Days of Our Lives - Tues.Oct. 8, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Standing out today is Casey Moss, who plays JJ. Replay of JJ going beserk in the square, breaking the bookshop window with a chair. He punches a man who tries to stop him, throws a vase and some thing else at the window. Another man attempts to stop him, he pushes that guy down, picks up another chair, breaking another shop window. He is on a rampage, his face tells you that.
Meanwhile, Daniel has learned from Kayla that JJ was very upset, she is afraid of what he might do. Daniel goes after him, spots Rory on the bench outside the Pub, impatiently questions him, but Rory can only say how whacko JJ was when he saw him in the square. Daniel heads for it. JJ has grabbed all the books out of the display window, and is throwing them around the square, angrily smashing them to the ground. Daniel grabs him from behind, pinning his arms and down they go, Daniel telling him to stop, just stop, calm down. JJ is struggling a bit, the cops arrive, and take over.

Kristen is at the club, waiting for Marlena, but talking on thephone to some thug she has hired to mug Marlena. He is at the bar. Marlena arrives, drapes her purse over her chair (please note it first is on left side of chair, then the middle, and eventually on the right side. LOL) They exchange some insults, meowing at each other, but are talking about the party, wondering where Sonny is. Seems Kristen has already arranged for menus, drinks, etc. without Marlena. Suddenly, Kristen remembers she is supposed to be at pre-Cana, takes off, leaving a check for Marlena to give to Sonny & takes off.. The thug calls Marlena pretending to be a delivery service, has a pkg. to hand deliver, will meet her outside the club in 5 min. He waits outside, she comes out, he grabs her purse, but she holds on to it, they struggle, but he gets away.

At the rectory Nicole comes into Eric's office, has made her decision, she will be leaving. He tries talking her out. Nope, she is giving her 2 wk. notice, has called employment agency, they have several candidates, she will do the one on one herself, find him a terrific assistant. Brady comes in, she leaves. Earlier, Brady had a bad dream about Eric refusing to marry him and Kristen, but is now there for the pre-Cana. kristen comes rushing in, having forgot. And now it is Kristen's turn to get all mushy about how much she loves Brady, yada yada, and reveals a secret she did behind his back. She tells of going to the doctor to see if perhaps she might be able to get pregnant after all, but...not hardly likely. Brady is fine with that, kiss, kiss, as long as they are happy. Eric sees that both have been truthful, and gotten things said between them, both are glad they did pre-Cana. But....Brady asks...will Eric marry them?

Justin comes home, Adrienne is distracted, pensive, but finally tells Justin all about JJ's visit. Justin realizes JJ was playing her, pretending he knew about his dad and Kayla, when he did not. Adrienne gets a call, tells Justin JJ has been arrested, they have to go down to the police station.

Abby comes home, finds her mom with the transcript, and hears everything that happened, including that JJ must have read it. Hope has come to see Kayla who is very upset, tells her it is JJ. and they both go to Jen's. Everyone is worried, Hope gets a call, some problem at the square, probably a shoplifter, but she has to go. She gets to the square, finds the cops handcuffing JJ, asks him what happened. The men that JJ assaulted speak up, JJ refuses to talk to Hope, she reads him his rights, he is under arrest and taken to the cop shop.

Nicole is in the Pub, interviewing possible assistants, has a funny exchange with a little older woman, who eventually admits to being a former nun. Nicole dismisses her. Next she calls the agency, someone has not shown up, but we see the woman has. She sits down, Nicole is going over her resume' which is very good, finally looks at her, and immnediately says nope, you won't do at all. (She's a gorgeous blond, lol) Next, Nicole is in the park, when the thug bumps into her, spilling lthe contents of Marlena's purse on the ground. He starts grumbling at Nicole, trying to pick things up, when Marlena calls out to stop him, he's a thief. The guy runs off, Marlena appears, Nicole says her purse is on the ground there. Marlena is gathering everything up, not noticing the flash drive is under the bench, with a couple of brown leaves covering it.

