Days of Our Lives - Wed., Aug. 28, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

And the beat goes on.......actually the tale drags on. Ben & Ciara are in DiMansion, as Gabi & Stefan come up from the secret room. After hearing what happened, both are happy Stefan & Gabi are o.k. However, Gabi is ticked that Ben did not keep her safe, so she fires him. Stefan sweet talks her, making her see not Ben's fault, etc., she gives Ben his job back. Ben & Ciara leave, Stefan begins talking of them being Mr. & Mrs., in love, and then him getting the CEO job back. This does not set well with Gabi, who feels she does a good job, they go back & forth on this. Stefan figures since he has been exonerated of the charges, Shin will reinstate him, but Gabi likes being on top. Innuendo conversation here.

Meanwhile, Brady is explaining to Eric all that Kristen has said, Xander just listening. Eric is disbelieving, Kristen a liar. A cold blooded killer. Brady finally convinces Eric that Kristen was telling the truth, Eric insists on going in to talk to her. (hard to believe these non-cops are free to go in to the interrogation room). Eric enters, a cold look on his face. He wants Kristen to tell him the truth, takes off his jacket (??) sits down. She repeats, in her snide way, the fact that yes, his lady love is alive, but she is not telling where without immunity. This goes back & forth, her nasty snark gets to him, he jumps up, goes round, arm around Kristen's neck, she yells for help, Brady & a cop come in, pull Eric off. The cop claims he will be returning to take her to holding cell, Brady convinces a reluctant Eric to go home. He will get in contact with D.A. and call him immediately with whatever he finds out.

Now it is Xander's turn to go in and try to get Kristen to open up. However, she is ticked he ratted her out, won't say a word. He says if you want immunity, you have to give something in good faith. But she is immovable. He tries a bit more, she grabs his shirt, pulls him up close, tells him to go to hell. Cop comes in to take her to cell, she wants a word with Brady, goes over, spouts off her mantra about her being in his blood, will never be over her, yada, yada. Cop leads her off. Brady calls Trask, leaves message to call him back right away, lives at stake.

Sarah sits with Maggie, yapping away about Eric, how she loves him, worries for him with this knowledge Holly is alive. Maggie talks of how she knew she saw Kristen when she knocked on Nicole's door, despite drinking. Eric arrives home, looking sad, calls Sarah, says he has to talk to her in person. She leaves immediately.

And then there is Victor talking with Kate, knows all about her talking with Shin at the Pub, wants the lowdown. She tells of the CEO of DiMera job offer, Vic wonders if she defected. No, she told Shin she works for Victor, but the offer is open ended, still on the table. She wants Vic to match it, give her the CEO job at Titan, which means demoting Brady. She gives all the reasons he should, anyway, as they go back and forth about it. Brady would never forgive Vic if demoted. She thinks Brady is big boy, and it is just business.

John & Marlena are in their townhouse, worried about their boys, dismayed that Kristen upset their big party, but glad the truth is out, she is behind bars. They are both happy, do some billing and cooing, enjoying their quiet time together. He comments he knows he promised her freezer burn cake, but thinks it is time for strawberries & whipped cream. She smiles.......on ice on the nightstand. He likes the way she thinks.......kiss!

Ben & Ciara are in the park, nuzzling a bit, talking of going to our home, Ciara likes that phrase, it does feel like home. She teases about burned dinners, he says it is what he has always wanted ever since he found her when she had her accident. He loves her, she loves him, kissss.

Maggie comes into the living room, was looking for Victor, who says he was with Kate, she just left. Both have news, but Maggie not too thrilled about Kate being there. Vic says she has resigned, effective immediately, took job offer at DiMera. Maggie is thrilled, hugs.

Sarah comes in to Eric's apt. He looks very somber, tells her that Kristen says Nicole is alive. He has to find out if true.

Kate comes into the DiMera living room, Stefan angry, she has some nerve after accusing him of kidnapping her. She calmly says Kristen made her do it, threatened to kill her & her family, so you better get over it, as we will be working together. What??? Yes, I am now CEO of DiMera Enterprises. Cue the looks Stefan & Gabi exchange with each other.
I just can't get over how idiotic, badly written, and totally untrue to reality the police station scenes are. Seriously. I just can't! I know this is a soap and we have to suspend disbelief, but this is beyond ridiculous. Now that Kristen has finally been unmasked, I've started watching again, and I really can't believe the horrible way police work/investigations/interrogations are being portrayed. :tsk::tsk::angry::angry:

There is absolutely NO WAY Kristen would be left alone in a room with no glass/mirror where she can be observed. There would be cameras in there, a lawyer present if she did not want to answer. And if she did want to talk to Brady, police investigators would be watching and listening. No visitors would be allowed and nobody could attack her like Eric did, with no officers present until they hear the screams.

There is no way the interrogations are still being recorded using a magneto phone type recorder. And Lani would not have let Kristen alone, the other day, with a pen, asking her to write up her statement. No. A pen can be used as a weapon (imagine a really *bleep* off criminal taking an eye out, it IS possible.).

