Days of Our Lives Wed., August 21, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Well, the ho hum is mixed with some enjoyable stuff, but...judge for yourselves. Brady is with fake Nicole, telling about thinking about Kristen of late. This delights the fraud, who starts to tell Brady something she wanted to say ever since she got back. And of course, just as she is about to spill the beans about her deception, Tony bursts in, Brady takes a hike, will see them both later at the party. (which is the first fake Nik knows of it). Tony is getting upset with Nicole's antics, but before they can talk, more knocking, Tony heads to the bathroom to read his e-mails, fake Nik answers the door, thinking Brady returned, only to find Eric standing there. He tells her Brady told him about being with her, she snarks back, finally telling him her husband is in the bathroom, her boyfriend just left. Eric thanks her, she told him what he wanted to know.

Earlier.....Chloe is getting exasperated a bit with the calls from John, Marlena, having to assure them all is fine, while not revealing they each have the secret. Sarah arrives, has a gift for the couple, isn't coming, had a fight with Eric. Admits it was about Nicole, she feels he still has feelings for Nik, and doesn't want to be the one he settles for. Chloe is aware it is what Sarah did herself, when she married Rex.

Anna runs into Tony in the square, she is pleasant, but throws in digs about coming to the party later with her loving fiance'.

Eric goes to see Roman, tells of learning from Brady, about his being now with Nicole, they got into it. Also about him & Sarah, Roman asking the questions that make Eric think a bit. Anna comes in, Roman looks a bit uncomfortable, she talks of running into Tony, and how he has moved on, so has she. Eric leaves, Anna tells of gift she bought for John & Marlena, and then one for Roman. He is puzzled when she brings out a ring box, diamond engagement ring. For him to give to her. He is not a happy camper, she insists he has to go along with this, as he did in front of Tony, but puts the ring on herself, claims it got stuck, makes Roman help get it on, is very pleased. LOL

Eric & Sarah are back with each other, evidently all is forgiven, he supposedly is over Nicole, wants Sarah, they begin kissing, but there is the party, can't be late, it's a surprise. O.K. Then lets get ready, take a shower. Grins as they go to that room, hand in hand.

Gabi & Stefan are trading barbs again, questions, smart alek replies, statements, denials. Stefan says he saved her because he is decent person, would do the same for anyone, even a dog. Calling me a dog? They scrap about him framing her, how she was in prison, beat up, can't carry child to term. He is back at her with taking everything, she brags of being CEO now, he says something about MY house, she says it is HER house. More scrapping, he says, o.k. Take everything, even the shirt off my back, he peels it off, throws it at her. But says he thinks she did all this for revenge, but developed feelings for him. She stares, then absolutely jumps his bones, KISSSS, and bam, they are on that cot!

Brady comes to the Pub, is everything going o.k. Rolling eyes from Chloe, (place is all decorated now), she wishes people would just trust her to do her job. He sees the gift, she tells him from Sarah, who says she won't be coming, fight with Eric, so who knows? Yes, everyone else RSVP'd except nothing from Susan Banks. Marlena invited her, but she was not on John's list. Brady hopes she doesn't come.

At their apt. John is working on something, Marlena questions him, thought he was going to let Hope to that, forego his investigation all today. He stops, yep, she is right, he is all hers this day. He has a surprise, the top from their wedding cake, John feeds some icing to Marlena with finger, kiss, kiss.

Fake Nicole tells Tony about her fight with Gabi, mask pulled off, so she knows of the deception. Tony is floored and upset, then she says Stefan knows, too, both are tied up in the cellar. Tony cannot believe she would do that, same place as Kate & Ted. She smirks, pulls out a gun, saying she will have him kill them, like he did Ted!

John & Marlena start getting carried away, but halt as they realize they have those reservations at the club. Marlena gets up, agreeing, she will go get ready. John takes another swipe at the icing, goes to answer knock at the door. He opens. Surprise, surprise, she says, as Susan stands with arms extended.
I liked Chloe's snipe of "didn't you leave your husband like 2 minutes ago?"!! Great, now Eric has closure. Can't think of a better time for the real Nicole to come back! And shouldn't she be the one to unmask Kristen? Maybe at the party. These things always happen at a party.

Knew it wouldn't take long for Gabi and Stefan to get naked. I mean, what else do they have to do?!!
Kathy Lu...I thought exactly the same it is from their last wedding. With her getting shot, no chance then to eat their cake. so ...frozen............
Thanks, Poirot.

Anna had a bag from Baron's.

It's too bad Chloe doesn't have an audition in Chicago instead of New York.

What's going on on the Horton Square? All the store windows are covered.

Will Eric and Sarah's hot steamy shower turn into a frigid one because we
all know how "hot" they are :)

Will Susan spoil Marlena's surprise to John since she's not on his guest list?