Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
39 minutes

It's the same night.

Ava walks over to Roman after serving customers. She tells him they're running out of bread. Roman is surprised since they got a delivery yesterday (did Johnny take some?) He tells her the bread company can't find good drivers, then says she's hired despite their history. Kate sees Ava shaking hands with Roman.

Exterior shot of the newspaper office. Everett is reading comments on his article about Paulina out loud. Leo is reading his notes to find something for Lady Whistleblower. Leo congrats Everett on his article, and says he could have used it for Lady W. Leo has nothing for his column, but says he did. He talks about a romantic movie, then Stephanie walks in. She has big news. EJ was fired as DA and his predecessor has the job. Leo says Melinda? Stephanie says yes. Leo says EJ's having a terrible week.

EJ's still talking to Sloan about taking Jude. He says he did agree to keep it secret until he saw Eric and Nicole kissing. Sloan doesn't believe him. He tells her he saw them tonight and the kiss changes everything.

Chad arrives at Black Patch and talks to Steve, handing him a folder. He tells Steve it's about Clyde Weston. The folder has articles about Clyde.

Kate comes to the bar and tells Roman she wants a nightcap and to spend time with her guy. Ava tells Roman thanks for job. They go sit down when Eric walks in. Eric is there to get a pumpkin pie since Buddy's forgot to it put in the bag. Roman's upset he went there, but Eric says they have a drive-thru. Roman says he has pumpkin pie and his payment is to see his grandson more. They go to the kitchen. Ava brings Kate a glass of wine. Kate says it's the wrong one, but it's ok. Ava walks away and Kate says she heard Ava was officially hired. Kate tells her congrats and not to get any ideas about taking over. If she does, Kate will make sure she loses job and a place to live.

Everett wants Leo to explain the bad week EJ is having. Leo stops himself, and says because Melinda was hired and she tried to put EJ in prison. Everett says he can look that up. He wants to get a drink and asks who will go with him? Leo keeps saying he's on the wagon, but he goes with Everett and Stephanie to Small Bar after Stephanie tells him she saw lonely men there the other night.

Chad tells Steve he can't sleep since Clyde escaped from prison. Steve says they will catch him again. Chad wants to talk to Steve about Abby's murder. He shows Steve found the notebook Abby had. Chad says Abby was looking into Clyde when he first came to town setting up his drug ring when she was a rookie reporter. Jack confirmed Abby was working on the story, but nothing came of it. Chad wonders if Abby was the target all along and not Belle?

Sloan talks to EJ about Nicole being drunk and Eric picked her up at Small Bar. She asks if they know he saw them kissing? He says it's a disaster waiting to happen with them working together. EJ knows when Nicole has Jude she will quit her job and focus on the baby. They will be family with their son and get rid of the lingering feelings of Eric. Sloan says if goes with plan, she will tell everyone who's the real father of Jude.

Ava sits down with Kate and tells her she doesn't like being threatened. Kate says it's a promise. Unlike Harris not keeping his promise with Lucas. She wants Harris to keep his promise or else. (go Kate, go) Kate says she married into a respectable Salem family, but you and Harris don't know what I can do or who she really is.

Steve tells Chad to talk to the police, Chad says the police are busy with other cases. He wants evidence to prove Abby was Clyde's intended victim all along and not Belle. Steve says he'll help.

EJ tells Sloan not to make this a trashy reality show. If she tells people about Eric, he will have her arrested for kidnapping and other things. She will spend the rest of her life in prison and lose everything, Eric and her law practice. EJ says he will help her flee the country, and he lists several places to move to. He'll give her a new identity and money. All she has to do is keep her mouth shut. She asks and if she doesn't? EJ says they will go down together and he won't go to prison.

At Small Bar, Everett and Stephanie are having conversation about what to do when first drinking tequila. Everett says this more fun than doing an article about the DA. Stephanie says she promised the mayor she would do it in the morning. Leo's upset there are no men in the bar. Stephanie points out a guy and Leo makes up a story about him. Leo has been learning Spanish since he and Dimitri were going to Puerto Vallarta for their honeymoon. Stephanie changes the subject to the menu. Then Leo asks about their relationship. Everett talks about they're just friends and talks about all their first dates (yawn). Leo gets confused and orders more tequila and a drink for himself.

Roman's talking to Kate at the table. He knows that her look is because Ava is working there (he should see the viewers looks). Kate says she'll have more time with him, but doesn't trust Ava. Steve walks in, he wants to see Ava. Roman lets Ava have a break. They go for a walk. Kate rolls her eyes.

