Days of Our Lives - Wed. April 14, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Episode #11,313 Taped 2/25 Director – Albert Alarr

Roman tells Rafe the good news, he is free to go. With Justin being mugged, same m.o. and Rafe having been at the station all day, perfect alibi, looks like there is someone else who is the mugger. Doesn’t let him completely off the hook, but for now, he can leave. And now Roman gives him a piece of advice about Sami…get her to have EJ leave that apt., and out of her life. Alas, Rafe has tried, to no avail. Arianna comes rushing in, and they decide to go to the Cheatin Heart. Over a couple beers, they more or less cover the same conversational territory. Yes, he still loves Sami, had hit a dead end in the kidnapping, cannot seem to convince her that EJ staying there is not good. Arianna thinks solving the kidnapping, (who Anna was working with) will bring closure and Sami can move on. Some minor chit chat at how she & Brady are good, all is great, wedding on hold, not wanting to rush into anything, Nicole not a threat.

Philip stands outside Maggie’s kitchen door, hearing Stephanie yapping at Melanie about the letter she wrote to Nathan on her wedding day. He enters, both gals stop, he has a beautiful bouquet of Iris for his wife, awkward conversation for all 3, Stephanie wisely leaves. Philip wonders why she was there, Melanie is hesitant and evasive, Philip questioning, but Melanie does finally tell him that Stephanie thought she might still have feelings for Nathan, but she doesn’t, assuring Philip she loves only him. She states further that the minute she said her vows to him, she meant every word, has not gone back on them, talks of how scared she was when she got shot and how he was there for her every minute, again declaring she loves only him. They kiss, and next are falling on their bed. And later, Melanie is asleep, Philip sitting up in bed, sipping a drink, and remembering Stephanie’s words about the letter.

Stephanie comes into the Pub, gets a phone call from Nathan, talks of meeting him in 15 min., she has to water Gramma’s plants. Later, she comes back in, having done her duty, sees Uncle Roman, small talk about Gramma’s plants, Aunt Kimberly, Bo being a bone marrow match, her life hit a rough patch, but now is doing fine, as Nathan walks in. Next, Roman is gone, Nathan & Stephanie are having coffee, talking of what to do tonight….dinner and a movie…dancing…..wish we could go on another ski trip. More small talk, Stephanie tells him she knows he is not 100% over his feelings for Melanie, but she is sure she can make him forget Melanie ever existed. Kiss. Kiss.

At DiMansion, Kate comes into the study, telling Stefano that Mary has Johnny and Sydney’s rooms all ready, is very excited, has missed the children. Stefano is worried, EJ has not yet brought the children, time is running out. Kate tries to find out what Stefano has on EJ, to no avail. He begins to get agitated, she reminds him that Sami could be giving EJ a hard time, Stefano dismisses that idea. She gives him the phone, call EJ and find out what is going on.

And over at Sami’s, EJ is trying to explain to Sami why he wants to now allow his children a visit with his father. Sami yammers as usual, she has figured it all out, it was staring her in the face all along, yada, yada. EJ is puzzled…but she finally spits out that he is a DiMera through and through, always has been, always will be. EJ gets her to shut up for a few seconds so he can explain, and comes up with the very lame excuse that Stefano is sick, seems his diabetes is not under control and he is not doing well. EJ gets the phone call from Stefano, who tells him time is up, either EJ gets over there right now, or he is calling the authorities. Sami still refuses to let the kids go there, but now EJ puts his foot down. According to their custody agreement, tonight is HIS night with the kids, and he can take them wherever he wants to go with them. A deflated Sami finally agrees, but says she is going along.

And now Kate opens the door to EJ, carrying Sydney, Sami, and Johnny who runs in to hug his happy grandfather. Kate asks Sami where HER granddaughter is, Sami says Mrs. Collins is watching her, she did not want to expose her to this disaster here. She looks at Stefano, remarking he doesn’t look sick. He says he isn’t, EJ is making a face, steps forward, telling Stefano he told Sami about the diabetes not being under control, etc. Stefano smiles, says he would not want business associates to get wind of anything, think perhaps he was not still strong and healthy, able to deal with them. Stefano now tells Johnny of all the new toys waiting for him in his room, Kate remarks his room is right next to big brother Will’s, while Sami takes Sydney and they all troop out.

