Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Oct 21st, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Episode #10937 Taped 9/25 Director – Phil Sogard

EJ & Nicole are at the hospital, impatiently waiting for a doctor to appear. Lexie comes by, learns that Nicole took a fall when she tripped over the mayor’s body in front of the DiMera mansion. Lexie gets a worried look, and takes off. Finally, Daniel comes by, checks Nicole out, and pronounces all is wonderful. Nicole is worried, considers this baby a miracle, has this chance to be a mom and does not want to jeopardize it. Daniel assures her that babies in utero are pretty resilient, all is fine, try to keep stress to a minimum, and she will be great. He leaves, EJ questions him, he tell EJ roughly the same thing, EJ goes back to get Nicole. Later, they arrive at home, he settles her on the sofa, takes off her boots, gives her extra pillows for her back, then tells her that all he cares about is her and the baby she is carrying. He wants all the same things she does, a house, kids, family life, and wants them with her. Nicole is ecstatic, so happy she could eat a whole gallon of rocky road ice cream. A smiling EJ offers to get it for her, she tells him to bring two spoons, as she is so happy she wants to share. He kisses her, and goes off for the ice cream. Two seconds later, Nicole grabs her stomach, as her face contorts with pain.

Chelsea is at Java Café, rummaging thru her purse for money to pay for her latte, but comes up empty. Daniel comes in, on a coffee run for the hospital, and offers to pay. She accepts, he is on his way out with a tray of coffee cups, offers to sit with her for a few minutes (while that expensive coffee gets cold, I guess), but Chelsea spots Nick coming in, says no, she is expecting someone. Daniels leaves, Chelsea asks Nick to do her a favor, have dinner with her just a friend, suggesting a new sushi place that just opened up. He agrees, spots Melanie taking off, seemingly upset.
Max & Melanie had arrived at the Java Café, taking up space, but not ordering a thing. They sure do have understanding restaurant owners/workers in Salem, don’t they. He lets her know he told Stephanie what Melanie had confided to him about the argument with her father at the cemetery. Melanie has a fit, talks of how Stephanie hates her, yada, yada, and that Max broke his promise. He assures her he had not told anyone, but Stephanie is different, they have no secrets, and trust each other implicitly. Melanie has a fit and leaves.

Over at the Pub, Stephanie is telling Bo & Hope all that Melanie told Max, and adds her negative opinion of Melanie herself. Stephanie leaves, Melanie comes in, Bo & Hope let her know they have learned the entire story, and want her to tell them every single detail of her encounter with her father in the cemetery. Melanie claims she never saw her father, that Stephanie is lying, that Max will back her up, and stalks off. Bo knows she is hiding something, but what?

Lexie comes storming into the mansion, accusing her father of killing the mayor, She is yelling at him, he is yelling right back that he only withdrew his financial support, nothing else. Lexie doesn’t believe him, they go back and forth, with him asking if she thinks he is so stupid he would have someone killed on his own doorstep. He gets her calmed down, and he calms down himself, and before you know it, he is holding her, telling her she is so full of passion like himself, that is why he loves her so much. He then gets a bit maudlin, talking of how being closer to the end than the beginning of life makes one appreciate the good things one has. They are all nice and sweet to each other, as Lexie leaves. (whatever happened to Lexie, EJ & Tony vowing to wrest control of DiMera empire away from Stefano? Lol) She leaves, Stefano makes a call, telling the person angrily that finally he is answering his phone, and then asking “what the hell have you done?”

Nick runs into Melanie outside the Pub, mentioning he saw her run off from Java Café, a bit upset. She is happy to see what amounts to her only friend in Salem, asks him if they can have a bite to eat together. She runs in to change clothes, Chelsea arrives, Nick breaks their dinner date, saying something came up. Chelsea seemingly leaves, he calls Chez Rouge to make a reservation for two, telling Maggie he will be with Max’s sister, Melanie. Cue Chelsea to come around the corner and hear this. Later, inside the Pub, Melanie comes down the stairs, spots Nick, and has a flashback to the cemetery that night. She is on the ground, coming to, and Trent is coming towards her, walking like a robot. He turns away, she sees the knife in his back, and the blood. She gets up, grabs her purse, as he lurches to a halt near some shrubs. She spots his wallet on the ground, grabs it, puts it in her purse, hurries away, then slows to a normal walk, as she makes her getaway. In the present, she comes in to tell Nick she is ready, and off they go.

Earlier, at Java Café, when Daniel left, Chelsea went to join Max. They have a tiny bit of conversation about Trent’s murder, he asks her if she has seen Stephanie. Nope, but cue the girl to walk in the door with a “here I am”. Max asks where she was, he called and her phone was off. She admits to being at the Pub with Bo & Hope. Chelsea leaves, and now Stephanie admits she told Bo & Hope everything that Melanie told Max. He blows up, tells her she broke a promise, betrayed him, did it behind his back, and he cannot trust her again. And without trust, they have nothing. She tries to tell him she loves him more than anything, did it for him, but Max will have none of it. He loves her, but they are over. He gets up and leaves.


