Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 18, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Abby bumps into the Sonny in the square (where else), her arms full of shopping bags, They are glad to see each other, sit and catch up at bit, with Abby relating how Chad is dealing with her pretending to be dead, letting him grieve for months, and Sonny mentioning that though he is not "with" any one, he had that "moment" on New Year's Eve, with Paul, at midnight. He also mentions Paul being in Europe, helping with the search for Stefano.

Meanwhile, JJ & his mom are lunching at the Pub, talking of Abby & Chad working their way back, the black cloud over them all lifting. He has told her all about the one night stand & it being Lani... Jen talks of being so busy with getting the Spectator on track, sorry she missed his commendation ceremony, congrats on promotion, dad would be so proud. Miss him, so does JJ. He mentions having to leave, working on big case at the docks, she wants to know what, he cannot talk about it, he leaves. Jen brow furrows a bit.

Dario comes to see his dad, in his office, knows who took the chips, no not Kate, it was Deimos. Eduardo is taken aback, Dario is positive of his info, leaves. JJ comes to talk to Eduardo about GDR (the name of the company), & talk of inspectors beings paid off to not check the cargo on the ships. Eduardo bluff his way out of answering truthfully, JJ warns him he is keeping an eye on it all.

As he passes thru the lush, green park, so spring like in middle of January, he sees and hears Jen on phone asking about the payoff rumors. He confronts her, she claims journalistic responsibility, people of Salem have right to know if there is mischief afoot. he tells her to stay out of it, let the Salem P.D. handle it.

Chad meets up with Gabi at the bench by the angel, to thank her in person for alerting him to the argument at the Kmansion. She hopes nothing escalates.

She then goes to meet Dario, lights into him about the troubles between the families, he tells her to just stay away from it all. Dario gets a call from Chad, leaves.

Chad comes in, hugs Abby, admits he was with Gabi to thank her in person, Abby is o.k. with it. He has to make a business call, leaves. He is calling Dario, wants to meet with him & Sonny, work things out. Dario suggests Club TBD, he will close it up, they will have privacy. Abby overhears, but doesn't let Chad know.

The guys show up at the club, sit, talk. Sonny thinks they can work something out with the location material, to the satisfaction of everyone. Dario just doesn't want GDR thrown off to the side in the shuffle. Chad says it will never happen. Dario wants that in writing.

Over to the Eric & Hope (best part of the show, in my opinion) as Eric has let the cop in, but no sign of Hope in the bedroom. The cop notes that Eric got out a month ago, paroled, rented this place from Irene Shaw. He notes Eric's aunt has escaped, Eric says he did not know. Says he is on probation, cannot do one thing or is back for a long one. Invites the officer to look around.

Finally the cop leaves, Hope has reappeared, heard the car drive off, is holding her side, very weak. Eric says something about floorboards in the dining room. ?? she gets back on the bed, he covers her with quilt, she asks how he got paroled. And Eric tells the story, in flashbacks for us, of how he was helping, conducting meetings, counseling, etc. in the prison. He gets a frantic visitor from Mason City (nearby) of a woman, mentally ill, who came in, was in restraints, but managed to get out of them. She has been suicidal, crawled out on a ledge, won't talk to anyone, but mentioned her priest, she last saw 2 years ago. YOU. So, Eric goes to Mason City, up to the 39th floor, and talks to Alana on the ledge. She cannot believe he is there, that he came.

Eric goes out on the ledge, is very calm, quiet voiced. Alana wants all those vehicles, people, ambulances down there to go away. Eric says they won't, tis their job. He remembers her from when he was guesting at her church for 6 mos., talks of her, her parents, her father was councilman. She gets angry, he is the one who put me in here. She talks of getting upset, confused. Eric sees scars on her arms, mentions hurting herself. She admits cutting at times, just a little. He talks more, of love, trust, will talk more, give me your hand, we can go inside and talk. She finally puts her hand in his (they are sitting now, on the ledge) he holds her against him.

Back to Hope, who has been listening, tells him he is a wonderful man, his family has to be so proud of him. Well, Eric isn't, because he told that girl a bunch of lies, love, trust, etc, doesn't believe in any of it. He did not know Alana's councilman father was now the governor, so he got paroled for saving the daughter's life.

He does say his father knows he is out of prison.......his mother...Hope says she is in Europe. Eric heard that.

In Prague, Paul comes into the room, telling Rafe he was able to trace the bank where the safety deposit box is. They go to the bank, talk to an officer, who indicates the box is under the name of Sergai Antoli, And identifies a pic Paul has. The officer leaves, the guys note that name is one of Stefano's aliases, now open the box. All kinds of papers, bank statements, and deeds to two pieces of property, one in Sergai's name, the other in the name of Rudolfo Moretti, another of Stefano's aliases. The guys have no idea if they have actual leads, or Stefano is just toying with them from beyond the grave....or is he alive?

Eric tells Hope he sent an e-mail to Shawn saying she was safe, used a program so it could not be traced, signed it Love, Mom. She thanks him, he says they are out of supplies, he is going to town to replenish. Rest, don't be pulling out any more stitches. He leaves. Hope reaches for a pic on the nightstand, smiles as she looks at it, closes her eyes, it drops out of her hand to the floor.