Stefano tells EJ that this illness is o.k. for now, but tomorrow he is going to be fine and healthy, and whatever EJ tells Sami is up to him. He also insists the children spend the night there. Sami has come down with Kate, having talked to her a bit about Will. Kate insists that Will came to her, not the other way around, so don’t blame her. Sami comes striding into the room, time is up, she is gathering the children and they are returning home. EJ breaks the news the children are staying overnight, Sami protests, he talks of it being their bedtime, how they will fall asleep in the car, then she will have to wake them up to take them in, etc. She is not happy at all, so EJ promises he will stay there as well, bring them home first thing in the morning. Sami evidently resigns herself to this, Sydney is in the playpen, Sami takes her out, tells her she knows when they got her back she promised they would never be separated again, and she is sorry for this one night. But will see her in the morning. Kate is seeing her to the door, Sami is complaining that “if Stefano thinks he can take my children….”…Kate shuts the door in her face. Sami sighs, walking away, as inside, Stefano is gleefully rubbing his hands together, telling Sydney that now that the family is all reunited, they are going to have a celebration. He grins.

Boy EJ is pulling a thing like Not Without My Daughter. Where the Father wants to bring the child to his country to meet his family. They go on a trip for 2 weeks once they get there he changes and says they are not leaving ever. (They are in IRAN ) In the end the husband tells the wife go if you want, but my child stays here. She does get out in the end with her daughter. (true story )

Thanks for the write up Poirot. Looking forward to seeing this one.
@DJM, I saw that movie too. A real departure for Sally Field, but very memorable.

Stephanie is so very pathetic. Why does she bring up Melanie's name to Nathan every chance she gets? Melanie Melanie Melanie. Ironic that she keeps saying she is going to make him forget Melanie. Even if he wanted to forget Melanie, Stephanie won't let him. She's more obsessed with Melanie than he is.

Thanks for a great precap, Poirot!
Great Write-up. I think Sami needs a good smack upside the head. Why does she even trust EJ at all? If I were her they would have to trek across the globe to find me. I would be so far away from the Dimeras. Come on Rafe, Sami is being her normal stupid self, please see through EJ and his lies.
I can not bear to watch EJ continue to brainwash Sami. Ok so he loves Sami, but she is still nothing more than an obsession to him. EJ does not know what real love is.

Stephanie- Grow up and reclaim your self respect. Stop trying to sleep with a guy to make them fall in love with you.
I know melanie doesn't want to lose philip, but its best if she just be honest with him and tell him she loves him, but also still has feelings for nathan. yes philip will be hurt, but they can try to work through it, if she just be honest with him.

Its not like melanie doesn't want to be with philip because she does.

forgot to say thanks for the great write up.
Thank you Barb~ Not to upset any one but it's interesting that now EJ has no overnight's with the kids as he did before all the time.. And unless there was an off camera judge and new custody --EJ is still Sydney's father and her home is with him.. not Sami or did somewhere along the line did testing and all that get done?? Or is it just assumed she gets full decideing rights now?
I'm beginning to think every woman in Salem needs a swift kick in the butt by the only 2 women with brains...Maggie & Caroline! :)

The whole Stephanie, nathan, Mealanie, Philip thing has me dizzy & sick to my stomach.

Great write up Barb!! Thanks!

Stefano gets his was as always...but I this time I have to admit, I am glad he has one up on EJ!!
@TB.......since EJ mentions "custody agreement" then it would seem there was some sort of off-camera thing that is only being mentioned now. In addition, EJ mentions "the weeks" they have been together..........
Hmm so Allie gets to be free from the DiMeras but all the other kids suffer? Sami logic seems weird to me.

I hate the stupid letter. I just want them to have it out...throw plates, insults, shoes...whatever, but I am so over this letter. What is so special about Nathan again? Both Melanie and Stephanie seemed to have lost major self respect (and brain cells) over this man.

It was just two days ago in Salem that Nathan dumped Stephanie, because he wasn't over Melanie. Suddenly in a day he has moved on? This is like some weird troll logic - must be the same kind Sami uses.

