Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Jan 11, 2022


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Dec 29, 2012
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Possession day and I tried to put most of that in one paragraph.

Ciara and Ben are sitting on the bed staring at an envelope. They're not sure if they want to open it or not. Ciara says let's open it. Then says let's not. There's a knock on the door. It's Shawn. They tell him the envelope has the results of the test to see if boy or girl. Shawn asks what they want. Neither care if boy or girl. Ciara wants the baby be healthy. Shawn asks about painting the nursery (where is that?) Ciara says they are going to paint room in neutral color. They can't decide what to do. Shawn takes envelope with him since it's too much of temptation to look at.

Lani and Paulina in exam room. Paulina wants to know why Lani called her mom. Dr. Tripp (which I decided to call him before Paulina said it) comes in. He wants to know how the party went. They tell him everything. Tripp is concerned about Chanel. Lani says Allie went to look for her. Tripp realizes that's why Allie hasn't answered her phone. Dr. Tripp needs to X-ray Paulina's ankle. Paulina doesn't want him to tell Chanel.

Replay of Chanel and Allie in Chanel's bedroom. Chanel says it's you and me against the world. She kisses Allie. Allie pushes her away. She tells Chanel she's committed to Tripp and leaves the bedroom. As Allie is leaving, the apartment she picks up her phone. Then Tripp calls her. Allie tells him she's on her way home and Chanel in bed.

Chanel comes out of bedroom. She begs Allie not to leave her like her brother did. Then Chanel apologies that she shouldn't compare Allie to Johnny. They hug. Allie tells Chanel that her brother isn't worth her tears. Chanel wants Allie to stay as friends. She doesn't want to be alone. We see her rings on a table. Allie decides to stay. She calls Nicole to let her know to keep an eye on Henry. Allie goes back to Chanel's bedroom. She tells Chanel she hates Johnny and she'll never forgive him. Allie says she'll sleep on the couch. Chanel says no. She'll stay on her side of the bed. Allie gets into bed with only her undies on. Chanel starts talking to Allie. Allie says Johnny is an idiot. She tells Chanel she's smart and beautiful. She's says anyone will be lucky to be with you. Then Allie kisses Chanel.

Tripp comes back in to exam room and tells Lani and Paulina that Allie went home and Chanel in bed. Paulina wants to leave. Tripp says no. Not until he sees the X-ray. Tripp leaves. Paulina tells Lani you never stop worrying about your kids even when they are grown up. Tripp comes back and tells Paulina she only has a sprain. He wants her to stay off her ankle a few days. He leaves again to get discharge papers and a cane. Paulina asks Lani again why she called her mom. Lani doesn't know. Lani says Tamara will always be her mother, but deep inside she thinks of Paulina that way too. Tripp comes back in. He gives her the cane and tells her to take over the counter pain medicine. He leaves for the last time. Lani tells Paulina she'll take her home. Paulina says no her car and driver are waiting. Paulina is glad Lani was there for her.

EJ and Belle are in the DiMera living room. Belle can't believe Johnny did that to Chanel. Belle came by to give papers for Chad to sign. Belle asks about the trial tomorrow. EJ said he's representing himself. He asks Belle to do it. Belle says she can't since she's the DiMera corporate lawyer and it would be a conflict of interest. She also says she's Sami's sister. He hopes the charges will go away.

Replay of demon Johnny and Susan. She tells him don't call me grandma because I know you're not my grandson. She's says her Johnny wouldn't hurt Chanel. She says he's that mean, mean, mean devil and she's going to get rid of him once and for all. Johnny tries to convince her he's Johnny. She pulls out her cross. Johnny turns his back. Then turns around again so we can see his demon eyes. He's surprised Susan figured it out. He wants to know if she wants a reward or ice cream. Susan's not afraid. He can take her body, but not her soul. He doesn't want her body since it's not much. He can either turn her back to Kristen, a cat or a bug so he can squish her. She says that God, Jesus and John Black is on her side. She tries to leave room and he shuts the door. She's afraid for EJ. demon Johnny says that he doesn't want to hurt EJ because he's like his father doing his handiwork. Susan knows he's bluffing about Johnny killing Elvis because then people know devil still in Salem. Then John Black and his hunky step son Father Eric will get rid of you again. demon Johnny agrees that killing EJ not a good idea. I have another idea to get rid of you. Susan says you still want Ciara and Ben's baby. He smiles. Susan says she's going downstairs to tell Elvis everything. The bedroom door opens.

EJ tells Belle that someone framed him. Belle doesn't want to betray Sami. EJ reminds her that Sami has betrayed her. He still loves Samantha. Bells tells him again she can't represent him and leaves. EJ goes for another drink and Susan runs into living room. Susan has something important to tell him.

Susan tells EJ she's leaving Salem (darn). She says Roger needs her to be there ASAP. She's taking flight out of Salem now. Johnny walks in. Johnny is the one who helped her decide. demon Johnny has flashback of what happened after he opened the door. He touched Susan's fore head and made her think Roger needed her home right away. Johnny says her bags are packed and in the car.

Ben and Ciara are sure they made the right decision about not knowing the sex of the baby and giving papers to Shawn. They have plenty of time if they want to know. Ben says he will protect her. Ciara says nothing will break them apart (famous last words). They kiss.