Abby quietly opens the door to some huge room. She stares up at an air vent near the ceiling, hears a noise, hides behind the door, as it slowly opens, and Gabi steps in. As Gabi closes the door, the gals see other, both exclaiming "What are you doing here"? .
Well, Eric isn't, because he told that girl a bunch of lies, love, trust, etc, doesn't believe in any of it. He did not know Alana's councilman father was now the governor, so he got paroled for saving the daughter's life.
Same governor that paroled André? Good grief. And when exactly did Eric take this 6-month break as a priest in 2014? He came to Salem in late 2012.
Did Eric not just say he was a youth speaker at her church for about 6 mos. Don't recall hearing a year....could have missed it.

But he could have done that easily, while being at St. Luke's. Her church was probably in Salem, too.
So Roman knew that Eric was out on parole and did not think to tell ANYONE in Salem?? Okay. That's one dysfunctional family. One dysfunctional town.

And this is where, as writers, they could have already given the info that Eric was out but wasn't ready to come home to Salem. It was spoiled a long time ago that Eric was coming back. It would have been a better tieiin. Instead of him just showing up out of nowhere.
A few comments on today's events.

You can't go home again: Is Mr. Sourpuss unwilling to go home because he's embarrassed or because he fears the wrath of all the Daniel worshippers?

Now you see her, now you don't. Was the cop's failure to find Hope typical Salem P.D. incompetence or has Eric invested in Dr. Rolf's home invisibility kit?

Don't bank here. Other safe-deposit box holders at that Prague bank who have things they don't want seen will not be too pleased to know that some kid private eye and a detective who's way out of his jurisdiction could so easily get into a safe deposit box. Perhaps they should get boxes at a bank that takes its responsibilities more seriously.

Consumed by work? Jenny says that she's consumed by work? Really. That would be quite a switch from when she treated her hospital position as a no-show job.

Mr. Nice-Guy: Chad is being awfully pleasant about the magic microchips considering that they were stolen from the DiMeras by Slimeball & Son and then were stolen from them by Deimos. His conciliatory position must have the ghosts of his father and grandfather shaking their heads over how soft modern-day DiMeras are.
Thanks for the summary. A good show. Poirot, I absolutely agree--Eric & Hope was the best part of the show! I will say that Eric's sudden appearance, for some reason, reminds me of that missing kid in the third Jurassic Park movie, who showed up just in time to save Dr. Grant. It's a bit odd that Eric and Roman haven't let anyone in Salem know he's out on parole. Then again, it's not like Roman is even on screen that much.

I liked all the family scenes today--JJ and his mom, Sonny and Abigail. Also, the meeting at the end was pretty good. I do hope that somehow, Abigail and Gabi can remain best friends without things getting awkward. After all, none of the Chad and Gabi stuff would have happened if Abigail hadn't faked her death.
I wonder where the house is Eric is renting? Didn't Eric say he wasn't going home? Maybe
Eric is on the other side of Salem. Lucky for them, a Salem cop came to look for Hope :)

I bet Marlena is going to be a little ticked off because she has no idea Eric is free. Yes, she's in
Europe, but shouldn't Roman have told her anyway?

I got confused with Jen and JJ at the end. When they first talked in the pub, I didn't hear
him mention GDR to her, but he found her on the phone later talking about it. Did
she follow him and listen to the conversation with Eduardo???

And why did Abby look at the vent in Eduardo's office. Is there a camera in it?
Decent episode

I do not appreciate 30 second pop up Shawn. Not a way to treat Bo Brady's son. He should be on the entire episode.

Liked the JJ/Jen stuff but why is he going around telling everyone he is investigating GDR? Aren't detectives supposed to be discreet?

Maybe the pardon comment was a blip by Greg Vaughan (Eric) and they kept the one take rule? Both Hope and Eric should know the difference between a pardon and parole. Other than that, I liked the backstory and it made sense.

Not digging Eric's new look either but am guessing the actor was filming Queen Sugar at the time of these scenes.

Interesting that Roman knew. I hope this actually leads to something and isn't a simple throwaway comment. Carrie is back too so I want to see both of them interact with their dad and each other.

Since when does Eric know how to send a masked email? That's something only law enforcement would know how to do. And why would Shawn simply accept the email as fact? He is a detective and should know better.

Pleasantly surprised to see Paul and Rafe today. I liked their scenes. Also nice to see a bank set.

Loved Abby and Sonny. Today was the first day she truly felt like Abby to me.

The microchip stuff is still meh to me but I do like how so many characters are getting involved.
Perhaps Shawn figured his mom is a cop so knows how to do "untraceable"? As to Eric knowing how.....hey, lots of info can be exchanged in prison. LOL. But Dad, Roman is a cop, Mom Marlena has to keep a lot of stuff confidential, and Fill in Dad John (who was Roman for many years and raised those kids) also was cop. So is Uncle Abe, Aunt Hope, Uncle Bo....yep, lots of cops within the family. Kids hear tons of stuff. :)
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