Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Sept 27 2022


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Dec 29, 2012
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Jennifer is in Horton living room. She takes a pill. Jack walks in. He saw Leo in jail and believes what he said about not killing Abigail. Jen says "how many times the police have said they had the right man and were wrong?" (that's a fact). Jack said Leo used steak knife to open the jewelry box and heard a noise and left it when he went into the closet. Jack's phone rings. It's Shawn. He tells Jack it was Clyde Weston that killed Abigail and they have an APB out for him. Shawn said Clyde faked the video. Shawn wanted Jack and Jennifer be the first to know. (not true the gang at city hall knew first). Jack hangs up and tells Jenn. Jenn says "are they certain? They cleared Clyde months ago. No one is safe with the killer still out there". Jack wants to go to the police station and wait. Jen wants to stay home. He doesn't want her alone. Doug and Julie are there. Jack leaves.

Leo is trying to sing in his cell. Gwen comes to visit. Gwen tells him it was Clyde not Craig that stabbed Sonny. Gwen tells him he killed Abigail too. Leo says Clyde had alibi (I want to see how that was fixed) and calls him a monster. They discuss the police finally got the right person and wondered what he had against Abigail. Leo wondered why Gwen came to tell him. He thinks Gwen is lying. He says Clyde got away and now with Nancy doing crimes as Bonnie and Clyde, but she has to change her name. She says Clyde's on the run. Gwen tries to leave. They talk awhile and make up. They are sorry what they did to each other. She asks him what she can do about a pill popping stepmom. She wants to tell Jack, but Jen threatened her she would destroy her relationship and she doesn't want to ruin that. Leo says she's forgotten how to be a grifter and only look out for yourself.

Replay of Bonnie and Nancy talking about Clyde being the one who stabbed Sonny and killed Abby. Nancy tells Bonnie the police came. Her phone rings. She's afraid it's Clyde. Bonnie answers. It's Chloe. Bonnie tells Chloe that her mom is with her and she's with a friend. Nancy says she's either desperate or stupid or maybe both. Bonnie gives her a drink. Bonnie tells Nancy that Clyde fooled the police too (doesn't take much to fool them). Bonnie says the police will catch Clyde and things will get better. Bonnie tries to get Nancy feel better about herself. Nancy is afraid people will start pointing at her once others know what Clyde did. Bonnie tells her that most people at the mansion say things about her, but she's loved by Justin and doesn't care.

Meanwhile at city hall, Shawn, Belle and EJ enter the room. They find Nancy's flowers and wonder where everyone else is. (didn't Rafe tell Shawn that he went there already). Shawn called Ben, but he hadn't heard from Clyde. Belle wants EJ to tell Shawn the whole story. They tell Shawn that Chad might have a gun. Shawn plans to put out an APB on Chad, but Shawn needs to know for sure. Shawn leaves and returns when he gets security coverage from city hall. (Wow). Shawn has to look at several cameras to finally see Chad take Clyde away. Shawn asks EJ where Chad would go. Belle and Shawn turn around. Elvis has left the building (I just had to). Shawn leaves to look for EJ.

Gwen meets Jack in the office area of the cop shop. They talk about Clyde being the one who killed Abigail. Jack mentions he left Jennifer alone. Gwen panics. She has to tell Jack something. Jack mentions Doug and Julie there.

Jennifer is looking at the pill bottle. She talks out loud how she remembers talking to Abby at Laura's house. She doesn't know who she's going to talk to now. Abby appears behind her in a white dress. Jen says you look like an angel or maybe you're a ghost. Then Jen says you're the answer to my prayers. You're here so I can talk to you. I miss you everyday. Jen talks about taking pills. I promised I wouldn't do it again, but I can't go on without you. Jen wants to know the truth why she died. Jen looks at dress and it now has a red stain. Jen tries to touch her and Abby disappears. (Abby never talked).

Jack tells Gwen she's wrong that Jen is taking pills again. Jack wants to know how she knows. Gwen tells him she saw Jen hide the pill bottle. Jack says Jen is stronger now. Gwen tells Jack that Jenn threatened to destroy their relationship. Gwen tells him to help her. Jack leaves.

Meanwhile at the cemetery, Chad is still pointing the gun at Clyde. He wants to know what happened to Abby. Clyde said he was wearing gloves at the mansion because he wanted to strangle Belle. Clyde couldn't find anyone in the mansion. He went upstairs and Abby opened the door. Clyde said he told her he was looking for Chad because he had a proposition for him. Abby asks why he was wearing gloves in June. Clyde tells Chad that Abby was asking too many questions. Clyde continues. He tells Abby that he burned his hands on a hot pot at the pub. He was wearing gloves since he put lotion on his hands. Abby says the burns might be worse and wants to look at his hands. Clyde says no. Abby says it was the worst night with so many criminals coming by (Gwen). She's going to call the police. They both go into the bedroom. Clyde sees the steak knife. Clyde tries to get away from Chad. Chad tells him to keep talking.

