Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
39 minutes.

It's Tuesday. Shenanigans is said two times.

Xander is pacing in the interrogation room.

Sarah is at the nurses' station. She gets a call from Justin and tells him she'll be right down. Then she leaves.

Abe, Chanel and Johnny are with Paulina in her hospital room. They're talking about the best news since Paulina won't need a transplant or surgery. Abe says it's a miracle. Johnny says it was a bonus miracle seeing Eli and Lani. Chanel says the twins got so big. Paulina says it was great seeing them. Now she has to get FBI headquarters moved to Salem. Then Eli can work locally. Abe says good luck with that.

Replay of Ava getting water at therefrigerator. Knock on the door. It's Stefan, he wants to talk to her. Ava says it's not a good time. She tries to push him out of door. Harris comes out and says to Stefan "My would-be assassin and he's not going anywhere". Harris explains to Ava that Stefan lured him to the loading dock, thinking Ava sent Harris a text. Then Stefan shot me twice. Ava gets in front of Stefan. He says he had no choice. Ava slaps him.

Sarah arrives at the interrogation room. Xander is surprised to see her since it's so late. He tells her he's getting out since Harris (liar) doesn't know for sure Xander shot him. Justin convinced the judge to let Xander out on bail. Sarah is surprised the DA didn't try to stop it. She realizes she hung up on Justin. Xander says he's downstairs getting his bond, then he'll be home. They kiss.

Paulina is happy Lani is free to come and go. Then they can see a lot of the grandbabies. Abe says they can visit in the summer. Chanel says she and Johnny can go too. Paulina asked if they've had alone time together? Johnny says no, they only changed clothes. Paulina tells them to rest. Johnny and Chanel leave. Abe sits by Paulina. She loves those two, but she thought they would never leave. Abe leans over and kisses her. Paulina can't wait to be roomies again. Abe promises he won't hog the bed and leave dishes in sink.

Roman and Kate come into Paulina's room. Paulina is happy to see them. Abe wonders how they're visiting so late. Roman says his sister is chief of staff, then says they saw Johnny and Chanel at the elevator. Paulina says she's happy they remarried. Kate says the best news is Paulina is well. Roman says Abe got his memory back. Abe says he remembers everything, partner, even all the shenanigans (ha, ha) only they know about. Roman says they were in their 20s and brains not developed yet. Paulina says she's going home tomorrow. Abe says no. We're going home tomorrow.

Chanel and Johnny are at Horton Town Square. They discuss their perfect hospital wedding. It was simple and sweet. Johnny agrees it was nice. They didn't have to figure out who to invite or what to eat at the reception. Johnny says there's one thing. They didn't get a first dance. He says there's no music or band. They start dancing.

Sarah and Xander arrive at their apartment. She's sorry it's a mess. She and Victoria just moved back in. Xander doesn't care. He goes to the window and looks at the view. Sarah plans to text her mom about Victoria. Xander says it's late. Sarah says she'll contact Maggie tomorrow, then she will get Victoria and they can spend the whole day together. Xander says tonight is all theirs. They kiss.

Paulina says yes, both of them are going home tomorrow. She can't wait to leave. Roman says they're roommates again. Paulina says yes and then she's back to work as mayor. She knows Salem is falling apart without her. Abe says she's not going back until she's healed. Kate wonders how Paulina got better? Was she misdiagnosed. Paulina looks at Abe. She tells them she flat-lined. Roman says the doctors brought you back.

Abe was holding her hand and then put it on her heart. Then she saw a bright light. It washed over her, and she was healed. Kate's not sure what to say, but it was a miracle. Abe agrees and he got his memory back at the same time. Abe asks Roman if he wants decaf coffee? They leave the room. Kate sits next to Paulina and says Roman is thrilled Abe's memory back. They wonder what they will talk about? Paulina says all the shenanigans only they know about. Kate laughs.

Johnny and Chanel are done dancing. They kiss. They still have one more thing to do since they got married. Chanel asks if they should head home? Johnny says too many DiMeras there. They look at the Salem Inn and enter. Later in their room, Johnny and Chanel start their honeymoon.

Xander has his shirt off and Sarah has her top off. They start making out on the couch. Sarah wakes up on the couch and Xander isn't near her. He had a nightmare. He saw Sarah and Victoria in a long tunnel and he couldn't get to them. When he got in the tunnel, they were gone. Sarah reassures him it was just a dream. He knows he had the dream since the charges weren't dropped. He can't handle it if he's away from them. They kiss. Sarah tells Xander they have to take one day at a time. Xander's afraid it's karma for what he did in the past. He thinks Sarah and Victoria are better off without him. Sarah wants him in her life. She says she loves him. They kiss.

Abe and Roman at the nurses' station. Roman is happy Abe is back. He missed him at the pub where they talked about the Bears and Cubs. Then Roman talks about how they sniffing out the clues. Abe says he cares about his family, but his blood will always be blue. They are sitting there, drinking coffee. Roman talks about how Abe just put his hand on Paulina and made her better. Abe admits he saw Lexie and not to tell anyone else. Both he and Paulina saw Lexie in the bright light. Lexie said they had to live and Paulina's heart started beating again. Roman says God bless Lexie for helping them out. Abe is happy to have his memories back with Lexie. He feels disloyal to Paulina now thinking about Lexie. Roman says memories are important, but don't have them overpower him in the present.

