Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2021


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Dec 29, 2012
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Gabi is on Philip's computer when he walks into his office. She tells him her computer isn't working.

Jake and Ava talk about him apartment hunting. He and Gabi can't move into his place because Ben is sub-letting it. Ava tells that might not be a problem since he kidnapped Ciara.

Lucas and EJ are in the DiMera living room. Lucas tells EJ the letter Kristen wrote was a lie.

Ben asks Ciara why she came back. She tells him she worried about his pain and would call an ambulance. She came back to use his phone. There's no service. (A good day for the Ciara and Ben fans)

Nicole, Rafe and Sami are discussing why Sami is there. Sami wants Rafe to leave. He's not because he's afraid someone will get killed.

Jake reads the news about Ben on a tablet. He's happy Ben is fighting for the woman he loves. Ava questions him about kidnapping a woman. Jake says it's ok since it's a thing with Ciara's family and not a regular kidnapping since she has amnesia. Jake is happy Ben took his advice. Ava wonders about Jake working. He's not going after his old job. He might work at Titan. Ava tells him the area where the apartment he mentioned isn't in a good part of Salem.

EJ tells Lucas he knows everything because Samantha told him. EJ talks about how Lucas has been lusting over his wife for years. Lucas brings up how he was trapped and EJ forced Sami to sleep with EJ to save him. Lucas says he's loved her first. EJ wants to know if Lucas is there to stake his claim. Lucas tells EJ he can only blame himself for what Sami did because the way EJ treated her. EJ tells Lucas to get out of the house. Lucas replies you mean Gabi's house (that needs to be resolved)

Ciara didn't want to leave Ben alone suffering. She tells him it's his fault not hers that he's hurt. She wants to wrap his ankle. Ben thinks Ciara remembers how he fixed her leg. She says no. She used to be a candy striper. She wants Ben's tie. He tells her he's not going to kill her. She wants the tie to tie up his ankle. The tie isn't long enough so she tears her wedding dress. She asks him if he wants anything for the pain while she does it. Ben has flashback when he gives her the washcloth when he set her leg. Ciara tells him it's too bad they don't have a washcloth (she's remembering). Ciara fixes his ankle.

Meanwhile at Nicole's, they are having a discussion about what Sami and Nicole both did. Rafe tells Sami about people living in glasses houses. He tells her Nicole told him everything what she and Sami did. Sami keeps talking about how Nicole slept with Xander. (Is Sami upset Xander didn't sleep with her? Would it have made a difference if Nicole slept with someone not Xander?) Sami is upset that Nicole stole Kristen's letter. She implies Nicole was spying on her when she burnt the letter. Nicole says she got it from Philip. Sami realizes Lucas must have given it to Philip. Rafe and Nicole tell Sami Lucas was just there and left because he was worried about Sami. Sami leaves and tells Nicole it's not over yet.

Philip and Gabi talk about his crazy life. He tells her he did a favor for his brother and it didn't work out. His back is to Gabi when she takes a flash drive out of his computer. Philip turns around and asks her she wouldn't do anything underhanded would she. They talk about how Gabi wanted to use him to get over Jake. Philip is glad they have a good working relationship. Then Gabi brings up Jake. She thinks Philip should hire him. Philip wonders if Jake would have secrets on DiMera. He asks if she has ulterior motive. Philip tells her he'll think about it.

Jake talks to Ava about how he worked with someone in her family, Angelo. (oh my) Ava tells Jake that is her cousin. Jake knew a couple of years ago someone took over from Angelo. Ava said that was her, but she gave it all up for Tripp. Jake asks Ava about working. She wonders if Nicole will hire her. She calls Basic Black and finds out Nicole not there. Ava leaves to see Nicole at her apartment.

Ben tells Ciara more of what happened when he had Ciara broke her leg. He tells her he saw her fear and tells her everything what he did. He mentioned the sponge bath. Ciara is remembering bits and pieces. Ciara wants to know how long she stayed and why. Ben says she wanted to work things out and with Hope. Ciara leaves the cabin. Ben sits inside alone saying her name. Ciara tries to start car and it won't work.

Nicole is sitting on couch and Rafe brings her a cup of tea. Nicole says she's sorry she put in the middle. Rafe is glad he came when he did or else he might be investigating a homicide. Nicole says mine or Sami. Rafe says it's a toss up since both of you are tough. Nicole doesn't feel tough. At first she wanted revenge, but she did it without thinking. She said it didn't change anything. Eric is gone and now she's alone.

EJ and Lucas have a long argument. Lucas tells EJ he came by to make sure EJ didn't kill Sami. EJ picks up a letter opener and points it at Lucas. He says it would be poetic justice. Sami comes home. Sami tells EJ to stop. EJ puts down the letter opener. He tells Sami that Harold is packing her things and he doesn't want to see her again.

Gabi arrives at Rafe's and talks to Jake. She tells him Philip may offer him a job. Then she talks about her plan working. Philip will lose his job. She'll be CEO and they will take over Titan. Then the world (really).

Rafe tells Nicole she's not alone. She has Allie, Holly, Henry and him as a friend. He hugs her. Outside the apartment, Ava comes to the door. It's ajar (I guess Sami did that). Ava peeks in. She sees Rafe hugging Nicole.

Sami asks EJ why Harold is packing her things. He says would you rather have him throw in the yard. Lucas tells Sami EJ isn't going to forgive her. EJ goes upstairs. Lucas is glad Sami is ok. He was afraid EJ would kill him before Sami got there. Sami replies I wish I let him do that.

