Days of Our Lives - Wed., Feb. 12, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2013

The opening scenes sure had me intrigued. But...well, let's see. Lucas is at the club, watching Sheryl & Jordan laughing and talking, remembers his mother making her statement about "getting" Jordan. He joins the girls, they chat away, Jordan remarks that early a.m. patient may not ever walk again, Sheryl figures she is wrong, that is what they said about Rafe, and goes on about the "healer" that Jordan is. Lucas excuses himself, sends Mommy Dearest a forceful text to lay off Jordan.
Rafe is at the cop shop, everyone glad to see him, brings back a cold case file he was working on for Hope, asks Roman for another. He does figure he will be back soon, but about something to nail Stefano DiMera. Roman laughs, rattling off a long list of crimes which they could not get Stefano for. Rafe says it is personal, as Stefano sent Bernardi to kill him. Oh, Roman wishes they could nail him, notes his daughter Sami is about to marry the son of that S.O.B. despite knowing all that he has done, and even has his grandchildren living there. Rafe mentions something about Stefano not targeting Kate or him, Roman inquires in they are back together. Nope, just friends, and Rafe is dating someone else now.

Rafe now enters the club to hear Sheryl & Jordan talking about Arthur, with Jordan claiming she loves him so much, cannot imagine her life without him. Rafe's face falls a bit, but he joins the ladies, except Sheryl has to leave. Jordan manages to get Rafe to tell why he is upset, thought they were honest with each other, and she never told him she had someone else in her life. She smiles, proceeds to really put him on, talking of living with Arthur, but then talking of how wild he got, didn't care for her as much as she did him, so she finally had him neutered. LOL. Rafe realizes she meant a pet, she tells him it is her cat. Rafe figures he is just too deep into her, but Jordan tells him she is just as deep as he is, as she carresses his hand.

Sheryl & Lucas are meeting with a new client, yep, right there in Mad World's gorgeous offices, smack dab in the middle of the Club. LOL. Sheryl has made a huge presentation, the client is impressed, tells Lucas they have sealed the deal, shakes hands, leaves. Lucas is praising Sheryl, talks of how once he saw her portfolio, he stopped the search. She happily kisses him on the cheek, then apologizes. No need, was fine he says.

At the Pub, Nick is playing his innocent game with Gabi & Sami, with Kate looking on. He blathers away with some high falutin' words but throws in "when the two of you, Kate & Sami, tried to murder me", and goes on. Sami stops him, he plays innocent, but then notes they tried to murder him, pushing him into the river. Gabi is her usual wimpy, scared self, and Nick does a good job of talking to her, indicating that Sami & Kate are controling her, and Gabi is silent. They all finally agree to go back to the apt. to have the conversation private. Nick texts someone.
At the apartment it is more and more of the same. Nick is exonerating Gabi, while accusing Sami & Kate, they talk of how he tried to rape Gabi, oh, he is so sorry, it was wrong, and he keeps on Gabi, talking of how those two are trying to control her. And now Percy arrives, with his "Greetings"!. LOL as both Kate & Sami say "oh, shut up"....he really doesn't say much, as Nick is talking, talking and more talking. With a flashback, we see how he was rescued from the river by Percy, he goes on about Sami not letting Gabi check him for a pulse as well. The gals talk of how they wanted to call the police, but Kate made them realize they could end up in jail, and they did think he was dead. He insists not. Sami tries to get him to leave, opening the door, but Nick has more to say over how Gabi is being manipulated and controlled.

Abby is confronting EJ, talking of how hurt she is over his calling their affair a mistake. She mentions JJ having a hearing today, how he could go to prison, but has been turning his life around. Then how her mother and rest of her family always hold up this image of Abby as how the perfect Horton should be, if they only knew how she really is. She is near tears as she talks, asking EJ if he wasn't with Sami, if that was not an option at all, would it be possible for them to be together? He is silent, and she understands he must be saying no. EJ tells her she is a good person, and what they did was a mistake. She talks some more, but finally is about to leave. Johnny rushes in, going to return the apron, she tells him to keep it. She grabs her jacket, not even putting it on, and leaves. Amazing how warm it seems to be. LOL
Johnny wants to know where Mommy is, he wants to show her the cupcakes. Ej says Mommy was detained, something she had to do. Johnny leaves the room, an angry EJ slams down a photograph, saying where the heck is she, and there had better be a good excuse.