Jennifer gets a call of Adrienne about JJ being arrested and she, Kayla & Abby rush down to the station. Hope has been trying to talk to a silent JJ, wanting to know what happened. The two men who are witnesses are there, Daniel, too. JJ looks at Dan, nastily telling him to tell them all what happened. Justin & Adrienne arrive, and then Jen, Kayla & Abby. They all want to know what happened, but JJ is not having any part of any of them. He tells them all off, calling them liars, and of course, again telling Daniel to tell them all what a screw up he is. He really then, goes on a verbal rampage. Justin tries to calm him down, telling him not to say anything, but JJ doesn't care. They are all hypocrits, talk of loving him, but willing to let him sleep out on the street in the cold. He tells his mom she has lied to him his whole life. He talks of how his dad was his hero, died saving his sister's life, a great man, and they all let him go on thinking that, keeping from him what his father did. The only honest person was his Aunt Kayla.
He turns to her, saying how sorry he is for what his dad did to her. He goes on and on at all the family there, calling them all liars. Abby says it is not true, but JJ ignores her. He is yelling at them all, refusing to be quiet. Jen touches him, he pulls away, in her face telling her not to touch him. He tells them all he wants nothing to do with any of them. Ever. He begins kicking the desk, the chair, and the cops grab him. Hope tells him he is being taken downstairs where he will be booked, spend the night in a cell, and be arraigned tomorrow. Jen sadly looks around, looks at Daniel, her lip quivering. JJ is led away. .
So when JJ apologized to Kayla for Jack raping her, and the camera panned to Dr. Dan for his reaction and to Jen looking helplessly at the good doc, it confirmed what I've felt all along, this was more about Dan and Jen than about what happened between Kayla and Jack and how the truth would affect JJ.
I do and I don't. I don't think this was a hundred percent just for Daniel and Jennifer, I feel like a lot of it was so JJ can move forward in accepting the loss of his father. Can Daniel and Jennifer benefit? Perhaps. Will they? Probably not for awhile. I think this will be yet another excuse for Jennifer to ask him to back off so she can "focus on her son".
@missharley, I know your post was in response to the question I asked before I edited my post.

It appears Dan and Jen have a hard time doing what the other asks. The last time they talked Jen asked Dan to stay away from JJ. He doesn't do that and has firmly insinuated himself into a moment that should have been between JJ and his family. Dan coming along didn't change the outcome of what would have happened in the square. Had he just stayed at the hospital, JJ would still have been arrested and would now be having this confrontation about his dad's past without Dan's presence.
I get that, and I think more than anything Daniel's involvement is trying to prove to Jennifer and JJ that he doesn't hate JJ, since they have both accused him of that. Daniel had to go to the station too though, since he witnessed most of the outburst. I just think as far as Daniel and Jen are concerned, she's going to push him away some more.
I was tearing up during the scenes at the station. JJ is one messed up kid. The one thing he was holding on to (idolized love of his hero father) came crashing down. That combined with everything he's been through since his father died just caused him to snap. I thought the actor played these scenes well but would have like a little more tears and emotion from him. Maybe that's yet to come as he starts to face the consequences of what he's done and starts the healing process of repairing his relationships with his family. I felt so bad for all the other people in the room witnessing his tirade. Especially Jennifer. It can't have been easy to watch her son just completely fall apart like that. I'm not really sure that Daniel was necessary for these scenes either but it was interesting to see the looks on his face during these scenes. You could tell he was very confused as to what was going on. I'm not sure he fully understood what happened between Jack and Kayla although maybe he was able to deduce what happened.

