Days of Our Lives - Wed., 8/14/2019

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Kayla and Adrienne sit in the square, eating. Adrienne notices Kayla's not eaten much and asks if she's upset about Steve. Kayla admits she is, hadn't heard from him since Caroline died; says she can't be in limbo any longer. Adrienne is sympathetic, asks if Kayla's considering a divorce.

Tripp and Haley are in the apartment, she's going through a box of stuff and finds an envelope of pictures, of Steve. Tripp says Kayla gave them to him, they must've gotten mixed with her stuff. They look at an old 80's picture of Steve and admire his bad boy style. JJ calls (he's finishing up dinner with Jennifer at the pub) and says he's headed to his shift. They chat, exchange "I love yous" and hang up. She and Tripp talk about how well she's doing on the sedatives he got for her. He tells her she should tell JJ about the pills, but she declines. Haley is a little nervous about sleeping in Claire's room and he offers his bed, as she's taken aback.

Tripp clarifies that she can sleep in his bed and he'll sleep on the couch. She accepts, gives him a hug and thanks him again for getting her the pills. Says that she couldn't have gotten them on her own, due to her history (I guess the suicide attempt?).

Melinda's walking through the park, looking at her tablet. She's chuckling over whatever she's reading, then passes Jack and tells him it's a shame he and Eve have split, as they were perfect together...rotten to the core. They trade barbs about each other being a lousy parent. Melinda then shows Jack the latest article Jennifer has written and posted to the Spectator. Jack's not happy.

Eve barges into the K-Mansion, telling Justin he needs to help her sue Jack. Justin says no, because of the complications of Jack being his brother-in-law. She then asks what if she told Justin that her husband raped her. That gets Justin's attention. He asks if that really happened and Eve brings up Jack's rape of Kayla, so he asks her again, did he actually rape YOU? She babbles and he asks her a 3rd time, did Jack rape YOU? She admits he didn't, she just wanted to hurt him as badly as he hurt her. She babbles and asks why she keeps doing this? Justin says that in her mind, she doesn't deserve to be happy, it's the classic scenario that she always sabotages herself. Eve says that Kimberly used to spew that mumbo-jumbo, too.

Adrienne then walks in and demands to know what Eve's doing there. Justin says Eve was looking for a divorce lawyer. Adrienne and Eve start bickering and Justin somehow ends up saying Eve has a point (how Jack used her to become mayor). Adrienne is stunned that Justin is taking Eve's side, but he explains that legally, she's entitled to be compensated. He then schools Adrienne on the legal points of Eve's side, but she doesn't want to hear it and storms out. Eve thanks him for his support, even if he can't represent her and starts to leave. Justin tells her to hang on.

Eli and Lani come into Doug's Place to see Julie. He tells her the good news about being named commissioner, but Julie's not happy. They ask why she's upset and she tells them she had to find out about their engagement from Abe, not them. They tell her they tried to meet up with her yesterday, but she wasn't there and they wanted to do it in person. That seems to soothe her, especially when Lani flashes her ring. Julie asks if she can throw an engagement party and "forgives" them for not telling her sooner. Eli scoops Julie into a big hug, lifting her from the floor. Then Julie tells them to go sit at a reserved table and she'll bring some champagne to celebrate.

Melinda walks in and Julie congratulates her on everything working out for her sister. Melinda corrects her, notes that Haley is her daughter, it's complicated, mother, sister.... Julie says she well understands the situation. Then Melinda goes over to Eli to congratulate him on his promotion and leaves as Julie walks over, asking when they'd like to have their party. They suggest Thursday night, but Julie sees that Chloe has booked the club for a private party that night, so she's going to tell Chloe to cancel it. Eli and Lani assure her another night will be fine.

JJ sits down again with Jennifer and they discuss Jack. JJ can't believe Eve destroyed the serum. Jennifer talks about Abe believing Jack wants to be his old self again. She also mentions the "damning" article that she just wrote/posted about him.

Jack then barrels into Kayla and Adrienne at the square, yelling at Adrienne to retract Jennifer's story. He keeps yelling and Kayla tells him to calm down or she'll call the police. Jack does calm down as Adrienne tells him that Jennifer loves him. He says she loves the "old Jack" and Adrienne tells him there's not much about the new Jack to like. Kayla suggests calling the FDA to find out where they are on serum on their end. He says no, he likes the guy he is now and leaves.

Adrienne says she can strangle both of her brothers and asks what Kayla's going to do about Steve. Then Kayla's phone rings, saving her from answering. Adrienne hugs Kayla, then leaves and goes back to the K-mansion (see above).