And over to Daniel's apartment, where Eric keeps going on and on about how he loves Nicole, knows she loves him, and they will be together. She keeps saying no, it cannot be, you cannot leave the church, and something has happened....but she takes the entire show before she finally, at the end, tells him about finding Chyka, who is the one who gave Kristen the drugs she used on Eric.
Thanks for the summary. The show is pre-empted here because of the boring coverage of the Nagin trial. Even after it is done!!

Anyways, sounds like a good show on all counts.
Hopefully, Rafe won't fall into the "get Stefano" trap. Roman has endured a lifetime of frustration, while Bo crossed the line and committed a string of crimes all in the name of "bringing down" the DiMeras. Rafe should stick to something doable, like cleaning up crime-ridden Salem Park. He might also want to dust off his cat-finding skills that were acquired while he was partnered with Carrie "Princess Hag" Reed. That way if Arthur, Jordan's beloved cat, ever goes missing, Rafe can play the hero. As for Nick, he always seems not to realize whom he's talking to. Kate is quite capable of homicide (ask Chloe) and Sami is associated with the top crime family in Salem. All she has to do is ask EJ, and Dr. Chyka, Ricardo, Bruno, or some other DiMera trained killer will put Tricky Nicky at the top of his to-do list.
Rafe should stick to something doable, like cleaning up crime-ridden Salem Park. He might also want to dust off his cat-finding skills that were acquired while he was partnered with Carrie "Princess Hag" Reed. That way if Arthur, Jordan's beloved cat, ever goes missing, Rafe can play the hero.
If there was one word of truth spoken today it was Nick pointing out that everyone makes decisions for Gabi and she needs to start standing on her own. Now, with that being said, her first independent decision should be not to fall for Nick's good guy act again. Even though personally I love how he went after Sami and Kate today. "I'll be right there. Don't start without me" as the fearless 3 head out to the apartment.
Oh I know Mel, Nick was not excluded from that. My point is everyone tries to tell her what to do - Sami, Kate, Nick, Will, and Sonny. They all try to tell her what is best for her. The only person she should be seeking decision making advice from is Rafe.

And although Nick's intentions weren't honorable he was spot on with what he said about Sami and Kate today. Sami saying she wanted to call police to help Gabi was not the truth. She wanted to call the police to stick it to Gabi because at the time she thought she was going to New York with Nick.
A lot of similarities with Rafe/Sami and Rafe/Jordan SL’s, it’s to bad the writers can’t come up with an original thought.

I can’t get into the Eric/Nicole SL.

I think Ej was a little to upset because Sami wasn’t coming home, could it be he is afraid of losing Abby and throw some jealousy in for good measure!

Tomorrow Rafe meets Arthur. I enjoyed Jordan egging Rafe on about Arthur, making him jealous; they are getting into the SL finally! At least they are talking and not just kissing all the time, and today had some expression on their faces.

And yes Lucas, I’m afraid you are right, mommy dearest is going to screw everything up for you!

I liked Roman/Rafe talking today. And that junior is number 3 in the line of Sami’s ex’s. Roman looked surprised that Rafe told him that Sami was in the lost column when it comes to junior. Maybe Roman was hoping that Rafe/Sami could get back together someday!

They have dragged this SL with the 3 muskrats, Nick, and Percy beyond belief time to close this book.
Abby, Abby...You went into this whatever it is sexual relationship knowing that EJ was engaged to Sami, so why are you acting as if you just find out...GOD I am not liking this behavior...Now She is contemplating a relationship with EJ... Abby should bow down gracefully... He will come running, because he likes the chase!!

I don't know what Game Nicole is playing, but since I don't care for Eric, so whatever!

