is mentally ill, that she has a split personality, something. Hattie can’t/won’t do it, says only realy dr. Evans can, and announces she is going back to prison herself. Bonnie doesn’t want any part of prison any more, but Hattie convinces her that if she goes back voluntarily, they will go easy on her, not much more time to serve, Hattie will be doing the cooking so prison food will be good, then they get out, are completely free to go anywhere they want, no problems, do whatever they want, have fun. Hattie definitely doesn’t want to be living Marlena’s life, too dull.

Sarah is moaning and groaning to Maggie about Rex’s infidelity, would like to kill him. Maggie tries to calm her down, rex arrives, wants to explain. Maggie leaves the room, Rex talks about work, both being busy, how he finally got 12 hrs. off, friend offered to take him to a card game, Sarah was busy, he went, Mimi happened to be there. They played, had a few drinks, just happened. Sarah is angry, Rex tries to tell her he loves her, always wanted to marry her, etc. but Sarah is having none of it. She wants honesty, he says o.k., she asks if that was the only time he cheated, he is silent, she slaps him. He doesn’t admit to anything, in fact later claims it was one and only time he was unfaithful. He asks what can he do/say to get past this. Nothing , she would never ever marry him, returns his ring, rushes out the door.

Mimi & the baby sit in the park, Lucas & Chloe comes upon them. She tells Lucas she is sorry, never wanted to hurt him, Chloe & Mimi exchange a few insults, but Mimi notes it was Bonnie’s idea, she went along with it. She is leaving town tonight, nothing to keep her here. Lucas asks if he can hold the baby one more time, (and this brought tears for me), as he holds that adorable baby, will always love her, but won’t be in her life. But any time she needs anything, just call him, for anything, anything at all.

Sami & Belle are talking in hospital as John wheels Marlena out. Marlena says she is so happy to see her 2 girls, Belle snaps at her, she isn’t buying this, so cut it out. She is pretty nasty, as tho Sami tried to say something, Belle just goes on, telling “Hattie Adams, I know your game, and am not falling for it”. Marlena realizes what is going on, asks questions referring to what Belle said to her as she was going into surgery. Belle realizes her mistake, Sami nods, Belle hugs her mom, then goes into a huge apology about following the directive, not wanting to, but was her proxy, so glad she is alive, is so sorry she was so adamant. No apology necessary, Marlena replies, you did right thing. Now John takes Belle aside, apologizes to her for the way he treated her, taking out his anger at events on Belle. They hug, Belle is fine with him.

Meanwhile, Marlena is asking Sami about EJ, she raptures on and on, but admits she has no idea the condition he was in before the fire, if he will be the same person, remember her, etc. She gets a phone call. Seems she has been searching clinics everywhere, wanting a place with burn unit, therapy, psychiatry, all the different things EJ will need, but in one place. Found one in Italy, place close by for the kids (gosh, she remembered she has some??) and they have a room open for EJ. She rushes off to tell EJ.

Mimi is packing up, Belle arrives, Mimi apologizes for all she asked her to do. Not seen each other in years, and 5 minutes later, Mimi is asking her to rep her mom, and then keep her secret about Rex being father. Belle says no apology necessary, we are old friends, you would do same for me. Bonnie bursts in, sees Mimi is leaving, wants Belle to still rep her, negotiate with prison so she voluntarily returns, and nothing added to her time. Belle agrees. Bonnie tells Mimi she may not have been best mom, but struck jackpot when she got Mimi for a daughter, and intends to be a super gramma when she gets out.

Sami is grinning from ear to ear as she comes into EJ’s room with her good news. Her face changes…puzzled. Where is EJ? Bed is empty.
Thank you, Poirot.

So more proof that Susan is certifiable. The doll wanting out of the bag is too funny.

At least the Bonnie / Hattie stuff appears to be over. Bye bye. Don't come back for a very very very long time.
Too bad we didn't have more interaction between Mimi and her old crowd before she leaves Salem.
So sad for Lucas, but it was nice of Mimi to let him say goodbye to Emily.

Am I supposed to feel sorry for Rex and/or Sarah? Nope. Not one bit. The characters haven't been around for years, and need to go back to where they came from.

