Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Oct 24, 2023


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
35 minutes long.

A new day in Salem.

Ava is on the phone. She tells a woman she can't take job as personal chef since she got another offer. Harris calls her. It's his first day on the job. She tells him "you be careful out there" (a saying from Hill Street Blues). There's a knock on the door. Ava opens it. It's a man. He tells her he's a friend of Clyde and wants to know how her son is doing?

Harris hangs up and nosy Kate says you got a job. Harris tells her Rafe hired him since he needs help. Kate looks at him and rolls her eyes.

Tripp wakes up in bed with Wendy. He's holding his arm. Wendy asks if his arm hurts? He says no. He has a stiff neck. She massages it. He tells her to move a little.

Fade in to Leo and Dimitri. Dimitri is rubbing Leo's back. They kiss and they agree no one will ever find them. Door slams open. Rafe and Jada walk in.

Rafe tells Leo and Dimitri to put hands in the air and get out of bed and get out of bed. They can't since both are naked. Dimitri throws a sheet over Leo. Leo finally gets the sheet off. It was only a dream (of course it's a dream. Would Rafe and Jada actually find them that fast?). Later, Leo and Dimitri are wearing big, comfy robes. They discuss that they need to get out of town because sooner or later someone will find them at the "no tell" motel.

They want to go somewhere where they won't get extradited. Dimitri says his mother will help. They talk about Kristen and Gwen and realize neither will help them. They count their money and they have less than $15. They start arguing about that since Leo buys expensive stuff. Leo remembers he has money stashed in his room at the Salem Inn. He mentions hunky Rafe and Dimitri gets upset. Dimitri says they can't hide under a sheet. Leo looks at the bed and says he has an idea.

Ava asks the man if he's the one who hurt Tripp? She's upset Tripp got hurt. He tells her he didn't do it. The man tells her he's middle management, but he can get his hands dirty. The man tells her to stay in line because Clyde has plenty of people to hurt Tripp. Ava gets mad. The man finds a knife when Tripp comes out. The man's name is Gil Carter. He tells Tripp he just bought The Bistro and wants to hire his mom as a manager. Tripp is excited for her. Ava says she'll take the job. Gil says he's been in the restaurant business a while and wants Ava to keep it humming along. Ava and Gil leave to work on their game plan.

Kayla is in Rafe's office signing a statement. She can't believe Dimitri handcuffed her and Leo helped him escape. Kayla wants to know if there are leads to catch the two bozos? Rafe says no. He's short staffed. Kayla is embarrassed that they got away since she's married to Steve. Rafe says they are slippery weasels. Before Kayla leaves, she asks about Tripp's attacker. Rafe says the person had no idea or they couldn't see his face on camera (that's the Salem cop everyday excuse). Kayla replies other hospital staff have been attacked.

Wendy comes out of the back and asks if someone was there? Tripp says his mom is the manager at the Bistro now. Wendy asks if he'll get a discount? She would eat there every night. Tripp's not happy because he makes their dinner. Wendy has a lead to get a job and she's going to apply.

Kate is surprised Harris got hired so fast because of his situation with Megan. Kate mentions Rafe might have a problem with Harris because of who he associates with. He wants to know who? Kate says Ava. Kate tells him that Ava tried to make Rafe a dirty cop after they broke up. Then Kate tried to talk to him about Ava and Steve. Harris says he's doesn't like gossip. Kate goes on and on about Ava and that he should be careful.

Harris says he and Ava are only friends. Kate mentions he broke her out of Bayview, but he did that since no one believed her. Before Harris can leave, Kate tells him Ava is a predator. She either is obsessed or uses a man. She mentions Philip laundering money for her. Harris says Ava told him everything about her past and would she keep doing that since her friend is a cop. He gets up and leaves.

Kate sees Kayla picking up her breakfast. Kate talks to her about what happened at the hospital. Kayla says she has a bruised ego. Kate wants to know if Megan's son actually handcuffed her to the bed? Kayla says yes for a few minutes and says you were held on a boat. Kayla says Rafe is on the case. They discuss Leo and nurse Leona. Kayla mentions Kate worked with Leo before. Kate admits she did to get Sonny for sexual harassment. Kayla asks Kate if she missed the intrigue? Kate says yes, but happy to be married to Roman.

Rafe comes into cop shop area and talks to Jada. She says no information where Leo and Dimitri are. Jada says needs help. Rafe says meet your new partner, Harris Michaels (nooo). Rafe gets off phone and Mayor Price signed off on the new hire. Rafe welcomes him to the force. He says he'll give Harris a badge and gun. Jada agrees and tells Harris she read his file and it's not all pretty. Jada is happy a Navy seal (not again) will have her back.