Clyde takes the knife off of table and threatens Abby with it. He doesn't want to go back to prison. He reminds Abby what she did to Ben. She was dating him and the rich man. (the time when Abby had a different face). It was her fault she lied to Ben the baby was his. Abby reminded him he changed the test results. Then Clyde told Abby that EJ remembered that it was Clyde's fault that EJ got shot. Then EJ told Belle. He wanted to teach EJ a lesson and shut Belle up. Chad tells Clyde to hurry up and tell what happened <yawn> Clyde says Abby tried to escape and he stabs her. Abby falls on the bed. Clyde straightens up the room and leaves with the knife.

Chad is upset because he was at the movies with the kids enjoying popcorn. Chad asked Clyde if he enjoyed stabbing her. Then Chad asked why Sonny? Nancy told Clyde that Leo made a hit list. Clyde got the list and saw who was on it. He wanted Leo to look guilty. He couldn't do Chloe or Brady because of Nancy. It was either you or Sonny. Clyde followed Leo. He stabbed Sonny and set the scene by leaving list and crossing off names. When Clyde is done, Chad said he'll be satisfied with Clyde dead. Clyde says you keep saying that, but you haven't pulled the trigger yet.

Jack is at home. Jennifer not there. He finds empty pill bottle on the floor.

Jennifer is driving and talking to Abigail who's in the passenger seat. She rambles on that it was Clyde who killed her and he has to pay.

Gwen walks out the Salem PD (a new set). Headlights are coming at her.

Belle still waiting at City Hall. Shawn comes back and tells her he couldn't find EJ because he disappeared. Shawn tells her now there's a murderer on the loose and two DiMeras out for revenge on their brains.

Clyde tells Chad he doesn't have the guts to shoot him. Clyde grabs the gun. (They start the who's going to get the gun dance). The gun falls and Clyde gets Chad on the ground. Clyde starts to strangle Chad. A shot rings out. Clyde falls to the ground. EJ stands there holding the gun.
In this new telling of the night Abigail was killed did they get the time line wrong?? I know that would be shocking.....

Gwen arrived, then Leo wasn't Leo hiding in the bathroom?

Leo entered an empty room stole the jewels, left the knife and ran? Abigail was out somewhere in the house, comes back to the room, doesn't see the knife on her table, hears something out in the hallway and confronts a wandering Clyde? And the DiMera household doesn't have security cameras??????????

After being stabbed a single time? Abigail falls on the bed facing away from the door, is found facing the door (for some reason I thought she was wearing a different outfit, but then again why would continuity be expected from this gang)

I hate that they killed Abigail instead of sending her off to do a story and then recasting bringing back a new person, Billy Flynn (Chad) isn't doing an outstanding job, he's killing his vocal cords and throat by yelling so much and now to find out that the killing was pointless, totally not happy Days.
Great job, Kat. This was not an easy show to capture.

I agree with Robin about continuity and the order of things,. It is a muddled mess..

A lot of "IF" in play: IF EJ never told Belle about Clyde. IF Clyde had never bugged the room. IF Abby had not pushed for the truth about Clyde being in the house and just letting it go. IF Leo had not taken the knife and then left it on the bureau. IF Chad had not gone to the movies with the kids. IF Abby had gone to the movies and not stayed home. As my father always said, "IF my aunt had a mustache, she'd be my uncle." Yup.

As for Jennifer driving "with Abby," was she heading to the police station thinking that Clyde was there? What did she think she was going to do if he was??

Agree about Chad screaming too much. We understand his anger and demanding to know what actually happened, but the yelling was over the top.

Is Clyde dead or just seriously wounded? If he dies, justice will not have been served, he won't suffer anymore, and he needs to suffer. There goes my theory about him being a character who can actually be redeemed.
Robin, yep, the flashbacks to her murder just did not seem to match what we saw in the past. The flashback had Abby in a robe, yet I could swear she was wearing a dress when found.
And yes, Leo was hiding somewhere, & then took the opportunity to steal the jewelry. And I believe Abby was laying on her back, not her side, when found.
That's what I thought too. Plus she was on her back, legs off other side of bed. And sure looked like she was stabbed more than once. Did they ever say how many stab wounds she had? This story is so lame. Didn't Ron Carlivati win an Emmy for writing? I still like Craig better than a bad guy that is always bad.