Meanwhile, Ava, Stefan and Harris are talking about what happened. Stefan said he didn't have choice because Clyde would have killed Gabi. Harris said they both had a choice. They could have talked to him. Ava said she did. Harris says, but not the whole truth. Ava should have trusted him. Stefan says Clyde is the bad guy. Stefan says Harris is fine now and Wendy & Tripp are safe. Ava gets upset. Harris was in coma and Tripp & Wendy nearly died. Stefan says no harm not foul.

Stefan talks to Harris about what Ava did when she was lonely. Ava tries to explain what happened since she was pretending to be with Stefan. They both got drunk. Harris doesn't care. Then Stefan says Harris went after him after he tried to kill him a second time. Harris tells Stefan their agreement stands. Stefan will take the fall and not tell them about Ava. Then Harris won't tell anyone Stefan tried to kill him. Stefan has to turn himself in and say Ava wasn't involved but had to help out. Harris promises no one will know who shot him.

Harris wants to know why Xander. Stefan says because Xander a believable suspect. Harris says he ruined Xander's life. Harris tells Stefan to take the deal before he changes his mind. Harris tells Stefan he has until 9AM to turn himself in or he won't like what happens. Stefan leaves and slaps the door.

Paulina and Kate talk about how they are opposite than their husbands since Paulina isn't Abe's type, she says she's a handful. Paulina says someone up there that cured her cancer and heart. They hold hands. Paulina thanks Kate for coming. She's happy Kate is there since her friends are in Miami. They agree men don't listen to them. They discuss how at a BBQ, the women talk to each other. The men discuss the BBQ. They laugh and say their husbands are exceptions.

Abe and Roman enter Paulina's room. Roman asks what they talked about? Paulina says girl talk. They won't say anything. They ask if the guys talked about BBQ? Roman promises he will make them BBQ when Paulina feels better. Roman and Kate leave. Paulina and Abe hold hands.

Johnny is holding Chanel in his arms. She says nothing can go wrong with him holding her. Johnny says they can stay there a few nights and nothing can go wrong. He knows Chanel has been though a lot lately. They kiss and say goodnight to each other.

Sarah and Xander are kissing. Sarah promises there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Xander says he loves her. She says it back. They go to the bedroom.

Ava and Harris look at each other. She tells him she's sorry and it meant nothing. He says don't apologize. Harris says he can't change the past, but move forward. She doesn't understand why he's doing this for her. He says he loves her and that she loves him. He heard her when he was in the hospital. She says she loves him. They hug.

Stefan is outside the Brady Pub. It's closed. He wants to get a drink. He talks to himself he's not taking the fall for everything while she gets off scot free. He'll see about that.
Stefan says he had no choice. Ava slaps him.
But sadly the mustache stays in place, no worse for wear. It was a tragic scene.

Thanks kat. The entire episode was pretty much worthless. Paulina and Abe wanting to go home and be together, Chanel and Johnny going to a hotel to be together, Xander and Sarah together, Ava and Harris interrupted by Stefan from being together.

Meanwhile we have the Horton house reconstruction, we have Everett's beard. What's going on with Alex, and that mystery box and the time capsule???

Has Salem had St. Patrick's Day already or did we skip by it? Chanel and Johnny were married on Valentine's Day, Paulina's heart attack and surgery occurred on Valentine's Day. Harris was shot and in a "long" coma on Valentine's Day. Those time warps in Salem can be brutal on a person.

When will we find out shortly that Maggie is precious Catharina? Not dead, just bleeding out but ultimately saved by the Pawn and brought to the US to be stashed someplace?
Well I guess Ava thought of boinking Stefan right after she boinked Harris because she was afraid he would tell and he did!!! Not a nice move dude!

I really like Sarah and Xander but he has not been cleared! He needs to be cleared!! Not sure what Stefan is going to do but he's not happy Ava is getting away scot free!
Ugly truths lurked underneath much of today’s tiresome feel-good blather. The magically recovered Paulina is an annoying motormouth who has appointed the worst D.A. in Salem history. Abe is thrilled to have his memory back, but how long will it be before he’s bored and wants his mayor’s job back? (Take a hike Paulina.) Chanel’s romantic true love is just another unemployed, no-skills Salem guy. As for Mr. Mustache, he should thank the Salem gods that he shot a cop, but still isn’t locked up. He ought to get his sorry act together and head for Alamania (lucky them).

Finally, things are going the X-Man’s way. The facts are slowly unfolding, EJ will as usual look like a fool, and Xander is back in his cozy family home to stay.
Has Salem had St. Patrick's Day already or did we skip by it?
Leo had celebrated before Monday, so in some Salem Time Zones, it's happened.

What a nothingburger of a show. I enjoy mixing up the pairings a bit, but I hope the apartment building housing Stefan/Ava/Harris at the moment explodes to end this nightmare.
Thanks for the write-up. I'll say that this show was marginally better than the previous few, if only because it wasn't a recap of the last few weeks, there were a few tender moments, and some storylines are wrapping up. I hope the rest of the week is as "good" if not better.