Days of Our Lives - Wed. June 9, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Episode #11,351 Taped 4/9/10 Director – Herb Stein

O.K. it is best you have some tissues handy today, as our Salemites begin dealing with the failing health of Alice Horton. Julie arrives at Maggies, looking sad as she has just come from Alices, there has been no change, she opened her eyes once, Julie is not sure if Alice recognized her or not. Hope arrives, asks what is wrong with Gran, and learns what is going on. It seems ever since Mickey died, Alice just has not been the same, seems to have just given up. They talk of how, no matter what happened in their lives, they always went to Alice, who always gave them sage advice, but never solved their problems, always let them solve them for themselves. Maggie has a flashback to Alice doing just that with her, The 3 women embrace, talking of how really, Alice raised them all. Hope leaves…telling them that good news or bad, she always has to go tell Bo first. Maggie has been calling friends and family, Julie tells her she will do that. Later we see Julie ending a conversation with some old college friend of Alice’s, who is unable to come see Alice, but is asked to remember her in her prayers. Julie has her own flashback, of a VERY young Julie thanking a much younger Alice for all she has done for her.

Nathan wakes up in bed, looks around for Stephanie, who suddenly appears and has good news……she KNOWS she is not pregnant! Sigh of relief from Nathan, kiss, kiss. A bit later, he is alone in bed when Nathan gets a call from Maggie, telling him of Alice’s failing health, wants him to go see her. He hops out of bed, is on his way.
At the hospital, Stephanie runs into Caroline, who asks how things are going with Nathan. Stephanie assures her all is great, even though she did something stupid. Caroline quickly figures she tried to get pregnant, Stephanie admits that, Caroline comments about it being the oldest trick in the book, Stephanie agrees, assures Gramma she is not. Caroline gets a call from Doug, telling her about Alice.

Melanie bops into the hospital, asking Carly if she is finally going to answer her question that she would not answer last night. What were she & Chloe arguing about? Carly only says it was about your father, Melanie guesses it has something to do with them marrying, Carly tells Melanie to leave it all alone. She leaves to make rounds, goes to Chloe’s room, where Daniel has spent the night. Meanwhile Philip has arrived, talks to Melanie a bit, who wants to check Chloe’s chart and see if there is anything on it. Philip sharply tells her it is none of her business. She leaves, he stays. In Chloe’s room, Nurse Leslie had been there a bit earlier, Daniel is still holding Chloe’s hand, he asks Leslie to pray for Chloe. Chloe’s eyes flutter open, she weakly is telling Daniel she is sorry. He is assuring her all is o.k., knows she was worried about the rushed wedding. He is not there when Carly comes in, telling Chloe she is not going to say anything to Daniel, but warning her that it will come out, and Chloe should tell Daniel herself, and soon. Daniel returns, Carly is gone, he is checking Chloe over, her BP is a bit high, eyes normal and reactive, yada, yada. He does more reassuring, leaves, now it is Philip’s turn to visit. Chloe tells him that Nathan is not the only person who knows, that Carly overheard her and Nathan talking, so she knows, too, just not the who. (talk of tangled webs, huh?) Philip is adamant that Chloe keep it all quiet. Cue Daniel to come in, asking “keep what quiet”.?

Stefano is pacing the floor as Kate comes into the study, wondering if he even came to bed last night. He could not sleep, worried about Madeline, her threat to release the tape. He cannot believe she dared to threaten him, is upset that she doesn’t want her Chad associating with Will. He did some checking during the night, learned she has a safe deposit box at Salem Bank & Trust, has not visited it in years. Kate is amazed he could check bank records in middle of night. He figures they can walk right into the bank in broad daylight and get into that box. Kate warns him their Bonnie & Clyde days are long gone. Stefano suggests that someone impersonate Madeline, and that someone should be Kate

Nathan arrives at Maggie’s, she asks if he went to Alice’s. Yes, he did, he sat by her bed and held her hand. Maggie wonders if she knew Nathan was there. He tells her Alice opened her eyes, looked at him and said…..”Oh, good, Tom. You are here”. Maggie dissolves into tears, realizing Alice is ready to go be with her Tom. She hugs Nathan.

Madeline & Chad sit at the Cheatin Heart, she tell him she has already given Adrienne Kiriakis a check, warns Chad there can be no liquor or drugs or Adrienne could lose her license. Chad assures her it will be a cool graduation party, everything will be fine. She asks who is coming, along comes Will saying he will be there. Seems some juniors are going to be there to “wait” on the Seniors. Madelien is not too happy, but doesn’t say much. Tad is playing pool, starts talking to Will about how “hot” Chad’s mom is, that she may look so aloof, but bets she is a bobcat when she gets going. LOL. Chad comes up, they all get to talking of how Madeline & Will’s gramma were in a picture they found, that they claim it was a business thing, but they looked like really good friends. The boys think maybe they should try and find out more.

