Days of Our Lives - Wed. July 7, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Episode #11,369 Taped 5/6 Director – Herb Stein

That screwed up clock in Salem has to be causing problems, because it sure doesn’t make sense of the activities going on in that town in this episode. Nicole is standing in front of the Pub, doing her broadcast, ranting on and on about Arianna being out on bail, soon to be returning to her seedy room above this squalid bar, and how soon til the vicious attacks resume. She really pours it on. Her camera man is not too happy. Next we see EJ on the phone with the guy he has tailing Nicole, wanting to know every word she says about anything. Stefano comes into the study, commenting on EJ having Nicole tailed, warning him he has nothing on Nicole, but EJ is convinced she will make a mistake and he will have her. They go back and forth about their own past and lettingby gones be bygones, Stefano offers to help put the pressure on Nicole, then warns EJ about Sami. He tells him that all that guilt he is carrying does not mix well with love, and to let Sami go back to her suburban life.

Over at the Pub, Sami is getting a picnic basket full of fried chicken from her gramma Caroline, who doesn’t understand why she has to provide all the food for the picnic, when the mansion is full of cooks and butlers. Sami assures her that she outshines all of them, and how she is looking forward to this with her kids. Caroline wonders if EJ is going to partake of her chicken, Sami hedges, saying he doesn’t eat fried foods. They start talking, with Sami professing how EJ is trying to change, that she does remember well what a terrible person he was, but he really is trying. Caroline says she doesn’t like to talk of this, but when she was involved with Victor, she filled herself with the idea that Victor would change, could change……but knew he never would, and he never did. Nicole is watching them through the window, telling herself that if EJ has something on her, maybe he told Sami, and she can get it out of her.
She goes inside when Sami is alone, and gets into a short conversation with her, Sami says hello to Judas, lol, wise to what Nicole is up to, won’t tell her anything. Sami leaves. Nicole sits with her martini, talking of taking a couple sips of courage, and in comes Stefano (is it not amazing how he knows exactly where to find her, lol). He sits down, and declares that EJ is not bluffing, does have something to use against Nicole, and he has seen it. He tells her to perhaps get out of town tonight on the bus, or spend the next 10-15 years in prison. Her choice. He leaves. Later, Nicole is on the docks, some guy comes out, Nicole realizes he has been following her, confronts him, pretending to want directions to the Pub. He knows she just left there, she proceeds to tear the sleeve of her blouse, screaming her head off. A cop has arrived, she claims that being a celebrity newscaster, this guy is stalking her, asking the cop to hold him til she gets to her car. LOL

Over on the beach, Chad has made the crack about Will’s mother having all these kids by different fathers, and being so young when she had Will, and Will calling Chad’s mom a whore. Fight, fight, wrestle, wrestle….a cop arrives, tries to break it up, Chad goes after Will again, the cop is taking him down to the station, recognizes Will as Commander Brady’s grandson, but Will takes all the blame, the cop relents, lets Chad go. Will apologizes, Chad wants to know why he said that, Will admits he hears his gramma and Chad’s mom talking. Chad later meets his mom at the Pub, claims his fighting was over kids making fun of his parents paying his way to Wake Forest, but starts asking questions as to how his mom made it. After all, she was on her own when her parents died and yet she got thru all that school. Maddie is evasive, only says she managed to make it through, and doesn’t want Chad to have to go thru anything like she did.

Justin sits with Ciara, repeat of yesterday’s scene where Ciara wants a dollar for her picture, Justin mentions his wallet, Ciara claims her mommy had it. She then says it was with all the other wallets under her bed, but now they are gone. Justin asks her to draw another picture, he has to go talk to her mommy for a minute. But upstairs, Hope 2 is all dressed, bright red lipstick applied, has called Baker, says she is back, and to meet her at the usual place. She is about to walk out her door, there stands Justin, surprised as she said she wanted to go to sleep. She claims to have tossed, turned, figured a walk might clear her head. He thinks she is pretty dressed up for just a walk, she did not think she had to clear wardrobe choices with him.
She is about to leave, he has a question, mentions talking with Ciara, tells about the wallet, Hope pretends to be all upset at how Ciara is telling these lies, Justin wonders where Ciara gets the ideas for these things, is pretty close with her, maybe she will tell him…..Hope interrupts him by grabbing him in a big kiss, startling Justin.
Downstairs, Adrienne arrives, learns from Ciara that Uncle Justin is upstairs, so trots up, finding Hope embracing Justin (the kiss is over). She apologizes, just came over with some papers Justin has to sign, should not have come up. Hope claims she was just upset, and Justin was offering some comfort. She closes her door on them both, commenting to herself that they have wasted enough of her time. She sneaks out.