Ciara slams open the cabin door. She tells Ben the car won't start. She knows he's a mechanic and she wants to know what he did to the car. Ben tells he didn't do anything to the car. She says he and the Ben have a psychic connection and that's why the car doesn't work. Ben stands up and tells her he didn't do anything. He tells her the universe is telling her that she's not suppose to leave here until she remembers our love.
Thank you for the summary......
Re Sami and Nicole.... ya it's all Nicole's fault after all she slept with Xander..... Not Rafe, not Philip, not Tate, not L ucas, not Roman, not John, not Theo, not Ben, not Brady, not Abe, not EJ, not Harold, not Jack, not Doug, not Steve, not Tripp, not Jake. She slept with Xander while drunk and is deeply sorry about it. While Sami slept with Lucas willingly and isn't really sorry about it, just sorry she got caught.

Having had a broken ankle..... having that limb lower than the heart had to be painful..... sheesh can't even get basic first aid correct. And Ciara is pretty decent as a mechanic or was at one time.
I had to laugh when Ciara asked for Ben's tie. And Ciara the car not starting is the universe trying to knock some sense into you!! Can't wait for her to remember so this mean hateful Ciara will be gone!! They have drug this on long enough!! Too long!!

I liked Jake being associated with Vitali's.

I liked too that Lucas brought up EJ forcing Sami to have sex. Need to do more though.
At this point I wish Ciara had lost her memory all the way back to her looking in her backpack constantly. She could be off figuring out why she thinks she's 10, Ben could do anything else and Theo would still be a decent guy.

Thanks for the summary.
Kudos to Lucas for calling out EJ for raping Sami!
Kudos indeed. Instead of engaging in childish name calling like EJ (calling Lucas a "loathsome twit"), Lucas hit the nail on the head by bringing up the rape incident. Unfortunately, EJ is so self-righteous and self-absorbed, this remark seemed to go right over his empty head.

Sami: Speaking of name-calling, she had the nerve to call Xander "the worst person in the world." if she's looking for the worst, she might try her creepy smoochy-moochy who's idea of starting a relationship with a woman is to rape her. And when did EJ ever save anyone's life or try to help out a socially-clueless kid like Charlie Dale?

Ava: She better not go off half-cocked about Rafe and Nicole. If she does, she could easily go back to being a town pariah.

Gabi: She really does have delusions of grandeur if she thinks taking over Titan could lead to controlling the world. If that was true, giant pictures of Victor would now be on display in all the world capitals?
All hail our fearless leader!
I hate that they're pitting Gabi against Philip now when he gave her a chance and they had a good working relationship. Shouldn't she run Gabi Chic for a while before plotting other things? It's only been a few months. Also - Gabi isn't Victor's family. If he canned his son, why would he hire her instead of re-instating Xander or asking Sonny to come back?

Why can't Jake go back to being a mechanic? That's what he knows how to do. It's a perfectly good, necessary skill set, and he and Ben could run the business together.

I enjoyed Lucas today telling EJ that he's the love of Sami's life. He deserves better than her.
Oh, did I not love this episode? Of course! Lucas stood his ground against EJ, told him off, brought up how EJ forced Sami to have sex with him in exchange for helping to rescue Lucas, socked it to EJ about how badly he treated Sami after she stood by him years while he recovered. Sami is an idiot, but Lucas still stood by her, despite her foolish behavior. Love Lucas, always have. So glad he got a chance at last to shine, and so brightly.
As to Gabi/Jake...........I have no use for whatever Gabi is planning, which seems asinine so far. but I know there is more to whatever. The thing is.........Jake is a mechanic. Period. He is not a corporate wannabe, no matter what Gabi feels she can manipulate him into doing. I know, in the past, Jake has mentioned "the mob" & "Philly", so is interesting now that suddenly that is the Vitali mob, Ava ran it for a bit..............and just remember, Gwen was in that as well.
Am glad Ciara is starting to have some vague memories, but enough already. Alas, of course Days will drag this out forever. How stupid to do the "I need your necktie" thing.........was not clever or appreciated. The "now Ben is need of help" is very awkward, in my opinion. Am sure the writers thought it a clever way to have Ciara recall the past.
I used to so love Sami years ago.......but she has been on my last nerve for the last few years, and even more so today. So, Nicole is to be hated because of her drunken one night stand with Xander when her husband told her once more, he was staying in Africa once again for 3 more months. But Sami is (according to her) blameless for her 2 times sexcapades with Lucas when her husband was constantly pushing her away. She sees no similarities, nor does she feel Nicole had reason to pay Sami back. Sami just cannot be that oblivious, I hate the writers dumbing her down. Sami currently, is a character that is difficult to like at all, or even tolerate. She acts like some teenager, but she is a grandmother. She has ignored her kids for years, and I truly HATE that nearly all of the next generation of Salemites have been so ill treated by the writers.
Hey, I did like both Allie & Claire stickin' together without a word between them. Cool.
Gabi is getting on my last nerve. Sami is leaving and my last nerve will be lonely. Seriously, Gabi gives me headaches! It seems that she wants to turn Jake into Stefan0. So what if he is a mechanic? It's an honest job but she wants him to be a CEO because she may be ashamed of him.

Wake up Gabi! He is Jake, not Stefan0! Let him be who he is and stop trying to remake him in his brother's image.
I was so proud of Lucas today standing up to EJ. It was the best thing Days has done literally in years. Lucas is da man. :love:

On the not-so-bright side, I hate Sami cowering before her abusive husband trying to please him while he calls her every name in the book (and then some). Love her or hate her (or both at times), Sami has never been timid until now... :sick:
Sami is trash.

Also, what trash Sami is.

And EJ, too, but also Sami.

In other news, I'm hoping there's a twist in the Ciara story. Like she's a double or impostor or clone or robot. Or perhaps another of Stefano's rape-babies. This is just a nightmare.