Days of Our Lives - Tues. Sept. 21, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Episode #11,422 Taped 7/23 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Hope sits in her jail cell, the warden comes in, asking how she is doing, warning her that being a cop puts her at risk in prison, assuring her she has not told the Commissioner yet. Hope says she has done enough to him, he should be able to just live his life. A guard brings Tina back, the warden gives her a small warning, but Tina is tired from 8 hrs. in the laundry, just wants to flop. The warden leaves, Tina tells Hope she doesn’t like having to bunk with a cop, but they will just have to make the best of it. Along comes Hildy, outside the door, evidently with a couple of books to read. (she is a prisoner, too, no idea why she is free to wander), but Tina says the last one was a snore. Hildy offers a book to Hope, who comes to the door, takes it, turns round to check thru a few pages, only to get Hildy’s arm around her neck in a headlock, with Tina yapping about having her parole hearing shoved back 3 months cuz of their fight, and she has 3 kids wanting her home. Hope is gasping, telling Tina she started the fight, but Tina continues her harangue as Hildy’s grip tightens.

Victor is still expressing his joy over Vivian leaving, but Justin feels there is something odd about her leaving this way. Victor suggests they all go back to the mansion (they are still in the mausoleum) and have some champagne, sparkling cider for Maggie. She declines, Vivian is drinking it all in, of course, eventually Maggie changes her mind, and they all leave. Viv talks to herself constantly. At the mansion, Victor is toasting Isabella, tells Justin to file the divorce papers first thing in the a.m. as soon as court opens. Justin is not too sure that is wise, something is not right. Victor talks of how Viv took her personal stuff, decides to show Maggie proof. They leave, Brady has decided to go back to the mausoleum.
In Viv’s bedroom, Victor points out only junk jewelry is left (Viv has used the remote to switch to her bedroom), passport gone, even the urn containing Lawrence’s ashes. Only her clothes and she gets a new wardrobe every month, so no big deal. Vivian is blabbing away, asking why that **** is in her bedroom, calling Maggie “whore” among a few other choice names. Maggie decides to go check on Brady. Victor is ordering Henderson to get rid of all the clothes in the closet, plus anything else he finds, give to charity. He is facing the camera, coming closer, Viv is delighted, think Vic has spotted the hidden camera, but he is looking a huge portrait of Vivian that hangs on the wall, comments he has a picture at the office of working dogs, he will have Henderson come get it and replace “this thing”. LOL. Viv is imploring Victor to look slightly left, but….he leaves the room.

Brady has returned to the mausoleum, Vivian is pleading with him, telling him he has to let her go, else she will die. He reminds her she told him she would go insane first, because of that special paint. She goes on, reminding him she has apologized for where she put his mother, promises to truly leave Victor. Tells him he is an upstanding young man, cannot do this, would spend rest of life in prison, etc. Brady tells her to shut up, let him thing. Maggie peers around the corner, asking who he is talking to. He evades, emotional day, just letting off steam. He takes off, leaving Maggie alone. She walks around the sarcophagus, spies the earring on the floor, flashes back to being with Vivian when she had a problem with the post, realizes it belongs to Viv. She looks around, puzzled.

Rafe is talking with Will, trying to get him to open up about what is bothering him. Will realizes Rafe thinks he shot EJ, tells him to bring it on, arrest him. Rafe tells him he would not do that, that he loves Will’s mother, made her a promise and he will keep it, protect her and her children, no matter what. Will asks what changed him, Rafe replies it was Sydney’s kidnapping. He was so rigid, so insistent, and it was not what was needed. Heck, Sami almost married EJ because of it. If he is to do his job, then he cannot be so rigid as he was. Rafe tries to tell Will that Stefano will be suspecting him, and won’t care if there is proof or not. Will flashes back to Sami’s confession to him, but keeps mum, eventually getting what Rafe is saying, that he will protect Sami and her family no matter the cost to him, and Stefano will not get near Will. (Good scenes here)
Meanwhile, Sami is defending Will to Stefano, who is insisting it had to be Will. Sami denies Will did this, how do you know that, inquires Stefano. They go round and round with this, more or less same conversations, with Kate interjecting here and there. Finally Sami reminds Stefano that Will likes him, in spite of all that he knows about what Stefano did, all that his family has told him. Stefano admits this is true, they have gotten along well. But insists that changed when Will learned Stefano had found out who kidnapped Sydney and covered it up, and was even more angry at EJ. In both of these locations, first Stefano and then Rafe get calls to come to the hospital, there has been a change in EJ’s condition.

And over at the hospital, EJ’s body is having a spasm of sorts, it shakes a bit. The machines go off beeping, Lexie comes in, looks at the machine, then over at EJ, whose body is jerking a bit, he says SA….Lexie tries to get him to say more, but no luck. Maxine comes in, stays with EJ while Lexie calls Stefano. Later everyone has arrived, have come into EJ’s room, and he suddenly starts those jerky, shuddering movements, utters a couple of unintelligible sounds. Stefano is at his side in a flash urging him to tell them who shot him. Lexie shags everyone out.

