Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 25, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

We really jump around today, as Brady is greeting Maggie at the Kmansion, all dressed up for his date with Eve. He is very happy, Lucas comes in, equally happy, all dressed up to meet Chloe, who has decided to stay in Salem. Maggie is proud of them both, who have stayed sober, did the work themselves, as they thank her, could not have done it without her.

Claire bumps into Eve, who does all the congratulating, talks of the pics, tours, promos, etc., making Claire beam. Eve leaves, goes to the club, chats away with Chloe, hears of her turning down the gig in Mexico, etc.

Ciara & Tripp check out Wyatt's phone, finding a message from Claire. Ciara starts putting 2 and 2 together, sends a message to Claire, who is in the loft apt., practicing a speech before adoring fans, promising autographs, pics, etc. Claire, of course, thinks the message is from Wyatt, texts back they both got what they wanted. This confirms to Ciara, but Tripp says she really has no proof that Claire cheated, or Wyatt fixed it for her. Ciara texts again, asking Claire if she means fixing the vote, she texts back yes, our little secret. Tripp has been helping Ciara with this, now she has the proof, apologizes to Tripp for giving him a bad time, and he still helped her. Tripp says of course, but tells Ciara she doesn't have to out Claire, that she won, she knows it, Tripp knows it. That is all that matters.

The guys are gone, Victor comes in, Maggie talks of Brady getting back with Eve, Victor not all that happy about it. She brings up Theresa leaving Brady, her son, hoping she is getting help (figuring drugs & alcohol is why why she left), he comments all not as it seemed. She goes to check on Tate, he calls Shane, wants to talk about Theresa. Maggie returns as Vic is thanking Shane for the update, etc.Maggie asks what he meant, he says business, she again mentions Theresa, saying he seemed to be defending her before. Victor is mum.

Earlier, Julie was talking to Chloe about giving up her dream, clearly trying to get Chloe to change her mind, but Chloe talks of while in Vienna, it was wonderful, she returned to hotel every night, was very alone, and prefers to stay right there in Salem. Julie leaves, Eve comes in. See above.

Eli comes to Lani's room, nachos & home made dip, but Lani nearly bites his head off, is feeling nauseous, doesn't want that stakeout food, runs to the bathroom. He makes a call, tells the person he screwed up, needs them. And of course, Julie arrives with food from the club, and even milk to wash it down. She is all concerned, caring, Lani is starving, appreciative, begins to eat. Julie babbles, then starts to leave, but notices brochures on high risk pregnancy. She is all concern, Eli & Lani assure her they are just educating themselves, wanting to be prepared for anything and everything. She if insistent, offering to accompany Lani to all dr. appts., Eli puts her off, they have it covered. She even talks of them streaming the visits to her, so it would be as if she was there.

Again, Eli thanks her, they are o.k., will let her know, will keep in touch, etc. etc. She leaves, Lani apologizes for how she told him off before, talks of being able to chase a 300 lb. Man with a gun into an alley, and be fine, but having this baby scares her. (she is finally showing a baby bump). Eli knows she misses JJ, he misses Gabi, but they are going to do this now, together.

Outside the club, Miguel is assuring his boss that Chloe will be down there once he gets Lucas Horton out of the way. Inside, Brady/Eve chatter with small talk at a table, while Lucas & Chloe are next to the bar, doing the same. Lucas is thrilled Chloe is staying, but talks of her giving up this great opportunity. Nope she is where she wants to be.

Miguel comes in, talks to Julie about being a fan of Chloe, no, doesn't want to meet her, but would like to send them a bottle of champagne. Julie mentions Lucas doesn't drink, she will do a club soda, even with an umbrella. She puts the tray in front of him, he opens a vial, pours some clear liquid into the club soda glass. He leaves, Julie hasn't seen that, takes the tray to Lucas & Chloe. They are so happy, Lucas asks her to get the same thing for Brady & Eve, they all should celebrate together.

Claire answers the door, it is Wyatt, looking for Ciara. She isn't here, thought she was with you. No, I lost my phone, thought she might have it. Uh, oh, as the light bulb goes on for Claire, she murmurs, no, no, no as a text comes in from Ciara. I know what you did.

