Days of Our Lives - Tues.Oct. 22, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our lives
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Jennifer is blocking the doorway, preventing JJ from leaving, warning him if he leaves, she never wants to see him again. He stops for a bit, verbal argument, wherein he show he really doesn't care. He even pulls out the week packet he has, and Jennifer is appalled. Then he tells her to call the police on him, why not, and grabs the phone, hands it to her. She takes it, starts to punch numbers, stops, and he ridicules her, she can't even do that, he didn't think so. He storms out, but Abby is coming in, stops him, begs him to come back in. He does, but then is just as nasty to her, despites her pleas. He leaves. Abby is upset, as is Jennifer, who says she has to call the police and get him arrested now before he mainlines, or does something which would be unable to be forgiven. She starts dialing, when Abby stops her, telling her if she calls the police, she will never speak to her mother again.

Earlier, Abby had run into Rory & Bev in the Square, they are asking about JJ, she is berating them for their influence on JJ. But they let her know that JJ has been different since he learned about his dad, has gotten all wierd, and won't answer their calls or texts. He is withdrawn and they are worried about him. She tells them to stay away from her brother.

At the door to Theresa's apt, Daniel arrives as Theresa is about to go in. She flirts, of course, invites him in, makes all sorts of suggestive comments. But, he is only there to tell her to lay off JJ, stay away, yada, yada, But Theresa is really coming on to Daniel, even offering to stay away from JJ as long as there is something to take his place.Daniel has had enough, declines all her come ons and leaves. Next, he is at the hospital, sees Anne and has quite the conversation with her about Theresa. Anne defends hiring her, and insinuates that Daniel moved on from Jennifer Horton to Theresa, and now just wants to move on elsewhere. And yes, staff is around listening to this very unpleasant confrontation. He wants Theresa out of the hospital, gone. Understood? Oh, Anne understands, but doesn't work for him. Theresa is in a low level administrative job and Anne doesn't have to do what Dan says. (Seems this is a stalemate) However, at the very end, EJ walks in and overhears the tail end of this exchange.

Theresa call JJ, tells him to come over, and when he does, she is all coy, flirty, stroking his hair, drinking, and carressing his face, saying this has taken a long while, but it is finally here, huh?

Earlier, Kristen and EJ are in the study, she is on the phone, important call, asking if the person is 100% sure, hangs up, looking disappointed. She admits to EJ that she visited doctors to run thru tests, to just check and be sure she can't get pregnant, and she can't. She is happy to be getting married, tho, blah, blah. EJ tells of how Sami is not happy about living there, figuring her children would not be safe. Both keep looking at Stefano's portrait, and you can tell they are not to happy to have to deal with him. EJ assures Kristen that he & Sami still love each other, all is well there, and they will work this all out. They talk of Daniel still being Brady's best man, but there is all this rigamarole with Jen. Kristen has a question for EJ, but has not mentioned this to Brady yet. She wants EJ to stand up for her, and Sami can stand up for Brady. We DiMeras are always rather unconventional. EJ is delighted, thinks Sami will, too, as her brother is performing the ceremony as well.

Eric is in the church, praying, having his visions of sex romp in that hotel, but no face attached to the woman. He remembers show Nicole's picture to the hotel clerk, but murmurs that Nicole just would not do that to him. But then who? Brady arrives at the rectory, where Nicole is arranging flowers for the altar. Evidently he brought his vows, but won't give them to Nicole, doesn't trust her.He thought she quit, she says she is only staying til she finds a replacement. She is upset he feels he can't trust her with the vows. he calls her a liar, she retaliates at how Kristen lied, and they are now talking about Nicole telling him Kristen cheated. Brady doesn't believe it, is quite nasty to Nicole, who just takes the flowers and leaves the room. Brady chases after her, yelling at her, and then accusing her of being all frustrated and in love with Eric. He goes on and on about it, Nicole denies a little bit, but then admits it, yes, she loves Eric, always has. Their voices are raised and Eric hears every word.
Nicole is already crying at how cruel Brady is being, and how she admitted loving Eric. She picks up the flowers to go into the church, Brady leaves. She places the flowers on the altar, turns and there is Eric. He tells her he heard every word. She tries a bit to say she was only being facetious to Brady, because what he said was out of line, but then admits that yes, she has loved Eric all these years.
But then, she starts talking of all the mistakes she has made the bad things she said and did, how she lost control. She says all these incriminating things which, of course, convince ERic she is talking of having sex with him.