EJ tells Sloan she needs to decide about being free or in prison. He asks if she's been to Milan, where there are lot of single billionaires? Sloan says she needs more time. EJ says he'll give her 24 hours, and whatever she says or does won't change things. Sloan says she'll do anything. EJ says she's already done so much. They keep hounding each other about Eric leaving her and Nicole find out EJ's not the father. EJ says she already lost Eric because of her lies, then leaves.

Eric arrives home with dessert. Sloan and Jude are not at home. He texts Sloan, then he gets a call from Roman. Jude is at the pub. Roman doesn't know where Sloan is, but Jude can stay as long he wants.

Sloan's drinking at the Small Bar when Leo walks by. He tries small talk, but Sloan won't have it.

Leo sits at the table with Everett and Stephanie. He says something must be going on with Sloan. Everett wonders if Leo knows something? Leo won't say anything.

Steve and Ava talking in Horton Town Square. Steve asks Ava is she meant it that she wanted a permanent solution for Clyde. She says yes, then warns Steve not to stand in her way whatever she does next.

EJ arrives at the DiMansion. Chad is there with Abby's notebook. He asks how EJ is? EJ says it's been a long day (the audience agrees). Chad wants some guidance. EJ says brotherly advice. Chad says yes and counsel from the acting DA. EJ doesn't tell him he's no longer DA. They sit on the couch. Chad talks to EJ about Abby's murder and shows him her notebook. Chad tells EJ that Abby knew years ago about Clyde and his drug ring. Chad he thinks Clyde was going after Abby the whole time and it's his fault.

EJ asks why it was Chad's fault? Chad says that Clyde hated Abby because she cheated on his son Ben with me. And he was upset Thomas was not his grandson. EJ says the only one to blame is Clyde. Chad's wound is open again if Clyde killed Abby on purpose. He's upset Clyde might be living free. EJ has had men on Clyde's trail since he escaped. Chad has another favor.

Sloan asks for another drink. Everett wants more too. Leo says Everett's more animated since he's had a few.

Eric finds Sloan and she talks about all the women he loves, and drowns their sorrows. Eric tries to make her leave. Sloan says no and to get off of her.

Everett's face and he hears it all. Then another female voice heard in his head (?)

Roman looks at Jude and says he reminds him of Eric. He wishes he was there when Eric grew up. Kate talks about Lucas and how he wants to capture Clyde. Kate tells Roman if Harris doesn't come through for Lucas, she will.

Steve says he won't stand in Ava's way. He says if Clyde is found in a body bag, so be it.

Ava's on the phone with Harris. His buddies are decoding the copies from the black book. When she hears from Clyde, she'll pass the email to him. Ava tells Harris she misses him too and can't wait until he's back in her bed.

Chad and EJ are outside Abby's bedroom door. Chad has to go into the room. He remembers finding Abby. Flashback with EJ telling him he's not alone. Chad says he can't do this without her. Present time. Chad can't believe she's gone and it doesn't get easier.

Leo's listening to Eric and Sloan. Eric doesn't want to cause a scene. Leo goes over to Eric. Stephanie asks Everett if he's ok? Leo tries to get Sloan to leave. Leo leaves. Eric wants to go home and talk about it. Sloan keeps saying no. Everett gets anxious and says out loud he's [Eric] going to hurt her [Sloan]. He then gets up and walks over. Eric grabs Sloan out of chair. Everett hits Eric. Stephanie can't believe it.
Thank you, Kat!

I was thinking the same thing, that Everett/Bobby had PTSD when Eric was lacing into Sloan, evoking a bad childhood memory. Will Eric file assault charges?

Sloan should take the money and run. Her life in Salem is over. But will she rat on Melinda and that doctor first? And will she have an encounter with Nicole before she leaves? Cat fight! What about implicating Leo in the cover-up?

EJ is despicable with his half-truth. What possible affection can he have for Jude, knowing he is Eric's?

I am beginning to think that Clyde was going after Abigail, too.

Funny scenes with Leo, Everett/Bobby and Stephanie. That Little Bar has seen some action lately. Nicole, Sloan, now them.

I'm glad Leo did not mention that the story he is pushing down is about Tate and Holly. For once, he demonstrated restraint.
I am thinking the same thing, wonder how long Everett/Bobby will be in lock up and who will bail him out

Surely everyone will finally get a clue and put him in Salem's mental hospital. That could have implications for his role and writing for the Spectator.

Next rabbit chase, I wish someone would record Ejerk's threats and bribery to get him totally kicked out of DiMera Enterprises. I want him so totally broken that the mental hospital very long term is the only option.

Ava needs to use her mobster family to get rid of Clyde once and for all. Dead men tell no tales, so John and Steve would be in the clear.

