Days of Our Lives - Wed. June 16, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Episode #11,356 Taped 4/14 Director – Herb Stein

Lots going on today – as Kate comes into the study, to find Stefano all wrapped up in his plans to get into Madeline’s safe deposit box. Kate talks of being of the phone with a very upset Lucas, who is distraught over the news of his grandmother being so ill. Stefano is babbling on and on, not even hearing what she is saying, finally looking up, wondering why Kate is so angry. Oh, yes, he knew about Alice, didn’t tell her, Kate becomes more upset, wanting out of pretending to be Madeline to get into the bank vaults, Stefano then gets contrite. She talks of wanting to go see Alice, he warns her she would not be welcome, they all hate her, in spite of loving Lucas & his children.

Replay of Jennifer opening the door to find her parents standing there, hugs all around, everyone happy to see each other at last. Later, Jen & Laura are getting a report from Bill about Alice, who is resting, Hope is resting, too. Nathan is up there. Laura & Jennifer decide to go up to see Alice, leaving Bill alone in the living room, and the one to answer the door, finding Kate there, flowers in hand. Awkward greetings, minor catching up, but they quickly get onto the subject of him leaving Kate to raise Lucas, however, that was by HER own choice. He wonders if he had stayed, would they be together now, would they be happy? In walks Laura, possessively taking Bill’s arm, Kate asking if they are a couple again. NO, replies Bill, they just met when both arrived in Salem together. (now, isn’t that odd, as it has been mentioned in the past, that Laura was with Bill in Africa).Jennifer arrives, Kate takes her leave, kissing Bill on the cheek. Jennifer is angry that Kate dared to come there, Bill mentions she only delivered flowers, and that Alice was never one to judge anyone. Laura agrees, remarking they should just concentrate on Alice.

Victor spies Maggie in the Pub, goes over to say hello, has heard of Alice being so ill, was sorry to hear it. Maggie thanks him, as he holds her hand, Caroline has come out with Maggie’s order, and sees this. Maggie tries to pay, Caroline says on the house, Maggie leaves. Victor asks if he may have a coffee to go, Caroline says no he may not, they are closed. Angry look on her face. Victor figures she has heard about his wedding, oh, yes, front page news, says Caroline. Society pages. Too bad she wasn’t invited. Victor very gently reminds her how not long ago, he told her of his feelings, and she rebuffed him, told him the only man in her life ever would be Shawn. Caroline assures him that is so, chides him about Vivian, who buries people alive and tries to throw them off roofs. Victor only asks if it would help if he told her that this marriage was to protect their son…..and he won’t go into details, but that is the reason.

Bo is home, on the phone with Hope, telling her to get some rest, he will see her later. Carly has come in, goes to hug him, tells him she knows how much he cares about Alice, and wants to go with him to see her. Bo looks uncomfortable, tho says nothing, Carly backs off, realizes she has been presumptuous & selfish, this is Hope’s family.

Madeline & Chad are outside the Pub, she wants to talk to him first…about the DiMera family. He doesn’t want another lecture from them, points out how they try to run his life, telling him who he can hang with, etc. He has had a hard time the past couple years, first with being sent to boarding school, and then returning to find his ex-girlfriend gave birth to their baby, didn’t ever tell him. He will never forget Grace, nor ever forget that he was her father.

Nicole finds Brady passed out, down on the pier, smelling like a brewery. She gets him to come to a bit….(good job here of portraying the drunken sot), he doesn’t know where he is. She gets him to stand up, wants to get him home, along comes a cop, inquiring if all is o.k. He can see Mr. Black is under the weather, Nicole claims he is on meds…. that even a sip of beer or wine will cause a problem. The cop says Brady is guilty of public intoxication, a misdeaner, will have to arrest him. Brady takes a half-hearted swing at the cop, who is trying to put him under arrest, when Brady collapses.

Baker is in his hotel room, placing a G on the Red Sox, hangs up the phone, telling himself that Brady was taken care of now, and with the drug Baker gave him, won’t remember a thing.

Daniel comes into Chloe’s room, wanting to know what the heck happened, Chloe concocts some tale of problems with the annulment to her marriage to Lucas, even tho it was months ago. She doesn’t understand herself, Daniel is very perplexed. He knows a justice of the peace, ex-patient of his, will get him. Chloe refuses that option, wants to say her vows in church. Daniel wants to go talk to Father Matt, no, no, don’t bother him any more. Finally, Daniel seems to accept it all, leaves the room, and in walks Carly, Yep, they have their usual conversation, Chloe calling Carly a hypocrite, hounding her because of one mistake, hiding something important herself from Daniel for 20 years, blah, blah, blah. Carly again tries to make Chloe see that being honest is the way to go.

