Days of Our Lives - Wed., July 19, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

OOOhhh, she said, rubbing her hands together in glee. Yep, some guessed right. The woman in Anjelica's office is Hattie, but is not called that for several minutes. Anjelica & the woman talk of the plan to "get" Adrienne. The woman is very "Marlenish" for some time, calm, serious, uses a couple tech terms.....mentioning Anjelica having mood swings, but then the woman says something about Anjelica being bi-sexual, Anjelica correcting her that it is bi-polar and the jig is up for the viewers. Hattie jumps up, doesn't like to be holding herself in, takes off the jacket, throws it on the floor, wants to chew gum, take off her shoes, lolol.

Chad sits at his desk, staring at Abby's ring, Lucas walks in, thinks Chad bought it for Gabi. Nope, he is not marrying Gabi, ring belongs to Abby. Lucas figures he must still be hung up on her if he is staring at the ring like that. Chad puts it away, says he knows who hacked Countess W accounts, won't say because it would put the tipper in danger, but wants Lucas to put out a press release that all is well and under control, etc. Lucas pesters, Chad won't move. As Lucas is leaving, Kate comes in, Lucas tells that Chad knows, now Kate gets on her high horse to tell her. Lucas leaves,.as he figures Kate will be soon drawing blood.

Chad & Kate argue, he will not tell, thus Kate deduces he is protecting Abby, warns him about doing so.

Earlier, in the square, John appears, glad to be back in Salem. He runs into Kate, who claims she did not know he had been gone. He is looking for Marlena, who was to meet him there. Ahhh, Marlena shows up, hugs, kisses, etc. They have missed each other, he talks of making wedding plans. She is happy, and along comes Paul. He needs Dad's help. Paul explains about Sonny in jail for murder of Deimos, explains about the magazine found, same one Xander had, only he is in prison in Greece. John says it is a stretch to think Xander got out of prison, came to U.S. for his revenge agains Deimos having him take the fall, and then return to prison. This is why Paul needs his help, go back to Greece with him. Paul goes off, so John & Marlena can talk. She says he would not be who he is if he did not go. He promises to be back, more hugs and kisses. And off John goes, his arm around Paul.

Adrienne & Justin sit in the Pub, talking of Sonny, getting him off, etc. Justin is confident he can do so, 12 different ways. They talk a bit about her getting the loan from Mr. Helms, she wonders if her knight in shining armor might have had a hand. He grins, insists he had nothing to do with it. She did not mean him, meant Lucas. Oh, he knew that, no he didn't. Finally,.Adrienne gets up to leave, Justin promising he will take care of their boy, she hugs him, Lucas arrives, taps Justin's shoulder, what is going on here? He & Justin bicker back & forth, Adrienne finally getting them to stop, telling Lucas she is the one who hugged Justin to thank him. She can't wait for them both to grow up, flounces out. Lucas goes after her, but comments to Justin he knows Justin is just using this Sonny situation to his advantage. When Lucas is gone, Justin is grinning from ear to ear.

Back in Anjelica's office, Hattie is striding around, while Anjelica is telling her she has to calm down, that if she is going to impersonate Marlena, she has to be like her every second, every minute. It is important now that Marlena breaks up with John (am guessing this is because John would be quickly aware this was not Marlena. Hattie is not too happy to be doing that, says something about Roman, Anjelica trying to make her understand that Roman was hung up on Marlena, so she has to act like her.

But mostly now, Anjelica wants to be rid of Adrienne, because she has her eye on Justin...never loved anyone as she loved him, wants him back.

Abby has confronted Dario, who at first denies all her statements. He did not do all those things, but Abby is roaring and raring to go. She gets the flash drive, puts it in her lap top, brings up all the "evidence" as Dario watches. He can't believe she spied on him, then tries to say he did it for her. Oh, no, you are not going to lay this on me. At first he tries to claim he had a few things to clean up from his dad, after he went to jail, Abby doesn't buy it for a second. She insists he give all the money back, etc.

And now Dario pulls out his big gun. Oh, he realizes she is doing this for Chad, is still in love with him, but is she goes to the cops, then it will be Chad who rots in jail. He opens his phone, showing a pic of Chad, a napkin or hankie in hand.....I think he is wiping the knife clean of prints??) He will send the pic to the cops. She thought she was helping him, that she knew him, he was a good person.

But Dario gets rather creepy, talks of how she could have let him make her happy, as he reaches out, barely touching her cheek in a sort of caress. He pulls his hand away, leaves saying he will give her time to make up her mind.

Abby is alone, her phone rings, it is Chad. She doesn't answer. Over at Chad's he is leaving her a voice mail, was worried about the situation, just wanted to see if all was o.k. Back to Abby, who is on the floor at foot of bed, staring off into space, going over everything in her mind
Great start for the new writer. I hope he cleans up these messes fast.

I LOVE that they connected Hattie/André to this Anjelica nonsense; but I don't buy for one second that Justin was the greatest love of her life.

I liked Paul when he was pleading for help, and for the first time had the sense that he cares about Sonny. Couples are made when they are not on screen together. Couldn't Marlena get someone to cover her patients for two or three days while she heads to Greece? She must have dozens of vacation days stacked up.

