Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec. 27, 2017

I am beyond confused at the way they dress Abby. I know some actors use their own clothes or have input. I have seen the actress when she chose her own clothing and these colors are about as ugly as the design. She's married to Chad DiMera, who had a personal dresser. Why didn't they hire Gabi to dress Abby once everyone was friends again? MAYBE they are doing this so they can have an "AMBUSH MAKEOVER" for Abby being the face of "who wears Gabi Chic". After all, Kate is going to run it.
There was also a part in the hospital room where Kate is apologizing to Theo, but he says he made the decision on his own, remember her being nice to him as a kid, and that he loves her. She says "I love you too" and they hug.

I thought the episode was OK. JasonD, so glad I'm not the only person who felt like they're trying to make Ciara and Tripp a cheap imitation of Lucas and Sami. But I’m tired of all the petulant drama with these folks. Enough!

I enjoyed the Kate scenes, the Abigail/Andre stuff, even Eric & Jennifer's parts. But yes, a filler episode, it was.
So zero to 180, we now have Sami's shrieking continuing through nouveau Sami embodied in Ciara. Never, never, never liked Claire from the moment she started, and I can tolerate her more now than this reincarnation of Ciara. Why can't someone change gradually and morph into another personality? Every time they make a lovable character unrecognizable in practically a split second. YET they can drag out other stories to the point no one cares or has already figured the outcome.