Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec. 5, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

1st 15 min. not shown (Pres.Funeral talking heads) but evidently Julie turned down Ben's request for a table, so he meets up with Ciara, and decide on Pub, which is closed. So, over to a park bench, he gets a blanket from somewhere, they have Chinese takeout ordered, chat a bit. She asks about his job, he tells her head of security for Stefan DiMera. That does not sit well with Ciara, but he says every business in town turned him down, even washing dishes in a dive bar. No, he hasn't worked in a security thing before, but Stefan seems to just want someone who can intimidate people. Evidently that is Ben's set of skills. Ciara doesn't mind, Ben does say that if Stefan wants him to ever cross a line, he won't do it. Ciara figures that means killing someone. They finish off the food, open the fortune cookies, his says all good things come to those who wait. She says it sounds cliché'. Am I a good thing? He thinks she is great thing. Hers says your date will end in a kiss....she figures they already knew that, leans in, they kiss.

Meanwhile, Hope is with Ted, ranting on and on about Ben, is sure he is with Ciara right now. She calls him names, gets on Ted's case about getting the confession, she has to get him behind bars. She does mention losing a child, doesn't want to lose another. Ted is sympathetic, sits down next to her, putting his arm around her shoulder, patting it. But she jumps up......none of that. He apologizes. Says he lost a kid, too, about 5 years ago, comments how you never get over it. She agrees.

Brady brought a gift to the club for Chloe, and a book for Parker. They sit, chat, he is upset about being on the outs with Eric. By the time he leaves, he has thought of something he could do to make it up with his brother.

Rafe comes into the club, sits at bar, orders a tequila on the rocks. Julie is bartending!!! she can tell something is bothering him, pries and pries til he spills, first making sure he did not cheat again. But Rafe tells of Hope lying, mentioning the locket she got at the Smith Island Cabin, saying it was for Abby, going to take to Jen, only when he talked to Jen, she had not seen Hope, wasn't expecting her. And a little bit later, Hope leaves a voice mail for him, saying she was still with Jen, going to stay over. Julie is dumbfounded, as Rafe continues, tells of finding the two wine glasses and boxer shorts in the cabin on Smith Island, and now Julie is truly shocked. She suggests maybe Hope is doing this in revenge for him cheating w/Sami. He is going to get to the bottom of it all.

Rafe goes to the cabin, everything just as he saw it earlier. He grabs the bottle of wine, after kicking the shorts to the side, sits on the sofa. Well, the two of you will be back eventually, and when you do, I'll be waiting. He takes a swig from the wine bottle.
Here is the beginning:

Ciara is primping before her date, spraying on perfume. Tripp comes to the door and asks what she's doing. He figures out she has a date with Ben. She asks why he's still there and he says Claire convinced him to stay. She leaves and he breaks her perfume bottle.

Ben tries to get a table at Doug's Place, but Julie says they're booked, even though he can see empty tables. She says they're all reserved. He tells her it's for a date with Ciara, which sets off Julie. They go back and forth, when Chloe comes over and politely asks him to leave. Julie tells him if he tries to hurt Ciara, she'll terminate him herself. He says he believes her.

Brady is having dinner with Claire, Marlena and John at the pub. He wishes Eric would've joined them, but Eric hates him. Marlena tells him to give it time. Plus, his time is occupied with Holly.

Hope calls Rafe (gets his voicemail because there's no service on Smith Island) and says Jenn is upset about Abby's situation, so she's still with her and might even spend the night.

Later, Rafe comes into Doug's Place and orders a tequila on the rocks; Julie asks what's wrong.

Ben tells Ciara how nice she looks, then tells her his plans for Doug's Place fell through. She says they can eat at the Pub. He says Roman hates him, but she assures him Uncle Roman isn't there. They see the pub is closed for the night (while they're standing outside). She suggests sneaking in and cooking their own food. He says he has another idea, if she trusts him.