Brady has comes home out of sorts, Kristen pesters until he finally tells her he had this huge argument with Nicole. He says she won't like it, but better be prepared in case any gossip starts up, but Nicole said Kristen had an affair while broken up with Brady, and lied to him about it.

Nicole is crying, talking of God forgiving her, but Eric isn't sure even God would forgive what she had done. She is taken aback, ...why not. Why is loving someone unforgiveable? Eric tells her what she did was vile, horrible, and unforgiveable. She is bewildered. What do you think I did. You raped me, replies Eric, who looks so hurt, but no more than Nicole does.
Jen blames Thereasa and Abby blames Bev and Rory. Did they ever stop to think maybe JJ is to blame for JJ's problems. Also, Jen and Dan pretty much ordering Theresa to stay away from JJ is only going to motivate her that much more to have her way with him, so to speak.

Totally disgusted with Brady. He actually called Nicole the b-word. And what are these "things" her feelings for Eric have led her to do. The only thing I can think of is turning away perfectly qualified applicants to take her place at the church, but that doesn't exactly scream despicable to me.
Oh this is going to be so bad for Nicole. I haven't seen it yet but how could you not feel bad for Nicole as a viewer, seeing everything she has and is trying to do to change to have no one really believe that she is making these strides in becoming a better person. Plus, to have Eric believe Nicole did this to him has got to have Nicole feeling why even bother trying to change when no one is even noticing or giving her the chance. Poor Nicole!!
Father Eric needs a serious reality check -- he's accusing Nicole of "raping" him, while he appears to be accepting the hideous Kristen as a suitable spouse for clueless Brady. If Eric is such a poor judge of character, how can he function as a parish priest? Perhaps, it's time for Bishop Wright to stick him in some desk job at diocesan headquarters. As for Theresa, somebody should tell this dime-store imitation of a femme fatale that she doesn't have a chance with the Love Doctor until he operates on her. Instead of batting her eyes at the unshaven surfer-dude, Theresa would be better advised to start learning how to fake appendicitis symptoms.
I realize that the dialogue was written that way on purpose, in order for the wrong conclusions on the part of Eric, but it was so frustrating to listen to it and know how it was sounding. That is the one thing about soap opera dialogue I hate...characters not being clear in their statements, being purposely vague.

By the way, Alison Sweeney directed today again, and Melissa Reeves who plays Jennifer sounded as tho she has a bad cold or sore throat.
Watching that ending and Eric saying that to Nicole left me hoping for a glimpse of fighter Nicole. Oh, how I'd love some of that spunky snark to come hurdling out of her mouth. I don't want crying, sentimental Nicole in this instance. I want the Nicole who's quick to ask what's got your undies in a bunch.
Nicole lost two of these and one just last year.

Without even a second glance back even at the anniversary of her babies death.Now Mr.Father is accusing her of rape well he supports Sami.Who can shoot a man point blank in the head and walk around town proud as a peacock! Good grief these writers are crossing some deep lines!
I'm not a parent so can't directly relate to Jennifer's situation, and while tough love is sometimes the answer, if JJ did go to jail and was put in with the general population, he would likely be victimized as was Nick, and he would have a prison record, which would impact his future. So I am conflicted on the proper course of action here. It almost seems as if he WANTS to get into more trouble and is taunting Jennifer. I'm at a loss as to even suggest how this situation should be handled.

As for Abby saying she won't talk to her mother anymore, I believe she would follow through on that threat. Rory and Bev are basically decent, even though they do drugs. I think they are the only true friends JJ has, even if they are bad influences. But as I have paraphrased before, "JJ can do bad all my himself."

