Days of Our Lives - Wed., Mar. 22, 2023


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Square: Leo tells Xander he has lots of sources and soon the Spectator will be back in the black. Leo talks about Gwen and Alex. Xander fumes, but Leo points out that Xander missed his opportunity with Gwen. Leo will see Xander at the office.

Salem Inn, Gwen & Leo's Room: More benefits for the pathetic friends, Alex and Gwen. After satisfying her, he has to rush off to his meeting. First they'll shower.

Titan CEO Office: Maggie calls her secretary, Sandra (?), and asks her to summon Alex. Alex isn't in and they have an important meeting with a syndicator. Brady is visiting her and thinks she's the bestest CEO ever. Her busy life as corporate mogul will not keep her from keeping Brady off the booze. He's been struggling because of the Chloe situation and missing meetings. He's stressed because Rachel hates Chloe on Kristen's orders. Maggie offers to talk to Rachel, but Brady doesn't think that will help.

Salem Inn Hallway: Chloe gets a collect call from Kristen. Chloe skips the recaps about Stefan/Brady. Kristen has something very important to say. It's new information: Stay away from Brady. They hurl insults. Leo overhears the end of Chloe's side, saying Rachel will grow up to be deranged like her mother. Chloe apologizes. Leo reveals how hot this scoop will be.

DiMansion, Chad's Bedroom: Stephanie wakes up. Chad brings her breakfast in bed to apologize for his blabbing to Leo. She's sorry. He's sorry. They kiss. Later, she's ready to leave; Paulina calls (see below).

Pub: Paulina tells Abe about the lawsuit getting tossed. Breakfast is on her. Abe is worried about Sloan's latest threat. Paulina doesn't think that Sloan is worth the energy, and regrets ever wasting any on her. She calls SJPR for a meeting. Later, Chad and Stephanie are there and Paulina announces that nobody will ever beat her. She wants to make a new lucrative contract with SJPR for some reason. They leave. This allows the former brothers-in-law to discuss moving on after losing the love of your life.

Square: Xander watches Alex and Gwen leave the Inn. Xander walks up and hurls insults at them. Alex and Xander fight. Xander gives Alex a bruised eye. Gwen kisses Alex as he leaves. Gwen wants to know why Xander is doing this when he didn't want her. What she does with Alex is none of Xander's concern.

Statesville: Brady visits Kristen. Kristen thinks it's because of her tiff with Chloe. Brady was unaware. Kristen tries to tattle on Chloe but Brady won't listen. He brought something Rachel made her, but first wants her to promise to write Rachel a letter giving a blessing to Chloe and Brady's relationship. Kristen cries about it and claims Brady's no better than she is. Brady admits she has a point, but he's got the power. She acquiesces and gets her picture.

Salem Inn, Gwen & Leo's Room: Leo is working on his column. Chloe knocks, begs him not to print the column. She's desperate. She offers him cash which he doesn't want; he has a duty. If she uses her Basic Black connections to get him the spring men's line, he'll keep his lips sealed.

Square: Outside the Inn, Chloe is making the request for Leo's clothes, in "smedium", about which she cracks a joke. She will apparently get what Leo wants. Xander sees her and they chat about their woes and how Leo's blackmailing her. Moments later, Chloe learns it has been delivered to Leo (who didn't tip). Xander shows her Leo's column. She cries on his shoulder because she can't lie about not saying it.

Titan CEO Office: Alex walks in and Maggie berates him for being tardy. The meeting is in five minutes and he looks like a hooligan. He has blood on his shirt. She'll do the meeting solo and then they'll chat about his future. Later, he's using Maggie's compact to look at his eye when Gwen stops by. She regrets Alex's being targeted because of her, suggests they terminate things.

Conference Hotel Hallway Indicating the Billion-Dollar Price Town CEO Office Suites: Paulina talks about how happy Chad is obviously making Stephanie. Paulina thinks Chad's a winner like her Abe. Everything is looking up for her. They enter the office, which is in a state of mild disarray that causes Paulina shock. (They really skimped on the set and the props here - it looks like someone was looking for their keys and didn't clean up.) That's your cliffhanger. END
Just finished watching......egads......, Days DG summed it up, can't say more.......except, too bad Corday just won't even try for another head writer. He's got good actors.....just not good story/scenes. Yeah, one problem is .......having to drag out a story. Days does that a lot. Thanks for the summary, Jason.........actually, was probably better than the show itself. LOL
Done to perfection, Jason! Too bad the show wasn't.

