Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, April 4 2023


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Dec 29, 2012
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Rachel and Brady at the pub. Rachel can't decide what to put on her sundae. Brady isn't sure if she should have a celebration treat since she took his phone, and went to prison in an Uber. Brady tells her that Marlena isn't in heaven after all (maybe hell?). Brady tells her Marlena is alive just when Chloe walks in. Chloe and Brady hug while pouty Rachel looks away. Brady decides they can celebrate after all. He talks about getting three scoops of ice cream with everything and three spoons. Rachel says over my dead body.

Sloan and Eric are at her apartment. He told her his mom is alive. Sloan thinks he's been drinking. Outside door, Paulina holds the note (shouldn't she have taken it to the cop shop first?). She knocks on the door and Sloan opens it. Paulina holds up the note. Sloan thinks Paulina is threatening her. Paulina says no. You left me the note. Paulina goes inside without being invited in.

Gwen and Alex are rolling around in bed when Leo comes in. Gwen is upset. Leo said the do not disturb was sign not on door. Leo says he has information about Xander. Later as Alex buttons his shirt, Leo takes his picture. Alex is furious. Gwen promises the picture won't be in the paper. Alex leaves.

Chanel is on the phone in Horton Town Square when Xander walks by. She's making an appointment for her mom at the cardiologist. Xander asks what's going on. Chanel tells him Sloan is causing her mom stress and she had panic attack the day before. Xander hopes Paulina is fine. They discuss their love lives, or lack of it. Xander is upset that Chnel broke up with Allie. Chanel tells him Allie slept with Alex. Chanel realizes Xander is his cousin and how everyone in Salem is related.

Eric believes Sloan didn't write the note. Paulina goes off how Eric changed after his mother died. Eric tells her Marlena isn't dead. Paulina hopes Marlena will talk some sense into him. Paulina says this isn't over yet. Paulina leaves will go to the police. Sloan says that Rafe and Jada are team Paulina, but she didn't write letter. She says she wants revenge and when she does it Paulina will know it's from me.

Leo shows Gwen the photo of Xander and Chloe hugging. Gwen says it was nothing. Chloe was probably happy Xander stopped the story about calling Rachel a monster. Leo tells her that Chloe will be Xander's next conquest because of her big eyes (points at his chest). Leo wants to put story in his column. Gwen says no because she would stop him this time. Gwen is leaving to go and eat before going to office. Leo has no idea what to write about. Gwen says there are lots of things to write about in Salem. People coming back from the dead, people possessed and people coming back as twins. Gwen leaves.

Chloe reminds Brady that Rachel doesn't like strawberries. Chloe suggests three separate orders of sundaes. Rachel still mad and she'll only share with her daddy. Brady reminds Rachel the letter her mom wrote her. Rachel said you told her to write that. Brady says did your mom say that? Rachel says no, but you just did. (smart cookie). Chloe tries to talk to Rachel that both of her parents love her even though they aren't together.

Chloe explains she always wanted a mommy and daddy when she was little. Chloe tells Rachel other people love you too. Chloe tells Rachel she loves her, then tells Rachel she has a gift for her. Rachel is happy and opens it. Brady is happy. She finds stickers. She's upset since she doesn't play with stickers anymore. Rachel tells Chloe that she really doesn't love and she hates her. Chloe says I hate you too. Brady can't believe it. Rachel gives Brady a look. Chloe tries to apologize. Brady and Rachel leave.

When Chanel and Xander discuss Alex, he walks by still dressing in the square. Xander asks Alex if he wants another black eye (do it Xander, do it). Xander is upset Alex is with Gwen because he doesn't want her hurt. Xander says Alex isn't good enough for Gwen. Chanel tells them to stop. She tells them Gwen can decide who she wants to be with. Xander is behind Chanel, when Paulina comes up and tells him to stay away from her. Alex leaves. Then Xander. Paulina shows the note that was left behind. (more fingerprints). Chanel reminds Paulina she has appointment and needs to leave. Chanel will handle the note and reminds Paulina the driver will let her know if Paulina went to appointment or not. Both go their separate ways.

Meanwhile, at the John and Marlena's townhouse, Marlena is reading her book in the tub. John comes in. Marlena reminds him it's her spa day. He asks if she's enjoying the book. It's her favorite author Margaret Atwood (wrote Handmaid's Tale) John bends down and kisses her. She pulls on his collar and he falls into tub. Marlena asks if he's ok. John says all his parts at working fine. Later, both are in bed. Marlena is talking to Carrie (wow) on the phone. She's sorry about Kate and will call Austin later. (what about Roman? does he know too?) Marlena is sad because of Kayla and Kate. Marlena doesn't understand what happened with Belle and Eric. John explains about Sloan and Paulina. John tells her Belle got Paulina off and Eric is upset since he's on Sloan's side.