Previews show John telling Stefano he knows about the hit on Anthony Morino, & that Stefano ordered it, Lexie telling Tony she is worried about her part in the mayor’s death, and the Killer on the phone saying he keeps his word, and by the end of the night, Samantha Brady will be dead.
Melanie is such a Brat!! I just cant stand her. And for Max to defend her so much is just plain silly to me. He barely knows her!! Lets get this story over with quick! PLEASE!

Still wondering how EJ will feel when he discovers Sami is pregnant to. Will he still only want to be with Nicole??

Thanks for the write up Barb!
I can't stand Mel and for Max to just cut Steph out like that! Both brother and sister could use a good smack IMO. Im soo done with this story line.
I hope they don't have Stephano alow someone to go after his granchilds mother and the woman he knows his son loves. I just can't see it happening-it would be more like him to put a hit on the "hitter".
Looks like a good show!

Thanks for the write up, I can't seem to start my day without it!
Thanks for the write up. It was a great show. I have to agree about Max protecting his sister that he hardly knows. I can understand it if he had known her all her life and they grew up together. I do agree that Max was right about Steph. She should have never gone to the police with the information without telling Max first. She had promised to not say anything and should have gone back to him to let him know that she could not keep the promise. At least give him a heads up about what she was going to do. As Franco said to Sami once Without trust their is nothing.
I have to disagree, Max already told her not to tell, I think she did the right thing by telling. If he is protecting is sister he barely knows rather than come forward to help himself and his family then there is something seriously wrong there. I think Max is the one that cannot be trusted.
@ Auburn. Max did tell her not to say anything then he asked her to promise. Once she gave her word I think she should have said nothing without going back to him and letting him know that she was about to go to Hope and Bo with the information. At least give him a chance to know that he has to tell or she will.
Max did the exact same thing though. He promised Melanie he wouldn't tell anyone, then goes and tells Stephanie, then gets mad at Stephanie when she does the same thing Max did. One could even say that Max didn't want to go directly to the police so he subconsciously set it up so Stephanie would. Max and Stephanie have run out of chemistry, in my opinion. I liked them in the beginning but do not have interest in them as a couple anymore.
You're welcome Charlie!

It does seem now that the show is building towards the November sweeps, which will begin with the show on Nov. 3rd. I know Stephanie did the right thing, and I sincerely hope that Max will come to realize how misplaced his faith in Melanie is, and how she has been using him.
Your right..Max did the same thing to Mel that Steph did to him. I can't believe he is standing up for her. Sister or not, look what she did to them when they first met her...she let them go to jail for something she did. That should have told Max what kind of person she is. Max knows Steph well enough to know she can't keep her mouth shut. I think she did the right thing, and just hope Max will realize it and forgive her.
I loved the part when EJ told Nicole that he knew she was playing up her fall to be worse then it was to pull his attention away from Sami. I was actually happy in the beginning that Nicole was preg., but now she is just getting annoying already. And the way she dresses in those tight cloths and then hold her tummy and acts like she has problems sitting and getting up, as if she were in her 7th or 8th month. Can't believe some of these scenes lately.
Nicole was holding her tummy and having problems getting up because she was having pains that could mean trouble for the pregnancy. Ari played the part well. John saw her and wanted to get her to the hospital. I just loved that scene. The pains stoped and Nicole was able to sit up fine.
We haven't seen the show yet where John finds her, I think that will be today. I was thinking more about the scene when EJ was moving Nicole into the manison and told Stefeno she was preg. She had the same dress on and was holding her tummy and acted like she couldn't get off the sofa and Stef. helped her get up.
Sorry I did not get to see that part. I get confused as to when I see things sometimes. I even read the summary to see if it was there and Nicole in pain was in the summary so thought it happened Monday. I did not really get time to watch the show yesterday.
Last I heard it was a maternity fashion statement to wear tight things over your baby bump... but what do I know. I don't keep up with it.

You are probably right, it seems to be the thing to do these days. I don't keep up either. I just know that when I was preg. I wanted the biggest clothes I could find. The bigger, the more comfortable!:clap:
I know that this may not be how everyone feels but, I really hate how Steph is acting so high & mighty. It was not that long ago that she made Max an accessory to murder herself (I know that there wern't charges but she did have him bury a body in her basement). Maybe it is because I have never liked this Steph but she needs a reality check.
i like Melanie, idk why but i do and i think what Stephanie did was wrong she shouldnt have ran to the police after she promised Max she wouldnt say anything i loved the Break-up though and in my opinion i hope they never get back together cause i didnt like them together at all! Thanks for posting this though! =)

and i agree with phoenixx, i dont like pregnant nicole she is getting annoying!