Kate is a jealous old hag. I have never liked that character. Rabbits caught.
Thanks kat.

Is it still Mother's Day? Some folks on Twitter are saying it's still Mother's Day. We've been to school right after brunch, it seemed and all over town, so it could be, but it could also be a different day and time.

Stories are moving. It makes more sense to have had Abigail researching Clyde, but it still doesn't make sense, the woman was crazy to get pregnant so why a deep dive into the sordid world of drug crimes???? But it makes more sense for Abigail to have been the target than for her to have been a warning to EJ to shut up about Clyde. Abigail's death was a poor poor idea and didn't do anything for the show but remove a character from the screen, one in the age group that should be leading the stories now and being very active. Oh well.
This new story does make more sense. Clyde couldn't admit to killing Abby because of the story because he would have to admit that he is involved in the drug trade. So he made up that stupid story.

Also, so the trauma of Everett's childhood, which seems to be linked to an abused mother, must bring on the alter ego, Bobby.
Looks like Everett has dual identity problem, unbeknownst to him. Doubt Stephanie realizes it, maybe just thinks his temper got the best of him..... But who knows?

Agree that this backtrack into Abby's death is intriguing....hope they do it justice.
EJ was at his worst with boozy shyster Sloan today — total nastiness and crude threats. There was nothing nuanced or sophisticated about him. Stefano would not have been impressed. In fact, he might utter his immortal line: “Elvis, you fool.” As for EJ haters out there, it was a good day. It’s looking more and more like the tale of Baby Jude won’t end well for the overbearing DiMera lout.

Over at the Pub, Roman was engaged in misplaced generosity — offering Ava a job at the Pub. Has he already forgotten how Dad Brady died? Caroline and Bo Brady would surely not be pleased.

Hopefully, no disgusted Spectator subscribers were watching Everett, Stephanie, and Leo today. They’d probably cancel their subscriptions and stick to the Chicago Tribune.

Why is Ava relying on Action Hero Harris to get rid of Clyde? One call to Cousin Angelo Vitali would quickly put an end to the Clyde problem once and for all. Why rely on Harris? He’s as likely to be shot by Clyde than the other way around.

Finally, if Everett knows his lookalike, Nick’s, story he’d be especially pleased about landing a punch on Eric. Years ago, Nick was on the receiving end of punches when Chad thrashed him after he returned to Salem from prison.
I figured we were going to find out Everett just had a split personality and it being because of abuse of or by his mother isn't surprising. Boring. The good thing is he can get away with murder now if he gets it done before anyone figures it out. If they let him be a serial killer and clean out a few of my least favorite people I'll support it.
Abigail researching Clyde, but it still doesn't make sense, the woman was crazy to get pregnant so why a deep dive into the sordid world of drug crimes?
Here are other things Abby knew preternaturally before the viewers (or writers):
  • That John was a Robicheaux, not a DiMera.
  • That Andrew was a Donovan and Bo was a Kiriakis.
  • That Stella Lombard was crazy.
  • That Marie's new beau was really her amnesiac brother, Tommy.
  • That Titus's wife slept with Victor.
There was nothing nuanced or sophisticated about him
I'm confused. Is EJ super hot or a dork who has to trick women into staying with him? The show doesn't seem to know.
I agree with Just Samantha that no Brady would let Ava work in the Brady Pub. She was responsible for Shawn Brady’s death and nearly killed the other Bradys that were on that plane when it crashed. Are we supposed to think Roman cannot find anyone else in Salem to hire to work at the Brady Pub?

Speaking of the Brady Pub. I cannot take the country twangy music every time they have a scene in the Pub now. They never used to do that. Why now? They live near Chicago, not Texas. And it’s an Irish pub. Play Irish music if anything. This isn’t Alice’s country restaurant from 20 years ago.

It’s been a while since we saw Kate’s claws come out. She thrived on interfering and meddling in her children’s lives and grandchildren’s lives. She was always ruthless and would do anything to protect her babies. (Think letting Sami go to death row to protect Lucas after he shot Franco).

Sloan has been cornered and, seemingly, defeated by EJ. I hope she has some fight and more creativity in getting her way. Otherwise her character is done/finished. Not that I want to see Nicole suffer any longer and be kept from her baby. But Sloan is known for being a woman with backbone, with gusto, with a strong fire inside of her.

She is a little like the Kristen DiMera of the late 90’s. Borderline nuts. Sloan can either figure a way to get out of this and shift culpability and not go to prison and continue to be a force on the show. Or her character will just leave Salem in defeat. I feel the actress has potential to go further, if, and only if, the writers know how to write her in a compelling way.