Days of Our Lives - Wed. June 16, 2010

The performance of the day today has to go to John Aniston as Victor. I loved how understated he was with both Maggie and Caroline. Caroline was throwing slings and arrows his way and he let her do it. He never raised his voice, but he certainly reminded her that she had her chance. I love the way Victor can be both strong and sensitive at the same time, something we didn't see in his younger years. He's still Victor, still formidable, yet he knows when to let the other person, be it Caroline or Maggie, give him a piece of their mind.

Good episode today. The only part I fast-forwarded was Chad and Madeline. Gosh I hope that nothing really important is going on with Madeline. I have yet to actually watch one scene that she's in.

Thanks for the fabulous summary Poirot!
One Note Carly

The writers must be writing her out - is the only thing Carly can say is confess to Dan- enough already. She looks bad- what is up with that hair - hair cut please and that orange jacket was a mess - too small and her lines are soooooooo boring.

Oh no she didn't ... aks her to go to Grandma Alice's house- where you know Hope will be crushed even more. She just needs to go - what a sory part she is playing.