Nick is just sooo good... Sami is acting very smug, I can't wait for Nick to bring her down!

EJ said he was thinking of JJ, translation... Abby I am thinking of you!!
They are dragging out the suspense with Eric and Nicole! Is she going to tell him or what?! I'm thinking Daniel is going to come home before Nicole has a chance to tell Eric about the evidence she found. Daniel doesn't know about the items that she found in that safe. So which way will she that stuff to Eric and Daniel or just tell Eric how they recorded Chyka confessing but then he stole her phone so still no concrete proof? In all honesty, it shouldn't affect Eric's decision but I can see that coming back to bite Nicole in the butt if she isn't forthcoming with the info. I'm just worried she will fall back to her insecure ways and figure she won Eric's affections and if she gives him the evidence he will go back to trying to be a priest. I don't know, she is trying to be a more selfless person lately with her relentless pursuit to exonerate Eric so hopefully she is completely honest with him and lets the chips fall where they may.

I was laughing my butt off when Percy walked into the apartment with his usual "greetings!" and both Kate and Sami were like, "SHUT UP!" LOLOLOL. I wasn't expecting Nick to show his hand this quickly about knowing what the three ladies did to him. Hopefully this means that this story will be over soon.

I thought the Rafe and Jordan scenes were really cute. They need to get things moving along though with her backstory. While I like them together, I feel exactly like Rafe does: I hardly know anything about her so why should I care? This has been too long of an introduction to a character. She first came on in August. That's six months. All we know is that she is hiding something about her identity but we're no closer to learning that than we were six months ago. All we know is that she was previously in Birmingham where she was friends with Sheryl, she has a bunch of different driver licenses, and she had a couple mysterious phone calls and emails. Kate has basically been investigating her since day one....and Rafe still doesn't even know about that. This is getting really old and really boring. Move it along people!

It's ok for Abigail to be honest with EJ about her feelings and that perhaps there's a part of her that's falling for him but she knew going into this that EJ was engaged to Sami. Just because he's been doing the dance with no pants with her doesn't mean he's about to up and leave his fiance. Maybe this is just showing Abby's immaturity when it comes to sex, love, and relationships. I really hope they don't start some stalker storyline like with Austin. If anything I want her to move on from EJ and have him pining after her. That would be hot. Still looking forward to Sami's head exploding when she learns of EJ's infidelity.
Finally a great episode today I must say so myself YES stories are finally rolling a long. First let's go for the juicy Nick storyline. Like seriously Gabby you need to be smacked into next Wednesday the fact the man tried to RAPE you yet you still even listen to his crap. For once Kate and Sami are actually the good guys and I never thought I'd say that ever in Days history LOL. Nick is very diabolical he is great to hate for sure. We all knew that he knew but it doesn't surprise me that he wouldn't implicate Gabby for his murder but instead try to manipulate her against Kate and Sami whom tried to help her. Somehow I feel Gabby may briefly turn on Kate and Sami so that way her idea of "peace" will be there as a whole "family" then will really start to see how controlling Nick is. Somehow I feel he might become physically abusive to Gabby even threaten her if she decided to go with him.Percy walking in and him saying "Greetings" and Kate/Sami saying " SHUT UP!!" LOL I was saying it with them to the TV. Percy is just SO SO annoying!! Thank you Days even knows how annoying that "greetings" is!!

Abigail and EJ well it was only clear that EJ was going to choose Sami over Abigail as he had felt guilty but kept losing control. Abigail reminded me so much how she was years ago with Austin that sort of obsession she had for Austin its clear she has for EJ. However though EJ is trying his hardest to resist it's making him more frustrated obviously that it's hard for him to deny his feelings for Abigail. So maybe it'll come out once Abigail moves on eventually with someone else.