Thank you for the recap!
Melanie does say to Philip, when he is trying to get her to tell him about what he overheard.......that Stephanie just has this bug about Melanie.....feels Melanie has caused her problems "with everyone, Max, you and now Nathan".
Kate asks Sami where HER granddaughter is, Sami says Mrs. Collins is watching her, she did not want to expose her to this disaster here.

FINALLY! It took Kate to remind Sami that she has another child. Wonder if she just remembered that she left her with Mrs Collins! HA!

Hmm so Allie gets to be free from the DiMeras but all the other kids suffer? Sami logic seems weird to me.

Sami does not have full control over where Sydney and Johnny go since EJ is their father.
Thanks for the write-up! I don't know how I would get through the work day sitting at a desk if I didn't have these to read! They are awesome.

I am getting really sick of this whole EJ/Stefano thing. I :love: EJ, but his whole spineless when it comes to Stefano deal is getting old. I think Stefano adds a great dimension to the show, but I really think it would be more interesting if EJ went "rogue" and against him on everything. If the tables were turned and it were EJ blackmailing Stefano, he would find a way to make EJ stop! EJ needs to start thinking like Stefano if he ever has a hope of beating him.

For Melanie, I like her more with Nathan, I just think they were good for each other. But I feel for her! She is torn, she spent so much time loving Philip and then realized there actually was another great man out there, and now she is stuck. I think she really does love Philip, but I think she knows she is meant to be with Nathan. I wonder how long this story will go on? :idea:
Nathan just strikes me as the type who will always remind Melanie where she came from, how she was filmed in the sleazy hotel with Philip and that she's not a "Horton" and therefore not quite good enough for him. He just seems to be such a snob. He will want her to change and become this perfect Stepford wife, and take all the spunk and life from her. Please keep her with Philip where she can be her own person.
Who is this "Granddaughter" Kate spoke of?? You mean Sami has another daughter other then Sydney?! *Gasp!* I had no idea?! When did this happen?!

... sarcasim... :wink:

I wonder when it will finally sink into Sami that she is stuck with this psycho family until she seriously starts to FIGHT and not be a friggin door mat.
I watched this - my god the EJ-Sami stuff is hard to watch. I find I don't dislike Melanie as much as I used to but I still can't buy her and Phi as a couple.
Who is this "Granddaughter" Kate spoke of?? You mean Sami has another daughter other then Sydney?! *Gasp!* I had no idea?! When did this happen?!

... sarcasim... :wink:

I wonder when it will finally sink into Sami that she is stuck with this psycho family until she seriously starts to FIGHT and not be a friggin door mat.

Sami's other daughter is Alice "Allie" Caroline Horton. She is Sami's son Johnny Dimera's twin sister. Although her father is Lucas Horton and Johnny's father is EJ Dimera. The twins were born on October 23, 2007.
Tanks Steffee...but awthinks ol' Jade knew that....she was jest emphasizing the fact that our little Allie is seldom seem or mentioned at all....hence the "sarcasim".:wink::wink: Y'all get used to ol' Jade she can be pretty trickey with her words...heh heh heh.
So, hasn't Ej had visitation rights all along ( even tho we didn't know about them)? So, why didn't he get an apartment, take the kids on his nights from the start?
And did I miss it or when was it that Rafe ever brought up to Sami that EJ shouldn't be staying at the townhouse? I don't remember that one. All I remember saying to her was that he didn't like sleeping under the same roof as EJ and she said I don't either. So, why didn't he tell her to throw the bum out after the 1st night? I don't get it.
Amen! Why doesn't EJ get his own home? He is a 30 something well off single male, he can well afford his own place, why IS HE still living at home with Daddy? This whole thing makes no sense, what guy wants to live at home if he can afford to move out and have his privacy???? (my head shaking and mumbling...) :confused:
This whole thing makes no sense, what guy wants to live at home if he can afford to move out and have his privacy???? (my head shaking and mumbling...) :confused:

Apparently all the wealthy men in Salem. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the summary Poirot! I don't think I can bear another episode with Stephanie so soon, especially with Nathan. :sick:

Finally, someone mentions Allie. If they are eventually all in the Dimera mansion, I would expect to see her along with Johnny. She is Kate's granddaughter. I have the feeling that the family is going to combine. Kate and Stefano will accept each others grandchildren as their own (hence Lexie referring to Kate as Theo's grandmother when they were visiting).