John is fixing a strawberry and whipped cream treat in bed for Marlena. The whipped cream bowl falls on floor, spilling the whipped cream. Marlena reminds him of the old saying no need to cry over spilled whipped cream. Marlena tells him she's over strawberry and whipped cream, but she's not over him. They kiss.

Brady and Rachel arrive at townhouse. Rachel wants to see Marlena (it's not the best time to see her). Brady tells her she has to go to her room. Rachel is upset she's being punished for what Chloe said. Brady says Chloe didn't mean it. Rachel says yes she did and why isn't Brady mad at her?

Chloe is sitting at the bar. She's on her second drink when Xander walks in. Xander says it looks like she lost her best friend. Chloe says she did. Brady didn't have to read what she said about Rachel. She said it right in front of him. She tells Xander she told Rachel she hated her, with Brady there. Chloe says Rachel was being mean, mean, mean. Xander explains he's having a bad day because Alex still sleeping with Gwen. Chloe invites him to sit a table with her. She could use the company. She's not sure how Brady will forgive her. She's afraid it's over. She cries and Xander hugs her. Guess who walks in? Gwen.

Leo is on the phone trying to get a story. He says foil wrapped teens dropping from the sky. He says that story is too far fetched. He hangs up. There's a knock on the door. It's Chanel. Chanel hands Leo an envelope. The note is inside. She has a story for him.

Eric asks Sloan if she has an idea who is threatening Paulina. Sloan says the police don't care. She picks up her laptop and starts typing on it. Sloan is going to get a restraining order against Paulina. Eric sees what the laptop was hiding. Magazines that have been cut up with scissors. (oh my)
Ewww, when I said I wanted more romance, I meant between the younger crowd. Marlena and John are older than my parents. No part of me wants to see them in a tub or anywhere near whipped cream. They make me gag. Sorry, not sorry. I know a lot of you are big fans, but I really can't stand them.

Also, as much fun as Leo brings to my screen, he's starting to get on my nerves with this gossip column. Though, he's doing the exact same thing as real gossip columns, celebs all the time have pics taken of them by paparazzi that make up a story of what they think they saw.
LOL, thanks Kat...get a kick as you commented a couple times just the same as I said aloud as I watched. The way Brady was telling about Marlena not going to heaven was weird. Was expecting Rachel to ask, horrified.....why would she then go to hell?? LOL. Also was surprised that note wasn't taken to the cop shop first by Paulina...Fingerprints???.

Leo has gotten on my last nerve. Time to give him a rest. A long one.

Rachel finally did her bratty routine in front of Daddy, but he really was rather unmoved. Wish he would have not fallen into Rachel's trap about Mommy's letter telling her to be nice. When Rachel said "you probably told her to write me".....he should have countered with "what makes you think that"?.

So Rachel pushed Chloe to say "I hate you".....but Chloe immediately rescinded, said she was sorry, didn't mean it, etc. But Rachel is going to use it anyway, and Brady won't do a thing.

Best part of the show was John falling into the tub with Marlena, and head first. LOL I wonder now if Days is going to no longer have strawberries dipped in whipped cream as a "thing" with them, since Marlena said she was over that treat??

Was glad to hear Carrie mentioned at last, being told Marlena was still alive.
Rachel finally did her bratty routine in front of Daddy, but he really was rather unmoved. Wish he would have not fallen into Rachel's trap about Mommy's letter telling her to be nice. When Rachel said "you probably told her to write me".....he should have countered with "what makes you think that"?.
So Rachel pushed Chloe to say "I hate you".....but Chloe immediately recinded, said she was sorry, didn't mean it, etc. But Rachel is going to use it anyway, and Brady won't do a thing.
Ok this child’s performance is stellar, however, letting the character get away with this horrendous behavior is beyond acceptable. Is there a parent among DOOL viewers that would allow their child this outburst? Yes this is a soap but a tad bit of reality would go a long way. This is enough to make me turn the channel, even stop watching till the little monster is shown the light.
Well done, Kat! Thank you for posting the videos, too. I want to relive all that drama!!

Finley Rose Slater is excellent as Rachel, and I bet the actress is having a ball being allowed to be a brat. She is too savvy and cunning for her age, but she takes after her mother 100%. I actually have those same owl stickers! I use them on backs of envelopes as a seal. Brady is such a wuss. He really walked into that trap. Rachel did not know, for a fact, that Kristen was ordered to write that letter.

I actually didn't think Sloan was behind the Paulina office mess and creepy note, that does not seem like her style, she is more direct and ruthless. But the magazine/scissors are making me rethink this. So NOW Eric is wondering about her? After HOW many times they slept together?

