Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec. 19, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Sonny is asleep, dreaming of being with Will on Thanksgiving, how happy they were. Leo comes in, blue silk PJs, insert eye rolling here) is all over Sonny who mutters “Will”, smiling. Leo backs away, Sonny wakes, sits up, tells Leo to get out of his bed. Leo figures it is time to consummate, Sonny says never, Leo willing to wait. Sonny gives him dirty look, gets out of bed.

Gabi is descending the stairs, stopping every few stairs as she flashes back (black & white) to arguing with Julie, tug of war over the purse, Julie falling down the stairs. Gabi reaches the bottom, flashes to Chad & Sonny rushing to help Julie, snaps out of it to answer the door. Eli & Lani stand there, Julie is awake, told them everything, they came to talk to Gabi, who tries to make excuses, but they know everything, begin to handcuff Gabi, stating her “rights” as they do so. Door opens, Sonny & Ari come in, Ari runs to Gabi, pleading she not go away again, Gabi is begging Eli & Lani not to arrest her, cannot take her away from her daughter, please! With a start, Gabi wakes up, as Sonny comes into the room, her her screaming all the way down the hall. Gabi is o.k., bad dream, she will be fine. Sonny leaves to go make pancakes with Ari, Gabi tries to calm down.

Later, she comes downstairs, remembering her dream, door bell, and yep, there stand Eli & Lani. They came to get her statement on what happened with Julie. Gabi goes into her usual....Julie was snooping in my room, I caught her, asked her to leave, she did. She ends up having to tell how Julie was looking for some kind of proof Gabi had made Abby crazy, Julie has always hated Gabi, so believed all the nonsense Abby had been spilling. Lani notes Stefan had Abby released. Gabi replies that he had Gabby released, who is in charge now. Yada, yada, blah, blah, o.k. They leave. Gabi goes to find Sonny & Ari, pancakes done, Ari can have as many as she wants. She mentions Ari's letter to Santa, Sonny says he rewrote it for her, seems Ari changed her mind, doesn't want the doll, clothes, or even the bike. Just that her mommy never go away again. Gabi promises she won't.

Over at the loft, a semi-naked Tripp (only wearing green shorts which are practically falling off) is making burritos for breakfast for Claire. Ciara comes down, the gals do their usual sniping at each other as Tripp goes to take a shower. He returns, clad only in newly crowned star actor – TOWEL – to tell the girls their grandmother is in the hospital, fell down the stairs.

In the hospital, Eli sits by gramma's bedside, telling her she has to wake up, is strongest woman he knows. Etc. Lani comes in, small talk, Julie's monitor begins to sound faster, Lani says she is going to get a nurse.

Next we see Ciara & Claire talking to Julie, telling her to get well, thanking her for her good advice, and praying together for her recovery.

Leo has managed to get Sonny to give him his credit card, is in the square with a few shopping bags, Will comes along, comments on Leo using Sonny's credit card. Leo says he was shopping for gifts for Sonny, & himself, holds up red bikini briefs, asking if Sonny will like them. Will says Sonny will never wear them. Leo throws his digs in, mentions being in Sonny's bed this a.m., Will knows nothing happened, Leo insinuates, Will throws a weak punch, Leo talks of pressing assault charges, Sonny comes along, gets between. Leo is still insinuating, but says they have to get home, Uncle Vic will be waiting, gives Sonny one bag to carry. Sonny assures Will nothing happened with him & Leo, gives him a sad look, and follows Leo out.

Earlier, Will had met up with Eric at the apartment, told him about the wedding, getting drunk. Eric is sorry. Will gives him papers from landlord, Eric mentions a snag in his quest to raise Holly, they talk some more, Will mentions how incredible he felt when he first held Ari, Eric signs the lease.

Sarah is at the club with Chloe, trying her hardest to convince her to let Eric raise Holly. Chloe is insistent she will do so, has legal paper. Sarah keeps pleading for Eric, Chloe asks just what is it to her, why is she butting into something none of her business. Eventually Eric arrives, hears some of this, gets Sarah to leave with him, but tells Chloe he is not giving up Holly, not yet.

Sarah apologizes for going to talk to Chloe, thought she could reason with her, Eric mentions her going back to Chicago, Sarah fills him in how Rex moving Mimi there, Kayla offering her a job here in Salem, she took it, will be staying in Salem with her mom, still has to tell her. Both are smiling about this. They go to the Kmansion to get Holly, want to show her the apartment, but Holly is not there, no where to be found. And we see Chloe pushing the buggy in the club, talking to Holly of them all living together, Chloe, Holly & her brother, Parker.

