Days of Our Lives - Wed., June 19, 2013

I wish Will had slapped Adrienne

How many remembered the black wig Nicole wore when she took Sydney?
Is Kristen wearing the same wig? People share a lot of things in Salem. They
pass "lovers" around.

Interesting fake name Kristen had Fay Taylor.....Nicole's mother was Fay Walker.

I think the hole that Sami and EJ are making about not knowing Bernardi before
he died is getting deeper and deeper. It's going to be harder to climb out of.
I think Will handled Adrienne great considering she caught him off guard with her attack. She came in all sweet and concerned asking about the baby and then in that same sweet, concerned voice she trampled on Will's insecurities and played that he's not good enough for her son card again. I'm glad he told her she would be on the outside looking in if she continued because Sonny loves him. I only hate that at the last moment he showed that little bit of emotion and she went in for the kill telling him he was selfish and just like his mother.
I forgot Nicole cut and dyed her hair. It's interesting Kristen's hair looks sort of like it.
I remembered after I turned off computer I think they found a wig and other
stuff in Fay's car when Nicole on the run. Which makes Kristen using
the her name interesting.

I thought Kristen's accent was funny too.
I may be mistaken but rather than meeting at Common Grounds, didn't Sonny, Chad and Abigail meet at Sonny's apartment...and if so, then it was a new set!!! Sonny and Will's new apartment?
Yep, definitely an apt. and double amazing that both Chad and Abby knew where it was, and that he had moved.
But I could swear that on the phone, he told Chad to meet him at the coffee shop. ???? However, I found a clip......and Sonny did say "meet me at my place". sorry folks.
He said to Chad "meet me at my place".

Since the new apartment is across the hall from their old apartment, wouldn't have been hard to stick his head out into the hall when he heard Chad and Abby at the door to the old place and say "oh, we're in here now".