And at the Pub, Bo sits, Carly joins him (boy her hair has gotten long, she has side bangs, looks pretty nice) as he tells her he could not make the memorial, big case on south side. He tells her about Vivian leaving, Carly doesn’t buy it for a second. Vivian goes to all this work, making this huge event, with herself as the star, and then leaves. Nope, doesn’t ring true. Bo agrees, decides he will investigate (that’s a laugh), calls Victor, Brady answers, Bo explains, Brady will give the message to Victor. (this is when Brady decides to take off). Now Ciara comes in, with a picture she drew with Gramma, and offers it to Carly, who is quite touched. She heard Bo say Vivian was gone when she came up, tells her dad she is glad, cuz Vivian was “scary”. Bo gets a call from Warden Smith, hangs up, tells Carly (Ciara is gone) that Hope was attacked, this is the second time, and is in the prison hospital. She did not want the warden telling him after the first time. Carly asks if he is going to see her. Definitely, he has to help her, a cop in prison is never safe…. he is going there.

Back to the hospital, in the waiting room, Stefano is doing is usual roaring, Sami takes Will into another room. Stefano is convinced that Will did it, asks Rafe if he is investigating. Nope, not an FBI case, talk to the police. Bah, replies Stefano…the Bradys….like they would not cover for one of their own, let them go to prison. “Like Hope”…replies Rafe. Point taken.
Back at DiMansion, Kate convinces Stefano to wait until EJ wakes up to tell them before he does anything. Stefano agrees. She leaves the room, he looks at a picture of EJ (amazing how the pictures suddenly appear) and now says…..and I bet you know before I tell you…..”whoever did this to you, my son, is going to pay”.
Sami is talking to Will, sorry that he is involved at all. She has evidently told him he will be staying with Grampa Roman, Will objects, wants to stay at Gramma’s. Sami says no, Stefano can get to him there. He wants to tell Rafe, he has changed, will protect them. Sami refuses, Rafe has done so much, if he protected them, would be accessory after the fact, ruin his career, his life. She tells Will she will not let him take the fall for this, she will confess herself. Will protests…as what would then happen to Allie, Sydney & Johnny?? Rafe comes in, is everything o.k. Yes…Sami wants to leave now.
Later, she & Rafe are in bed, he is reading a book, says Stefano is not going to hurt Will. Don’t worry, I am here. Sami claims she is going to fix things, she doesn’t know how yet, but will figures something out.

And back to EJ’s room, he is shaking again, trying to say something, gets out “Samantha”. Lexie rushes to his side……..what is it, what are you trying to say? What about Sami?


NOTICE: I will be posting the Day Ahead tomorrow for Wed. 9/22, but I am going out of town for a week, and so will be unable to post Day Ahead until I get back. Sorry for the inconvenience, especially when the show is getting so good. Just need some R&R. I may not even get to see the show myself. I might have computer access for a bit, but not much.
Thanks for the summary, Barb.

I am so glad you are getting away from it all. No one deserves it more than you. You give your time to SS selflessly every day, year in and year out. You deserve a break. I hope you make the most of it and enjoy it to the fullest. Have a safe trip. (Wish I could meet up with you there!) Thanks for everything!
Barb......truly understand the need for some R & R...........I will sincerely miss your daily summary... always look forward to them for the correct info.....enjoy your time away from Salem! .............JT:cool:
:)Thanks Barb for all that you do. You deserve to have a break. For those of us who look forward to the day ahead post everyday we will miss you. I will have to resort to the other sites that post the next day's episode. They don't do as good of job as you, but it will do until you return. Have a great vacation
Hope you have tons of fun and relaxation, live it up you deserve it..
So Poirot, who's in charge while you're gone. Me? PAllison? KathyLu? Who do you trust most to keep the law and order around here? Hehehe.

Maybe we need to hold a reality show-type competition: Who Will Be Barb's Sub for a Week?
now listen here honey, you have a grand ole time now and enjoy that R&R, you deserve it!

but I will miss you terribly and might go through withdrawals and if I pitch a hissy fit I do apologize in advance.

much love to ya Barb! you are the best!
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Really enjoyed the show today. Loved the scenes with Brady and Viv. So great to see Viv getting her just rewards. Loved how she said she would leave Victor alone. I am not to worried about Bo investigating the disapearance with his past record. I am worried that Maggie found the earring. Hope you enjoy your R and R. We will try and be good while you are gone.
Thanks for the recap Barb and I hope you enjoy your vacation.

I really really hate that they are making Ciara act like Carly is her MOTHER give CARLY a picture is not something CIARA should be doing. I just want CARLY OUT OF THE PICTURE BECAUSE I HATE THE CHARACTER and I really don't understand what the big deal is about the actress.
I want Carly out of SALEM OUT OF BO's LIFE and out of CIARA'S LIFE once and for all\

Thanks for the write up. (Which I don't say nearly often enough.) Don't worry about us, or the summary, while you're gone. We'll survive the withdrawals, some of us by getting a less satifying "fix" from other sites. :) Seriously though, enjoy your time off.
I'll have what Ana's having.

thanks for the recap barb and i hope you enjoy your vacation.

I really really hate that they are making ciara act like carly is her mother give carly a picture is not something ciara should be doing. I just want carly out of the picture because i hate the character and i really don't understand what the big deal is about the actress.
I want carly out of salem out of bo's life and out of ciara's life once and for all\


This is so right!