Days of our Lives - Tuesday, May 30, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Coffee with help with today's edition of sleeping through the 37 minutes.

Gwen working in her hotel room, in a crummy mood when Xander knocks and walks into the room. Some unknown, currently to us, has handed in his resignation and Gwen’s “Elon Musk” style of management has blown up in her face, making quite a mess. Gwen isn’t sure the mess is entirely of her making. Why isn’t she working in the Spectator offices?? Jack and Jennifer went to the office to work or check in on things. Gwen cursed him out in front of his own team. The fired guy thought Gwen’s father walked on water and Gwen as the b-word who pushed him off the cliff. Gwen is looking for a new ad man and Xander tells Gwen not to worry, he’s found one, Chloe Lane. Gwen is less than pleased.

Brady drops in on Chloe unannounced with a proposition for her.

Stephanie and Alex toast to being unemployed. Alex’s career with Titan is over.

Justin walks in on Maggie; Victor is upstairs, he didn’t sleep on the plane. Victor couldn’t do anything there (Greece) so they came home. Bo is still in a coma. Justin is somewhat understanding. Justin and Bonnie were going to Chicago to see Mimi and Emily. Justin stayed in Salem to ask Maggie why she fired his son from the family business. Ah, perhaps because he was a total jerk?


Rex is on the floor doing sit ups. Bonnie rings the doorbell and Rex opens the door. It’s Rex’s night with Emily and she’s already in bed. Bonnie is annoying so he allows her to see Emily. Sarah rings the doorbell to Rex’s too. Sarah stands there rubbing her very large baby belly. She didn’t call either, she had to share the exciting news with Rex. Something about one of their patients They talk over each other as Rex is trying to tell her that Bonnie is also in the apartment. Bonnie walks in, and Sarah turns away so Bonnie can’t see the baby belly.

Gwen and Xander argue over roommates and shag partners. Gwen and Xander argue and blah blah

Brady wants Chloe back at Basic Black.

Maggie tells Justin he has no right to use that tone with her. Maggie tells Justin to back off. Justin tells Maggie she’s been the CEO for what all of 5 minutes, who are you to say Alex isn’t qualified? Maggie takes that information well.

Stephanie and Alex blah blah while the glasses go on and off and he drinks all the beer. The doorbell rings, it’s Chad. Alex answers the door, Hi Honey, I’m home. Stephanie and Chad kiss. Chad wants to know why Alex is there. Ahh because it’s none of your business, it’s Steve and Kayla’s house, dumb-butt.

Back to pathetic Brady, begging Chloe to come work with him. Nicole is working with EJ at DiMera and Brady needs help. In more ways than one. Brady promises everything will be kept strictly professional. It’s not the same without you. Chloe tells Brady that she’s already got a job, at the Spectator.

Gwen and Xander angry banter, super hero references and all.

We are back at Rex’s place now, Bonnie comes out, Sarah has turned so her back is facing Bonnie, she grabs her over the shoulder bag and pulls in front of her and turns to greet Bonnie. Sarah asks why Bonnie is in Chicago (because apparently you need to notify all residents of the city before going to visit your daughter and granddaughter) Bonnie calls out Sarah, saying no number of bags will hide the fact you are knocked up.

Stephanie is explaining the entire thing to Chad. Chad says he understands getting kicked out of the family business but darn, to be fired by Maggie, that’s like being canned by Glinda the Good Witch. Nervous laughter abounds, Alex agrees Maggie is the nicest person around and he feels really bad about letting Maggie down. Alex leaves. Chad and Stephanie look at each other. Chad explains why he is cranky, long flight, Kate almost killed, Steve shot, Bo still in a coma, then comes home to find Stephanie with Alex. Stephanie explains to Chad that Alex, like Chad is now, was a guest in her home. Chad is lost how could Stephanie forgive him.

Maggie and Justin continue to argue over the firing of Alex. Justin blames Anjelica for her swooping in and swooping out of Alex's life. Justin begs for just one more chance for his baby boy to prove himself to the company business.

Bonnie can’t believe that Sarah hasn’t told Maggie about the baby. Sarah explains no one knows in Salem, Bonnie says because it’s Xander’s baby. Bonnie runs her hands all over the baby bump.

Gwen and Xander argue over Chloe. Gwen is certain that hiring Chloe will be an unmitigated disaster as she’s not qualified. And Gwen is qualified to run a paper.

Bonnie explains why this is Xander’s baby. Rex steps in and says he is the father. Bonnie doesn’t buy it. Mimi didn’t tell her that they were together. For some reason Sarah and Rex feel the need to explain their sexual history. Bonnie takes that all in and wonders well, if that’s the case why hide if from everyone in Salem, especially Maggie? Sarah didn’t want to be judged by her mother. Bonnie says yes, Maggie is forgiving and open-minded and sweet as the day is long. Rex says it sounds like you don’t believe us. Bonnie says because I don’t. Bonnie knows they are lying.

Stephanie explains to Chad that her mother is home, Marlena is back. Is this what you want to talk about? They discuss Megan and Dimitri briefly, then hit the couch.