I'm done with the childish sniping between GRANDPARENTS Lucas and Justin. If we are going to have Lucas/Adrienne, do it. If not, do it. But no more back/forth and no more bickering and chest-thumping, please!

Abby is an idiot. She should immediately go to the police with what she knows. Dario has proof that HE was at the Martin House. And I'll say again that if CHAD KILLED DEIMOS, HE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE as he was drugged. He could be out of jail before Kate's CEO time is up.
And then, possibly, Chad saw Abby by the body, and thought she did it, so wiped the prints off??

Ron C. has said the murder was wrapped up rather quickly, previously. So he stretched it out a bit longer......and to me, it looks like he added more suspects, etc.

That said, my first thought when Dario had that pic, was......well, it puts you at the scene, and YOU were not drugged.

And now, I think Dario is saying to Abby,....we get to share the bed and then some!

What if Dario killed Deimos, then took advantage of seeing someone else there?? Or knows full well Chad did not do it, but saw an opportunity to get Abby to submit to whatever he wanted from her?

Gad, as much as I like the actor, cannot wait for Dario to get his comeuppance.
Dario has to go. He is so creepy with Abby. I'm sure he'll try to blackmail her into bed. Yuck! Hope they don't go there. I don't think Chad killed Deimos. I agree maybe he saw Abby then thought she did it so was wiping prints. I don't know. We'll see.

Lucas and Justin are acting like they are 16! Lucas was ridiculous with his "what do you think you're doing?" Umm, hugging the mother of his children. I hope they don't keep this up. Annoying.

Well we all guessed it was Hattie but how did Anjelica learn of Hattie? Why does she have to bring down Adrienne to get Justin. They aren't married anymore. This isn't making sense. Hattie is pretty funny. Goppledangger. I had thought maybe Marlena was gonna be mad at John for going to Greece which would play into Hattie breaking up with him, but nope, she's ok with it.
Well, let's see now. Hattie wants to pay Andre back, and Anjelica says Andre would be more wary if she was Hattie, so being Marlena is a way to get back at him. Plus get Roman, as he is still hung up on Marlena. Anj is gonna help Hattie do this in exchange for Hattie helping Anj with her "Adrienne" problem.
LOL, but that was not Marlena! He knows her kiss, her caress, and.....well, doubt Hattie would go as far as having sex....especially if she is supposed to be breaking up with John (in Marlena's name) .
But wait! If I remember correctly about all this "who done it" bologna, at the Martin House, in their Halo induced state, Abby left the "party" while everyone else was still there because she did not feel well. Chad later went up to Abby's room to check on her. Later he left the room first, leaving Abby standing in the doorway. Since her memories came back to her, how could she possibly entertain the thought that Chad could have killed Deimos? Come on people, use common sense here.
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Nonsense abounded in Salem today.

Anjelica: Salem has had lots of harebrained schemes over the years, but her's takes the cake: a lot of convoluted nonsense to win back Justin who wouldn't touch her with the proverbial ten-foot pole while wearing a hazmat suit. And what's with talking about "bringing down" poor Adrienne. She isn't exactly Stefano DiMera or Victor Kiriakis.

Dario: What an idiot. All the slimeball's photo shows is Chad tampering with evidence by wiping any prints off the knife handle, charges that wouldn't stick because he was too drugged on Halo 2.0 to be able to form any criminal intent.

Chad: Another idiot -- covering for slimy Dario for the sake of airhead Abigail. It's too bad that Stefano's portrait couldn't have come to life to help his Catarina shake some sense into his feckless son.

Lucas: When are the writers going to give him some real plots and good dialog? Today's fit of jealousy over Justin while he was supporting Adrienne was just ridiculous. Poor Lucas hasn't looked this hapless since he was involved with screechy Sami.

Hattie: What happened to the sensible, competent person the viewers saw at the women's prison? That person would never have joined the disgusting Anjelica's idiotic scheme as part of a way to get back at Andre. She'd have gone after him herself and would have been able to chew her gum while she was doing it. Also, somebody should tell her about the sad fate of another Salem impostor, Arnold "Fake Rafe" Finnegar.
We all really don't know everything the drugged ones did while they were out of it, except what was shown. Chad & Abby renewed their vows, heard the footsteps, saw Deimos running, and for some reason went chasing after him. When we saw them in her room, Chad was asleep in the chair, Abby asleep across the foot of the bed. While each person there has vague memories of what they did, it seems they occurred at the beginning of them falling under the control of the drug........and then finally losing consciousness completely. They can't even recall all they may have done with hypnosis.

JJ & Abby have no idea how they even got to where they were asleep, same goes for everyone else.

Evidently, as the drug took hold, they get vague memory flashes of what they did, but as the hold got stronger and deeper.....nothing.
But wait! If I remember correctly about all this "who done it" bologna, at the Martin House, in their Halo induced state, Abby left the "party" while everyone else was still there because she did not feel well. Chad later went up to Abby's room to check on her. Later he left the room first, leaving Abby standing in the doorway. Since her memories came back to her, how could she possibly entertain the thought that Chad could have killed Deimos? Come on people, use common sense here.
Wouldn't the killer have had a lot of blood on their clothing? That's usually what gets the killer in TV shows.