Days of Our Lives - Wed. Apr. 7, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Episode #11208 Taped 2/11 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Sami comes out into the living room in her bathrobe to find EJ sitting with a breakfast tray all ready. He pours milk into her cereal, asks if she had a good sleep, is sure Will is going to return today, she kind of likes the new EJ, is proud of him. His cell rings, Stefano wants to see him, EJ refuses, has nothing to say, but Stefano insists, making him the offer he cannot refuse. Stefano is ready to sign over the house plus DiMera stock to Elvis is pleased as punch, agrees to go to the house, Sami is a tiny bit wary, but EJ is grinning like a Cheshire cat, he won, he actually WON. Later, she is alone, folding laundry, when Will comes in, but no, he is followed by Kate, tells his mom that Gramma gave him a ride, he just came to get his stuff. Kate leaves them alone to talk, Sami tries to get Will to open up, but gets a call from Abe. Her phone is full of static, she goes to change phones in the other room, telling Will not to leave. He begins to take off his jacket, spots the breakfast tray for two, mutters something about breakfast with EJ, shrugs his jacket back on and leaves. Outside the door, Kate asks about his things, he just says nothing has changed, he will get his stuff later, and hurries away.

At DiMansion, Kate has come in, wondering if Stefano is really going to let EJ win. Stefano laughs, assuring her that is not the case. Elvis may think so, but Stefano has things well in hand.

Hope comes into the hospital looking for a mugging victim from down on the docks, was told he was being brought up here. Daniel & Lexie reply that no one has come in, probably down in emergency, and in comes the gurney, on it lies DA Woods. Hope asks if he has any idea who his attacker was, the DA says yes, Rafe Hernandez, and tho he did not see him, he recognized his voice. He tells Hope of being attacked yesterday at the police station because he let someone out on bail, just ask the mayor, who was there. Hope calls Rafe, asks him to come down to the police station.

Bo & Carly sit at the Pub, talking about his call from his mother, seems his sister, Kimberly is in need of a bone marrow transplant, Bo is a match, so he is leaving. He worries about Vivian now coming after Carly, but she insists she will be all right. He says he loves her so much, will miss her, she says the same, they kiss. Next Bo is with Ciara, at the Kmansion, telling her Aunt Kim is ill, he has to go help her get better, will miss her, but will talk with her on her computer. He hugs her, says he loves her, will miss her. She says she loves him, too, and so does mommy love him very, very much, does he love her? Bo has an odd look, but hugs her even more, saying of course he does, he loves them both very much. Now he has to leave. Victor has come along, making a crack about Bo lying, Bo just tells him to keep Vivian in check, make sure she stays away from Carly.

Daniel is down on the docks, seemingly having one of his spells, as Carly arrives, with an article on a treatment for his condition she wants him to read. He thanks her, Bo comes along, Daniel learns Kimberly has leukemia, Bo is donating bone marrow. Carly gets a call about a patient, goes to the side, Bo asks Daniel if this will be o.k. since Daniel did his surgery before. Daniel assures him all is fine, two separate issues, he can donate. Now they get to talking about Vivian perhaps trying something with Bo gone, Daniel gets the idea of having Carly come stay with him & Chloe temporarily til Bo returns. Carly comes back, refusing the offer, she will be fine where she is, Daniel is insistent. He leaves, Bo & Carly kiss a bit, and go off, he has to catch his plane.

Rafe sits at Java when Gabi comes in, giving him a bit of a scolding as he did not meet her at the mall last night, tho she waited and waited, and he did not answer his cell either. He is sorry, he forgot, had his mind elsewhere, Gabi guesses on Sami Brady. Will comes in, joins them, Gabi goes for lattes, Rafe hears Will and his mom had a fight and he has left home. Will only says it was about everything, including EJ and Rafe, too. Now Rafe gets the call from Hope and leaves, Gabi returns, Chad comes in. He had early morning work out with track team, was surprised Will wasn’t there. They realize Chad hasn’t heard about his dad, tell him about his dad being in the hospital, Chad takes off.

Chad comes into his father’s room, the DA is in bed with a bandaged head, and in comes his mother (played by Jessica Tuck), who greets her son with a hug, then her husband, kisses him lightly, explaining that she just thought he had left early this a.m. when he wasn’t there, but did not find out til she reached her chambers and staff members told her it was on the news. Hope has come in, the DA again insisting it was Rafe, Chad’s mom talking about justice being served. Abe has come in, verified the altercation between Rafe and the DA the day before, tells the DA the commissioner is going to be out of town. Chad finds it hard to believe it was Rafe, he knows his sister, the DA makes cracks about her, and the blond bimbo he went with before. Chad’s mom tries to shush Charles, who seems to always find negative things to say, talks to Chad a bit about Gabi, more hugs and Chad leaves. Out in the hall Lexie & Abe chat a bit, he hates all the hoopla from the media when they heard what happened to the DA, being mayor is fine yesterday, not so much today. LOL.

Hope has Rafe down at the station, he wonders if something new has come up about the kidnapping, or Bennie Gorman. Nope, she wants to know where he was last night, tells him about the mugging. Rafe cannot believe he is a suspect, Hope asks again for his alibi, he has none. He was alone between 10 P.M. and midnight, no one saw him.

Sami has come out into her living room, still talking to Abe, but on a different phone, sees Will is gone. Now Abe tells her that Rafe has been named as the person who mugged the DA. Sami cannot believe this.