People in Salem need to speak on their phones while against a wall and facing out so they will know if someone is eavesdropping. Chloe was justified calling Rachel a monster. She is!

Will Kristen actually tell Rachel that she approves of Chloe and Brady? He better read the letter first.

Leo is lower than low, getting his blackmail money AND wardrobe, then posting the story about Chloe, anyway. "Smedium"? No such size. It will either be a tight small or a loose medium on him.

Maggie looked so lovely today. A class act. And a far cry from other women's wardrobes, as we just discussed.

So did Sloan get a hired goon to mess up Paulina's office, someone who can pick a lock? Her revenge has begun. Be very afraid.

Since Sloan wants Sweet Bits to be Eric's gallery, she won't burn it down/destroy it, so what is her end game there?

Gwen and Alex? Really?
Well I have to say Chloe is absolutely right. If they don't watch it Rachel will grow up to be a deranged monster just like her mother. Probably before she's grown up. Brady really cannot argue that Rachel has been a little monster.

I think Stephanie needed to do one more button. Still don't like her and Chad. She lets him get away with too much. He says and does things. She's mad. But then she says she's sorry.

Alex, that was quite a lame little push for Xander. Hadn't Gwen already told Xander that she slept with Alex when Leo was rattling on? It wasn't news to him then, was it? I swear she told him already. And you know, I actually really like Gwen now.

Where were all of Leo's clothes delivered to? They were right outside the Salem Inn. To the Spectator? Seems weird.
Paulina: She should get a grip. If the break-in and vandalism can be pinned on Sloan, she’ll be convicted and disbarred in a Salem second. Sloan in the slammer and reduced to serving as the Kritter’s jailhouse lawyer would be a red-letter day in Salem.

Alex: It was a bad day for lover-boy. Not only did the mighty X-Man mess with his handsome face, Maggie is most displeased with him.

Chloe: It was even a worse day for the diva. She had a most unpleasant talk with the Kritter and then sneaky Leo went back on his word and reported her calling little monster Rachel a monster.

Kritter Kristen: For somebody who’s used to dumping on others, it had to be a bad experience to have to cave to Brady’s threats.

Xander: It should have been a good day for him — getting in some good glowers and putting Alex in his place, but Gwen had to ruin it by saying harsh things to him. Fie on her.
Leo is lower than low, getting his blackmail money AND wardrobe, then posting the story about Chloe, anyway
I'm really hoping Xander conned Chloe to manipulate her into some smooching or something. It's low, but by Salem (and even Xander's own) standards, not irredeemable. It would make more sense than Leo blackmailing Chloe and then instantly doublecrossing her.
Thanks, Jason.

This was such an exciting episode, not really.

It's still breakfast time in Salem.

I'm glad Chloe told Xander everything and she didn't want to lose Brady.<sniff, sniff>

Xander told Chloe that Leo turned in his column. I'm hoping that it's not on the website, but sent to Xander and Gwen
for approval. We can only hope.

Is it wrong of me to like Xander hitting Alex? Can Xander do it again?

The end scene with the messy office wasn't the best. They should have had someone go in and really throw stuff
around instead of laying it down. It reminded of fake scenes on TV shows when the person said someone came in
and destroyed their office, but the detectives figure out it was done by person.
Someone has got to get back at Lady Whistleblower somehow. Sue him, get dirt on him, prove him a liar, something!!!!
Poirot, the best legal way to get back at Lady Whistleblower would be a libel lawsuit. Given the fact that a lot of Salem informants are less than honest or are sloppy with the facts it shouldn’t be long befor Leo’s column contains demonstrable falsehoods. The aggrieved party could then sue both Leo and the Spectator for libel. Such a suit would probably cause Gwen to pull the pug on Leo’s nasty little column.
Is it wrong of me to like Xander hitting Alex? Can Xander do it again?
Wrong? No way, particularly since Alex started it, By way of comparison, some viewers still like to recall the time EJ took a swing at Rafe and was then bounced all over the Town Square. As for Xander treating the viewers to a repeat, he should resist the urge because Maggie probably wouldn’t like two Kiriakis men brawling with each other in public. (In contrast, Victor would probably like it. His only question would be, who won?”)
Why in the world would Chloe even stay on the phone with Kristen? I would have hung up! (I know it was for the purpose of Leo overhearing but still) I got a laugh out of Kristen saying that Stefan left Chloe for someone with a personality.