Gabi is in Julie's hospital room, having a daydream of smothering her with a pillow. Nope, she starts mouthing off about what Abigail did to her, how she cannot have children, went to prison unjustly, (all the stuff we have heard over and over). It was all fine til Julie came snooping. Now Gabi spots a pillow on a chair, picks it up, holds it over Julie's face, beginning to cover it.
Today’s episode might be the most annoying in a while. There was a flashback every 5 seconds or a daydream sequence. Also shout out to Gabi for having the most unbelievable and the probably the worst ever “OMG I have been caught” villain nightmare ever. I thought the point of those were to fake viewers out.

Tripp is cooking breakfast in nothing but boxer shorts and then he scurries upstairs only to return in the infamous towel ughhhh. I am glad Ciara and Claire were able to put their pettiness aside to check on Julie unlike their relative Will who really is Samantha DiMera’s son. He hasn’t checked on his daughter or his great aunt. It’s pathetic honestly.

I laughed so hard at Leo teasing Will about the new lingerie he bought for Sonny.

In one episode, Sarah has essentially ensured there will be all out war over Holly and moved into Eric’s apartment. She’s here to stay folks and I’m not here for it :angry: Poor Holly and Arianna, it looks like 2019 will be rough for them. Also Sarah basically said I hate Chloe for cheating on my brother, but I’m fine with Eric killing him lol.

I’m glad that Eli knows his grandmother well enough to be suspicious of Gabi. Also Salem University is not a safe place. People slide in and out trying to off their enemies and they never beef up security. Send me to the hospital in the next town over please even if it takes a little longer lol
Did anyone else notice the guy wearing a white scarf was always in the background appearing to be quite interested with Will. When Will threw the punch at Leo you can see him in back of Will looking on. When Leo and Sonny left leaving Will alone that same guy was looking at Will. For an extra in the background he sure seem to be watching Will.
Oh, man my aunt must have only watched the very beginning. I had gone out and she called to tell me about Gabi getting caught. I'll have to call her to let her know the villain is still at large. I'm ready for Sarah to go back to wherever she came from.
Hope is Will's aunt. Julie is her sister. Does that make Julie his cousin????
I had a ancestry program on another computer that would auto figure relationships once you put info in. Salem residents are so inter-related it is laughable.
However, none of this has anything to do with today on...

To me, the show was slow moving, nothing was accomplished except for Eric signing a lease. Too many dreams, too much Sarah sticking her nose into other people's affairs. She is so concerned about Holly being with Eric, but is resentful of Rex wanting to be near Emily. Doesn't compute. Will punching Leo was so weakly done, Tripp in the green boxers, then the towel, was toooooo much. You guessed right, I did not care much for this episode.
Hope is Will's aunt. Julie is her sister. Does that make Julie his cousin????
Hope is Will's aunt via marriage to Bo. But on the Horton side, she's his biological cousin, same as Julie.

Julie, Hope and Lucas are all first cousins, as Julie and Hope's mother, Addie, is the sister of Bill Horton, Lucas' father.
To me, the show was slow moving, nothing was accomplished except for Eric signing a lease. Too many dreams, too much Sarah sticking her nose into other people's affairs. She is so concerned about Holly being with Eric, but is resentful of Rex wanting to be near Emily. Doesn't compute. Will punching Leo was so weakly done
Rex and Emily were at the back of my mind today, but that is a great point. How can Sarah rant and rave about her ex-fiancé wanting to be near and take care of his actual daughter, but basically run this campaign for Eric to have a child that has no blood relation to him. Like Chloe said, it really is none of her business. Also, I’m inclined to agree Will does not pack the punch of his parents or grandparents, and needs much work in the intimidation department lol
As others have said, there wasn't much excitement today, but here are a few comments.

Shut up already: Sarah has moved past obnoxious into outright vile, vicious nastiness -- suggesting to Chloe that Holly is her Lucas substitute, wronging charging that the diva was acting as if she was a saint, and then bringing up assignations past. Why can't she go back to Chicago? Rex and Mimi may be there, but the last time anyone looked, it's a very large city. Big Mouth Sarah could live out the rest of her life there without ever running into her despised ex.

Calling Roman Brady: The former police commissioner has juiced up the Pub offerings with garbage can nachos, Choco Puffs, and EJ Chow. Now, he ought to talk to Little Trippy about his breakfast burrito ala Claire. This taste sensation would be sure to pack 'em in.

A new definition for insanity: This would be Big Boy Sonny giving grifter Leo his credit card. How volcanic would Victor's reaction be if the Big Boy came asking for money because paying Leo's credit card charges have left him flat broke.

Stay out of the Salem big leagues: Every day in every way, Gabi proves that she shouldn't be playing in the Salem schemers' big leagues. Would Stefano, EJ, or Kate ever have made so many mistakes that they would have found themselves holding a pillow and standing over Julie's bed?
Big Boy Sonny giving grifter Leo his credit card.
No words. All I could do was shake my head in disbelief.

So, who will come into Julie's room just as Gabi lowers the pillow? I wish it would be Rafe, but I think it would more likely be Eli. I really don't expect Gabi to stop on her own, but I guess this is a remote possibility.
Sarah and Chloe: What I love is when the show delves into the show's rich history between characters, I mean I remember how Sarah was there for Daniel when Chloe. What's that? Sarah wasn't there for Daniel ever? Okay well how about when she was there for Eric when he was excommunicated from the priesthood and drowning in existential despair. Pardon? Sarah wasn't there for Eric either?

Then why the heck is Sarah running around town getting all up in Eric and Chloe's business like a younger version of Gladys Kravitz, the nosy neighbor from "Bewitched?" I mean it's nice that she and Eric have become such good buddies so quickly and all but she really needs to slow her roll. At this early stage of the story, I'm pretty much Switzerland in terms of having an opinion on who little Holly should end up with, but if having Sarah tear into Chloe like a rapid Jack Russell terrier is supposed to make us side with Eric, it's not going to work for me.

Will and Sonny vs. Leo: I know Leo has photographs of Sonny and Will rolling him up in Maggie's rug and dumping his "body." I know that. But I'm still not buying the sight of Will and Sonny essentially cowering before this lowlife goofball. The writers have rendered Will and Sonny helpless and impotent against somebody who supposedly is holding the all cards just isn't coming across as all that threatening to me. Maybe I'm missing something?

Gabi having a scene with the adorable Arianna. I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've seen Arianna since Will told her he remembers her which was about two months ago. And I'm positive this is the first time we've seen her with Gabi since she decided to forgive her mommy. Her letter to Santa was sweet but I think it would have been more effective if we had actually seen the little girl dealing with anxiety about her mother going away again. That being said, I loved the scenes because I felt we saw tad bit more of the Gabi I fell in love with and still have hopes we will see again.

As far as the last scene goes, I know it looks bad but I think it may be kind of a fake out like the beginning of the scene. Where it looks like Gabi may actually have the pillow on Julie's face but I don't think go that far. That may be the wishful thinking but I guess I'm just wishful kind of guy. LOL
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So many people needed a Gibbs slap to the back of the head or more today....

Leo- Gets on my ever loving last nerve.

Sarah - Hypocrite!

Trippy Boy - Just disgusting. Get your hormones in check, and move out.

Gabi - You need a giant comeuppance in every way. Prison is too good for you at this point.
Leo willing to wait. Sonny gives him dirty look, gets out of bed.
No lines crossed. Colour me relieved!
Over at the loft, a semi-naked Tripp (only wearing green shorts which are practically falling off)
Works for me - Tripp is 10000% more appealing (and I'm 7x as likely to forget his holding a knife to Kayla's throat) when he's scantily clad.
He returns, clad only in newly crowned star actor – TOWEL
Told ya he had a big guarantee!!

However I must say the Claire/Ciara altercation was NOT needed! There was enough natural tension during the cooking scene that it didn't need to be pushed, bolded, and underlined with a childish fight. In fact it cheapened what we did see!
Leo throws his digs in
Go Leo! It might be a good idea to bring up Will's twice straying from his marriage vows, too. (Couldn't hurt.)
legal paper
A stretch at best, an outright lie at worst.
her brother, Parker
Who even knew he still lived in Salem? I thought he had permanently relocated to NYC with Craig & Nancy.
Also shout out to Gabi for having the most unbelievable and the probably the worst ever “OMG I have been caught” villain nightmare ever.
he sure seem to be watching Will.
I am watching that scene now, and will pay attention carefully.
and EJ Chow
Yay! I'm so glad this made the menu!!
sway: I didn't notice anything other than "look at those protagonists acting like they own the place" with the scarfed extra until the final scene. Looked like he was approaching Will at the end. Frankly I'm curious to see what happens. I can't believe Will believed Leo for even a second.

On another note, I liked the makeup scene between Claire/Ciara. Also I hope Leo keeps jabbing but doesn't ever, ever, ever think of blackmailing Sonny into bed.