Sheryl and Lucas were interesting today. I'm glad Lucas sees how close Sheryl and Jordan are as friends and that Lucas sees if Jordan were hurt by his mother it could effect things for him with Sheryl she'd be hurt to. It's a good thing he texted Kate that which they'll be bump roads in their mother/son relationship once again. HOWEVER something came up.....Lucas lied to Sheryl that he recognized her talents from Birmingham and closed the job off for her. She was happy and kissed his cheek. Lucas had that GUILTY look that spelled LIAR. Down the road the truth always will come out and Sheryl will find out she was only hired solely only to get information on Jordan not for her talents which will really shake things between her and Lucas.

Eric and Nicole is DRAGGING AGAIN! Yes again! I totally didn't pay attention got boring. Though I know Nicole was pushing Eric away because she figured that once Eric found out they had evidence to clear him he would change his mind so Nicole doesn't want it to seem like a happy ending yet. The thing is Nicole holds ALL the cards here. She can easily say to Eric she doesn't have any evidence that could clear him which is CLASSIC Nicole doing anything for a man to love her like she did with Brady and EJ. But I think Nicole wants someone to genuinely love her without manipulation so I feel she will hand over the evidence to Eric and let him decide.

Rafe and Jordan were amazing today! Finally weren't boring. I thought Jordan was funny the way she was teasing Rafe about Arthur because clearly Rafe was very jealous and upset. It was nice too see him admit his jealousy and how vulnerable he felt. It was also nice for Rafe to come clean about not knowing ANYTHING about Jordan. Yes progress everyone YAY!
I'm assuming somewhere along the way Sami had to cancel her important business meeting. She spent half the day dealing with Gabi and Nick, lol. Little Johnny must have had a snow day, too!
Fun episode with a lot of stuff going on.

Nice to see Roman on more than usual. He was working too sort of :)

I don't think many of us were surprised that "Mr Greeting" saved Nick
that night. It will be interesting to know what happened while Nick was in hiding.

It was fun to watch Jordan tease Rafe about Arthur.

I have to agree sort of with Nick about how Kate and Sami are treating Gabi,
but he's doing the same thing. Gabi needs to find her backbone and think what's best for Arianna.

The big cliffhanger today was Nicole talking to Eric about Dr Chyka. Will she tell him about
the papers she found too? She loves him, but does she love him enough to tell him the
truth. I hope so. Eric needs to have all he information in order to decide what he has to do.
Lucas "texting off" Kate...:clap:

Comic relief with Jordan teasing Rafe about Arthur, as we know he is her cat and not a man. Rafe really does wear his big heart on his sleeve, he was so jealous.

I'm really glad that the cat and mouse game between Nick and the girls is over, just get on with it. That was so lame of Sami to continue the charade that they were innocent. Too late for that. Gabi was even lamer, practically joining Team Nick. Doesn't she get it? He is a total manipulator who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. And what he wants is Gabi and revenge.

Percy didn't look happy when the girls mentioned that Nick was a criminal, and I wonder if he will decide not to help him any further?:confused: Up until now, Percy thought Nick was simply a victim.

So obvious Abby has it bad for EJ, and that ain't good. He was so flippant with her, saying what they did was a mistake. If it was really a mistake, they would not have continued "making mistakes" and ended it after the first "mistake," chalk it up to "oops." Since then, not only did they make a "mistake" twice in the cabin, they almost made a "mistake" in the supply room and made a hot and steamy "mistake" in the shower..."Oops, they did it again..." (Sorry, Britney!):rotfl:

I hope JJ's trial is tomorrow, I'm tired of hearing about it.:rolleyes:

Eric was so intent on hearing himself speak, that Nicole could barely get in a word, and while she is close to telling him all, I fear that, if they kiss, that will be it, she won't tell Eric that he can be cleared. She will be lost in the afterglow of the kiss, which she has dreaming about for so long. But Nicole needs to use her head and ignore her heart. Starting/re-starting a relationship based on a lie of omission is not a good idea.
sway - I also noted Percy looked like he was now wondering about Nick, when the girls mentioned his criminal past, as I wrote in my comments.

Whatever happened to the secret video made of EJ and Abby in the cabin? If that was indeed part of Nick's plan, he will go straight to EJ and tell him that he will show it to Sami if he doesn't go along with everything he says, including getting Sami off his back.