And over at DiMansion, EJ has arrived, and Stefano begins his game. He toys with EJ, plays around with words. EJ goes right to the briefcase, taking out the papers for Stefano to sign, as Stefano plays with his chess set, talks of the beautiful Sydney, wondering what kind of monster would put bloody clothes into the river, and say the baby was dead. He talks of how devastated he was then. EJ is reading thru various briefs, more or less ignoring Stefano, who now talks of how Anna came swooping in, fooling them all, how she duped them. EJ agrees they all were duped by Anna, tells Stefano to sign the papers. Ah, but first, Stefano wants EJ to finish this chess game with him. EJ refuses, Stefano insists, since it will be the very last one. EJ sits down, makes one move, smirks when he says “Check”. Stefano sighs, makes another move, taking EJ’s chess piece, and between clenched teeth says angrily “Mate”. EJ is angry, sweeps the chess pieces off the table to the floor, realizing out loud that Stefano never did intend to sign those papers. He lied. Ej warns him this is not over. Stefano gets up, slamming both hands on the table, then pointing his hand at EJ. YOU SOB! I know! You took Sydney. You had her all along. He shoves a tape into EJ’s hands. Here!

Woooohoooo..... this looks like a good one-
Thank you for this, Poirot!

I guess Bo just wants to have an "electronic" relationship with his daughter!
Thank you, Barb. OMG, EJ's going to get it!!!!! GO STEFANO!

Rafe attacking the DA - I hope that isn't ture.

Sami - Get your head out of your rear. What is EJ still doing in your home?? Why would you choose to keep him there over your son?? Why is it ok for Will to be at D'Mansion but you don't really want the other kids there??

Bo - My barf bag (courtesy of KathyLu) will be ready for your scene with Carly.
Dimera vs Dimera. Well my money is on the Sr. in this fight. Go Stefano.

Robo-Bo only loves Carly and wants to have a Web only relationship with his daughter. Something a miss here? I think so. The real Bo would take Ciara and Hope with him if he was going to be gone that long.

Writers please bring the real Bo back.

I loved Jessica Tuck on One Life to Live. I hope she gets a great role on Days as well.

Poor Rafe.
Wow!! Sounds good. Wonder why the DA is saying Rafe attacked him. And I wonder who really did?
Looks like Stefano has EJ right where he wants him. Wonder how he is going to get out of this one??

Thanks for the write up Barb!!!

I wonder what Good old Steph has up his sleeve in regards to EJ.. I don't think it is anything horrible since he is the key to his grand children. But he can make his like uncomfortable. Onto Sami.. Will and Sami's relationship has never been great so this latest spat does not surprise me or is even worth a comment. Since I only watch the soap for EJ, Sami and Stephano. They are the ones that keep it intresting oh yes and Sydney she is way to cute.
Sounds good.... Go Stefano go!!!

Bo a bone marrow match to Kimberly?? They are aren't true siblings.... oh well medical issues in Salem never really follow any realistic course anyway so why should this one...

Thanks Barb for the post
I think that EJ paid off the DA to implicate Rafe, just to cause him more grief.
Apparently Carly has no qualms about staying at the house made for Bo and Hope and their FAMILY when Bo isn't even around ugh this character rubs me the wrong way!!! If Bo isn't staying at the house Carly has NO RIGHT to be there!!
Thanks for the write up Barb.

Or, EJ paid someone to knock out the D.A., while playing a recording of Rafe's voice.
Bo and Hope's relationship

I admit I ff through a lot of the daily episodes, but I read the reviews religiously, I don't recall any mention of a divorce between them. Yet the way Bo and Carly carry on, you would think Bo could be called up by the ethics committee (if there is such a thing) in the City of Salem.
I think EJ dressed up in a Rafe suit at the Salem PD and attached the DA could not have been Rafe as he is too perfect and EJ is the devil..dream on. I don't know or care if the DA was attacked by Rafe but I have always felt that Rafe was abit strange and he had alot of baggage like trying to steal EJ's kid by getting the fake adoption papers. That is not something an up and up FBI type guy would do not all the strong arming he does. EJ is certainly no saint but RAfe is not a good guy either IMO
this character [Carly] rubs me the wrong way!!!
I know I'm in the minority, but I don't see anything wrong with Carly, except that everyone seems to blame her for everything. But ... I don't like Bo so easily turning to her and leaving Hope out in the cold after all they have been to each other. Hope acted like a jerk after they got their child back, but if Bo had persisted he could have got her back.

Or, EJ paid someone to knock out the D.A., while playing a recording of Rafe's voice.
It could have happened that way, or maybe the D.A. got someone to beat him up a bit as a way to get back at Rafe.
I admit I ff through a lot of the daily episodes, but I read the reviews religiously, I don't recall any mention of a divorce between them. Yet the way Bo and Carly carry on, you would think Bo could be called up by the ethics committee (if there is such a thing) in the City of Salem.

:welcome: to The Salem Spectator, mlou!

I agree about Bo and his way of meting out justice in Salem. He should have been fired thirty years ago.
I have only gotten to see half the show as Dad is working on the lights in the kitchen and the power was off. Loved the Carly and Bo scenes where Bo again tells Carly how much he loves her. Laughed at Bo calling Hope and asking her to call as he needs to talk to her. How many times has Hope wanted to talk to Bo and he would not give her the time of day. Wish they would get their medical facts right. It was a problem for Chloe to donate to Kate because she had a transplant, but not a problem for Bo. From the little I did on CVT with heart transplants a transplant patient could not be a donor. It was too risky for them to go into rejection. Thanks for the write up Poirot.
EJ"s Goon got the DA.......

Carly really isn't a bad person, everyone in Salem always blames someone else for their short comimgs. Bo is the one who persued her, and Hope just gave up after the kidnapping, so lets put the blame on Bo & Hope, and see if sooner or later they work their way back to one another.

Stefano rules! lets hope he grabs EJ by the you know whats and really puts a hurting on him.