Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 9, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Replay of Kate leaving a message for Lucas on his home phone, while he is in the shower, and Sheryl hears every word, learning how Kate brought her to Salem strictly to get something on Jordan. She is upset, Lucas is yelling that he only has to dry off and the shower is hers,.but Sheryl has grabbed her clothes and is gone. She arrives at Lucas's office, and confronts Kate, who lets her know that if Sheryl heard the message on the phone next to Lucas's bed, she knows what they were doing. They go back and forth, Sheryl is going to tell Jordan, but Kate warns her not to do that, instead offering her a promotion and move to the Houston office. Sheryl leaves, calls Jordan to meet her right away. Lucas has come out of the shower, finds Sheryl gone, and the phone message.

Jordan & Rafe are in the park, she wants to know what is bothering him, and he lets her know that while she is supposed to be his girlfriend, she never talks to him, he knows nothing about her, or her background, and then finds out she has a brother, when she said she was an only child. He wants to know what she is afraid of. She admits that she doesn't want to talk about parts of her life, and that she is never afraid when with him. He reminds her he is a cop, but she brings up how hurt and upset he was about his sister Ariana, and never talks of it. She gets the call from Sheryl, and both leave to meet her friend.
But just as the two women greet and hug, here comes the wicked witch Kate, with Lucas in tow. He doesn't look too happy, Kate immediately begins talking of Sheryl's news, effectively shutting Sheryl up. And they hear of Sheryl going to Houston with a promotion. Jordan is happy for her, will miss her, Kate is purring, Rafe & Lucas silent. Jordan & Rafe congratulate Sheryl, and leave, as does Sheryl who Kate says has to "prepare" for the promotion. Lucas tried to talk to Sheryl, tell her he wasn't using her, but Sheryl doesn't believe him. Lucas, for the 247th time, tells his mother that "this is it". The final straw. They work together, and that is all. Stay away from him, stay out of his business, and do not talk to him. He angrily strides off. Kate doesn't seem too worried.

Liam sits in his room, having his day dreams about being in bed with Jennifer, who talks of how Daniel just left town, disappearing. He has the flash drive in, reading e-mails Jen sent to her mother in the past, when she was upset with Daniel. He obviously is plotting.

JJ & Paige are shyly engaging in some awkward conversation when Jennifer & Daniel come upon them. Jen is all smiles, but is really subjecting the kids to something like the Spanish Inquisition. Who is this, where did you meet, how do you know Abigail, etc. etc. JJ is talking of the phone probably fixed by now, Daniel is trying to get Jen to shut up, and get her away, she is resistant. He finally manages to pretend a "thing:" they have to go to, gets her away, she is puzzled, he tries to explain that JJ is really into that girl, and she was making things tough. Oh, no, if he was, she would know. She's his mom. Daniel says her son is not going to text her about some girl, and he was a teen boy once, been there, done that.
Meanwhile, JJ & Paige talk, with her gushing about Dr. Dan saving her friend's mother's life, burst appendix. She herself wants to be a doctor, JJ volunteers to have Dr. Dan talk to her about pre-med school, and they rush off to catch up to Dan & Jen. Dan agrees to a chat, Jen invites everyone back to her house where she has fresh baked apple walnut cake, hot coffee. Ohhh, goodie, this means Liam can listen in on it all. At one point Daniel mentions how he copes with short hours, power naps, his power OJ drink, etc.
JJ walks Paige home, she talks of missing her run today, but getting up early to go tomorrow morning. JJ figures he will join her so she will be safe. They agree to meet at 5:30 a.m.
Dan has to leave, but he & Jen make a date for when he is done with his 5 a.m. surgery, probably around noon. He talks of getting Parker, she will bring Abby (how great, again both have the day off, lol) and they will have a great day.

Will & Sonny are at the hotel, having just had massages, are in white robes back in their room, the bucket of ice & bottle of champagne all ready. Gabi has sent a pic of Ari holding a sign that says "happy honeymoon, daddies". They ooh, and ahh, (the pic is sooo cute), then get serious, as they figure Gabi is probably now with Nick at the apt., and as much as they don't want to talk of Nick, he is out to undermine them with Gabi. Sonny thinks Will should have a custody agreement drawn up. Will refuses, last time Gabi freaked out, and she would again, with Nick taking advantage. They talk this over, then decide to concentrate on their honeymoon. Clink, clink, as they toast and sip from their glasses.

