Days of Our Lives - Tuesday Oct. 5, 2021


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Possession free day

Lani comes home with her packages. She yells for Eli. He comes down and tells her be quiet. He just got the twins asleep.

Abe is telling Paulina he made her favorite kind of pie. Key lime pie. Paulina says no. Chanel doesn't understand she always ate it.

Johnny comes into the DiMera living room. Chad asks if he's earning pocket change for the movie since he's has his guitar. Johnny says he was wooing someone. Johnny wants to know why he and Abby are home. Chad points to Abby on the couch. He can't get her to stop reading the script. Johnny asks if she's going to play her grandma.

EJ and Nicole are sitting at their table. Ava and Rafe standing by them. Rafe asks they were out celebrating for business. EJ said for pleasure. Rafe says a date.

Paulina says she wants a Florida key lime pie because she doesn't like graham cracker crusts. Abe says there is a pecan pie. Paulina says she doesn't like that either. That's Tamara's favorite pie. Paulina leaves to take off her shoes. Chanel didn't realize it was Florida key lime pie. Chanel leaves to get one.

Abby is still on the fence to do the part since she hasn't done anything professional acting. Johnny says that's OK. He doesn't want real actors. Abby says she understands about mental illness. Chad says he'll back her whatever she decides. Abby says she will. Johnny is so happy. All he needs now is another investor. Chad says EJ will be mad if he invests in the movie. Johnny says your big brother will be upset. (Johnny gets so excited at times). Johnny brings up when they met Abby. Abby says she remembers. They met at the Java Café and she thought Johnny was Chad's son (I guess they can't have a flashback of that can they). Johnny says he doesn't get the money than Abby won't get the part.

Rafe can't believe Nicole is on a date with EJ. Rafe tells her you married him twice. EJ says third time is a charm. Nicole says it's just a date. To catch up with each other. Rafe says he doesn't want to sit with them and they go to another table. Nicole tells EJ he has to stop pushing Rafe's buttons. EJ looks at his menu. Nicole looks at Rafe across room (they are facing each other).

Rafe tells Ava he's upset Nicole is with EJ because he treated her like trash. Ava looks at her menu. Rafe looks across room to Nicole.

Lani can't believe her dad cooked dinner for Aunt Paulina to propose to her. Eli is sad because of his grandma. He's upset because Doug hit her with something and knocked her out cold. Julie can't be alone with him anymore. Marlena admitted him to Bayview (Oh no). Lani is sorry she wasn't home when he found out. Lani told Eli why she never got to Paris. It was her mother. She didn't want Aunt Paulina spoiling her. Eli thinks there's more to the story (yep there is). Eli says our little devils are in bed sleeping like angels. What should we do. Lani suggests looking at what she bought. Lani shows Eli a black negligee. Eli doesn't want to wait. They get frisky on the couch. There's a knock on the door. (Guess who). Eli opens the door and Chanel is there. She brought them the pecan pie. She wants to stay and make the key lime pie.

Paulina and Abe are eating dinner. She tells him it was sweet he made dinner. He said her mom helped telling him her favorites. She surprised Chanel isn't there for dinner. She wonders if she's with Giovanni. Then she says his real name Johnny. Abe says he knows him. He's his wife's nephew. He mentions if he takes after either parent he would be hand full. Paulina has a concerned face.

Nicole is still looking at Rafe. EJ finally notices and tells her to stop it. She says she's looking at her menu, but it's upside down. EJ tells Nicole he's taking her home and have Cook make them dinner. Nicole is concerned about the $300 bottle of wine. EJ picks it up and gives it Rafe. (why couldn't they taken it with them?) EJ and Nicole leave.

Rafe doesn't want to drink the wine. He thinks EJ poisoned it (nah, that's what Kate does) Rafe says EJ is a phony. Ava asks if he's jealous. He's not jealous, but worried about Nicole. EJ made her life miserable. Rafe had to pretend to be her baby's father. Rafe wants to get rid of the wine. Ave takes it and pours in into her glass.

Paulina and Abe on the couch. She enjoyed the dinner. She mentions Lani and Eli taking a trip. Abe said Lani was stalling. He's thankful they have had this time together since he wasn't with her when she was growing up. Being her dad has been a precious gift to him from God (where's my tissue?)

Chanel is glad Lani and Eli are helping with the pie. Chanel wants Abe put the ring in the middle of it. Lani and Chanel talk about how they will be sisters. Chanel always told her mom she wanted a sister. (Surprise). She tells them the bakery is doing well and they are making money. Lani was afraid it would be hard to work with Allie. Chanel says she's into men now. She's seeing Allie's twin brother (the look on Eli and Lani faces) Allie wasn't happy at first. Oven buzzer goes off.

Abby tells Johnny it won't break her heart if he can't make the movie. Chad thinks she needs a challenge. Chad decides to give rest of the funding for the movie. Johnny is so happy. Nicole and EJ come in. EJ wants to know what's going on. Johnny says Chad is going to fund the movie. EJ looks like his head is going to
explode. Then EJ starts yelling. He wants to know why Abby is involved. Johnny says Abby is playing Marlena. EJ gets upset again. Chad talks to EJ how he didn't want Chad for CEO. EJ says he can stop the funding. Chad says he can't. EJ says he can (I wonder how). EJ asks Chad if he wants to take it outside. Abby gets between them and says back off. Nicole takes EJ outside.

