Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
36 minutes

It's evening in Salem.

Harris is on the phone at the cop shop. He gets off the phone and tells the cops everything is ready. Let's go.

In Sloan and Eric's apartment: a table set for four. (was a folding table used?) Sloan is drinking wine. She hopes everything goes well. There's a knock at the door. She says they're early. Eric opens the door to John and Marlena.

Stefan and Ava are at the Bistro. Ava has to find a new supplier for food. Stefan says the delivery was made and he hid it in the back of the meat locker.

Theresa, Brady and Alex are in the interrogation room at the cop shop. They don't know why they are there. Justin comes in. Then Tate walks in without cuffs. They all hug. Justin says he has news.

Sloan offers wine to John and Marlena. They both want sparkling water. Eric goes to kitchen to get drinks with the appetizers. Sloan keeps drinking even though she's already sloshed. They talk about Tate and how everyone needs to protect their child. Sloan needs to protect them from drugs and people. Even lie about it. Everyone is surprised.

Sloan says Marlena had it easy raising the twins. Marlena mentions DJ and he died from SIDS. Sloan is still drinking. Eric decides they should eat dinner. John and Marlena sit down. Sloan says there's big news. Eric wants go into the photography business. Eric says he's working on it. Sloan decides she needs to tell jokes. One is where does a cow hang its picture? In a moo-seum. John tries to laugh. Marlena isn't happy.

Sloan doesn't understand what's going wrong. Marlena suggest Sloan lie down. Sloan says Marlena is intimating. She then leans over the table and knocks water on floor. Sloan wants to clean it up. Eric says she needs to lie down. She's upset since she has to miss the dinner. Marlena gets Sloan water to hydrate. Sloan doesn't want to be treated as a child. Eric says you're being treated as someone who drank a whole bottle of wine in 20 minutes. Jude starts to cry. John says he and Marlena will take him out for a walk. They leave.

The Bistro has guests. Stefan and Ava are happy people came after what happened. A voice is heard. It's Harris. He says this is the Salem police and this is a raid. The female cop from New Year's Eve is there. Harris tells the cops to check the dock and the kitchen area. He tells Stefan and Ava he has a warrant to search for drugs. Ava is upset. She asks Harris if he's doing this since they broke up? He says since a DiMera owns the place he needs to be sure there are no drugs. She calls him a spoiled child.

Meanwhile at the cop shop. Justin has good news. A judge is allowing Tate be transferred to a juvenile facility. Everyone is happy and hugging each other. They are worried EJ might do something. Justin explains the rehab facility. Tate doesn't understand why he's going to rehab since he doesn't do drugs. Justin says it's also for behavior issues.

Tate isn't happy, but they all agree it's the best situation. Justin says the bus is leaving tonight and the rehab place is in southern Illinois. Theresa tells Tate she'll visit him as soon as he's settled. Justin says he can't have outside contact for the first month. Justin tells them Tate will need a bag of his things to take with him.

Marlena and John are at Horton Town Square walking Jude. Marlena says Jude smiles like Eric. They feel sorry for Eric because Sloan got drunk. They wonder if she was trying to impress them or has a drinking problem?

Sloan is dressed in pajamas and Eric wants her to lie down. She wants to dance. Eric wants to know why Sloan drank the whole bottle of wine? She was afraid his mother wouldn't approve. Eric says you got smashed so she would like you? Sloan wonders why the room is spinning? She runs to the bathroom.

Harris is standing in the Bistro with Stefan and Ava when the woman cop whispers in his ear. Harris says no drugs were found within the perimeters of the warrant. Harris tells everyone he's sorry and they can continue eating. Ava makes a big deal about the cops coming. Harris says when you're ready to talk about it let me know. Stefan says their lawyers know where to find him and don't come back. Harris leaves. Stefan gets a call. Ava tells everyone their meals are free. Stefan comes back and tells her that was Clyde. He knew about the raid. Someone came in and took everything out.

Alex comes into room with coffee for Brady. Theresa walks in with a bag of things for Tate. Tate comes in with Justin. He's dressed in regular clothes. Justin gets an email from EJ. EJ accepts the judge's orders. Alex talks to Justin, saying he did a good job and he owes him an apology. Justin says he's always here for him. They hug. Brady calls John to let him know Tate is going away. He hangs up and tells Tate his grandparents are coming.

Eric is putting Sloan to bed. She's sorry about tonight. She tried so hard and made a mess of everything. She doesn't know what she did except she tried to tell jokes. She says she shouldn't have had any liquor. She tells Eric she's made bigger mistakes than that. She asks Eric if she tells him something he won't be mad? He says no. There's a knock on the door (drat). John and Marlena are back. John says he has to cut things short. They're taking Tate to a juvenile facility and they want to say goodbye. Eric says he wants to tell Sloan. They look at the bed. She's asleep. Eric says to let Brady and Tate know he loves them. John says to call anytime and they will babysit.

Sloan is sleeping. Eric gives Jude a bottle. He tells Jude he and his mommy love him so much. Then he says mommy had a rough night. He tells Jude if he has a rough night he can lean on him and he will take care of him. Camera goes to Sloan. She keeps saying I'm sorry. Not sure if she's sleeping or not.

Ava can't believe someone moved the product so quickly. Stefan gets a call from the prison. It's Gabi and he walks away. Ava gets a text from an unknown number to meet on the dock.

Marlena and Tate are hugging. She's happy he's going to that facility. He's ok with it, but unsure about group therapy. Marlena says be open to it. It's good to have a safe place to talk about your feelings. John and Tate hug. John says they will be by to visit as soon as they can. Justin says it's time to go. Tate hugs his parents. Brady says they won't rest until he's free. Tate wants updates about Holly. Justin and Tate leave. Brady tells Theresa they will make it together. She walks over to Alex.

Ava goes outside without her coat on. She looks around to see who wants to see her. It's Harris.
Who is working for Clyde and told him about the raid? Is it someone in the DA's office or a Salem cop?
Could it be the woman Salem cop that's new to the force?

So, the drugs disappeared out the back. Are there other businesses in the back with a camera? Did Harris set up raid to see what would happen? Maybe not. He's a Salem cop.
Was it just my imagination or was Sloan chewing on something the whole time? Was it appetizers, crudites, gum???? (I had to look up the spelling of crudites. While I know what that is, I don't think I've ever said it. :))
Justin says he can't have outside contact for the first month
Which in Salem time is next Tuesday or November, which ever comes first.
Theresa walks in with a bag of things for Tate
Question, I thought Tate was living with Dad/Brady. Does Theresa have a key to John and Marlena's?
Ava goes outside without her coat on
Yeah, I've tried that when taking the dog to potty. It's not pretty.
I was hoping that EJ came to his senses since he knows Holly was into drugs and Tate was being released. So what's going to happen at the juvie place?

Sloan's slip that she would lie to protect Jude. I was hoping she was going to get drunk and spill the beans. She has had Jude way too long. Do the writers think we are ok with it because Jude is with his daddy? Because we are not ok.

So Clyde got someone to go to the Bistro and get drugs and no one saw him? They were invisible? Doesn't make sense.
I was hoping that EJ came to his senses since he knows Holly was into drugs and Tate was being released! So what's gonna happen at Juvie place!
Knowing what he now does about Holly’s adventures with alcohol and controlled substances, EJ should be dropping charges against the Tot. If he still proceeds with his “case,” he’ll make more of a fool of himself than usual.

Boozy Sloan did herself no favors today. It’s too bad that Leo wasn’t there. He could have written a column entitled “My Dinner at Sloan’s,” which would have finished the shyster in Salem.

Kudos to Action Hero Harris for raiding the Bistro/drug den with a whole squad of uniformed cops. Something like this is practically unheard of in Salem.

Finally, it seems that protective mother Gwennie T. has never seen the Harrison Ford film “The Fugitive.” If she had, she’d be freaking out over the chance that Tate’s bus, like the one carrying Dr. Richard Kimble, will be hit by a freight train on its way to downstate Illinois.