Lucas carries the tray with two glasses of club soda, umbrellas, champagne over to Brady & Eve. They need to all toast to new beginnings. Brady takes a glass, the gals take the champagne flutes, Lucas takes the remaining club soda. They clink together, then the couples toast each everyone starts to sip their drinks.
Thank you!

Eh, not sure how I'm feeling about Tripp trying to call Ciara off of Claire like this. And whether it was cheating, or Claire winning by one vote, my feeling about it is that Tripp should have Ciara's side, as her boyfriend. So why is she apologizing to him? You don't vote for another girl in a beauty contest instead of your girlfriend!
Eli was able to go downstairs and whip up nachos but they all have to eat in his bedroom?! Can we get a kitchen table??? Ha!

I actually like Eve and Brady together. Lucas and Chloe never worked for me.
I'd like to see Lucas just cool it with dating for a while and spend some time reconnecting with Will, his daughter, Allie, and more airtime working on his recovery.

It's like no one can be happy being single and enjoying your life with friends and family. Well, some family.
I'd like to see Lucas just cool it with dating for a while and spend some time reconnecting with Will, his daughter, Allie, and more airtime working on his recovery.

It's like no one can be happy being single and enjoying your life with friends and family. Well, some family.

If I had a child that had a memory loss and didn't remember his whole past, I would spend every waking moment with him trying to reconnect. ESPECIALLY if he came back from the dead like Will did!!!!!
BORING indeed. That said there were a few things worthy of commentary.

Little Trippy & Ciara: Maybe these two should open a private investigations office. They nailed brat girl Claire a lot faster than the Salem P.D. solves crimes or Black Patch gets the goods on Salem lowlifes.

Claire: So now her nasty little secret is out. If asked, she'd probably say that she's now in a much more difficult situation than the imprisoned Kate, Vivian, and Marlena; blind Steve; tormented, schizophrenic Abigail; threatened inmate Gabi; and pounded-to-a-pulp Mr. Sleazy.

Maggie: She needs a dose of reality. She actually said: "Brady is perfectly capable of taking care of himself."

Eli: He ought to take his garbage-can nachos over to the Pub. Helping Roman promote this latest Salem taste sensation would be a lot more fun than listening to busybody Julie or playing baby-daddy with Lani.
Thanks, Poirot.

When Eli was telling Lani about his nachos, I didn't feel well either. All
that stuff together. Yuck.

I think it would have been better if Ciara told Claire face to face that she
was texting her and it wasn't Wyatt.

Strange to see Claire tell her stuffed animals she was going to see them a song.
I hope they enjoyed it.

Miguel spiked Lucas' drink. Did he get the drink or did Brady since they had
same umbrella?

Poor Julie. She's disappointed Chloe isn't going to Mexico.

Victor called Shane. Did he tell him his other daughter is now dating Brady?
I still want a twist in this teen story or just let Tripp and Miss Psycho marry and sail away. Heck, they have mostly the same family so that'll be a cheaper wedding.

Twist: Claire actually won the contest because Wyatt didn't rig it. (À la the Parker switcheroos.) He promised to, intended to, but the results didn't matter/he couldn't/whatever.

Claire still can have growth questioning her ethics. Ciara can still think she won and get a personality.

But no, I fear we'll get months and years of petty childish bickering between "poor, embattled Ciara" and "self-centred starlet-wannabe Claire" coupled with Tripp pulled in a tug-of-war. No thanks!
I think it would be funny if Claire and Wyatt took a selfie from her phone and sent it back to his or something like that. I think Ciara is pretty awful. Calling Claire a "skank" is not endearing to me at all!

Oh Eli, I would totally eat some of your nachos! lol
Can Maggie please go deal with her own children so the children she's currently parenting can go get advice from their onscreen parents????
Gee, Maggie has her own kids? Who knew?? :sarcasm:
How about Julie?
To be fair, Julie's only child is now dead. At least she was fussing over her grandson and his pregnant partner.