Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
38 minutes long.

The same night

Johnny arrives at Paulina's apartment. He and Chanel have a date. He wasn't sure if he was late. Chanel said they didn't set time. They both think the other was going to pick the place for the date. Paulina isn't at home. Johnny says this might fix their dilemma.

Tate on phone in park. He's telling friend he got kicked out of school and now he's in Salem. A girl walks by. His eyes follow her. She dropped something. (I think a plastic bag) He yells at her and hands her the item. She calls him a lifesaver.

Stephanie and Chad continue their talk about marriage. Stephanie says it was her mother's idea. Stephanie said she hopes one day they will marry. Chad says they don't have to rush into anything. Stephanie hesitates and agrees. Chad has to leave to get the kids at Doug and Julie's. He kisses her on the cheek then leaves.

Theresa can't believe Alex is turning her down for dinner. He says he has to keep working. She tells him maybe he gave her pity sex in Greece.

Paulina is talking to Kate in the pub. Paulina can't believe she's dating her husband. Abe is coming to the apartment for dinner. Paulina leaves since she has to cook dinner (sorry Johnny and Chanel).

Abe is sitting at a table at Horton Town Square. He's looking at an article about Body and Soul on his tablet. Nicole comes up. Abe says her name and knows she's the mother of Holly. Nicole is amazed he got his memory back.

Alex and Theresa have a lot of blah, blah, blah about him working and she wants to go out to dinner. He tells her they will make plans to have their first date later. She wants him to write it down. She's wondering if he's saying no because she's after his money? Alex wonders why she would say that? She tells him because of her reputation. She reminds she didn't know he was Victor's son when they were in Greece. Flashback of Theresa reading the letters in briefcase.

Alex says he never thought of that because of who he is. He doesn't think she's a gold digger. She keeps nagging him about going to dinner. Later, Alex is on the phone making reservations at the Bistro. Alex asks her if she's using him to make Brady jealous? Theresa tells him she and Brady came to Salem since their son was kicked out of school. Brady blames her and if you were on the plane you wouldn't ask about that. (is there video of their fight?) She says they fought about everything. She hopes having Tate in Salem will be good for him and the drama in the past.

Stephanie is talking to Kayla on the phone. She tells her mom that she and Chad talked about the marriage conversation after she and Steve left. Chad says he's not interested in marriage now. Stephanie said she was on the same page. Stephanie tells Kayla she was lying, but didn't want to sound desperate. She has to hang up since Chad is back. Chad left the kids at Doug and Julie's to spend the night. They're going to the Bistro for dinner. Chad asks Stephanie if they're good? She says they are. (men)

Abe tells Nicole he doesn't have his memory back. He's just had an education. He's been looking at photos and learning who everyone is. Abe says he knows they were friends. Nicole says you were like a father to me. She tells him the history of her mother and Brandon. Abe says she's a special person. Nicole wants Abe to be a part of he baby's life. She talks about Holly being a teenager. Abe talks about Paulina. He's nervous going to the apartment. He knows Paulina has expectations. He's not sure what to do. Nicole tells him to go with the flow. Nicole reminds Abe that Paulina loves him. Nicole says I'm glad we had this time together. They hug when he leaves.

Johnny and Chanel are kissing when Paulina comes home. She tells them Abe is coming for dinner and she going to make it. Chanel doesn't know why Paulina is having carrots with lamb instead of asparagus. Johnny and Chanel start to leave. Chanel reminds Paulina that Abe's memory is spotty, but his love for her is there, just waiting to resurface. Paulina tells her she knows the right thing to say. Johnny says he knows it will work out since he and Chanel are back together. They all hug before Johnny and Chanel leave.

Tate and Holly introduce themselves. Tate tells her he got in trouble at school when he pulled the fire alarm. He didn't know the sprinklers would come on all over. He just wanted to stop the psychics test since no one studied for it. Tate says he has to get a job as a dishwasher. Holly pulls out something from her purse. It's a joint. She says he needs this since he's had a bad day. Tate tells her it's legal, but not for teenagers.0

There's a noise in the leaves. Tate goes to the bushes and sees a cop. Holly puts the joint away. Tate says they can do it another time. He says you want to hang out sometime? He has Holly put her phone number in his phone. He tries to kiss her, but she backs away. Holly says she's in love with someone else. Tate says you're dating someone? She says no, but she knows he likes her. They shake hands as friends. Holly says she's known the guy is forever.

Marlena is with Kate at the pub. They discuss Paulina making dinner and Abe falling in love again. They talk about Stephanie and Chad.

Paulina is setting the table for dinner when the doorbell rings. Abe is at the door. He brought wine. He said the man at the store recommended it. Paulina tells him she made lamb chops. Paulina asks Abe to decant the wine. He walks toward a cabinet and takes out the decanter. Paulina asks how did he know where it was.

Johnny and Chanel enter the DiMera living room. Johnny says they're going to watch Clueless. Chanel is surprised since it's not a movie for snobs. Chanel leaves to make popcorn.

At the Bistro, Stephanie and Chad walk to table where Theresa is sitting. Stephanie is surprised to see her since Theresa said she was leaving town. Theresa said things have changed a little (actually a lot has change, look at her face). They ask her to join them. Theresa says she's waiting for someone. Alex walks in. The women go to the ladies room.

