Days of Our Lives - Tues. Sept. 3rd, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lots of confrontations today, as a replay of the ending scenes on Aug. 30 has Sonny finding a condom and getting into a hassle with Gabi about it. She gets very angry, none of his business what she does, it is her life. He tries to remind her of all Nick did to make all their lives miserable but she just argues right back, finally storming out.

Meanwhile, Will is telling Nick (at the Pub) how he doesn't want him holding his daughter, and actually, in their lives. He is sorry for all that happened to Nick, he knows he went thru a lot, but so have Sonny & Will. Nick asks for a 2nd chance, but Will says he already was given that, not only by him, but everyone else as well. And look what he did with it. Along comes Gramma Caroline, adding her 2 cents in, about the chance she gave Nick, how she trusted him, heck, she is the one who introduced him to Gabi. Nick apologizes to her, but she is a bit ticked off, mentioning something about never getting a letter of apology from him, etc. Will is trying to distract her, but she claims that being she has Alzheimer's she say what she wants. She finally lets Will talk her into letting him help and they go off behind the bar, while Nick leaves.

Gabi has gone straight to Nick, mentions the fight with Sonny, and before you know it, she & Nick are kissing and then in afterglow.on his sofa. (Those poor sofas). They are happy, she feels better, but now Nick begins talking of her living with the guys, what would happen if she moves, heck, her brother's place is empty. She doesn't have to take anything from those fellows, she has options. Gabi is thinking, has to go back home now.

Will comes home, tells Sonny all about his conversation with Nick. Sonny starts to tell Will about his with Gabi, but Ari cries, Will goes to get her, Gabi comes home. She realizes Sonny has not told Will about their argument, and is a good thing. She threatens to move out, knows that Will would be upset, and when she would tell Will she is leaving because of Sonny, then Will would be forced to choose between Sonny and his daughter. So what do you think. Will comes out with the baby, Gabi wants to hold her, Will doesn't want to let her go, and Sonny goes off to the side, contemplating unhappily, what Gabi has threatened.

Over in the rectory, Brady has told Nicole & Father Eric that he asked Kristen to marry him, and they both get on his case, especially Nicole. She rants at Brady, stupid idiot, & finally just leaves. Now Brady talks to Eric, on and on, wants Eric to actually set his wedding date, since he told Brady to take it slow. Brady says everyone has told him how terrible Kristen is, but Eric will be working with her a lot, and will see how she has changed. Eric admits he has seen another side of her already. Brady talks of pre-Cana, and it is rather unsettling when he mentions being married in Eric's church.

Abby has come to the Club, evidently a date with Chad. She asks how he is, he flashes back to telling Cam he was right, it is a brain tumor, he is dying. Chad is fine, why? Because you got smacked in the jaw the other night. Chad is great. They do a bit of dancing, and he walks her home.

At the DiMera house, Marlena is telling Kristen she came over to ask Kristen to talk to EJ about the children staying with Gramma Marlena while Sami's trial goes on. She feels there will be reporters out front, on the phone, and life could be very disruptive for them. She spots Kristen's phone, flashes back to asking Roman for the list of calls, then suddenly has a coughing fit (she really does a good job of this) needs water, goes to the side bar to pour some, knocks the water pitcher and glass over, is asking for water from the kitchen. Kristen goes to get it, marlena grabs the phone, but doesn't know the password. She tries different birthdates....John's, nope. Hitler (LOLOL) nope. a few others, but Kristen returns. Marlena manages to get the phone put down again, but once again there is a problem with the seltzer spray or something. Tis all funny. Doorbell. Kristen goes to answer, Marlena gets her purse to leave, and there is Nicole.

She came to see if it was true, and Kristen flashes her ring. Marlena is stunned, but doesn't say much as Nicole rattles off a few insults. LOL.Finally, the women leave, Nicole chastizes Marlena for not backing her up. Marlena is not saying much. But they seem to have something in common. Saving Brady.

Kristen is watching the video of her & Eric rollin around in bed, shuts off the laptop, pulls out the flashdrive. I should get rid of this. Hmmmm, no, not yet. Not until I am completely sure.

Over in Nick's apartment, he is looking at a picture of Gabi. He smiles, gets his laptop, and settle himself in the corner of the sofa. Gabi's pic is laying on the back of the sofa where he can see it, as he begins typing: "My name is Gabriella Hernandez, and this is my story".
I missed a couple of things, because of interruptions, so forgive me. Once was when Gabi & Sonny were arguing and she threatened to move, and again when Nicole & Marlena left DiMansion.
I don't care who Gabi sleeps with, but I'd be highly upset too at her and Nick having sex in the apartment if I were Sonny. Gabi doesn't know all of the details of what happened between Will and Nick, but she knows enough. And it was definitely low of her to threaten to move out with Ari (which I saw coming a mile away) and Will being forced to choose between Sonny and his daughter. She's a little more manipulative than I thought. And stalker Nick is officially back. Is he posing as Gabi online? Anyone else flashback to his false online persona when he was "wooing" Chelsea. Gabi has no idea who she's sleeping with or what he's capable of. Maybe she needs to do a wikipedia search on Nick Fallon to get the full story.