Belle has been such a ninny. She needs to go back to Hong Kong or wherever, too.
So, Dr Marlena Evans, "world renowned psychiatrist", just accepts that her daughter Sami calls her rapist and torturer "the love of her life". :sick::sick: And tells Sami that where there is love, there is hope, and to never give up. Yeah, o.k., sure, no problem with that. :angry::angry::angry::angry:

That's the only part I caught, and frankly, it was already too much. I just don't enjoy the show anymore, at all.

Plus, now, we are stuck with the same storylines/characters for days in a row, while others are backburnered. I know we can't always like all stories and all characters, but at least, when they are on every other day, alternating with others, it can be more pleasant. Now it's just plain boring, frustrating, infuriating.
she was never going to tell you about finding EJ.
I really hope that Susan uses some Kiriakis money to abscond with her ill-bred son, and Sami follows hopelessly ad infinitum.
understands now the strong connection he felt
Boy, Ron Carlivati sure has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A.
Nothing , she would never ever marry him, returns his ring, rushes out the door.
Boy, I'm glad I didn't get their names tattooed anywhere important. I was sure they were in for the long haul.
“Hattie Adams, I know your game, and am not falling for it”
I think we've discovered the Salem Anti-Brain. (That's like the Salem Brain, which makes you smart for story purposes, only it makes you stupid for story purposes.) Belle has been written thicker than two planks lately, and I'm not having it.
Bonnie tells Mimi she may not have been best mom, but struck jackpot when she got Mimi for a daughter, and intends to be a super gramma when she gets out.
Wow, both doubles get a redemption on the way out? Let's hope they never return.
Where is EJ? Bed is empty.
What exactly caused Belle (or Marlena's doctors) to think there was "no hope" with her condition? Weak story point--> weak break between John & Belle --> lack of impact for their reconciliation scene.

Lucas can out-act half this show. WHY is he not getting more story? This hardly counts since it's over, and it made little sense, and now it's undone and Bonnie's redemption means she really didn't want out of prison that badly.

I really don't like it when people are written erratically. Bonnie and Hattie have been out of character, way too extreme. Now they're closer to the folks we knew before Ron took over...and they're gone. Ron seems to be better and entrances and exits than at any of the middle. Perhaps only characters should come 'round Salem in 13-week stretches?
John & Marlena: They were very gracious to bumbling Belle, the world's worst lawyer (except maybe for Justin), but the first thing that they should do now is name another health care proxy -- one who knows how to interpret a legal document.

Hattie & Bonnie: Hattie thinks that she and Bonnie don't have much time left to serve? She should guess again. The courts are sure to add a hefty new sentence for escape. And if Bonnie thinks Belle can help her, she's sorely mistaken. With Belle as her lawyer, she might just be the first person to be sentenced to life for escaping from prison.

Sami: She's had a lot of enemies over the years, but who would guess that one of them would be a talking doll?

Rex: I was going to suggest that he consult with Rafe on how to get a woman to take him back, but now that it's been revealed that he's a multiple cheater, his cause is hopeless. He should now just get back to work so he can earn enough to pay for all the child support he's going to owe over the next two decades.
What exactly caused Belle (or Marlena's doctors) to think there was "no hope" with her condition? Weak story point--> weak break between John & Belle --> lack of impact for their reconciliation scene.

I think this was pretty bad writing about the entire subject. It was basically written in the beginning like Marlena had a DNR which would be sort of weird. Now it's turned into there was no hope which also makes no sense.

Just a totally weird way to be able to bring Hattie back when it wasn't needed. Now we get Sarah and Rex who could bring some interesting stuff, but of course they are related to half the people in town and I can guess where they are headed. Pretty awful sweeps month so far.
I am so glad that Hattie and Bonnie are going to be gone. Now if Susan would just go!! I do feel bad for Lucas but not one person said she is your niece!! You can still love her!!

If Mimi was truly the only time Rex cheated then why didn't he immediately say yes, yes!! Not answering sure seems like there was another time!

It appears we won't even see EJ. Sami is going to whisk him off to Italy. Well after crazy Susan has her time with him.