Chad and Alex talk about Alex's life. Chad said it happened to him with him finding out Stefano was his father. He continues and says he's probably the only one who knows what he's going through. Chad says if Alex needs to talk he can contact him. They shake hands. Chad talks about Theresa. Alex says she had to bring her son to Salem. Alex says everyone is dealing with the facts their lives are upside down.

Abe puts decanter on the table. Paulina tells him he bought it after they were married and he decided to keep it in that cabinet. Paulina takes it as a sign. Abe opens wine bottle.

Nicole is still in the square talking to Brandon. She tells him it seemed like old times talking to Abe. She tells him she loves him. Tate walks by. She says his name. She knows who is is since she's seen pictures of him. Tate says he's not happy since he was forced to come back. He says my dad will tell you. He met a nice girl, but now he feels stupid since she's into someone else. (no worries, it's Salem. Things change fast)

Johnny is flipping through the channels. Holly comes in. She asks what he's doing? He tells her he's getting ready to watch a movie. She tells him she wants to know more about movies. Johnny says she can borrow a book. Holly sits on the couch. Johnny is telling her the title of movie when Chanel walks in with popcorn. Holly is surprised. She asks if they're together now? Chanel says yes. Holly says I'm so happy for you. (Who's more clueless? Johnny or Holly?)

At the Bistro, Stephanie and Chad talk about Alex and Theresa. Stephanie says he was her type before getting Kiriakis fortune. Chad hopes it works out. Stephanie says Theresa is motivated. You don't want to get in her way.

Alex tells Theresa thank you for getting him to come out. He's glad she kept after him to come out. He's keeping busy because his feet can't stop moving. She tells him you need to get away from work and have fun. He thanks her again. They clink glasses. He says thanks to her for working so hard for this. They stare at each other.
Abe & Nicole were really good but she sure did jump the gun with getting his memory back. I still don't like Abe & Paulina but they seem to be inching back.

Wow, Holly has certainly grown up and is going to be trouble! So she has the hots for Johnny. Is she going to do a Sami/Austin thing? And wouldn't Holly and Tate have heard of each other? I would think.
I had the same question, had Tate already gone to California to live with his mom when Brady and Nicole bought a hardware store in Canada? Oh well, who cares they now no longer remember each other so all's cool.

Is Rex okay or is he still on the ground at Xander's apartment? Given it took almost 2 months to see Abe and Paulina I'm wonder how long it will be before we find out? Not that I actually care, but still it would be nice to know, sort of.

Re-Ron the master of retelling stories and dropping stories.
Johnny and Chanel, Tater Tot and Holly, Chad and Stephanie, Alex and Gwennie T. (The new, trampier version of Jeannie T.), and Paulina. What excitement :sarcasm: It’s almost enough to create nostalgia for plots involving Orpheus and Clyde.

Among today’s featured cast members, Tater Tot proved less than exciting. Brady should hire Sloan to see if there’s some way to force the boarding school to take him back. As fo SORASed Holly, she’s getting chummy with the wrong Salemite. She ought to be making friends with Rory who’d introduce her to the local stoners and keep her supplied with quality weed.
Liz, as per, is hoping for some clout. Meanwhile back in Salem...

Jeannie T is not a gold digger. This is just awful writing.

Holly is into Johnny? Puh-leese. We didn't like it when it was Ciara and Chad, and this is worse. Also Stephanie's urge to marry Chad is sudden, and brings back vibes of the horror that was Nathan Horton. Make. It. Stop.
had Tate already gone to California to live with his mom when Brady and Nicole bought a hardware store in Canada?
No, Nicole and Brady actually had Holly and Tate together in Canada for a hot minute. But they were babies, so I give them a pass on not remembering each other (or not knowing each other in person since they hadn't really spent much time together as babies/little kids).

Now that Holly's been SORAS'ed, guess we're never going to find out how she arranged the furniture in her dollhouse.

Holly being into Johnny is sort of gross under the circumstances of her being a little kid a few minutes ago. And still gross if we're supposed to think of her as a teenager during this time that she's been living with him. It's just an out there set up. And we already did the kid back in town who's into drugs with JJ. Boring.
That's the problem with SORAS'ing a kid who was recently a young child onscreen. Like how Ciara and Chase were SORAS'ed overnight. Or Brady and Belle. They were little kids at John and Marlena's wedding, then when they returned from their honeymoon, the kids were teens. At least we hadn't seen Tate in a few years, so he was kind of "out of sight, out of mind."
Jeannie T is not a gold digger.
Yeah, they seem to have forgotten that Shane could buy and sell Victor Kiriakis ten times over. But maybe it's like on the Cosby Show what Cliff and Clair Huxtable said to their daughter Vanessa when she complained about kids calling her rich. THEY are rich, she isn't.

Remember when Jeannie T first came to Salem and was all googly-moogly because Brady bought her an expensive designer purse? (that little Ciara made a comment about wanting one just like it) :rolleyes: Meanwhile, I'm sure as Shane's daughter, Jeannie T grew up with the best of everything, so I don't get why she was so impressed with a designer purse.
Boring episode. I don’t understand why Tate was wearing a suit.
Why SouthernChick, doesn't every teenage boy (man) want to wear a suit all day and night to look cool?! NOT.

Wait, I just thought about it. Maybe he is getting a corporate job at Titan. After all, he is entitled to a big position, seeing he is family! Start them out young and no education needed to make it to the top in Salem. All in who you know or are related to.