Days of Our Lives - Wed., Feb. 14, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
50 minutes today, some nice flashbacks, and a couple unites in marriage as two other couples reminisce about their histories

Donovan-Kiriakis Apartment (or a 12-year-old's room, hard to tell) - Jeannie Theresa is wandering around looking for Alex. She can't find him or a note. She sees his jacket and remembers when she moved it and a ring in a box fell out. She checks the jacket, and the ring is no longer there. She deduces he's got it and is proposing to her today. She has to get ready (she's in a robe).

Paulina's Hospital Room - Paulina is speaking on the phone with Rafe. She is on a hospital bed and in a hospital gown. She laments not being able to help him but thinks it's good the drugs are off the streets. Abe enters and brings her white roses, which stands for new beginnings. They kiss.

Hospital Waiting Area - Paulina's Johnny and Chanel are dressed up (Johnny in a suit, Chanel is in a coat with a lovely hair adornment) as they talk about how surprised Paulina will be. Johnny knows she won't react subtly; Chanel remarks that Paulina doesn't know the meaning of the word.

Johnson Dwelling, Bedroom - Steve wakes Kayla up by stroking her face with a yellow rose, wishes her a happy anniversary. He's grateful for all the struggles that brought them here. Their smooching is interrupted by Stephanie, who has brought a tray but leaves quickly. (Is she 12?)

Square bushy area - John and Marlena are kissing. The fresh air is helping them. They worry about Harris and the Hortons. John has set up a beautiful picnic. He laments that they were not able to be together last year (in case you forgot, Marlena, Kate, and Kayla were dead last year), but he's got Johnny's slideshow even though they don't have time to watch it today.

Johnson Dwelling, Living Room - Steve and Kayla come out and want to enjoy the beautiful meal. Stephanie is sorry. Kayla says she wants to enjoy the meal. Steve seems less enthused. They smooch and chat as Stephanie readies their meal.

Donovan-Kiriakis Apartment - Alex comes home and Jeannie T has made him breakfast. He wants to take her on a walk. She goes to change (she's in a pink sort of outfit, different from her robe).

Paulina's Hospital Room - Paulina loves Abe's roses, which will match the white roses which she received from the Salem PD and the Chamber of Commerce. Johnny and Chanel enter. Chanel has white roses. She doffs her coat and she and Johnny explain their plan to marry today. Paulina is surprised, and learns that the flowers from the local agencies were a ruse Abe orchestrated. She is going to be Johnny's best person, give Chanel away, and be her matron of honor. She's up to the responsibility (and she's not overreacting at all).

Abe will perform the ceremony, later, Abe does the ceremony, having first John Roman and then Chanel repeat the standard vows. Later, Johnny tells Chanel that he doesn't know where life will take them, but he will be with her wherever it does. They exchange personal vows, and then rings. Paulina is excited after they are married. They promise this is their second & final marriage to each other. Paulina is wheeled out for surgery.

Johnson Dwelling, Kitchenette - Stephanie is eating with her parents. She asks which of their 4 weddings was their favorite. Steve says easy, the first, and relays with flashbacks to that day, and how Kayla's hearing had returned but she still hadn't spoken. Long clips from that first wedding (July 22 and 25, 1988). Kayla and Steve say sweet words. (It's worth the watch if you're a Steve and Kayla fan, but it's the usual stuff.) They also talk about their secret snowbound ceremony. Stephanie has pictures of their weddings, including the first and the one 3 years ago.

We then get a flashback to their 2/12/2021 wedding, where Kayla vowed never to marry him again. In the present, Steve agrees never to leave her again. (In other news that day, Laura died and Charlie taunted Ava after being released from jail.) Later, they're done eating and Stephanie tells them she's leaving for a lot of hours (just in case they need to know that) working on the Cache 'n' Cupid event, and Abe is gone, too. Steve and Kayla tell her about the Johnny/Chanel Surprise Wedding. Later, Stephanie is gone and Steve and Kayla get frisky.

Square bushy area - Alex and Jeannie T have walked up. Jeannie T is anxiously awaiting Alex to propose, but he notices John and Marlena. Alex says hi and the couple invites them to join them. Later, they are eating and John and Marlena discuss (with flashbacks) a picnic they had in Virginia (when he was technically Roman but they don't mention that). Jeannie T asks what the secret to a 40-year relationship is? Marlena remembers a Valentine's Day dance when John paid a fortune to dance with her.