Alex is wandering through the town square and finds Gwen wandering through the town square. Alex has heard Gwen is looking for someone for the ad job, he wants to apply. Glasses on and glasses off can’t believe they have hired someone. Gwen isn’t as thrilled with the new hire.

Brady and Chloe continue their insipid conversation about Chloe going to work for the Spectator. Xander walks in on this conversation.

Bonnie explains all the reasons this is Xander’s baby. Sarah caves on the stupid story telling and admits it’s Xander’s baby.

Brady leaves. Xander tells Chloe that she has the job.

Alex turns down Gwen for a random shag.

Alex now runs into Brady, who now offers Alex the job that Chloe turned down. Brady explains Victor and the CEO position.

Maggie explains she’s given Alex so many chances. Maggie caves and gives Alex his job back, at least to Justin.

The Johnson couch needs to be deep cleaned. Stephanie and Alex now talk Dimitri guy. They giggle over Stefano never using protection. Chad thinks that Dimitri is coming to town to destroy the family.

Justin tells Alex that Maggie has agreed to give his job back. Alex pours himself a drink and tells his Aunt Maggie that he is happy that she thinks he is trustworthy but he can’t take the job as he has a job.

Gwen has a coffee and is walking back to the hotel, guess her room doesn’t have a coffee pot. She runs into Brady who wants to talk to her, she says no, he calls her fragile, she calls him a wanker. Brady apologizes he wants to talk to her about their mutual problem, Xander offering Chloe the job. Gwen tells Brady that that ship has sailed.

Sarah tells Bonnie that she is correct, Sarah wanted a baby with Xander. But then she found out about Xander running around with Gwen, kidnapping people, etc. Sarah is adamant that no one in Salem know that Xander is the father of her baby. NO ONE.
Yep, that will be the only way they can have Vic pass away......tho Maggie could call everyone with the news Vic had a massive stroke or heart attack, and died before he could get to hospital. I prefer the died in his sleep, tho.
Thank you, Robin!

I think the writers took the sleeping pills that EJ did not. (I was relieved that he hadn't taken the pill yet, as he had to travel.)

Bonnie has a big mouth and will surely spill the beans about Xander being the baby daddy. I hate, hate, hate when paternity is not revealed, is switched, is not truthful, etc. For so many reasons, one which I think those dupers don't think about (shame on Sarah) are the medical reasons. A true blood line must be known in case the baby has issues at anytime in their life.

While I am glad Judi Evans (Bonnie) is in the show, I can't tolerate Bonnie. Why the heck couldn't they bring back Adrienne from the dead as they have done countless times before?

Justin was kinda hard on Maggie, but I do see both sides of the arguments.

I think Alex is better suited for Basic Black. He also should not work with Gwen.

Chloe should not work with Xander, either.

Does anyone in Salem ever apply for unemployment?

Hey, Johnny needs a paying job, what about HIM?
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Am I the only one that thought Bonnie putting her hands on Sarah's stomach was creepy? I've never been pregnant but I don't think I'd like that. I did like when Sarah told Bonnie that the baby news was NOT her story to tell. Not sure if I agree with Sarah not telling it, but it's definitely not something that Bonnie should tell.
Here are a few comments about today’s exercise in boredom.

Once again Sarah showed she’s not fit to survive in Salem — caving in to Bonnie’s nosy questions.

The diva was in high demand today. How long will it be before the city council asks her to fill in for the injured Abe.

Did Alex take the Basic Black job in the hope that he will soon be able to bed fashion models?

It took a while, but Justin finally coaxed Maggie into taking back his lover-boy son. If only he was this persuasive in the courtroom.

How long will Sarah be able to conceal her child’s paternity after she gives birth to a muscular baby who babbles with a Scottish accent?
Thanks, robin.

It's still the same night in Salem <yawn>.

It was Rex's day to be topless.

Why oh why did Stephanie and Chad have sex on Kayla and Steve's couch? Stephanie has a bedroom.

It was interesting to see Alex put glasses on. He usually takes them off.

So, Chloe works for the paper and Alex works for Basic Black. How long will they keep their jobs?

Nice to see Justin today.
I, of course, was fast forwarding but I thought it looked like Chad and Stephanie were on the couch. I can't even imagine being an adult living with my parents and having sex with someone in my room. Didn't we already have the weirdness of that and them going out to great Steve. Now on the couch where her parents can walk in? Why can't any of these adults pay rent? Maybe the mayor needs to address the housing crisis in this town.
That was so disrespectful of Stephanie to lay up with Chad in her parents living room. Take it in the bedroom. There is just nothing to like about this version of Steve and Kayla's daughter.
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Can anyone keep Alex's backstory straight?

Anjelica KIDNAPPED A WOMAN because she "stole" him from her - but waited 25 years to do it.

Then it was "my mom my mom my mom" about Anjie and to smeg with Adrienne when the dope came to town!

Now she was some sort of on-again, off-again helicopter parent?

I need something besides DUH PLOT to label this idiocy!