Days of Our Lives, Tuesday, Jan. 6th, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Episode #10,990 Taped 12/3/08 Director - Albert Alarr

Daniel comes to visit Kate, bearing a gift. He remembered how they talking of watching “Sleepless in Seattle” sometime, thought they could do so. Nope, Kate has other ideas. She doesn’t really want Daniel there, is feeling much better, but wants to devote her time and energy to her children, family and herself. In other words, Get lost, Daniel, it is over. She is ending their relationship. Daniel understands (lol) and conveniently gets a page from the hospital, emergency, and takes off.
Upstairs, Philip & Stephanie are going at it like dogs in heat, shirts and blouses are quickly removed, lots of rolling around on the bed, til Phil calls a halt. Says he doesn’t want to hurt her, yada, yada. Stephanie is mortifed, embarrassed, gets her clothes back on. Philip tries to explain, saying he cares about her wayyyyy too much, and manages to smooth talk Steph enough that she is all smiles. He talks of taking her to dinner, someplace where Melanie cannot find them, she is fine with that. He is putting his shirt on (note how he buttons it all wrong, lolol) and they go downstairs to find Kate, with her drink and magazine. She wants to talk to Phil alone, Steph goes to kitchen for a drink, Kate says she thinks Stephanie is perfect girl for Phil, maybe she will have two sons at the altar. Now she tells Phil she is having an engagement party tonight (she is????) for Lucas & Chloe and wants him to come, bringing Stephanie. (Isn’t this a bit late for invites, and even a party……heck, Phil & Steph were going out to dinner!!! Oh, I forgot, Salem has different clocks they go by than the rest of the world, lol) Stephanie returns, smiles all around. They will be back.

Lexie & Stefano are talking, she decides to leave, looks for Theo who has disappeared. She calls for him, as does Stefano, who insists Theo is just playing somewhere, but we have seen Theo go up the stairs, reaching up to touch a painting hanging on the wall. Lexie spots him, calls out NO, as we now see Bo in his office having a vision of this, and of Theo laying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. Bo is freaked, but calls 911 to get an ambulance over to the DiMera house. Hope comes in, realizes he has had another vision, and they take off. Meanwhile, Dr. Lexie Carver is bent over her unconscious son, calling his name, telling Stefano to call 911, and doing nothing. O.K., as Stefano is on the phone, she finally has the little flashlight out, telling Stef to report that Theo’s eyes are out of focus, breathing shallow. Stefano learns the ambulance is already on the way, is surprised. Paramedics are there, Bo & Hope arrive, Stefano wonders how they knew. Everyone takes off for the hospital.

Tony arrives, Abe is on a retreat and can’t seem to be reached. Lexie is a basket case. Hope & Bo remember being in the same spot themselves a few years ago. There are hug, tears, etc. Dr. Dan arrives and goes in to check Theo. Lexie is beating herself up for being a bad mother, not watching Theo more carefully. Tony reasons with her, children cannot be watched every single second, and if she hovers too much, how will he ever learn independence. (Love Tony in these scenes). She holds onto him, Stefano tries to come and talk, Tony tells him he wants to talk to his sister, get lost. LOL. Lexie is much comforted by Tony. Finally Daniel comes out, Theo has a sub-dural hematoma, pressing on the middle vortex, and they have to operate to relieve the pressure. Delicate brain surgery. Stefano chimes in with his usual “flying in my own specialist” mantra, but Daniel says there is no time. Tony gets Abe’s whereabouts from Lexie and leaves to locate him.

Nicole is reading Dr. Baker a riot act. She wants that baby, the name of the mother, he refuses. She talking about having given birth, he yells that she had a miscarriage, but Nicole retorts she gave birth to a baby girl, and will never stop loving that child. She grabs the file from Dr. Baker’s hands and takes off. Later she is in a rather seedy area of town, pacing as she waits for Mia to appear. When she does, Nicole approaches her, introduces herself as the woman who was going to adopt her child. Mia is very young, talks of how she is a dancer, got scholarships to Japan, her aunt lives there, and then this happened. Nicole understands what she is going thru, still wants Mia’s baby. They talk, get rather emotional at times. Mia is reluctant, says she doesn’t know how she would feel if her mom had given her up, how her baby might react. Nicole promises to love and cherish. Mia spots the engagement ring, realizes Nicole is not married yet, and backs off. She went thru all her mom’s boyfriends, how some beat her mom, and her, too, and she will not have that. Nicole understands that, knows how that is, would never ever allow it. Assures her she & and her fiancé are committed and are getting married. Mia wonders why Nicole is so insistent on HER baby. Nicole talks of how the pictures sort of resemble her and her fiancé, and finally, after Mia prods some more, tells her of being unable to have a child, then having had that miracle pregnancy, only to lose it. Mia is convinced, agrees to let Nicole adopt her baby. However, there is just one more condition. She wants to meet the father.

Thanks Barb!

Do you suppose the "eyes out of focus" comment was an ad lib by Lexie because I can not believe a writer would write that kind of line for a doctor. She would have remembered PERRLA (Pupils equal round reactive to light and accommodation). Even if all she said was his pupils are not equal it would have made more sense.
sigghh, you know, I am not medically trained.......and I do try as hard as I can to write what I remember.

What she says is that his pupils are unequal. Sorry.
Thanks for the write up. I just loved the scenes with Nicole and Mia. It was great the way she talked to Mia and got her to agree to give up the baby. So many times she said the wrong thing to Mia, but was able to change it around. Loved the look on her face when Mia said she wanted to meet EJ.
When Stefano called 911 he could not beleive that they were on the way.
hmmmm....could Theo's brain surgery cause his autism to magically vanish??? :idea:
I could be wrong, but I bet Brady will pose as the father.

I was thinking the exact same thing. You just beat me to it!!!!! I see Brady all over that one, well at least Nicole will beg him until he says ok. But, I bet he won't agree to it at first!
I sincerely hope Days does not try that route.......but what the possibility is that perhaps Theo has some sort of tiny brain tumor or something, which was causing his symptoms, and thus the diagnosis.
Days is working closely with people and consultants who are reknown in treating autism, (Mark Kretzman is the main consultant).......this is why Theo's therapist is named Mark.

and somehow we know Nicole is gonna pull Brady into her scheme, in spite of any refusals he might make.
An annoyance

I read the posts often as I cannot always watch the show. I appreciate all the posts. However, one thing that is rubbing me the wrong way is the way people throw around the phrase "giving a baby up". Birth mothers do not "give up" their babies. They place them for adoption, regardless of the situation. It's even more so annoying to hear it on a television show.

Thanks for letting me vent :)
An adoptive mother
i HATE nicole shes a crack job and i like mia shes so sweat and all and nicole riuned someone elses life again
Thanks Barb for the summary.

I hope it's okay if I show up at Chloe and Lucas' engagement party without a gift. I just got the invitation and haven't had the time to shop. I suppose I could just write a check.
Nahhh, this is so last minute, no gifts.....Save it for the "shower". LOL
I really loved the scenes with Nicole and Mia. Nicole is doing a good job of convincing me that she is really wanting this baby, not just to keep EJ.

I just couldn't believe Daniel when Kate was breaking up with him. He was saying how she made him such a better person, etc. If she made this scumbag better, what was he before!
Can't say that made any sense to me, NH, but since Daniel was such a surfer dude, expect it has to do with the ocean.

Mia seems soooo young.....I wonder what Brady will do when she wants to know if he is the daddy to be?