Jeannie T wants details (flashback to 2/12/1993 when John bid $100,000 to charity to dance with her). Jeannie T asks Marlena to take her to the ladies room, then a few steps from the table reveals Alex's proposal plans. Marlena asks if she's sure? Jeannie T relays finding the ring. Marlena thinks things should be in order with Tate before she makes a big life change. Jeannie T is afraid she can't say no. Over at the table, Alex tells John he's feeling pressured because of Valentine's Day. John tells him to forget the pressure, just be honest with himself and with Jeannie T. Alex repeats what John told him.

Donovan-Kiriakis Apartment - Jeannie T and Alex discuss John and Marlena's great marriage. Jeannie asks if they'll do the Geo-Cache event? Alex plans to go to the office but Jeannie doesn't have to. He goes to change after she tells him they have dinner at the Bistro at 8. Alone, Jeannie T is sure she'll be proposed to tonight.

Square bushy area - Marlena hopes it was okay to invite Alex and Jeannie T to eat with them, and then they recap the conversations they had with the youngsters. Marlena got John something for Valentine's Day/his birthday. It's a leather keychain that says, "Going home to Doc." He thinks it's perfect because he's always thinking of going home to her when they're apart. They dance although this time there's no charge. END

Note: The credits had different music when they played today (although my Peacock fritzed out so it may have been my connection sputtering?). Can someone confirm?
Nara - I think so, almost an hour. I always check the episode length.

Great job, Jason, thank you!

I think Alex returned the ring, perhaps because he still believes Theresa is into Brady or he just isn't the marrying kind. Good for Theresa, big mistake. He sure seemed indifferent to her today.

The hospital room wedding was nice, and it actually happened, imagine that!

Steve and Kayla were adorable, as were John and Marlena. I loved the key chain.

So where was Everett? Will Stephanie meet him later? Or is he Bobby today? Assuming that is the case. We still have no idea what that is all about.

I enjoyed the flashbacks very much.
Thanks Jason. This was the longest episode in quite some time. And yes, the music was different.

The flashbacks were great. Johnny and Chanel are cute. Will they last till the end of the year???

How accommodating was the hospital to put Paulina in an actual room and not have a bunch of people come in and out while she was waiting for surgery. You know, to take blood, set an IV line, make sure she uses the toilet facilities before going under, prepping the area. You know, things that actually happen in a curtained off little room. Guess it is great to be mayor.
Yep, and he was named after John, who was dead at the time. His paternity wasn't established until after Christmas, because he and Allie both got ornaments on the Horton tree. Sometime after Christmas, it was verified EJ was his father, and Johnny's ornament was never seen again.
Long one today. But loved all the flashbacks. Love Steve & Kayla.

Marlena was a little dense when they came upon the picnic. Was nice to ask Theresa & Alex to join them. Shouldn't have Marlena & Theresa stepped a little further away? Why on earth is Theresa telling Marlena tjat Alex is going to propose? And Theresa, how could you accept after all you have done?

Love Johnny & Chanel too. Keep waiting for Allie to come back and ruin it. If she does come back, I totally expect her to have Alex's child.

I also wanted to comment on weather. They are having the kind of day I am having in NW Indiana. Beautiful and sunny.
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The flashbacks were very nice — the kind of truly romantic scenes that were missing under the regime of ReRon and the fired guy.

Having Steve and Kayla being asked what was their favorite wedding brought to mind my favorite Salem wedding scene — EJ being shot off the altar by Will while trying to marry Sami.

Speaking of Sami, how would she react if she learned that her son had married and nobody told her? The resulting high volume screeching would probably top anything loudmouth Paulina could produce.

It was good to see Abe do something useful for a change by officiating at the wedding. Recently, he’s been little more than a Paulina hanger-on.

Finally, today’s biggest loser is the unfortunate Gwennie T. who mistakenly believed that lover boy Alex was about to propose. Like some other Salemites, she never gets a break.
Thanks, Jason.

John shaved today.

John thought of everything even heat lamps for the picnic. They look like the same ones that were on the roof last year.

Does Chanel have a middle name? Abe didn't say it during the wedding vows.

Why didn't Johnny invite John and Marlena do the wedding?

Stephanie almost got a shock when she went to her parent's room, Steve was right about locking the door.

The flashbacks were nice. Too bad we couldn't see other people during the older wedding scenes. It would probably
cost them money to show Kimberly and Marcus.
Agree, just got thru watching. Wonderful flashbacks......different couples, each then and now told in a different way,. will note that I hated Alex stuffing his face as he did, so oblivious. He needs to become an adult,.... past time. .

Don't care how the citizens in Salem became legal to perform is just too many of them are able to do so. They used to have a pastor, or someone who performed the legalities, but that person evidently is no longer in Salem, thus all the citizens seem to declare themselves legal to do the honors.

LOL, would just love for some agent to arrive in town with the news NONE of them them are legally married, all a farce, unless married in a church. LOLOL