We have seen the same scenario before as is happening with Chloe and Xander. Too much drinking leading to "the deed" and morning-after regrets. I never considered this pairing before, but who knows? Gwen has no holds on him anymore, but her lingering glances in his direction say otherwise. The same look Nicole gave to Eric and Jada not long ago. Move on, everybody!

I know we don't use those combined names for couples, but just for fun, would Chloe and Xander be: Chlander? Xanloe?

There is no way Brady and Chloe can get back together on solid ground with Rachel in the picture.

I'm glad Marlena fessed up to John about the strawberries and whipped cream. I, too, was sick of them! Maybe because I'm an older chick, I enjoyed their fun today.
Thanks Kat.

I can definitely say Marlena and John were the best part of the soap. Her calling Carrie was the strawberry on top. :rotfl: Couldn't resist.

It was nice seeing Chanel interact with Xander. But I'm over her always being in the Square and running into people. Give her something better to do. Ditto for Paulina and Sloan. This storyline is excruciating to watch or even read about. Dull, predictable and boring. I highly doubt this is what the actor who plays Eric wanted when he said the former Father needs to be more edgy. Count me out!

Kudos to the little actress playing Rachel. She's good, but we had this same exact storyline (albeit more grown-up) precisely a decade ago with JJ coming between Daniel & Jennifer. It wasn't entertaining then and it certainly isn't now. I will admit that the idea of Chloe and Xander is intriguing, definitely more so than Alex coming between him and Gwen. Oh, and Leo is a filler character. Just why was he even brought back?
Ewww, when I said I wanted more romance, I meant between the younger crowd. Marlena and John are older than my parents. No part of me wants to see them in a tub or anywhere near whipped cream. They make me gag. Sorry, not sorry. I know a lot of you are big fans, but I really can't stand them.

Also, as much fun as Leo brings to my screen, he's starting to get on my nerves with this gossip column. Though, he's doing the exact same thing as real gossip columns, celebs all the time have pics taken of them by paparazzi that make up a story of what they think they saw.
I haven't been able to stand John and Marlena for ages. They can indicate they are very much in love without acting like kids. John gives me a pain I can't reach with all the grimacing and whispering.
Brady is now officially Salem’s worst parent. Bratty Rachel could take a shot at the poor diva and he wouldn’t bat an eye.

John’s fall into the tubby is the most notable pratfall since Jack landed in that cake.

Once Xander makes lover-boy’s eyes match, he should head for Greece and knock some sense into the addled Bo Brady.

Count me as one of those who doubts shyster Sloan is behind the latest anti-Paulina campaign. Her thing is suing people, not crude threats.

Leo needs to find new material. Writing about Gwen is going to put his readers to sleep.
I cannot wait til Rachel gets sent to boarding school. The little actress is good. Makes me wonder what she's like in real life. But Chloe, seriously, you let a 7 year old manipulate you. Brady better not be mad. Rachel said she hated Chloe first. She really is Kristen's daughter. Manipulative as all get out.

Good lord, Leo it was a hug. I'm a little worried now that something might happen.

How long before we find out what happened to Kate?! You know she's not dead.
Brady is just soft in the head. Bless his heart. He got played by Kristen and now his daughter plays him. What happened to the savvy, edgy guy who buried Vivian in a crypt? He’s acting like he doesn’t need to worry about Rachel going evil when half her family is evil.

I wanted to give Alex a chance as a character, but I’m over him. He wants to be CEO, but he spends half his days at a hotel sexing up Gwen. I’m sick of his glasses and even his half-nakedness. I like the actor, but I wish they’d just sent Ciara somewhere and let him stay on the show as Ben with Baby Bo. He could live above the garage and go back to fixing cars. Alex’s only utility is having ill-advised sex. Those are his only plot lines although soon he’ll probably start plotting with Gwen against Maggie. That won’t make him more interesting.

Xander continues to save every scene and show he’s in. It would be funny if he ended up with Chanel. He’s like Gabi. They both have chemistry with whomever they’re paired with. He could make Sloan worth watching! Kidding. Not sure even Xander can make Sloan interesting.

Sloan and Eric together is my kryptonite. I lose life force when they appear on my screen. I have to fast forward for my survival. Is anyone on earth a fan of this coupling?
Wondering where they’re going with the “anonymous” letter. Part of me thinks that scene at the end was meant to make us think Eric is suspecting Sloan but what if he’s worried she is going to notice the scissors and he’s actually the one who wrote it to “help” her get revenge. Considering they’ve completely changed Eric’s character, it wouldn’t surprise me.

Also what is up with the audio quality in some of these scenes? We know they film out of order but it seems like something is off and the actors sound like they’re in another room. It’s happened with Sloan’s scenes, Li and Gabi’s, and a few others in the past week or 2.