I think Theresa is damaged in some way. Whenever her parents or childhood are mentioned, she gets an odd look on her face. I also think she is all talk and no action. We have yet to see her actively engage in any type of physical contact with anyone. If Daniel called her bluff and made a move to test her, maybe she would have slapped him. I fear that she is capable of ruining Daniel's career and possibly crying rape, or even just an attempt.

Anne wasn't exactly whispering when, once again in the middle of the hospital, she spoke about Daniel's latest conquest being Theresa, the fact that she had his bracelet. I wouldn't put it past Theresa, nor Anne, to convince others that Daniel put the moves on Theresa. Unfortunately, Daniel has a lousy track record with younger women, so some might even believe the gossip.

I am putting together EJ's telling Kristen that he owes Daniel a favor for saving Chad, and when EJ overheard Daniel telling Anne he wanted Theresa fired, EJ could have the power to do this. Just a hunch. Not that her being dismissed from the hospital will stop Theresa, of course. It could fuel the fire.

I hated the exchange between Brady and Nicole, so ugly. Even more, I despised Eric overhearing everything and assuming that, when Nicole mentioned "being out of control," he interpreted that as her raping him, which she now knows he believes. He will continue to think this unless that damn video is seen. It appears to have been forgotten about. And now that Brady told Kristen how Nicole told him that Kristen had an affair when she and Brady were apart, Kristen is going to be more on her guard.

I don't want Nicole slandered like this, this storyline HAS to end as soon as possible. I really can't bear seeing Nicole putting her feelings out there, with her guts turned inside out, and Eric now thinking she would actually take advantage of him. I think that scene between them should be submitted for Daytime Emmy consideration for Arianne Zucker (Nicole)...just WOW!
Can't anyone ever get an Emmy without being slaughtered.
I think they need to get the highs and the lows right.
Nicole always on the verge of desperation and despair means these times don't stand out.
It would be far more heart wrenching if she had some of the highs and then they were taken away from her.

Example: Last year ; the baby should have been born alive, there should have been that moment of ecstasy and happiness, and then since they have to constantly have her in despair mode - it could have died. It would have been far more intense than replaying the same endless despair route.
The Eric/Nicole scenes were really hard to watch...and yet I can't wait to see how Nicole reacts to his accusation. While I hate that Nicole is getting blamed for this I can somewhat see where Eric is coming from based on the circumstantial information he has to go on. And I agree about the ridiculous dialogue that makes Nicole look guilty as sin. Like cryin4days, I'm still trying to figure out what "bad" things Nicole has done because of her feelings for Eric.

Brady is dead to me. The way he ambushed Nicole and called her the b word. :mad: I hope he is as miserable as possible with his sicko bride.

Does anyone else ever get bothered by the fact that they just completely ignore that EJ was once the baby that Kristen passed off as her own way back when. I think it's hilarious and wish the writers would insert a comment or two from time to time. Newer viewers, unless they researched online, would have no idea about this.

Wow, JJ is Jennifer is at her wit's end with him but I don't agree with her stupid ultimatum. But for him to throw in her face that he came home to pick up his weed and was going to go get high and hang out with Theresa....good grief! I actually find myself agreeing with Jennifer to turn JJ into the cops. He needs to learn from his mistakes and prison may be the only thing that could save him.
I wanted to reach through the tv and hit that dumb priest upside the head.. he should know better than to think Nicole would do that to him ..Really??? ..
are they ever gonna believe her when she tries to tell them she was not that person??
Wonder if Daniel will take her side or not??
Sure hope this is not a downward spiral of Nicole...
Does anyone else ever get bothered by the fact that they just completely ignore that EJ was once the baby that Kristen passed off as her own way back when. I think it's hilarious and wish the writers would insert a comment or two from time to time. Newer viewers, unless they researched online, would have no idea about this.
There were a few times when Kristen came back that different Salemites said "and she even stole Susan's baby", but yet NEVER mentioned that that baby was EJ.