Days of Our Lives - Wed., Aug. 31, 2022


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
DiLab: Rolf is ready to scramble StefaNO's brain. His accent is enough to scramble anyone's brain. He plays (?) flashbacks of Stefan/Gabi. (I'm not bothering to link them, sorry.) We do get to hear the different way Brandon played Jake vs Stefan, though. A flashback of sniping. A flashback of sniping and kissing. A flashback montage of sex & sniping. More bad acting from Rolf and a flashback of their wedding. Rolf sets up the next flashback, in which Chloe sings for Jake. Flashback of StefaNO asking her on a date, and of offering to make it up to her. StefaNO smiles.

Private Area: Replay of very-old Rachel beefing about Chloe's comment about Kristen. Rachel demands Brady call her now. Who knows what we're supposed to remember, but the upshot is that Rachel doesn't want Kristen sent away again. She wants Chloe to go away. Rachel stalks off. Brady will call Belle.

Brady House: Shawn-D is working out. Belle enters. EJ left her a message, and they fight about it. Shawn-D can't get past her time with EJ. They are still fighting when Brady shows up, he offers to leave, but Shawn-D heads out for a run. Belle laments the loss of her marriage and learns her brother's baby-mama has filed for full custody. They recap and Belle offers what I'm sure is great legal advice.

DiMera Boardroom: EJ declares that Ava is not fit to hold DiMera shares because she sees dead people. Gabi, Li, Wei, Johnny, Tony, and Kristen gawk. Emotionally unstable women are apparently disqualified, however this somehow excludes Kristen. Ava claims EJ lied. EJ has witnesses. Gabi does not play along. Flashback of Rolf's drugging Stefan. EJ plays a recording of Johnny recounting Ava's story about Jake. Wei suspends her voting rights until her mental state can be determined. EJ thinks he has the upper hand, Johnny steps over to the Gabi/Li/Ava/Kristen side. Johnny is disgusted by EJ's actions and votes against EJ's motion (6-5, don't bother tabulating, there are proxies involved, who knows about Megan). EJ takes the loss in stride - just kidding, he will not forget this. Gabi gloats.

Private Area: Shawn-D is running. Chloe is moping. They recap and Chloe offers some good advice about Shawn-D's lack of forgiveness toward Belle.

DiMansion: Tony tries to console EJ. EJ says it's not over. Ava marches in and snipes at EJ, who evicts her. Johnny will follow Ava if she's tossed out. Tony suggests EJ not lose his son over this matter. Ava will stay. She and Johnny go upstairs. Tony tells EJ he did the right thing. EJ seethes and screams and breaks glasses.

DiMera Boardroom: Gabi thanks Kristen for her support. Kristen reminds her EJ will hold a grudge. Wei is angry that Li and Gabi lied to him. Wei points our that a "high moral character" was never required.

DiMera Bedroom: Ava thanks Johnny for his support. Johnny likes having her around.

DiMera Boardroom: Li tells Gabi he'd do anything for her.

DiLab: Something is "verking", per Rolf. He tells Kristen he believes he has reset StefaNO's memories to love Chloe.

Private Area: Brady has talked to Belle, they don't need Chloe to testify. He's prepared to share custody with Kristen. There is nothing Kristen can do to come between them.

Horton House: Belle is sorry. Shawn-D admits this situation isn't working. Belle is prepared to move out, but that isn't what Shawn-D wants. He invites her to shower with him. They slip into the bathroom together without resolving any major issues. END
Thanks, Jason! You survived!!

I wonder if the actors believe that the lines they are given, the story lines, are inferior to years ago, but it's their job to deliver. And they do. I can't fault the actors. They are doing the best they can with what they have to work with.

EJ was nauseating today. I am glad that Johnny was decent. think Ava and Johnny could have a nice friendship if it stays that way. He can be a "substitute" for Tripp and a good ally. Let's see if that happens or they go the dark route (think Eve and JJ). No, thanks.

I was glad Tony said that he didn't think EJ wanted to lose his son over this.

Aren't there cameras by the front door? They would have images of Stefan. But either they don't have cameras there or Li had them wiped clean.

Even if Chloe does not testify, Rachel gave her the evil eye, she is doomed.

The fact that Belle told Brady that no one would give Kristen full custody makes me think that some idiot judge WILL do just THAT.

HATED Rolf toying with Stefan's memories. The very nerve!
The fact that Belle told Brady that no one would give Kristen full custody makes me think that some idiot judge WILL do just THAT.

HATED Rolf toying with Stefan's memories. The very nerve!
And Salem is full of idiot judges. Damon Thorpe and Rose Duncan come immediately to mind. They make the bought-and-paid-for DiMera judge, Karen Fitzpatrick, look like a judicial genius.

Brady: His daughter is a brat. If he doesn't want her to end up like her hideous mother, he'd better send her to a good boarding school or put her in the care of somebody like the tough Nanny Megan.