Sami has returned to DiMansion, and more or less invites EJ to the picnic with her twin preschoolers and Sydney. Nothing like a picnic in the middle of the night, cause it has been dark out for quite some time. EJ is glad she is not upset that he told her he loved her, she mentions talking to gramma about all this, as she is very confused. EJ thinks confused is good, cuz she used to loathe him. She is not sure of her feelings, he reminds her he does love her, she mentions also being confused about her feelings for Rafe and how he feels about her. They kibbitz some more, and finally, with Sydney in her stroller, EJ arrives with a bottle of wine, supposedly goes good with fried food. We hear a horn blaring, the car awaits, and off they go, stroller and all. After they exit the room, we see Nicole at the French doors, jimmying the lock open, entering the room, bound and determined to find whatever “proof” EJ may have on her.

And over at the poker room, Hope has arrived, Baker is there, the game won’t start for a while. She is raring to go, has that ex of hers on her agenda. She makes a list, gives it to Baker to acquire the items. He reads off, is not sure she really wants all these things. She whispers in his ear, reminding him how he wanted to kill her ex after what he did to her. Well, my dear, dear friend, you won’t have to worry…that problem will finally be laid to rest.

Me, too.She knows exactly what is going on in daytime Hope's life, can make stuff up 1,2,3.........and continue on her agenda, while daytime Hope has no clue.
Let me comment about something. It is dark in Salem. This is summer. When does it get dark in your town right now? I know I am pretty far north, so it is nearly 10 p.m. for me, so maybe 9 p.m. in Salem? But Sami is taking the kids out on a picnic in the park that time of night, Chad & Will are on the beach, fighting, and Chad then meeting his mom at the Pub. Arianna not home yet after getting out of jail. Heck, EJ is home. Hope has gone to sleep, woken up, Ciara still coloring. Sigghhh, Salem is an amazing town, isn't it? LOLOL
well I'm in Upstate South Carolina- and the sun will be setting shortly before 9 pm. :) But we all eat dinner late- and the beach is still just as beautiful, and the rays from the sun still reach over the horizon and light up the place a bit up until around 9:15/9:30ish... perhaps she's going to picnic and watch sunset! :) lol.

who knows! :) I will be going to the beach July 11th through 15th... I'm going to go batty without my writeups from Barb! Can't they have an iPhone app for Barb's write ups? :P
DaysLady-I have the site as one of my favorites on Safari on my I-phone, so I can check up when I'm not by a computer. Have to get my Days fix.
Me, too.She knows exactly what is going on in daytime Hope's life, can make stuff up 1,2,3.........and continue on her agenda, while daytime Hope has no clue.

I think that old nighttime Hope sounds more like a split personality thing...drug induced no less. Hope has finally gone batwing on us.

Great write up Barb...thanks!:clap:
@Dayslady.....can't watch sunsets when it is pitch dark, it is long long past sunset in Salem. But the little ones are up, especially Sydney......and out for a night time picnic. Hey, ain't life in Salem just grand?
It's just a really freaky place fer sure. Talkin' benches, potato icecream cones, strange and miraculous water, people go down to check out the "lab" and never return....even Pookie is missin'.....yep, why not have a picnic in the
Oh, my gosh, rew, you hit on it! Even if you were funnin'. The script was supposed to read "picnic in the park", but a typo made it "dark" and all the sheep just followed along. LOLOL
O.K. I wasn't worried about rew at all before, but now I am. zzzzzzzzzzz:wink:

Seriously. it has totally bothered me. It has to be after 10 p.m. , those kids should all be in bed, Sami, the really good mom, has them all out in the park for a picnic, and will be swilling wine with EJ.
well if that all she does I guess we got off alright then eh?

seriously...she's a fruitintuttinnutterbutter fer sure now....and why didn't Caroline say somethin' like "huh?" or "now?" er "um ya have a screw loose?"
Let me comment about something. It is dark in Salem. This is summer. When does it get dark in your town right now? I know I am pretty far north, so it is nearly 10 p.m. for me, so maybe 9 p.m. in Salem?

I am pretty far south in TN and it is 830-9 for me here so I would say 9-930 up there
Thanks for the write up. I had no time to watch yesterday. As for the picnic time has never meant anything in Salem. Sometimes it is the same day for a week then at another time a day can be half an hour. Some times one person is having lunch and another is saying good night and heading off to bed.
Was swamped last week and am playing catch up on Days now. As to what time it gets dark around here - just checked a local news site's weather page and it says sunset is at 8:24 pm tonight, but it's a good half hour, if not longer after the official sunset time that it actually gets dark. So it gets dark around 9-9:15.