I've said it, I will say it again : the "writers" are terrible at their job. :angry::angry::angry::angry:
So, just regular citizens are now calling the DA to arrange for a plea deal??? All of those people were alone in the room with Kristen to the point that Eric can physically harm her? I know there is only one lawyer in Salem, but shouldn't she have counsel at this point???? For crying out loud - this is no way to end the ridiculous Kristen/Nicole farce. We all know she will get her deal so Nicole can come back, but this is beyond stupid. fact a lot of the time, I forget that those reading the summaries don't get to see the show. I do try to include most of what happens, but do, at times, leave out something here or there for those who do see the show to enjoy since not knowing it would happen.
However, something is bugging me, as I did not explain how Kristen taunted Eric. He had brought up her ruining his priestly life, and she snidely referred to the "sex, lies, & videotape". (Remember, he was a priest, she drugged him, videotaped her seducing him and having sex, then arranged it to be played at wedding) I don't know how he continued to keep his cool, but she just continued to push his buttons, til he jumped up and around the table he dashed to put the neck hold on her. ....

And yes...........I certainly agree about the complete lack of police protocol in holding Kristen in the interrogation room. Where was her atty? Police guard? especially the 2 way window?
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm glad we saw John and Marlena since it's still their anniversary.

Will and Sonny must have left the tunnels to the garden (where Hope
found the entrance) since they didn't come into the mansion.

Interesting that Lani and Eli (commissioner) left the Salem PD with
Kristen sitting in the interrogation room.

Sarah wasn't happy at the end when Eric told her Nicole might be alive.
Too bad.. so sad :)
for those who have heat problems.....Be glad it is not the reverse

Now that I've watched today's episode, I just have to say, I don't know how in the world Kate can stand that blob of hair sticking right into her right eye. What is the point of that anyway? It was so distracting to me, I could hardly pay attention to what she was saying to Victor.
Please tell me that snow is not from today!

I'm really sick of this Eric and Nicole story being about Maggie and Sarah. Who cares about their reactions?

Agree with all comments about the incompetent police department. And where is Rafe?

Eric came off as a little kid in those scenes with Kristen.

It was nice to see John and Marlena but I'd like to see them interacting with their boys instead of talking about them. Maggie has had more scenes with them!

I liked seeing Victor walking and outside the KMansion. Though I'll never understand why Kate always has to live in a hotel.

I really need for Ben and Ciara to get stories outside of each other. They have become annoyingly boring.
I just can't get over how idiotic, badly written, and totally untrue to reality the police station scenes are.
True, true, true. What's so pathetic about all this is that it wouldn't cost TPTB a dime to do it in a more realistic manner. As for the individuals involved in all this nonsense, here are a few comments.

Glutton for punishment: Sourpuss Eric must love catching grief from nasty people. Why else would he insist on a confrontation with a vicious, irrational women. And while he's taking courses in common sense, the Fallen Father Eric ought to have some sessions dealing with anger management.

Guess again: Maggie thinks that the Salem Sourpuss would never ditch Sarah for Nicole if she suddenly reappeared. Hasn't she been paying attention? When he's not in heat for one of his brothers' wives, girlfriends, etc., he's obsessed with Nicole.

The Salem brain lives: How else to explain that Victor actually told treacherous Kate to take a hike and stuck with Brady.

Salem stupidity is contageous: This must be the explanation for how Mr. Shin, a man from Hong Kong, could keep switching from one unsuitable DiMera CEO to another.
Poor self-aggrandizing Gabi got the tablecloth pulled out from her unqualified butt. wouldn't cost TPTB a dime to do it in a more realistic manner.
Agreed. They could watch an episode of Law and Order, or Google "police procedures upon arrest" and find out all they need.

I find it puzzling that Brady would bed the fake Nicole several times, then agree to get her back for Eric. Did Brady's feelings for Nicole go away after the mask came off, or will he, again, try to come between a reunited Eric and Nicole? Stay tuned, friends.
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It was nice to see John and Marlena but I'd like to see them interacting with their boys instead of talking about them. Maggie has had more scenes with them!
Hear, hear!
I really need for Ben and Ciara to get stories outside of each other.
I'll agree completely. The writers only have a 6-9 month plan, it seems. Ben and Ciara have faced conflicts, but lately have been milling about. It's boring. Either send him back to Psychoville, or send them off on the Fancy Face XIV.

Alternatively, give her a challenging course of college work and make Thomas Ben's kid. Drama aplenty!
Thanks for the summary!

I was SO VERY glad Victor didn't give in to Kate's demands!

I loved the John & Marlena show - even a bit of romance! Nice job writers!

Writer: I certainly agree that the writing about the whole police station and suspects is VERY BADLY written - :whack:to the writers!

And where is Rafe?
Yet another good point - can anyone say Keystone? No, they were at least funny!

...Eric ought to have some sessions dealing with anger management.
I hate to disagree with you DBF, but I was cheering for Eric to strangle Kristen - she is just evil (in my opinion).

Inasmuch as we did not actually see Victor refuse Kate, I am wondering if Vic offered Kate a deal. Take the DiMera offer, but work on behalf of Titan.
Oh - I sure hope not!