Harris says our first case is to see who took Susan to Edmund. Rafe says not now. Now you'll have to look for these two and hands them pictures of Leo and Dimitri. No calls on the tip line. Jada says maybe they already left town. Harris says maybe they're still in town and they have to look for them. Jada says go back to beginning. They leave to check Leo's room at the Salem Inn.

Ava and Gil stop in Horton Town Square to talk. She's not happy having to work for them. Gil says she's lucky she has a good job at a restaurant. She says it's a drug front. She says she has an alternative. She mentions her cousin Angelo can find someone to work there. She tells Gil they can work it out together and leave Clyde out of it.

Tripp and Kayla are at the hospital. Kayla tells him Rafe doesn't think they will catch person. She has security on alert. Tripp tells Kayla his mom got a job at The Bistro as a manager. Tripp says his mom his turning her life around. Kayla tells him to be cautious and let her or Steve know if there is something wrong.

Rafe is in his office typing on his laptop. He's upset the file won't open. Wendy walks in. She found out they need a IT person at the police dept. Rafe wonders if they were hacked? Wendy says it's spyware and fixed the problem. She tells him I bet your password is your birthday. He says maybe. She tells him they need protection on their computers. Rafe tells her she's hired. She's surprised since she didn't have interview or show him her resume. He says he saw her work and if she's working there she won't make phony passports and help fugitives escape.

Leo looks at Dimitri. Dimitri is under a sheet with the eyes cut out. Leo says today is the Horton Square Scare and there will be a lot of people dressed up. He figures no one will see two men dressed as ghosts. Leo calls Dimitri Casper and puts a sheet with holes over his head (how stupid is that?)

Kayla asks Tripp how is arm is? He says it's fine. She tells him she's behind on her work and hasn't filled out the paperwork when he got injured (maybe she should work and stop talking) Tripp wonders what he did to make the man attack him? Kayla tells Tripp when people are on drugs people aren't thinking clearly and maybe the person was hallucinating. Kayla says sometimes we never know the motive why patients do things.

Gil tells Ava to stop talking about trying to get out of it. He'll keep this between her and him and not tell Clyde. Gil tells her to keep her son breathing, there's no option. Harris says Ava and she turns around. He's there with Jada. Harris says you seem upset. He wonders what's wrong? Ava stares at him. (good time to mouth words since Gil behind her).
Thanks kat. Today was a super exciting, amazing, well-written, Emmy-worthy show. I felt very privileged to have been allowed to pay Peacock to watch this masterpiece. That's it this should be on Masterpiece Theatre. After today's show, this would easily replace Downton Abbey as Masterpiece's favorite show. Leo and Dimitri in ghost sheets made the show all that more special.

Wow, words seem to fail.
Thanks kat. Today was a super exciting, amazing, well-written, Emmy-worthy show. I felt very privileged to have been allowed to pay Peacock to watch this masterpiece. That's it this should be on Masterpiece Theatre. After today's show, this would easily replace Downton Abbey as Masterpiece's favorite show. Leo and Dimitri in ghost sheets made the show all that more special.

Wow, words seem to fail.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Leo and Dimitri in ghost sheets made the show all that more special.
For those who didn't get to see the show, here's a picture of Leo and Dimitri in their sheets:

Robinsnest loved the sarcasm. Your post absolutely dripped with it.

Just Samantha, that's insulting to Peanuts, to compare those lovable "It's the Great Pumpkin" characters to low-life pond scum weasels like Loony Leo and Devil Incarnate Dimitri.
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I still don't like Wendy & Tripp as a couple. And dang, she is good with the computer.

Kayla, totally have to agree with you. I can't believe you got handcuffed to a bed either.

I knew Leo was going to suggest ghost costumes. Hey, I'm sure the Salem PD won't suspect.
Martino Vitali must be spinning in his grave. No seedy loser who works for a cheap crook like Clyde should be able to threaten his beloved daughter.

Somebody should tell the Leo-Dimitri team that they don’t have to dress up as ghosts. All they need is black baseball caps. This disguise has never failed John Black.

Finally, if Rafe is in a hiring mood, why not hire Rory for the narcotics squad? Salem’s war on drugs needs someone who’s familiar with the product. He could also hire the semi-employed Eric as department chaplain. Maybe the power of prayer could help Salem’s hapless cops catch a few crooks,
Thanks for the summary. Is this really the best that Re-Ron and his team of sycophants can come up with? Clyde running drugs again, and roping in Ava to come between her and boring new cop Harris? Wendy the criminal being hired by cops? Rafe suggesting hunting down Dimitri & Leo over solving the Susan Banks case? Leo and Dimitri dressing like ghosts to escape town? :rolleyes::rolleyes: