Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec. 20, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Oh, wow! Such a well written and acted episode, can’t miss. JJ is in the square, caroling is going on, he stops to donate to a bell ringer, returns to his room. He takes a pad of paper, box of envelopes out of the bag (he purchased them in the square) and begins to write a letter. It is to Theo, and starts, I can’t begin to tell you how sorry………but he scratches it out, crumples up the paper, throws it away, this cannot be about me. His phone rings, he sees it is his mother, turns it off. Returns to the desk, and writes to her. And as he writes, he has flashback to a time with his dad……he writes letters to various people, all accompanied by memory flashbacks, but are newly created. Each one has a month and year identifying the time period.

He tells his mom how he failed her, left school, came home, she wasn’t there, but dad was. How dad claimed he, too, was thrown out of a lot of schools, until he finally put his mind to making the grade. He does a “faith in you” talk with JJ, pays for a ticket back to school, and mom will never know. He gifts him with a pen his father gave him after he succeeded, but wants JJ to have it, maybe inspire him. JJ encloses it the letter to Jennifer, seals the envelope.

I cannot do this episode justice, it is just so well done, has so many facets.

He takes a shower, shaves, remembers how Dad taught him to shave, using old school razor, which he still uses, how mom taught him to drive, and Abby taught him to fight. He remembers at one point, Jen, Abby & him sitting in the living room, talking of Jack dying, having saved Abby, and none can tell him goodbye. He remembers swallowing a pill (guess he was taking drugs then) and ends up giving Abby the last razor blade (packaged) to teach Thomas how to shave, as he won’t be able to do so.

He writes to Gabi, talking of Paige, Gabi never knowing her, and giving her a thumb drive of songs Paige wrote, sang, for him. To Abe he writes of Abe being the one encouraging him to get on the force to begin with, gives him his badge, saying Abe was angry when JJ got it back, he was right, so here it is.

Hope gets a letter, and the bravery pin awarded to JJ, she always had faith in him, and encouraged him.

To Lani he is sorry he could not give her the birthday present, after what happened that day, (Theo being shot), he got tickets to Rihanna concert, looked forward to it, and to things they could do in Chicago. He does love her, he meant it.

All of the flashback “memories” are in black & white, except the last two, which are in color, and seem to be fantasy ones. He also, inbetween the letter writing, has showered, shaved, put on his dress uniform.

Theo gets the last letter, wherein JJ once again apologizes, saying Theo had so many dreams for the future, and now has no future, all due to JJ, who has given his things to others, has nothing to give Theo, except his life. So he will go to the square, to where JJ shot Theo, and pay for Theo’s life with his own.

JJ had already taken out his gun, now takes out the magazine, snaps it into place. He stands, holding the gun staring straight ahead.

And on screen comes the number for the suicide hot line. Then the credits.
There ARE several scenes with Jack, the "memory" scenes, I did not tell all, but there were some spoiler pics that I did NOT see today. ???

JJ picks up a framed photo of Jack, Jen, Abby & him, stares at it, remembering the scene where they were talking of Jack's death. We have seen that photo recently.

This is an emotional episode, and I know it had to be hard to try and portray a teen JJ, a younger Jennifer, a "different" Abby from the one who was in the elevator, etc. Very well done, kudos to all involved.
Oh my gosh, this sounds like a very emotional yet well-done episode. I've always been impressed with the acting abilities of Casey Moss (JJ), but he, like the character, has really grown these past few months and years. I do hope someone stops him, or that Theo manages to wake up in time. Either way, these writers are on a roll!
By the a "flashback" scene, Hope is talking to JJ, having been reinstated, and mentions shooting Stefano. JJ says but he was a terrible man, and had been goading you for months. Hope says he was still a human being, I hope you never have to be put in that situation.

I think some of these memory flashbacks are meant to deal with previous things that were never dealt with. Jack's death, for the time, he was not identified by a family member, and then suddenly, Jen & Abby were meeting JJ at the airport, flying off to CA to scatter his ashes. No funeral, nothing. So now we see Jen in tears, at home, with both her daughter and son. We also get to see fun loving JJ at school, not wanting to take his mother's call, but finally doing so, only to hear her say I have bad news about your father, nearly breaking down in the process.
There are a lot of viewers/fans clammoring for Jack to be returned. And if we did not see any dead body at all with Jack, but did so with Will......and Will is alive after reason Jack cannot also be alive. In MY opinion.

I do hope you all get to see this episode, though. It really is so very well done.
I read the recaps every day, but I have not signed in to write in a very long time. I just watched this episode and I HAD to. This is by far the BEST episode in years!! I cried during the entire hour. I hope those who just read recaps like I do will go and watch this one. It is Emmy award winning!!
Poor JJ, in a town where never having to say you're sorry is a way of life, his guilt has driven him to the point of suicide. Apart from the soulless, amoral DiMeras (EJ, Stefano, and Kristen), the list of people who harmed others and rarely looked back just goes on and on: Victor, Brady, Xander, Deimos, Clyde, Vivian, Sami, Dario, Jeannie Theresa, Kate, etc. Surely, when he goes to the Town Square to end his life, somebody will be there to stop him. (Rory or the spirit of Jack would be a good choices.) As for those who appeared in flashbacks:

Abe: If JJ does harm himself, will angry Abe feel guilt and recall how he was beaming at the awards ceremony?

Roman: Other than JJ, he should have drilled that warning about impulsiveness into Sami's thick head;

Hope: She told JJ about the guilt involved with killing a person. How about the guilt from doing almost no time in prison for filling somebody full of holes?
Really? I know he has been thought dead, only because he went missing, but has he really survived being dead?