Johnny: He's another problem child. He's lucky his father isn't like his Nono was, otherwise he'd be off on a trip to a secret DiMera island.

EJ: He was pathetic today. He obviously hasn't learned that if you're going to use dirty tricks, you'd better succeed. If Stefano was till around, he'd be shaking his head and saying: "Where did I go wrong?"
did your mom enjoy today's episode of the show?
The storylines are ridiculous. She wants to see it go back to doctors and nurses having affairs. Not silly villains and international criminals, and she had no words for the StefaNO storyline, LOL

She made a great face when I told her "that's Susan's baby" when grey-haired Brit EJ was on the screen, LOL
Thanks, Jason.

You could call this Wayback Wednesday with all the scenes with Stefan. I loved seeing the old DiMera living room.

I laughed when Rolf kept using his remote control to erase Stefan's memories.

EJ told everyone Ava sees dead people. So do I. I saw EJ, Tony and Kristen <ha, ha>

It looks like Sloan is going to stay awhile since she's Kristen's lawyer.

Belle might be wrong about the judge being fair. The judge won't be if it's a DiMera judge.

Did anyone notice Gabi's dress from the past? She had black on the one side and white on the other side. Ava's
dress was sort of the same. Black one one side (opposite of Gabi's) and pale color on the other side. Was it
the same dress or parts of the other one?

I'm glad Shawn finally made up with Belle.
EJ's son was possessed by the devil a couple of months ago. So was his brief sex buddy, Belle. Ava seeing a dead man is nothing. I liked Johnny sticking up for her. Please, please don't turn them into a couple!!! I'm begging the writers to let their relationship be like Kate and Chad or Maggie and Xander. Keep it maternal, generally well-meaning, and not at all sexual.

How does Kristen think the only thing standing between her and Brady is whether Zombie Stefan takes a liking to Chloe? Only a rapist like her would not consider that regardless of Stefan's programmed feelings, Chloe will still want Brady. And that even if Chloe doesn't want Brady, he won't want Kristen (unless the writers turn him into a moron). Here's to Rolf's brainwashing backfiring because this is utterly stupid. I'm ready for Stefan to be back on his feet and for EJ to eat his words about Ava being nuts. Will we get there before the 12th?

And on the topic of Kristen, how young is too young to tell your daughter that her mother kidnapped and tried to murder your girlfriend? How is it doing Rachel any favors to pretend that Kristen is a reasonable parent? I know it's not the real world, but Kristen has already committed multiple felonies and fled the country numerous times. Granted, Brady helped her once, but still...she shouldn't even have unsupervised visitation, let alone custody. She's still showing signs of being obsessed with her kidnapping victim. Chloe should get a protective order that forces the company to keep Kristen away from her. It won't stop the woman, but at least they wouldn't have to see each other at the office and when Kristen acts up, she can be arrested.

One thing I'm looking forward to seeing: what Gabi does when she finds out about Li's lies. We all know forgiveness isn't her strong suit.
unless the writers turn him into a moron
"turn him into"? I think this is squarely where he's been for years.

Please note those were my mom's thoughts in #7. Mine were harsher.

I did appreciate the genuine scenes of StefaNO. Such a shame they didn't send him away for a bit instead of shooting him to save his (I still say alleged) mother.
how young is too young to tell your daughter that her mother
What I'm not sure of is how old Rachel is supposed to be. She was born during the jump, so Mother's Day 2020, it's 2023 in Salem, and she looks 6-7 to me. That's a bizarre and peculiar (and in my opinion annoying) SORAS event to foist this crappy story on us.

So by any "logic", if we can still use that word, Rachel should remember her mommy being naughty, being in prison, and/or being a "runaway" because of her crimes. Are we positing an alternate world in which Kristen lovingly smooched on her at night, while Brady sat in a rocker nearby, until Rachel was 3 or so, and then she became homicidal? It just doesn't make sense if you think about it for longer than 4 seconds.
Thanks for the summary.

Is it 2013 again? Because Johnny and Ava looks like it'll be a redux of Eve & JJ, while Rachel being bratty towards Chloe reminds me of JJ being a brat to his mom about dating Daniel (which, granted, most fans didn't want).

No words for Stefan and Rolf, as usual.

Belle and Shawn-D aren't actually solving anything. Might they be better served by a marriage counselor?

The DiMera board stuff is bland and dumb.
The "TIME JUMP" has been erased, forgotten, etc. It was convenient at election time, but the way Days jumps around with ages......they do not need a jump or time warp or anything else. Always makes me laugh when they age a baby, or a kid, as that ages everyone else...parents, grandparents, friends, other relatives, ....but that is ignored. No, the time jump is over, forgotten, never happened, or just someone's "dream".
Sure wish someone discovers or blabs or whatever about Ava's fake marriage claim.