Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, August 29, 2023


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Dec 30, 2012
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Today we get a very emotional and pretty good episode! Finally some movement in the stories! And not much filler, if any, at all.

Belle leaves a message for Shawn-D, is exasperated with Marlena. Shawn-D sees all the calls and messages in his office, but has nothing to say to anyone. He is holding his gun. Belle is blaming herself for everything that happened with Brady and the lunch. Marlena comforts her and uses reason. Belle wants Marlena to tell her what Shawn-D said in their sessions but Marlena reminds her that's against the rules. Belle insists that Shawn-D is endangering himself, she needs to know the answer, but Marlena doesn't have any. Marlena does tell Belle that she's concerned after what she saw today. Marlena agrees to talk, as her mother.

Meanwhile, Paulina comes into Shawn-D's office, but offers to come back later if he's busy. He tells her to stay, she tells him that she's giving Rafe his job back. Shawn-D tells Paulina he's happy that Rawlings is gone and about how he wanted Paulina arrested, she appreciates his help. Paulina tells Shawn-D she wants him on as a detective since he's valuable to the force.

Shawn-D agrees with Paulina, she's happy to hear it and decides to go give Rafe the good news, asks if Shawn-D is alright, he says he is, thinks she'll make a great mayor as she leaves. Shawn-D throws away his commissioner sign and takes the gun out again.

Later, Belle and Marlena continue their conversation, as Marlena has updated her. Belle thinks Shawn-D is giving up, Marlena says hitting rock bottom isn't always a bad thing, it's a road to recovery for many. Belle thinks he might not decide to do that, Marlena doesn't think he's in a position to do much, he's grieving, feeling guilty and drinking. Belle lets Marlena know about Shawn-D's last conversation with Victor, which Marlena realizes is why he is hitting rock bottom.

Belle's scared and tearful, wants to return to the station and get some help, but Shawn-D walks in apologizing, Belle says they were worried about him, he says they need to take his gun because he's in an awful place. Marlena asks if he was considering self-harm? He isn't sure but knows he needs help now, Marlena reassures him. Belle says they are going to help him, it's going to be OK, they'll get through this together,

Marlena can speak with him now. Shawn-D apologizes for letting Belle down. She is proud he came to them for help, they kiss and Belle leaves. Shawn-D apologizes, Marlena tells him it isn't necessary, yada yada. Marlena says as her patient, she'll do everything she can to help him, reminds him she loves him as a family member. He loves her too, they hug and he is teary-eyed.

Jada arrives home, and is happily surprised that Rafe cleaned up the place. He says he couldn't spend all of his time watching Body & Soul. Later, they're in bed with margaritas that Rafe made, he says he learned when he managed a nightclub and flirting ensues as they begin to kiss. She apologizes in advance for messing up the bed he made so nicely. They keep kissing after Rafe admits he wasted his time making it.

After making love, they flirt, decide to eat downstairs but Rafe suggests making the bed messier first, and they begin making out. Rafe and Jada are downstairs eating later. Jada thinks this is all great when Paulina interrupts and reinstates him. Rafe is confused, Paulina explains her conversation with Shawn-D and asks if Rafe accepts?

Rafe reminds Paulina about the policy and how he's dating Jada. Paulina tells her that women shouldn't refer to themselves as subordinates, and they won't tolerate abuses of power. However, she's doing away with the old policy and so will the city council. However, Rafe decides to wait until the policy is amended. Paulina's shocked but Rafe likes hanging out with Jada.

Paulina decides to rush the policy through because the force needs him. Jada tells Rafe that he should take the job but he doesn't want to stop seeing her. She says it'll be temporary and she enjoys messing the bed up with him, but the city needs him and he loves the job. Rafe isn't sure he wants to return, but he is sure that he's falling in love with Jada.

Also watching Body & Soul are Abe and Patch, who brought Abe a beer. Someone's son is back from the dead. Steve shielded Abe from a commercial on memory-loss supplement to protect him. He apologizes for how Abe is feeling. Abe shares his frustrations about his memory loss. The show was broken into by the announcement that Paulina is the new mayor. Steve and Abe discuss Rawlings being a jerk. Steve thinks Abe and Paulina have a lot of faith in each other, reminds Abe she loves him, he knows. It kills Abe that he can't remember his relationship with Paulina. Steve comforts him and suggests he get closer to Paulina again.

Abe says Steve is pressuring him so he apologizes, but asks if Abe is attracted to her? Abe admits he is, but that doesn't mean he wants to share a bed with her. Patch isn't suggesting that. He needs to hit the brakes and can just go back to the beginning with Paulina. Abe appreciates the help but doesn't think Patch knows how this is.

Steve tells him his story about amnesia and the DiMeras, how Kayla never gave up and eventually he realized she was his destiny. Steve encourages him to try the same with Paulina, who shows up. She says she asked Rafe to take back his job and he is considering. Abe is happy to hear it and Paulina prepares to leave. Abe stops Paulina and asks her on a date, unless her job is keeping her too busy. Paulina can make some time for him.

Replay of yesterday's scenes with Philip and Chloe. He opens the door to a shocked Brady, who hugs him, he can't believe he is alive and well. Philip is happy to be in Salem because he missed everyone. Brady thinks Kristen was behind everything. He says Chloe was right all along, he can now appeal the custody ruling. Chloe finally tells Brady that Kristen wasn't responsible, and Philip fesses up.