Even with the talk with Belle about the medical directive Marlena still isn't saying I may want to change that!
With Belle as her lawyer, she might just be the first person to be sentenced to life for escaping from prison.
I'm glad to have them off the canvas - but Hattie's in the worst spot, since she was framed for the crime she was serving time for when busted out by Ron Carlivati/Anjelica/Bonnie and then was busted out by Roman in this farce story. She definitely shouldn't be in prison - but as long as she's off my screen, I'll take it. *wink*
now that it's been revealed that he's a multiple cheater, his cause is hopeless
Not answering sure seems like there was another time
This seemed to have been left open. His silence convicted him, then he claimed he was only unfaithful once. I call no way. Let's see if more little Rexlings wander in to Salem - just as long as none of them are falsely attached to my boy, Lucas, through bogus DNA testing.
Ahh..Dr. Rolf I presume?
He is sweet on her! I also think those "filler" Susan/Victor scenes may have had a point, after all. (Bonus points for that, Mr Carlivati.)
It appears we won't even see EJ
Again, I say...
Thanks, Poirot.

It was funny when the doll talked. Closed captioning showed Marlena. I've been
doing funnies with the doll since it first appeared.

Poor Belle, She wasn't smart enough to know it was her mom and not Hattie.

So Bonnie and Hattie are going back to Statesville. Will they ever come back
to Salem?

Does EJ hear what people are saying to him? I wonder what he thought when
his mom was talking to the doll.

The mummy is gone. Is it walking around the hospital terrorizing the staff?
These episodes could have been better.

I was hoping to have a better scene with Belle and her mother and father. Why did Marlena have the advanced directive? Why didn’t she talk to Belle before about it? We just get a 3 minute scene and “all is better and forgiven”. So aggravating that they stretch this story for months but don’t have the decency to end it well. It felt rushed. Like the writers are trying to finish everyone’s stories pronto so they can sweep out some characters....Lucas, Belle, Bonnie, Mimi, Hattie, Susan, EJ, Sami. I hope the new stories are written with more thought and are good quality. Lately it has been cringe worthy. Susan hearing the Marlena doll today...not funny. Just makes me wonder why I keep watching this. The quality of this show has gone to hell.
My heart aches for Lucas :cry: Why do they keep doing this to him? Why are they portraying him as this terrible father who can never get it right, while Sami is a romantic heroine for chasing her rapist for 4 years :angry:

Sarah showed great emotion, but am I really supposed to care? This is not my Rex. My Rex was loyal to the bone when he was with Mimi. Now he’s just another Salem man.

So glad Bon Bon is leaving. I’ve enjoyed Hattie too, but back to your cells please. :)

Loved Susan and the Marlena doll :rotfl:
Everything she said about Sami was spot on.

Does the headwriter think this EJ storyline is entertaining or is he just trolling us? I can’t tell. I really hope Susan didn’t take him and they just moved him for examination or something, because I can’t take another Sami journey. Also just because a character/characters says “man of dreams” “soulmate“ “love of my life“ A million times doesn’t make them a supercouple or make their love greater. It just makes the character and the show look desperate.

Lastly. poor Allie. Poor Alice Caroline Horton. Imagine being named after what could possibly be the two most renowned and beloved women in Salem history and you are made to be nonexistent. Your mom has abandoned you. She won’t bring you to town to spend time with your father even when she comes to town because “twins need to stay together", and your grandparents only mention your siblings when talking to your mother. If she ever returns to the show, I promise I’m going to be the character’s biggest supporter no matter what. Plus she can’t possibly be worst than her mother :rolleyes:
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I promise I’m going to be the character’s biggest supporter no matter what
I'll fight you on that one, but let's agree we'll both be big supporters of Allie's Salem return!!
Maybe she got Gabi to sling him over her shoulder and carry him to wherever they were going.
is he just trolling us
I think a third option - it does seem like trolling (which is internet slang for "doing something just to push buttons for the sake of angering people") but I think it's being directed from on high - somebody at NBC/Sony wants this couple pushed for some reason, so Ron is writing it tongue-in-cheek.
I am guessing that Rex will stop Mimi from leaving with baby Emily. (darn is that is the cutest baby ever on Days). Rex felt a connection when he held her, so no way is he going to just let her leave.