Days of Our Lives - Wed. July 14, 2010

I don't know about the rest of y'all but pillow talk about our exes doesn't exactly get me in the mood. Apparently that works for Bo and Carly. :sick:

If Sami had any shred of intelligence she would be able to see that EJ is indeed concerned about what Nicole knows and that he is hiding something. But no, she's a friggin' idiot and will buy his story that Nicole is out to get him and she's the one who's lying.

Dr. Spaceman... :rotfl:
Thank you!/ re Dr. Spaceman

Thanks for this nice welcome! I really appreciate it; I've never done this before!

Since I'm new, could somebody please tell me -- what is the relationship between Dr. Spaceman on "Days of our Lives", and Dr. Spaceman on "30 Rock"? Which one came first? Is the one on "30 Rock" a takeoff on the other one? And how is his name pronounced on "Days of our Lives"?

Thanks -- 2.gif
I've never watched "30 Rock" so I can't help you there. I don't know if they have showed Hope's doctor before today although she has mentioned going to a doctor.

Let me ditto Old Cowgirl on the welcome, SSSpurgeon. Good to have you with us.
LOL, tho I have watched 30 Rock, I do not recall Dr. Spaceman. However, whoever he is, his name came first. Dr. Spaceman's name is fairly new in the credits. He is Hope's doctor, tho did not have a name last time he appeared.

Days loves (and I love when they do it) making a nod to movies, character, authors, etc.
Personally, I cannot wait for them to mention Hot in Cleveland. LOL. Back when Sydney was first taken by Nicole to Cleveland, there were mentions (by Alison Sweeney) at how the cast was tickled by "Cleveland", no idea why, and would laugh as they would run lines together (everyone in Salem seemingly ended up there).
They do have the absolutely perfect reference and opportunity to do so. :)
I have never watched 30 Rock, but when I saw the Spaceman's name I was thinking of Bill Lee. He was a pitcher for the Expoes (When we had a baseball team) and he did some real stupid things and was on drugs at one time he got nicknamed Spaceman Lee.
More on Dr. Spaceman

Thank you for these replies, and for the welcome, KathyLu!!!

The Dr. Spaceman on "30 Rock" is pronounced "Spa CHEH min" which sounds like a fairly normal name till you see how it's spelled (and his name plate is displayed prominently on his desk). Hee hee hee!

I don't know how it's pronounced on "Days of our Lives" because when I was watching it yesterday, I had the sound turned down (husband was napping) and I was watching the closed captioning.
I had the sound turned down (husband was napping) and I was watching the closed captioning.

:welcome: SSSpurgeon. I used to watch with the closed captioning on all the time, back when my oldest was little and we lived in a tiny apt. The TV was up against the living room wall that, on the other side, was also her bed room wall. Her bed was against that wall. I'd tape the show and watch at night, after she was in bed, with the volumne low. There was just so much I couldn't quite hear.
closed captions

Hi! Thanks for the welcome! Yes, closed captions are great! My 85-yr-old mom (even though she is blessed with good hearing) loves them when she watches Britcoms b/c it's hard to understand the English accents. And I find them very handy when I want to watch tv but my husband is sleeping. Plus, I even use them sometimes when nobody else is around, just to be more peaceful and quiet.