Brady comes into Doug's Place; Chloe is sitting at a table folding napkins. He has a present for Parker, a book in the series that he likes so much.

Claire comes into Ciara's room and sees Tripp cleaning up the mess from the broken perfume bottle. He tells her about Ciara's date with Ben, and Claire tells him she saw them outside of the pub together. Claire tries to get Tripp riled up about Ciara and suggests they "vote Ciara off the island" (out of the apartment).

Ben takes Ciara to the park for a picnic (they ordered Chinese food). He got a warm lap-robe to put over their legs (and she's holding a dozen roses wrapped in gold paper with a red bow). She asks about his job and he tells her he's head of security for Stefan-Zero.

Hope and Ted are talking and she tells him she lost a child once. He says he's sorry and asks what happened. She tells him about Zack and how he was struck by a car on New Year's Eve, but he's with his father now. Ted tries to hug Hope and she rebuffs him. He says he understands. He lost a child 5 years ago.

Julie can't believe Hope would deceive Rafe, as he sits there dejectedly, nursing his drink. He says Hope told him she was taking Abby's locket to Jennifer, then he talked to Jennifer, who hadn't heard from Hope all day/night, yet when he got back from Smith Island, he heard Hope's voicemail about having to spend the night with Jennifer. He explains about being in the Horton cabin and finding an open bottle of wine, 2 glasses, Hope's lipstick on one of the glasses and a pair of men's boxers on the floor. Julie is kind of shocked, but asks if it's possible Hope is paying him back for cheating with Sami.


John and Marlena are in the closed/empty pub, having champagne. He says Roman rigged the sound system to play their wedding song, but he can't get it to work. Marlena comes over and says she hears it (not really) and says she hears it every time they're together, and they dance.

They stop and he brings out dessert, which is the top of their wedding cake (or just a tiny cake he got), and they feed each other bites of cake, then kiss. She suggests taking the cake home; he's worried that being out is too much on her, but she thinks the cake would be better in the privacy of their own home, and they kiss again.

Ben calls Ted and says he needs to reschedule, because he's on a date. Ted is furious and says his time is valuable. Ben doesn't care, as he didn't ask for the meeting. He hangs up (Ciara went to pick up the food while Ben made his call). Ted tells Hope that Ben cancelled because he has a date. A date with my daughter, Hope fumes. Smoke comes out of her ears as she tells Ted she will do whatever it takes for Ben to confess to setting that fire.

Tripp talks about moving out, but Claire tells him that she'd miss him. He agrees to stay in the apartment and she hugs him, then he leaves Ciara's room, while Claire stands there smiling like the Cheshire Cat.
Julie: People have been lied to their faces countless times in Salem, but Julie's whopper about the club being booked is one of the biggest. Based on what's seen on-screen that place is perpetually semi-empty.

Ben: He gets kudos for being one of the few Salemites who's actually qualified for his job. Sure, he has no relevant security experience, but if all McPerv wants is somebody to scare people away from the DiMansion, Ben certainly fills the bill.

Ben & Ciara: Their take-out meal under a blanket in the park was probably the best dining option in Salem. Real Chinese food was surely superior to Roman's tepid, watery Wanchai Ferry offerings or a night at Doug's Place where some upset Salemite is almost certain to come in and spoil the mood by moaning about their problems.

Hope: The corrupt, inept police commissioner says that she'll do anything to nail poor Ben. Does that mean that she'd even consider the Arnold Finnegar treatment (kldnapping and assault)?

