Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 15, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Tripp & Wendy's Apartment (Ava has a key) - Ava and Rafe enter (she makes it sound like Tripp and Wendy will be back) and they recap her leaving the Bistro and working for Roman, as well as the Li Shin blood on Gil’s book. Rafe wants help solving the case since Ava is the only person in Salem who lived here when the men were killed. Ava doesn't know anything, and wants to go to work. Rafe is persistent, needs her help badly.

Rafe thinks she's too smart to be a dupe in this mess. (Harris has been in communication off-screen.) Rafe wants to know why Stefan took the fall for Ava, is there something between them? Lots of speculation. Ava says Stefan only loves Gabi. Rafe suspects that Gil came looking for Ava and Li got in the way. Ava says that is a theory. Rafe thinks she was Gil's target that day. Ava talks about how Gil treated her, recalls with a flashback her killing him (specifically seeing his corpse sprawled on the counter).

Spectator Office (daytime usual establishing shot) - Eric enters and sees Thomas sitting in since he couldn't be there on "take your kid to work day". He wants to be a reporter like his mom. Chad beams. Thomas wants to investigate the school cafeteria's meat. Eric offers him a camera to use, which he has to obtain from a different room. (News flash, two other employees, James and Danny, work at the paper.) After sending Thomas off to the help, Chad talks with Eric about how absolutely perfect Abigail was. Eric is sure she's smiling down on Chad. They talk about how much kids add to their lives.

DiMansion - Nicole is being avoided by Holly. EJ comes in. He's sorry about what happened with Holly, but Nicole thanks him for helping like he always does. She worries that she was a bad mother with the custody fight with Chloe and "becoming a single mother after" Holly was born. EJ praises her. It is after school time but Holly is studying with Sophia. Nicole will head back to work, and check in on her break later. EJ talks about an event he needs to attend, and he wants her on his arm. She agrees, and thinks it might add depth to her story about the unhoused (which for those viewers just out of a coma she is working on with Eric).

Bistro - Stefan and his mustache are working on a list of Clyde's associates/potential suspects as he chats with Kristen about the case. Kristen doesn't understand his love for Gabi, but wishes them the best as long as Gabi is far away from her. Stefan is focused on Gabi, but then he'll help Kristen take over EJ's CEO job. Stefan wants EJ to reopen Gabi's case now, Kristen wants him to wait until Rafe has evidence.

Square Bushy Area - Sloan comes upon Leo, drinking on a park bench. She admonishes him and diminishes his relationship with Dimitri. Leo admits he spilled the secrets fairly quickly after the money dried up. Leo is sorry, he does care about Jude, and he thinks that Jude deserves to be with his biological mom, who actually likes kids. He feels guilty about his role in Nicole's grief, reminds him that EJ wants him silent and that he'll be broke if he talks. Leo seems confused by EJ's reluctance to reclaim his child.

Spectator Offices - Chad asks Eric about the alleged unhoused story, and how working with Nicole is. Nicole enters with a journal she found in a drawer under a false bottom. It belonged, Chad reveals, to Abigail, and was written weeks before she died. It is all about drugs and crime in Salem, Chad calls Jack to find out what Abigail was up to 705+ days ago. (We don't see Jack.) Jack didn't know what Abby was working on other than that it was "heavy". Speculation flies about Clyde, drugs, and Abby's investigation, in a retroactive rewrite so toxic it might break the show.

Dalton-Johnson/Shin Apartment - Ava is haunted by the murder even if it was self-defense. She doesn't know anything, professes she would tell Rafe if she did.

DiMansion - Kristen and Stefan enter, EJ snipes at them and they talk about DiMera with lots of half-threats and ridiculous posturing too pointless to summarize.

One of the magic bedrooms in the Dalton-Johnson/Shin apartment - Ava leaves a message for Harris. Then she frets that she might be responsible for Li's death - how will she tell Wendy?

DiMansion - Rafe enters, EJ is angry about the "house call" but Rafe had to drop in since EJ's never in his office. Rafe wants Gabi's case reopened. EJ refuses, Kristen and Stefan join Rafe's pleas, EJ is resolute, stalks off as Rafe yells after him. END
Thanks Jason.

So a couple of years ago Abigail was on to Clyde the mastermind who was working at the Pub and living with Nancy Craig, all while running the drug ring? Okay, sure why not? That Salem time portal works well. At least it's a better reason for the killing of Abigail than the Clyde was wandering the halls of the DiMansion looking for Belle to kill to warn EJ off looking for him or whatever they came up with after making it look like Lucas was responsible.

My eye rolling needs to get under control.
It’s official. Sloan is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. I’m still crossing my fingers Leo’s conscience will win out and that he sniffs out EJ and ruins his life. It’s also official that I don’t want him with Nicole anymore. It’s too bad. I still think they have a better relationship than she and Eric when EJ isn’t being a selfish psycho.
I agree, EJ's bad to the bone (and like DDD says, just suppresses it for a while), but what can you expect from a character conceived of rape by a drug kingpin and a loony tune who thought she was being seduced by Elvis?

So, while suddenly deciding to finally have an intentional pregnancy by Chad, and chasing down Sami's kidnapper, Abigail was investigating drugs? Months before the police or mayor cared? Pshhshhahshshhshaw!
Abigail was investigating drugs? Who’s kidding whom? The most dangerous things she ever did was pursuing the married (and dull) Austin and risking the unholy wrath of Sami by trysting with EJ in the athletic club shower and the Smith Island cabin.

Do the writers hate poor Leo? They have been dumping on him so much that he’s now drinking wine out of a paper bag. Let’s give Leo a break by getting shyster Sloan off his back and returning his beloved Dimitri. A happy Leo is an entertaining Leo.

Finally, EJ isn’t just bad, he has no common sense. Arbitrarily refusing to reopen the Li murder investigation is sure to raise questions from inquiring minds. How long will it be before the controversy reaches the ears of Mayor Blowhard and Elvis finds himself out at the DA’s office? As Stefano used to say: “Elvis, you fool!”
Thanks, Jason.

It's still Mother's Day in Salem.

Nice to see Thomas and Chad talked to Jack on the phone today.

How can EJ say he can't reopen the case? There wasn't a trial since the main writers didn't do one.

Nicole found a false bottom in Abigail's desk and found her diary. At least there's some reason
why Clyde killed Abby since there wasn't one before. :rolleyes:

How long will it take Leo figure out the real reason why EJ and Sloan aren't giving Nicole her baby?
Remember it's Salem. It's a strange town.

If it's supposed to be a new day, they would be wearing different clothes.
A lot of people on Twitter have mentioned how odd it is to have Mother's
Day on a weekday.
If it's supposed to be a new day, they would be wearing different clothes.
I know it's a visual medium, but I rank dialogue over clothes. Unless the outfits are outrageous, I rarely notice. Perhaps Salemites save money by re-using clothes. :rotfl:

Speaking of, Leo and Sloan's scene practically blinded me. I'll see if I can find a picture of their odd clashing shirts.