Days of Our Lives - Wed. Mar. 17, 2010

When Melanie came in and told the judge she was Melanie Kiriakis, something else struck me. Justin Kiriakis was the defense lawyer for the woman who was pleading guilty to shooting his cousin/niece in law. Same one who was in an adulterous relationship with his other cousin. One big happy family in that court, huh?
Sounds Like a Great Show, Barb!

I hope Will does drop Mia. She is playing him AND Chad if you ask me. Is she taking lessons from Stephanie, Nicole and various other creeps in Salem?

SO glad Melanie FINALLY told the truth! I was beginning to dislike her a bit because she was becoming a very unforgiving character who never really tried to listen to Carly's story or anyone else's either when it came to Carly. She wanted revenge for the past and I get that in a sense but nothing good ever comes of revenge and we know that. I now like Melanie again even though she was being very immature and childish over the whole situation. You can be shocked, Melanie, and have every right to be angry but you should have at least tried to listen to Carly's viewpoint. If not to Carly, then to Bo or Hope! So you like Daniel but you hate Carly and yes he didn't know you were his and Carly did, but he didn't have a nutcase like Lawrence threatening you and your daughter's life as well as making your life a living hell on earth like Carly did either. No it's not right but Carly has paid dearly for her mistake and will continue to the rest of her life without any help from Melanie. Bo will continue to be at Carly's beck and call like the idiot that he is turning out to be by turning has back on Hope who has her faults also and can be a ******* but at least she does the right thing when the chips are down. She has integrity. I still blame Vivian for a lot of this mess obviously. Where is that witch anyway! I thought she'd be at the courthouse gloating until Melanie spilled the beans and Carly was let go with a much lesser charge. What will old Viv do now? You can bet Carly isn't safe until someone in Salem uses their BRAIN and stops drinking the Salem Stupid Juice that most of them drink daily so readily there.

Bo will never be kicked off the force any more than EJ will be convicted of babynapping but Anna will be blackmailed into helping Nicole in some way you can bet on that and both will be free to continue to reek havoc now and in the future whenever they feel like and to whoever they feel like or in Anna's case to whoever has the $ to pay her with. I dislike her now and it's a shame because I always liked her in the past. Another character goes to the dark side.

I will continue to watch Days as I have since 1969. Sometimes wondering why but then having moments of loving it.
... should the judge have declared a mistrial since there is a conflict of interest?

You have to have a 'trial' to have a mistrial declared.
This was supposed to be a pre-trial motion hearing, until Carly decided to change her plea.
Thanks for the summary. Really good episode. I liked the sped up reenactment of the Sami/ Nicole conversation during the baby switch reveal- only this time it was between Nicole and Anna. Complete with the "say it!", "No!", and the blubbering. I thought it hilarious that Nicole took notes from Sami, lol. Reheated dialogue at its best. :)