Days of Our Lives - Tues. Sept. 21, 2010

Have a wonderful week, you deserve longer! We will all get by (but not very well) you will be missed! I will miss your DA, but will toast you every night and hope you are enjoying wherever the sun is setting...:wine:
Thanks for the preview, Poirot. I'm sure going to miss you but am so glad for you to be getting a break. I especially hope you will get some good sleep and rest!
So Poirot, who's in charge while you're gone. Me? PAllison? KathyLu? Who do you trust most to keep the law and order around here? Hehehe.

Maybe we need to hold a reality show-type competition: Who Will Be Barb's Sub for a Week?

I wanna be in charge...!!!!! You can't trust those other two to stay out of know how they are.... :D
Thanks for the write-up and have fun on your vacation!

Sami defending Will to Stefano sounds intriguing.
Oh my, I sure do love Vic and Maggie's story line, that is except for the manipulative side of Victor. His insistence for Maggie to 'come over to the house for a drink', he knows Maggie doesn't drink. But then that sure did look like champagne they were drinking when they got back to the Kmansion. I'm sure Maggie's was sparkling cider.

I found it strange that Justin would question Victor if it was a good idea to begin a divorce from Vivian. It almost seemed like if Victor began the divorce proceedings Vivian would have some leverage over Vic if she returned. Victor already said they would process the divorce based on desertion that way she would not be in titled to the pre-nup. Anyway with what Brady knows about Vivian's plan to put Maggie in the sarcophagus she doesn't have a leg to stand on to contest the divorce.

What's up with this Warden. Isn't she responsible for protecting Hope while she is in prison? She seems a little snarky, recognizing Hope is having problems with the other inmates but doing nothing to keep Hope safe, only telling her 'cops don't do well in prision'..She acts like she wants something to happen to Hope.

Carly's new look is attractive, cleavage and all. Bo sure gave her the once over when she came into the Pub. And she sure isn't going for the story Vivian left town. Bo shows no sign of backing off his relationship with Carly....but yet thinks he has to get inside the prison to help Hope. Make up your mind Brady Carly or Hope!

The exchange between Rafe and Will was terrific. But behind those gorgeous eyes you can tell Mr. FBI is up to something.
@Steffee.....Victor does say come over for a drink, I have champagne,.......and sparkling cider for you, Maggie, of course. You may have missed him saying that, and I think she even had a different shaped glass, but I could be wrong there. :)
@Steffee.....Victor does say come over for a drink, I have champagne,.......and sparkling cider for you, Maggie, of course. You may have missed him saying that, and I think she even had a different shaped glass, but I could be wrong there. :)

I must of missed Victor's comment about sparkling cider as I was running back and forth to the kitchen finishing my end of harvest tomato canning. But as much as I like Victor and Victor and Maggie as a pair, I still find him some what controlling always trying to convince Maggie to see things his way. You can see how conflicted she is. It's time to bring Caroline back in the picture also!