Johnny hopes Chad won't change his mind about funding. Chad says no. Johnny says he has to work on the final draft and leaves. Chad couldn't believe what Abby did by telling EJ to back off. He wanted to kiss her. Chad wants them to go upstairs.

Abe comes back in after washing the dishes. Paulina wants to go to bed early. Abe asks about dessert. Then he says skip it. He gets on his knee. He asks her to marry him. Paulina is surprised. She didn't expect it so soon. He wants her to hurry give an answer to get off his knee. She says yes. They kiss.

EJ and Nicole are outside. EJ says it was suppose to be a date. He doesn't understand why everyone is against him (Think about EJ you'll figure it out) Nicole says you need to be a father. Johnny wants to do things his way. Like Sami. EJ groans.

Paulina and Abe toast about finding love again and having fun together. Chanel comes in with the pie. She wants Abe to go in the kitchen with her. Paulina stands up and shows Chanel her ring. Abe says he had to do something since Paulina wanted to go to bed. Paulina says she's not tired now.

Lani and Eli talk about helping Chanel. Eli wants to start where they left off. They kiss.

Ava tells Rafe how the night didn't start well, but it could end nice. Rafe says you're right. They leave.

EJ says he's not thinking about Samantha. Nicole says Sami had affair with Lucas and now he wants regain control over things. Nicole says he can't control people. He'll just push them away and be alone. EJ says he'll take her advice. He says he wants to make her dinner. He wants to make her an omelet like he did before. He takes her hand and they walk off.

Abby tells Chad the offer is temping, but she's not there yet. Chad says that's fine we won't rush it. Abby kisses him on the cheek and leaves the room. Chad touches his cheek and smiles.
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I guess the pie mixup was just a red herring, which is annoying. Other than that, I actually enjoyed most of the scenes today. Shocking!

I enjoyed seeing Lani and Eli be happy. I will hate it when she hears that Abe isn't her dad. I liked the scenes with Chanel and Abe. She wants a dad, and Abe is a good man. They were sweet together. This actress playing Chanel is a much better actress than the last one, even though she was growing into the part when she left. I'm still crossing my fingers there's another twist to this story. Seeing them all happy and knowing Paulina is lying is hard to watch.

I enjoyed Abby and Chad together today, which I haven't in a looooooooooong time. Chad is a much better character when he has some humor and lightness to him. He's been sullen for too long. I liked seeing him push back on EJ but not have his entire day be full of sourpuss energy.

The only downside was EJ. I still find him unbelievably annoying. I give them credit for attempting to soften him with some human emotion today (although it was mostly provided via Nicole's analysis and not his behavior). He's been robotically terrible—not the actor, but the character. Hopefully, he'll come to his senses and just let Johnny make his dumb, destined to fail, destined to tempt the devil movie.

I even enjoyed seeing Rafe and Nicole pretend they had no interest in each other at the restaurant. They are so transparent. I smell an Ava-EJ team up in the near future to keep Rafe and Nicole apart or to break them up if they get together.
Only saw about 3/4 of the 2nd half, so do appreciate the write up. Thank you. All that wine Ava was drinking should have made her pretty tipsy. LOL
Let's see.........Abby had a fling with EJ in the shower, and Chad has put that behind them, but Abby still holds Chad at arm's length over his drunken (Abby was NOT drunk with EJ) roll in the hay with Gwen. O.K. What o.k. for the goose isn't for the gander, I guess.
Agree, I cannot stand these Paulina scenes.....whether with Abe, Lani, Chanel.......the elephant in the room just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
They really spent so much time on what Paulina's favorite pie is???? They certainly are liking her character and are forcing her or info about her down our throats, I think. Every time I see a photo of her in the previews, she has that same cartoon-smirky face. Plus, the fact that she is lying makes her someone I do not care for. Yes, I realize that I am referring to both the actress and the character. Guess I am not a fan of either of them.
What an annoying show.....
I will admit to complete and total ignorance to the various kids of limes required to make lime pie...... and ya know... I DON'T care...... It's like oh I can't eat your Lemon Meringue pie it's not made with Mayer lemons...stupid..... as is the terrible decision to change Lani's paternity......
I thought Johnny would be a great addition to the show.... but this spoiled rich boy is really annoying.....
Poirot I agree the whole you cheated I can't get over it.... Ya, true, I cheated too, but you must forgive me because it hurts me that you didn't love me enough causing me to cheat on you..... convoluted thinking....... bizzaro.....
Yes, I know that, which is why I said Chad put it behind them........but Abby can't, and is taking quite some time.....separate rooms, no lip See, I keep thinking, that there is gonna be something else, one of them will cheat again, or get tempted, or be caught in compromising situation or something. It is what Re-Ron thinks is "fun".
a red herring, which is annoying
Counterpoint: I enjoyed learning about the different types of key lime pie, and that there was no deception involved.

I'm really hoping against hope that they drop the paternity story. It never needs to come out. Everyone's happy, Tamara raised Lani, and Paulina is her aunt. Why change the status quo? Unless the Devil and Ray are related, there’s no point but cheap 1960s-style drama.

I'm also hoping that they are leading up to Ava going batty again. You don't hire John Wayne and not have him play cowboy - so why hire Tamara Braun unless the character's crazy? This could be compelling since she's been behaving but ends up losing anyway. That kind of fall she could play well.