Chloe thinks this isn't the best time for the conversation. Brady insists he hear the truth and Philip lets him in on what he did. Chloe tries to stop Philip, but Brady tells him to continue. Philip knows it isn't fair to ask for forgiveness, does so anyway and apologizes, but Brady punches him.

Brady wants to hit Philip again, screams at Philip about what he has done. Chloe tries stopping him, reminds Brady that Philip wasn't in his right mind. Philip says he was institutionalized but recovered and feels guilty. He wants to do whatever it takes to make this right, but Brady starts calling the cops. Chloe takes the phone, tells Brady to have compassion because Philip is grieving and was out of his mind.

Brady says Philip can go to Bayview. Philip tells him that Kate and Victor knew and sent him to Europe. Brady is outraged at Victor, though not surprised at Kate. Chloe tries defending everyone, but Brady rips into him. Chloe tells Brady to try and make peace in the family for Victor's sake. Chloe begs him for Maggie's sake, for the sake of his family.

Chloe asks if he's really going to have Philip arrested? He will consider it and leaves. Philip thanks her. He will need a lawyer because the truth will come out. Chloe hopes all will be well. She can ask Belle, Philip's friend. Philip is doubtful because Belle is Brady's sister.

Belle texts Shawn-D that she loves him and shows up at Chloe's, who asks for a lawyer. Belle assumes the lawyer is for Xander. Chloe says no and shows Belle that it's Philip. Belle hugs Philip and is so happy to see him. He hopes she still feels this way after she hears the truth. Meanwhile, Brady is in Shawn-D's empty office. He needs to see him, but instead writes a note saying to call Brady about something important.
Thank you, DaysD!

I think Steve's idea of Abe dating Paulina to reset was a solid plan. But I do worry that the longer Abe's memory is not back, the odds of it returning are diminishing. We need our Abe back.

Have to admit that I like Rafe and Jada. I am glad that Paulina will change the rules so they can continue their relationship above board. Also glad that Rafe will be commissioner again.

Hope we have seen the last of Rawlings.

Didn't I just write that Brady will want to send Philip to jail before Victor's funeral? I think he needs to wait until afterwards, because if Philip wants to make amends and do the right thing, he will do that himself.

Wait til Xander sees Philip. All heck will break loose! Will Chloe still want to marry Xander?

I am glad that Shawn is getting help. Got nervous when he was looking at the gun. Paulina's interruption came at a good time. So, will he also be sent to Bayview and play in the sandbox with Ava and Harris?

Is Body and Soul on 24 hours a day? That is all anyone watches!
Uhhh, didn't Rafe have a house? Why are they always getting busy in Jada's shared room above the Pub? And do they wash the sheets before Talia has to sleep on that bed?

So Shawn is in a fragile emotional state, considering self harm and now Belle is in Philip's arms again? Granted it's because she thought he was dead. But as people read situations, so back donkey's butt on soaps, Belle will leave town with a scarlet letter.

Good solid show.

Thanks DaysD.
Rafe's house must have cobwebs by now. But he has had a lot of free time for a while. Once back as Commissioner, things will change.

You would think he and Jada would want to christen every room in his house! Will he ask her to move in and let Talia have that room above the pub? Then she and Chanel can mess up the sheets (hopefully, not, Chanel needs to be back with Johnny).
Did anyone notice the tape around Galen Gering's (Rafe) wedding ring? Just me and my noticing stuff no one else sees. It was a good show and so glad Shawn changed his mind. Philip looks like he's been thru tough times.
Oh my God, does Body & Soul have to be in every episode?

If Abe does not remember Paulina at all, why did he make her Mayor? I am still not a fan of their pairing.

So how long before Jada is pregnant with Rafe's child? Rafe who also has always wanted to be a dad? He loves his stepchildren.

I'm a little scared where Shawn is headed.

Will Philip go to the police on his own? If Kate has any say, I'm thinking no!
With Brady now raging against poor Shaggy Phil, does this mean that he’ll forget about his habitual dumping on Xander?

If Brady keeps threatening Shaggy Phil with the police, he ought to turn the tables and hire Sloan to sue Rachel’s nasty daddy for intentional infliction of emotional distress. That would really get the already enraged Brady’s shorts in a knot.

Philip and Brady behaving badly might just convince the diva that Xander is truly the best eligible Kiriakis man around. After all, the reformed haggis-loving X-man looks like a better choice than enraged Brady and feckless Philly.

Rafe is proving that he’s become a true Salemites — it seems that he’d rather get cozy with Jada than be police commissioner.

Finally, imagine the plight of city employees who suddenly found themselves working for loudmouth Paulina. How long will it be before the brassy new mayor is the only person left on the city payroll?
Thanks, DaysD.

Did Shawn give Belle his gun? I hope it's unloaded.

Nice scenes with Belle and Marlena. Then with Shawn.

Interesting when Steve and Abe were watching "Body and Soul" a character's son came back from the dead. Then the show
went to Chloe with Kate's dead son back from the dead.

Is "Body and Soul" on a streaming platform since people watch during different times of the day? I thought it was interesting
the show has ads so it's not an ad free platform.

When Brady saw Philip, he hugged him. Then he hit him when he found out Philip was the one who framed him for murder.

Why oh why is Rafe saying above the pub? Does Jada get free food with her apartment? And did the Salem elves add another
bedroom so Talia can have a separate bed?
The writers have forgotten that Rafe has a home. They could have at least mention that he sold it or is renting it to a family or something?? Instead he is constantly at the pub....don't you wonder how he gets his clean clothes? I mean he has to change underwear, shirts, etc.