EJ doesn't understand why Susan has to leave now. Johnny says she's lonely and misses Roger. Susan says dreamy I miss Roger desperately. She says the car is waiting. She tells EJ she loves him. He tells her he loves her and take care of herself. Susan leaves. EJ asks Johnny what just happened.

Lani talks to Dr. Tripp at hospital. She tells Paulina went home. She thanks him for taking care of Paulina. Then tell Allie thank you for taking care of Chanel.

Paulina is at home. She opens Chanel's door and sees Allie and Chanel making out. She slowly closes the door.

demon Johnny is back in his bedroom. He says goodbye granny and Chanel. He takes off his wedding ring. He smashes ring into dust with his hand. He says ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Then he blows the dust away.
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I'm disappointed we didn't see this Shawn and Belle together from this spoiler picture.
He's wearing a black leather jacket. She's wearing a black leather dress. Maybe Wed.

Boy..... am I glad Ben and Ciara finally have a decent storyline.... sitting on a bed staring at a yellow envelope wondering if they should open it or not.... this was absolute Emmy award winning material..... HOLY cow.... Ron outdid himself with this masterpiece. People will be talking about this story line for years......

My brain hurts after watching this episode...... So EJ will trash the contracts that Chad has to sign, DiMera Corp will fire Belle, she will work for EJ because well, she needs a job. Conflict of interest be darned.....
Then there is the entire Susan story...... ya.... that's about all I can say about that.....

Thank you kat for writing this day up.
ani says Tamara will always be her mother, but deep inside she thinks of Paulina that way too.
What was the point of this story, to end it like this? STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID

Ciara is what, 74 hours pregnant? How can they determine the baby's sex? And how can they afford it?
Poor Susan Banks isn't exactly quick at picking up on things. Today, why was she using that homemade, tied-together cross to ward off the Devil. That was the same cross that Mar-Devil easily overcame. Why hasn't Susan obtained a quality, blessed crucifix that would have stopped Johnny Demon in his tracks? Why hasn't she gotten her hands on some of the high-octane holy water that helped Father Eric put Mar-Devil to rout? The way things stand, poor Susan is like somebody who brings a knife to a gunfight.
Where is the Ben and Ciara that I loved for the past 4 years? I miss them. This plot point baby is such a disappointment and ridiculous. I hope their next story will be better than this.
I like EJ and Belle. Not as a couple but they have a nice chemistry.
Chanel and Allie is just painful. And another possession plot point. Why didn't they build them up from the start?
Tripp needs someone who is not boring.

Thank you for the recap. :)
It's a shame the show chose to go this route with the friendship that has been shown between Allie & Chanel. Many of us have long time friends, ones we love and cherish thru the years, & it seemed as tho that was what we were being shown...before today.
why did Ciara & Ben have the test done if they did not want to know the sex of their child?
Detest this possession stuff...
They’ve been building up to Allie and Chanel being a couple for months. What I hate is yet another cheating story that will go the same way as all the other cheating stories they’ve done in the past year. Weeks of hiding the truth with lying, blackmail, and twisting the knife, followed by a reveal that explodes in misery. And I hate that it’s coming as a result of the possession story. If they wanted a lesbian relationship on the show, just go that route. Why drag Tripp and Johnny into it? And it’s gross how many people sleep with former lover’s siblings on this show, let alone with someone’s twin (yes, I know they have different dads). This story makes them both seem really cheap and selfish, but especially Allie. You could argue Chanel is upset and seeking comfort. Allie doesn’t have any excuse for losing her mind. And wasn’t her boyfriend in a devil coma last week? Now she cheats on him with her twin brother’s wife?

What would have been interesting to explore in another LGTBQ+ relationship months ago is just awful now.
Seems nearly every character has done it........Hope they leave Steve & Kayla alone. This headwriter doesn't seem to understand exactly what being in love means, or entails.
Or that love and happiness with characters we enjoy are the actual goals of a soap. Yes, drama, but only to make the happy endings more enjoyable. They've got it all reversed right now, showing happiness and relationships only to tear it all down and set up betrayal and despair.
The only ones who've had happiness & devoted love with a little drama thrown in are the wonderful characters of Doug & Julie. Once they are gone, I guess Jack & Jennifer or Steve & Kayla. Both the latter couples have been off and on for years. So (raising a glass) "Here's to Doug & Julie!"
So ReRon has no desire to wrap this storyline up and move on. We continue to have devil in our midst. With the way things are going in the world, we do not need this story. There is no escapism here. It is convoluted and offensive. I don't even have to watch it to know what a pile of manure is being spread out there. Allie and Chanel? Oh I guess I didn't see that coming (barf...) I probably should qualify that it has nothing to do with a same sex relationship. No real/true surprises on this show anymore. I still blame Ken Corday for allowing this destruction of one of the best soaps. I do believe Kristian Alfonso retired because she couldn't take it anymore. Good for her and Melissa Reeves. Stand up and believe in your gut.
I thought Missy Reeves had issues traveling in during the pandemic because she lives in Tennessee. Also, there was some kerfuffle about her statements on gay issues. Whatever it is, she never said she was done like Kristian Alfonso did. She obviously wasn’t since she came back for the holiday shows.