Marlena, Nicole, Kristen - absolute gold! "Please don't die in my living room" - lol
Thanks foe the summary. Marlena, Nicole and Kristen. Oh gosh, mjust love this! I am sick and tired of Gabi though. deleted spoiler info in a non-spoiler forum...JS
Was it a little hypocritical to anyone else Gabi saying she didn't need Sonny or his place but earlier she just stormed out leaving Sonny with Arianna. I could have taken her seriously if she'd taken Ari with her, but then she couldn't traipse off to have sex with Nick.
As stated before by many, thought the whole anti-Nick thing was over, and that everyone would do their best to co-exist for the sake of Arianna. Aren't there more important things going on right now? Get over it, guys. Loved Caroline and her barbs, she is one tough lady.

Great line by Nicole to Brady about his brain, as that is a running joke on this forum. She is absolutely right.

Thought Marlena was just going to grab Kristen's phone and run. She took a huge risk by looking at it in the mansion. That was some major "coughting" (coughing/acting) going on.

A Marlena/Nicole pairing to take down Kristen sounds like a great idea, but I have to question priorities on Marlena's part...her daughter is facing life in prison, and instead of trying to help on THAT front, she is obsessing over the same old, same old with Kristen/Brady.

What the heck is up with Nick writing what appears to be Gabi's autobiography? That is very scary.

If Kristen does indeed toss the flash drive, she SHOULD delete the file first but, of course, she WON'T. We all know it WILL get into the wrong hands, as that is the way of the Salem world. :rolleyes:
Hopefully, the travesty of a Brady-Kristen wedding won't take place in poor Father Eric's church. If this awful, sacrilegious event does occur, and Bishop Wright discovers the truth about demented Kristen and the clueless, divorced Brady, he will not only demand that St. Luke's be fumigated, but will also want to have the church reconsecrated. As for Chad, perhaps his cheerful attitude despite his brain tumor diagnosis is caused by the knowledge that in Salem all scars spontaneously vanish, limbs and organs can regrow, wandering hearts can easily be returned to their owners, the dead may return to life, and if all else fails, a certain miracle surgeon can perform complex operations with nothing more than a kitchen knife, sewing scissors, and duct tape.
The Nick writing as Gabi online was definitely a throw back thing to old Nick trying to win Chelsea by being lonely splicer. Only this time, I totally don't get why he's pretending to be Gabi online...the writers are totally setting him up for some type of mental illness, but considering how people still treat him, I don't think it would matter to the people of Salem.

I think Caroline was a little much attacking him in public. That was a very Sami move from her, and I don't think anyone should be Nick's best friend but considering his mental state is wacky, shouldn't they all have a little more caution when approaching him? Not only so he doesn't harm himself but others. He's the kind of smart that could poison the whole town where no one ever catches on. I think Will approached him in an adult manner, but Caroline was just ranting and raving. Also, Gabi sleeping with him is probably not the best move considering his mental state. A casual fling isn't in his vocabulary, so if she tells him that's just what she wants, things will not get pretty.

I do think Gabi took it way too far being that kind of mother, the type who uses her child as a weapon against her baby daddy and his girlfriend/boyfriend. However, Sonny was also too much trying to tell her what to do. So I don't know where this storyline is going, but I go back and forth between being intrigued and not wanting to see the outcome. It feels like it's all leading up to a cautionary tale of some sort.

I'm going to look for the Marlena, Kristen and Nicole scenes later on today. They seem hilarious.

I really hope Chad is faking it. That storyline would be so much more interesting if it's a plan to win Abby. I am shocked the writers seem to have gone opposite of what we all expected. By making it seem like Abby does really want to be with Cameron but kind of stuck with Chad.
Only this time, I totally don't get why he's pretending to be Gabi online.
Thus far, we don't know if he's creating an online profile for Gabi. He was on his computer typing up what appeared to be a Microsoft Word document.

What annoyed me is Caroline coming down on Nick for all he did to Will, but yet she seems fine-diddly-dandy with EJ these days.
I actually liked that Caroline called out Nick for his actions. I also don't think that Caroline is fine with EJ-Sami: she just knows that Sami is too stupid to listen to her advice and has given up on her, probably like Marlena, which is why she's so focused on Brady instead of Sami.

Another thing I loved about this episode: a much-needed break from the potsmokers, EJ-Sami and Daniel-Jennifer.
Caroline wasn't ranting or raving. And she has just as much reason to be disappointed in Nick as anyone. She gave him a job at the pub after he was released, when everyone else was side-eyeing him like an outcast of sorts. And she probably knows some of the "truth" of what Nick tried to do to her great-grandson. Caroline has every right to speak freely with Nick. Second chances don't come easily in Salem (you know unless your name is Sami) so he shouldn't be so quick to think everyone is just going to jump on the bandwagon to forget and move on.

I liked the Nick we saw in the aftermath of Will's shooting, up until now, but he's done nothing to prove to the people he wants these second chances from that's he's getting the help he needs so that they'll begin to trust him again.
Well, If I were a DOOL writer, I think I know how I would have this Nick writing her autobiography as a word document mean. Exposing her involvement with Andrew as insurance perhaps? To further isolate her from all her friends and family, leaving her with only Nick. I'm not speculation, that's just how I would do it. :wink: (trying to break the rules without breaking the forum rules). But I hope that's not the case. Nick is my only hope for one of my original favorites to stay out of total character destruction zone. But the hope is fading.


That seems to be the general theme of everyone in Salem right now. EJ is great, Nick we hate you!


in my opinion, Caroline was ranting. She had no right to just jump in their conversation to attack Nick. If she doesn't like him that's fine, but she could approached him on her own time. But this is Salem where no conversation is private.