Bo is home, on the phone with Carly, explaining how he is checking on the elevator problem. He hangs up, is rummaging thru papers on the table, flashes back to a conversation from some time back that he had with Alice about him & Hope working things out. Abe arrives with Theo, ready to take his turn at car pooling. Bo asks Theo to help Ciara find her lunchbox, whispering in his ear to try the frig. The kids go off, Bo starts looking for Ciara’s homework, finds it under the divorce papers. Abe asks about that, Bo says it is what Hope has been pushing for, keeps asking about (since when???) The men go into the kitchen for coffee, the kids are on the sofa, Ciara telling Theo a secret, how she saw her mommy talking with another man, not her daddy, and how her secret treasure are now missing. Theo asks if she told her dad, but she says he doesn’t believe her, doesn’t believe anything she says. Bo & Abe return, tell the kids to go out and play on the swings, they will be right out. He talks to Abe of how worried he is about Ciara, Abe reminds him that kids sometimes act up when their parents are not together any more, and wonders if maybe Hope is now perhas sorry she asked for the divorce.

Bo is alone when Hope walks in, apologizing for using her keys, he says it is o.k. He can tell something is wrong, she begins to cry, goes straight into his arms, as she tells him it is Gran, she is dying. She sobs, Bo holds her close, her head on his shoulder. The door opens, and in walks Carly, who just stands there.

cant wait to see the episode. and I guess the the bo and hope reuion begins. yayy

awesome writeup as usual. thankyou
Something tells me....

Something tells me those boys are 1. Either going to get themselves into a heap of trouble, digging around in the past or they are going to be Salem’s best detectives. Or 2. They are going to solve the mystery of the association between this two before, the mystery before the whole good Hope/ Bad Hope thing comes to a conclusion.
Thanks for the summary!! I cant wait to watch!! Will for sure need the tissues!
If they will be congregating at Maggie's, I wish they would "move" Alice to one of the bedrooms there. It would be more realistic than going to visit her and going to Maggie's to talk about it.
Ciara has now told Theo her secret about seeing Mommy with another man and how her treasures disappeared. Similar to Johnny telling Theo the secret about Sydney not being missing. It looks like Theo may be the key to both stories coming out.
Thanks for the recap Barb cannot WAIT to see the look on Carly's face too bad she didn't walk in on Bo and Hope kissing...what is it that they say about cheating??? IF cheating is the way you got the person...than cheating is the way you will lose that person. And let the water works begin.

Sounds like a great episode. Thanks Poirot.

And finally some flashbacks that everybody will like (not just me).
Oh, we will probably hear......just later rather than my guess.
DOOL has a history of never pursuing scenes like those. I'm just going from past experience. (Remember the toy dog?? It went pfffffft a long time before Max left.)
I am so glad to see a possibility of a Bo/Hope reunion. His hair is awful - maybe she'll fix it! Her "other Hope" hair & makeup are gorgeous - will Real Hope remember how to do that?! LOL One thing about Melanie and hospitals - she "wanted to look at Chloe's chart to see if there was anything on it." Mel is not supposed to look at a chart unless she's assigned to a patient, and she'd need to see it to follow an order written there. Philip is not family and Mel should not be looking at the chart to find something out and, presumably, tell Philip. Glad Phil told her to stop. Actually even Daniel is not family and not her doctor so we'll see if he looks at her chart.

Could the stress of the deception play a role in Chloe's health/recovery? Will she survive? Can't wait to see!

Touching scenes re: Alice. Thanks for the great summary, Poirot!
Thanks for the write up Poirot. I think the flashbacks were the best part of the show today. Just loved them. So sad that Alice is dying. I am still hoping that Bo and Hope do not get back together. The look on Carly's face as she walked in was priceless.
@KathyLu, it appears our Salemites are beginning to plan for that eventuality.

Maggie has been calling friends and family, Julie tells her she will do that. ...

Nathan ... tells her Alice opened her eyes, looked at him and said…..”Oh, good, Tom. You are here”. Maggie dissolves into tears, realizing Alice is ready to go be with her Tom. ...

Bo is alone when Hope walks in, apologizing for using her keys, he says it is o.k. He can tell something is wrong, she begins to cry, goes straight into his arms, as she tells him it is Gran, she is dying.
@KathyLu, yes, in fact that is what is in my summary at the end, what Hope tells Bo.