Horton Cabin Raccoons: It's a common theme that they don't like human intruders, but they could be in for the show of their lives: a semi-inebriated Rafe, waving Ted's dirty boxers, angrily confronting the town shyster and his deluded spouse.
Thanks JS, for filling in all the stuff I missed. Wonder why some areas of the country tuned in on time, and others stayed with the yakking about what everyone just saw. They even reran clips.........And did not even say.....we join the show in progress. It just came on...for me......for about 30 seconds, then commercials. Sigghhhhh/
Based on what's seen on-screen that place is perpetually semi-empty.
I'm actually hoping this becomes a story point, since both Chloe and Julie had to scrimp and save to get the cash for this purchase. They should want it packed regularly.
Does that mean that she'd even consider the Arnold Finnegar treatment (kldnapping and assault)?
Didn't she threaten as much with Ted?
Julie played it all wrong with Ben.
Someone should tell Julie that Ben hates Gabi. They'd become instant besties.
Thanks, Poirot and JS.

I think there is something fishy going on with Ted. He insists Rafe
shouldn't be told anything and today Ted was trying to comfort Hope.

I enjoyed the scenes with John and Marlena.

I laughed when Julie said to Ben "over my dead body, don't you
try anything"

Will Rafe get drunk? Will Ted and Hope go back to the island
or will they
stay in Salem waiting for Ben? Stay tuned.
When Julie told Ben “don’t get any ideas” when she said over my dead body, I laughed so hard. That face she made was too funny.

I loved Ben and Ciara’s date. The scene where Ciara is worried that Ben’s job with Stefan might be killing people made me chuckle too. It is so strange that we are rooting for this character not to go back to his old ways and his old ways is killing people lol.

John and Marlena were perfection. More more please.

Claire is becoming a little too Sami-like and I don’t want her with Tripp, so I hope someone steps in. Claire trying to toss Ciara out ASAP and Tripp breaking Ciara’s perfume was pretty sad. Not a good look.

I enjoyed the dialogue between Ted and Hope too. I really hope this brings the end of Rafe and Hope. He’s like a sad shell of man these days.

Lastly, whoever edits the episodes and decides what to cut out needs to be fired. My goodness it has been awful for awhile, but now it is just too blatant.
Thanks JS, for filling in all the stuff I missed. Wonder why some areas of the country tuned in on time, and others stayed with the yakking about what everyone just saw. They even reran clips.........And did not even say.....we join the show in progress. It just came on...for me......for about 30 seconds, then commercials. Sigghhhhh/

Some of it could be the show airing at different times in different cities. It airs at 2pm CST here in Houston (aired at 1pm for years but got pushed back to 2 a few years ago). Yesterday, the last 30 minutes of Days was preempted here instead of the first 15 minutes. Today's episode aired in it's entirety with no interruptions. Although I think a primetime special honoring President Bush was advertised for tonight so that could also be why Days wasn't interrupted today.
The thing is........accounting for time difference......the notice was that services would be over & programming resuming at 1:45 eastern. that is 12:45 Central. Days comes on here at 1 P.M., but the coverage still was continuing til 1:15.....that is 2:15 Eastern.
Those living in Canada got the entire show at their regular times. If Days comes on at 2:00 Central in the Houston area, then the coverage by NBC was all over already. (I am able to get the East Coast feed in addition to they did not get the show at all, unless their local stations showed it later on the East coast. That usually means wee hrs., only helpful if one has a way to record. )
Yes they did replay Days at 1:30am. I had set it to record but wasn't sleeping so turned it on and couldn't turn it off. Loved the Ben/Ciara stuff. Especially because I know Hope's head will explode. Ciara was stunning.

Julie was pretty funny when Ben wanted a table. Yes, I don't like serial killers. Sue me. And he will eat dinner there with Ciara over her dead body. Don't get any ideas. Ben's boss not going to be happy that he put off meeting up with Ted, who is getting pretty close to Hope. They are sharing a lot of intimate things which is not going to sit well with Rafe. We, well I, can only hope this breaks them up.
Don't some restaurants have signs that say they reserve the right to refuse service......but, I guess that is for improper dress, etc. I thought Ben was very polite and respectful to her.......that is discrimination, ma'am! LOL
Being a serial killer isn't a protected/marginalised group, though. Nor would it affect hygiene (à la 'No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service'). However it might affect other customers' dining experience (which is where most dress policies come from).