Poor Gwen. I know we don't know for sure she gets hit. Maybe Jennifer will get help now. I thought it was weird Abigail didn't say a word. Not even mom this isn't the way.

This is the day Abigail was stabbed, I wrote up the summary. Leo WAS in the room for the adulting, when did he leave? When did he take the jewels? Why isn't he being held for theft? Even if he didn't kill Abigail he did steal her jewelry and things.

Thanks for Peacock I just went back and watched the scene where Chad finds Abigail she is in a greyish robe. But Leo was shown very panicked so he's part of the re-write that's gone off the rails.
That whole murder rewrite was a mess. Continuity was terrible and for no reason. They could easily have constructed a story with Clyde as the killer that fit. Lazy writing. However, I did like the part where EJ shows up and shoots Clyde. Maybe the brothers will reconcile.

The Jennifer stuff was poorly done too. I like Cady McClain (current Jennifer), but today wasn’t her best work.

I hope we can move on from here. And I hope Clyde doesn’t die mainly because they’d only resurrect him when needed, so why kill him? Just make up some federal charges and send him far away after everyone gets to yell at him in the hospital.

I feel sorry for Ben.
Just read an article interview with Marci Miller (Abby) who said she was shocked when she heard that Abby was to be killed. She fully expected the role to be recast, still feels it could have/should have..never thought that the writers would do this. She thought Abby could have gone away to work on a story, gone on a cruise/trip, anything, and thus return with a different face. Done all the time.
LOL. On GL, I remember a major character went into the shower, turned around, and Voila! New face. Most viewers got a big kick out of it.
Right? They'd even do it if someone was just out sick or on maternity leave. Quick announcement at the top of a scene and that was that.

So do we think this is officially over? I suppose it is but I'm stuck on the that deal with him pricking his finger. What on earth was the point of that since it didn't lead to any real speculation about anyone?
I’m surprised with all the complaining about timelines, scene reminders & discrepancies. I’m just so darn happy that the revealing happened so quickly from Friday to today and didn’t drag out till Christmas.

Right? They'd even do it of someone was just out sick or on maternity leave. Quick announcement at the top of a scene and that was that.

So do we think this is officially over? I suppose it is but I'm stuck on the that deal with him pricking his finger. What on earth was the point of that since it didn't lead to any real speculation about anyone?
I was puzzled about the finger pricking as well.
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Thanks for the summary. I thought it was a good show. Yes, a lot of "what-ifs" and drawn-out conversations. But I'm pleasantly surprised that Jennifer's pill-popping secret came out so soon, and because of Gwen. Where this storyline goes downhill for me is Jennifer on drugs being in yet another car crash. I mean, wasn't she high and in her car when drunk-driving Eric killed Daniel? Why can't the writers be more creative on even the small things?

Chad's yelling is understandable but overdone at this point. They should've had him yell less during the investigation stage of this storyline and do it now. Would've saved his voice and saved us the headache, more importantly. Yet this scene was good. It showed Chad still being the "good DiMera"and EJ saving the day and hopefully his strained relationship with Chad (again).

Interesting seeing EJ interact with Shawn-D and Belle, given their recent history. I'm also glad Gwen and Leo finally made up, but is Leo seriously gonna stay in town after all of this? I also can't believe Jack was so stupid regarding Jennifer. They've been married (on-and-off, sure, due to poor writing) for years! He knows her better than anyone! If Maggie could figure that her addiction could flare up in a time of shocking grief, why couldn't he?

Bonnie's chat with Nancy was nice and sweet. Overall the show did have some flaws, but I'm glad we kind of got an overall payoff after dealing with this since June.
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Abigail: The writers have not only needless killed her off, they've made her look like a fool on her way out of the land of the living. Not only did she live in a wealthy home that had virtually no security, she mouthed off to the dangerous Clyde. One would think that the former Ms. Perfect would have been a lot smarter than that.

Clyde: The writers have also made him look like he plays with a short deck: pointlessly invading the DiMansion and then stupidly killing Abigail, an act that all but guaranteed that he'd eventually be caught. How did anyone this clueless ever rise to become the crime king of Poplar Bluff? As Ben might say: "Dad, I knew that you were a violent criminal, but I never thought that you were really dumb."

EJ: Stefano rarely had any reason to be proud of bumbling EJ, but he must now be beaming with paternal pride. Not only did his son get long-delayed revenge on Clyde for the park shooting, he got it so while saving a hapless member of la Famiglia, angrier-than-angry Chad, from possible death or serious injury at the hands of Clyde.