The rest of the show was stupid. I'm betting someone will find that flashdrive in the park and it ain't gonna be Kristen or Marlena.
Well, you all know by now how I feel about this particular "rape and its repercussions" storyline (especially compared to other "rape and no repercussions at all" storylines happening at the same time), so I won't go into it again. Though, like cryin, I do believe this is done for Jennifer and Daniel, not for JJ, or Kayla, or Jack. Still, I want to give kudos to the young actor portraying JJ. Bravo ! :clap: Very well done, in my opinion. I remember a while back, some here had their doubts, since it was his first acting job. (I do understand, though I said at the time there needs to be a first to everything... first acting job, first book, first job, so that one does eventually get experience), but I think this young man has shown he actually can act, and do a pretty good job.
I thought the actor played these scenes well but would have like a little more tears and emotion from him

Maybe... then again, he portrayed anger and rage. I guess the tears will come later. Plus, if veteran actors like Melissa Reeves (Jennifer) just pull their face most of the time without any tears (although today, there were actually real tears, and I suspect they were there precisely because of the actor playing JJ, who was so good), I think this young man still has a pretty good shot of making it big.
Terrific episode today! Bravo to Casey Moss(JJ) I haven't seen acting like that on this show in quite some time. Very raw and you could feel his emotions as well as those around him. I also liked the group of characters around JJ--it was his family and the right mix of characters. That is precisely why fans love this show--true to history and family. The only person missing was Lucas but I understand why he wasn't there because this happened before he knew he was a Horton. I liked Dan being there and I also liked the fact that he was clearly holding back at the police station. It was exactly what JJ and Jen needed yet at the same time they knew he was there.

I completely agree with JS about Patch. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Hope needs a storyline and not just one where she is only on when someone needs to get arrested. I did like her coming to Jen's house with Kayla though.

I think Rory was supposed to be the comic relief today.

Somebody spilled their bottle of hair gel on Eric's head today but I liked Nicole's dress.

I'm already over the whole flash drive storyline.
Another mugger-for-hire? -- Kristen never seems to learn. One would think that after her misadventures with the ill-fated Cy, that she might try another approach to getting what she wants. As for the pending vacancy at the rectory, it's a good thing that Anne Milbauer found Theresa a new perch at the hospital. Otherwise, viewers might have had to endure Theresa giving gullible Father Eric some tale of woe, setting the stage for God knows what at St. Luke's. Finally, JJ's actions today simply underscore what was pointed out by many posters yesterday -- the writers' total inconsistency when dealing with the subject of rape; JJ runs amok in the Town Square, while nobody seems a bit fazed by the fact that EJ once raped Sami.
I agree with Poirot...Casey Moss stood out today portraying JJ out of control. I do, however, consider Jennifer not telling him about Jack's assault of Kayla a "lie of omission" vs an outright lie. JJ should have been informed of this event when he was old enough, no matter where he was. Just because he was in boarding school is a lame excuse. At the same time, I question what is considered "justified" as far as what children should know.

Was it imperative that even Abby be informed of the incident that happened so long ago, or should it never have surfaced? Many families have skeletons in their closets which remain there, right or wrong. For example, some children might never be told they were adopted. But regarding Jack's crime, I have no idea how I would handle this delicate situation.

JJ making Daniel his target, once again, was totally uncalled for. Daniel didn't even know about the assault, made obvious by his reaction of shock when he heard it at the police station. It is so clear that JJ needs major therapy and family counseling before it is too late. It is almost too late now.

What made Kristen think Marlena would even have the flashdrive in her bag? I don't even know why she was, indeed, walking around with it. Now that it appears to be lost, though we have seen it under a leaf in the clearing, This storyline is not going to go away any time soon. And WHO actually goes after a mugger, not knowing if they have a weapon?

I did not care for that red dress Kristen was wearing. Way too tight and inappropriate for daywear. While she CAN wear just about anything and carry it off, it just didn't flatter her.

I thought Nicole's interviewing process was hysterical. The way she dismissed that candidate who looked like a model was priceless. Her comments about the former nun were also very funny. I'd be the perfect applicant...I'm neither a former nun nor a model! Seriously, I would take that job in a minute. me.:D