Jack runs into Jennifer as she's leaving the pub and confronts her about the article. They bicker back and forth, Jennifer brings up the "old Jack" as he tells her the "old Jack" is gone, but she denies this. Jack again talks of liking the new Jack, and Jennifer reiterates what Adrienne said, not much to like about him now. She tries to point out that no one reputable wants to work for him, and who walks by, but Melinda. He offers her the DA position and a 15% raise. She accepts and leaves.

Tripp, now in his boxers, is on the couch, looking at a picture of Haley, as JJ comes in. Tripp thought he was working tonight and JJ explains that his shift was cancelled, so he's headed to bed. Tripp starts to say Haley's not in their room, when she suddenly comes down the little spiral stairs and collapses, as both guys run to her. They manage to get her up and take her to the hospital. JJ whispers to Tripp that now isn't the time, but later, he wants an explanation as to why Haley was in Tripp's bed. Tripp assures JJ it's not what he thinks; JJ says it better not be.

While Haley's being examined at the hospital, JJ again asks Tripp why Haley was in his bed. Tripp tells JJ that Haley can explain it to him, but assures JJ nothing went on between them; he would't do that to JJ, they're cousins. Kayla tells the guys they can see her, as Kayla asks her some questions, like if she's taking any medication. Haley clams up, but Tripp says she needs to tell Kayla. Haley says she can't, so Tripp does. Explains the sedatives he got from that other doctor were really for Haley. Cue Kayla's shocked expression. She's floored.

JJ asks why Haley needs sedatives and she explains about the dreams and hallucinations of Claire. He's sympathetic, but wishes she would've told him. Haley begs Kayla not to fire her; Kayla says they'll discuss it in the morning. Tripp takes all the blame, as JJ grabs him by the collar. Kayla grabs JJ and tells him to calm down. She gets Tripp out in the hall and confronts him about his stupidity, but realizes he has feelings for Haley. JJ goes to Haley's bedside and promises he'll help her, no matter what.

Eli and Lani dance at the club and he gives her the opportunity to ditch him and his crazy family. She laughs and they kiss, as Julie and Jennifer look on. Julie tells Jen she read her article and expresses sympathy at Jack turning into someone they no longer recognize. Jennifer wishes she could forget him the way he's forgotten her.

Adrienne returns to the K-mansion living room, asking if Eve is gone. Justin drops the bomb, he's agreed to represent Eve. Adrienne's not happy.

Jack runs into Eve inside the pub, who tells Jack she's hired a lawyer and she's also suing him for wrongful termination, so take that.
Oh, thanks, JS..........I just got my internet back. My daughter needed it badly as well, and was getting pretty nervous as she needed something for her phone, and she is leaving tomorrow for a long drive. Cannot believe how long it out, since this a.m. Gonna have to check and see about perhaps a different internet provider, who doesn't cause me these problems so often.

Hard to believe Eve wanted to charge Jack with rape. Now it is wrongful termination?? Sheesh! Glad Justin got her to admit he did not rape her.
Justin: He continues to amaze as Salem's bumbling barrister. He should have told Eve to take a hike and left it at that.

Eve: She actually got an attorney and is actually fighting Jack's divorce action and is countersuing for wrongful termination? Apparently, there are lawyers in Salem who will take any sorry case, including Eve's. And pity the poor judge who has to preside over this legal nonsense. Dimwitted Judge Damon Thorpe would probably fall asleep on the bench while inept Judge Rose Duncan would constantly be calling for a recess so she can do some research on the law so she know what's going on -- sort of. The perfect judge for Eve's case would be tough-as-nails Judge Goldberg, the guy who wanted to throw the book at JJ back in his delinquent days. This no-nonsense jurist would give Eve's cases the treatment they deserve -- immediate dismissal.

Melinda: Hopefully, she's not back just to hover over Haley's bedside. She ought to return as D.A. The sight of her prosecuting Kristen for her myriad crimes would be worth the price of admission.
Thanks, JS.

Why can't the people in Salem be honest with Justin? Stop telling him he's the
best lawyer, but the only one in town.

Nice to see Adrienne today.

I can't believe it. Jack offered Melinda her job back and she took it.

I'm glad it didn't take too long for everyone to know Haley is ill.

I was afraid Julie was going to cancel the party for next Thurs since Chloe made
it and didn't tell her.
she's also suing him for wrongful termination, so take that.

Oh I want to see the supporting documents on that one...... using an unstable young woman to do deeds she blamed on someone else.... oh yes this is exactly what most towns look for in a commissioner....

I'll give this a watch just for Jack and Justin....
Eve/Jack: Who cares?

Jen/Jack: BORING

Tripp/Haley/JJ: Should've gone to St Mary's.

Julie: What a bad partner and worse grandmother. Can she be the next murder mystery?