Liam has been grinning after listening to the conversation at Jen's house, and goes over to Daniel's apartment. He lets himself in, opens the frig, takes out the Orange Juice. He takes some drug from his pocket, pours a few drops into the bottle (looks like a gallon jug), shakes it a bit, figures that should do the trick....Oh, what the heck, let's make sure, as he pours the rest of the liquid contents into the orange juice, puts the cap back on, shakes the bottle well. He smiles.
Why is Jennifer dragging Abby along on her date with Daniel? No wonder her kids are so boring. They spend entirely too much time with her.

Will Lucas keep his word this time and set some boundaries with Kate? She's use to this tired song and dance where he disowns her one week and is having coffee with her the next. That's why she's not the slightest bit upset about it.

Surely Liam is as bored as I am listening to Daniel drone on about naps and OJ. At least he was able to get some information he could use. Death to Dr. Dan, please!

I won't even say a word about Sonny bringing up a custody agreement on the night of their honeymoon. Surely that could have waited 24 hours.
Kate has a Houston office? She certainly doesn't appear to have one in Salem other than the Town Square and Club TBD. If Kate's "offices" in Salem are any indication, the newly-promoted Sheryl will be doing Mad World business while hanging out in the food court in the Houston Galleria mall. As for poor Lucas, he should stop threatening Kate. He already went nuclear years ago when he changed his name from Roberts to Horton, and he can't quit -- his mother is his employer of last resort. Finally, Liam is finding out how boring surveillance can be. Listening to prissy Jen prattle on 24/7 is sure to make him crazier than he is already.
Why is Jennifer dragging Abby along on her date with Daniel? No wonder her kids are so boring.

Da Plot Da Plot. We need to see more flashbacks of the pregnancy test results while Abby plays with Parker. :)

Another day of really BAD editing. Sheryl was in bed and 2 seconds later at Kate's office? I looked at my clock--it just turned 1:04pm. I wish Sheryl had shown more of a backbone towards Kate and I wish she had in fact told Jordan the truth. But I suspect Jordan already knows Kate's motives for bringing Sheryl to Salem.

Lucas telling off Kate again. :beat::beat::beat: and in case I didn't mention it :beat::beat::beat:

Rafe not discussing Arianna is not the same thing as Jordan's past. At least Jordan knows who Arianna is and that she died. Jordan has said nothing. This is so out of character for Rafe I am so tired of it.

The scenes with JJ/Paige and Jen/Dan are exactly why EJ/Abby should be a couple. Can you imagine if they were there too? This is the way I like to see Jen/Dan. They have enough storyline without Liam and without breaking up every 2 seconds. Just dealing with a blended family and domestic and work issues.

A high schooler observing surgery? Really? I know med students do this but a high schooler?
Very depressing show.

How did Sheryl get from Lucas' apartment to his office so fast?
His apartment is in the same building :)

And we all know why Jordan no longer needs glasses. She moved to
Salem and she's gotten her miracle cure like everyone else who lives there.

Since Liam is a drug salesman, I wonder what kind of drugs he has :confused:
Would he be able to mix something to act like a "bad" drug?

The cute scene in today's show Arianna picture in Will's phone.
My husband was a registered pharmacist who became a drug salesman...he managed the New York/New England territory for 8 years out of the 16 on that job....he had samples but there were so many FDA changed to what drug detailmen could handle that they got less and less of a variety of "possibly harmful" medications... Somehow I believe that Liam could not have enough of anything that would do this kind of trick on Daniel (unless it was something like a laxative!!)
It's just that to me, this is one of the "MORE STUPIDER" things they've pulled!!! Gone are the days of having an expert on the set to make sure that they don't screw up the story line. Don't need to get hit over the head with a drug detail bag to prove it.
He could've easily bought dangerous drugs from a drug dealer; or even stolen them from a doctor's office or hospital somewhere.

By the way, did you notice the blue rubber gloves when he was putting the drug into Daniel's orange juice? They were the same type of rubber gloves worn by the person piecing together Nicole's shredded evidence.
Is he short term or recurring? I only mention it because I know Lucas and other long term cast members are also recurring status.