Kate returns to DiMansion, telling Stefano that while folks have told her it was a mistake for her to marry him, she has no regrets, that she is behind him 100% in whatever he does, and has decided to go along with his plot to obtain the tape in Madeline’s safety deposit box. They embrace.

Back at the hospital, Brady lies unconscious, a concerned Nicole hovering. Maxine tells her usually it is college student who are brought in this way, not realizing how dangerous it is to drink so much, and some do not make it. Nicole is out in the hall with Bo, who wants to know what happened. Nicole doesn’t know, Bo thinks Arianna’s situation affected Brady more than they realize. Nicole has a flashback to a conversation with Baker about framing Arianna, says aloud this is all her fault. Bo asks what she means, she just mentions how the alibi Arianna had from Nicole fell through, did not work.
Nicole returns to Brady’s bedside, sits down, Brady seems to come to, wanting to know what happened. Nicole says you deserve to know, I am going to tell you everything.

Ohh Nicole will not tell him anything but lies!!

Carly- yes she is being presumtuous and selfish- gah- she makes me so mad! I wish she would just crawl back under the rock she crawled out of.
Sounds like a good epi. I read this every day, it's especially helpful when i don't get the chance to watch my DVR copy. I don't always say it, but thanks so much Barb for your hard work and dedication to writing this every day!!! :smile:

I agree about Carly. I used to like her when she was on before, but not since her return!
Oh wow....first off, I have to tell you Barb....this truly is amazing how you put this all together....seriously.....I wish the actual story played out as well as you tell it. Thanks.

now I don't know where to much going on for tomorrow eh? I only hope that Nicole keeps her promise and tells Brady everything.
Thanks, Barb

Wow, there must be a whole story line we missed!!!! Laura and Bill are again separated???? Yep, I remember Jennifer mentioning both of her parents were in Africa -- and, I thought, working together there. Dang.
Rew - I think you nailed Barb's summaries, I enjoy the show so much more reading about it than watching it some days.

thank you Barb for all of your hard work and dedication.
Thanks for the write up Barb.
I was actually going to give a little credit to Carly for backing off & mentioning this is Hopes family. Then she had to go have the same ol blasted conversation with Chloe.

I really want to like Carly because I loved her in the past. But the writers are doing her a terrible injustice!!

Poor Brady...he did nothing wrong & everyone thinks he's slipped!!
Thanks Barb looks like those sweet Alice memories that Bo and Carly share isn't actually sweet and no wonder Bo looks uncomfortable going to see Alice with CARLY...Carly isn't Alice's family.

I don't log in very often but wanted to say thanks to Poirot for the great summaries.

And Carly is so super annoying. I am ready for Chloe to just tell Daniel and Daniel to get mad at Carly for hounding her.
Well, I was looking forward to the supposed "sharing of memories" about Alice between Bo and Carly. Guess that did not happen as the spoiler indicated. Sucks. The writers can't let the Carly/Chloe aggravating redundancy go for even an episode.

Question -- is Bo angry with Carly? Do they have any warmth between them at all in the scenes? Geez. Yes, we are all aware that Alice belongs to Hope and Hope alone. But, Alice was loved by all. I don't see what's so awful about Carly wanting to see her. She cared for Alice very deeply and vice versa. I hate the way this is going. The writers are so surface and obvious in their agendas. Oh well, I will always love Carly no matter what they do to her.
I don't think it would be tacky for Carly to go and see Alice. I just don't believe she should go there with Bo or while Hope is there. They were fond of each other back in the day. She should spead with Jennifer about the right time to go there.

I think Nicole will spill her guts to Brady with the whole truth and he won't remember a thing.
Kathy agreed if Carly wants to go see Alice it should either be with Jennifer or alone WITHOUT Hope there and IT SHOULD NOT BE WITH BO.

Just to answer a question, Bo & Carly are close. Bo actually mentions that Mrs. H knew him better than he knew himself, and that she never judged his feelings for Carly. Later at the hospital, after Carly has her umpteenth run in with Chloe, Carly comes out and puts her arms around Bo.....who doesn't resist
Thanks for the write up. I am going to get time to watch it tonight. So good to see Bill and Laura back together. I must have missed something because I thought they were together in Africa.
thanks for the great writeup. cant wait to see the show.
i think carly should see alice. just not with bo. for goodness sakes bo and hope r still married and carly lives in her home having sex in their bed. alice is forgiving and non judgmental. they should just arrange it around the two. but in real life i am pretty sure hopes entire family would tell carly to kick rocks.
or maybe they would just throw rocks at her. :)

Welcome qth122! :)

With any luck they could send a boulder her way...I'd love to see it flatten her...

Maybe then she'd shut her mouth and stay out of other peoples business.

She stated her case to Chloe more than enough times and just keeps driving the nail in.
It should be Chloe's decision if and when to tell Danny boy,

I wish someone would put a dirty sock in her mouth to shut her up.....
Maybe Bo could think of something....hmmm