Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 16, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Abe is going over some files at the police station, telling Hope what a good job she did, he is very pleased. In the square, John & Marlena are talking of weddings, John thinks their engagement has been long enough, something always comes up, and enough is enough. He wants them to marry, and soon. Along comes Abe, Hope & Val, John & Marlena tell them the news. Someone asks what the plans are, big or small wedding. Marlena says big, John says small, everyone laughs, but Marlena only meant large enough so all their friends and family could be there. John is agreeable.

At the loft, Claire comes out with a lot of luggage, tells Tripp & Ciara she is going to visit Theo in South Africa for a couple weeks. Ciara is very nice to her, hopes Claire will text her while there, (Tripp is taking Claire's luggage down to her car.) Tripp returns, Ciara goes to get some headphones for Theo she bought, Tripp thanks Claire for being a good friend to him, Ciara returns, Claire leaves.

And for some reason, she is next in the square instead of the airport, running into Marlena, Hope, Val, Abe, John, who gives her the news. She is all giddy, congratulating, hugging, so happy, after last wedding not being so good. Cue Hope to look uncomfortable, then take off, back to work, skipping the planned lunch with Abe & Val. Claire realizes she should not have brought it up, asks if she can help plan when she gets back, Marlena is happy to have her do so. Abe has a care pkg. for Theo, he & Claire go to get it, Abe mentions last time he saw Theo, seems things were not going well between him & Claire. She admits it, says she is going to work at getting things back on track with him.

Abby & Chad (with Thomas on her lap) sit talking to Justin, who advises she use the insanity plea rather than self defense in the murder charge. He figures it would be easier to accept for the jury, has a list of lawyers for her to contact. He leaves, Abby tells Chad she is not taking Justin's advice. She has to face the music for what she did. She feels bad for Gabi, realizing something could have happened to her in prison. From Chad's face, she sees it did. He has told her (off camera) she wants to go see Gabi, Chad says no, she needs rest, did not sleep all night, Marlena said she has to be rested, or another episode could occur. He thinks they should leave now, go home, hoping they don't run into Stefan after what he did to her. Abby is clueless, Chad covers, claims he knew Abby was ill, the alters, etc. did not tell him. He wants her to stay away from Stefan, will drop her at her mother's, go to DiMansion himself to get stuff she needs.

Meanwhile, at DiMansion, Kate is talking to Stefano's portrait, telling him to not look at her like that, no one cared about Vivian. In walks Stefan, well he did. They have words, she mentions Gabby with a “y”being a part of Abigail, he gets mad, shut up, tired of hearing that.... he doesn't believe Kate's version of what happened, they go back and forth about his crimes, immunity, more crimes, he denies knowing Viv was working with Andre, blah, blah. Ultimately, he not only fires her from DiMera company, he tells her to get out of his house. Gives her til this evening, and if she is not gone, he will toss her out on the street.

Rafe has gone to see Gabi, fills her in on Abby's confession, she will soon be out. Justin stops in, is soon going to file the paperwork to get Gabi's release, much to her relief. He tells Rafe that Belle sent a letter, 30 days is up, she is going to file papers to get the annulment,which will happen whether Rafe wants it or not. He advises him to save himself some money, sign the papers, then after the annulment, fight like mad for the woman you love. He leaves, Rafe talks with Gabi about her life, and in hearing what she says about her breakup with Eli, it wasn't about having sex with Lani, it was about all the lies afterward, every time she asked anything. This gives Rafe pause for thought.

Rafe returns to the cop shop, tells Hope he saw Gabi, she is saying how happy she is for Gabi and his family. He mentions Justin being there, telling him about the letter from Belle, so, he figures Hope is set on doing this, has the papers, sits down, is going to sign them. Hope seems about to stop him, but Kate walks in, saying Hope wanted to see her. Yes, autopsy results came in, has questions. Kate replies she gave her statement to Rafe. Yes, Hope read it, but some things do not jibe.

Stefan sits at the piano, playing some notes with one hand, flashing back to Gabby singing as she played. He stops plunking the keys, in walks Chad, saying " Play it again, Sam!!"
So, o.k. I cracked up at the last line...which is (for those who don't know) a famous line from the movie "Casablanca". Ingrid Bergman (Ilsa) says to Sam, the piano player, play it, Sam, play it again. Play As Time Goes By. Thru the years it has evolved into Play it again, Sam. Woody Allen even made a movie with the title.

With Stefan's original name being was perfect.
Ultimately, he not only fires her from DiMera company, he tells her to get out of his house. Gives her til this evening, and if she is not gone, he will toss her out on the street.

So Kate is now unemployed AND homeless. Wonder where she'll end up? Certainly not the homeless shelter. Guess she will kick the folks out of the Martin House and become a landlord again.
I didn't watch the two clips posted here, but I do know that Humphrey Bogart (Rick in Casablanca) DID NOT say, "Play it again." What he actually said to the piano player, Sam, (Dooley Wilson) was: "You played it for her; you can play it for me!"

Sam used the excuse that he wasn't sure if he remembered it, then Rick said, "If she can stand it, I can! Play it!"

That line has gone down in history as one of the most misquoted ones ever.
Yep, the variation on it is well known, as I said. Ingrid Bergman does it first.....then Bogie later on in the movie.

Just made me laugh when Chad says it.

Forgot to mention that after Claire leaves, Tripp suggests he & Ciara celebrate her win, is gonna make dinner or something.

I did like John & Marlena's happy gabfest about getting married this summer. No date set, just "summer".

Also, Gabi is resting, eyes closed, flickering, her eyes oper, and Abby is there. Hi Gabi.
Abigail: I liked fact she wants to plead guilty, that she's not just looking for an easy out. I realize she's been ill and has hasn't been herself, but I want her to face some consequence for what's happened. I don't need to see her locked up in Statesville. Some reputable (as in not Shady Hills) mental facility where she can get the much needed proper care will suffice. I just don't want see her walk, although I suspect she will. Still, I appreciate her willingness to face the music. Speaking of that music, since I suspect she's going to walk, it will probably be something quite celebratory. I'm thinking "Party in the U.S.A." by Miley Cyrus. :)

Gabi and Rafe: As always, I enjoy it when the Hernandez siblings share the screen together and it was to see Gabi finally get some good news for a change. My only complaint is their scenes seemed too short and choppy. What would I have sacrificed for longer Gabi and Rafe scenes? Probably the scenes of Ciara and Tripp playing video games. Although to be fair, I didn't mind the scenes themselves. I like Ciara and Tripp as a couple and I appreciate seeing two people in their late teens-early twenties actually do, such as play video games. It's just if I were to have a choice of watching them play games or Gabi, well I think we all know who is going to lose that one.

On a bit of a more shallow note, I was glad to see Gabi minus that darn oxygen tube which never really seemed necessary.
Delusions abounded in Salem today.

Mr. Sleaze: This guy is the most deluded of them all He actually thinks that he didn't do anything wrong, he's pining for Gabby the alter, and he thinks he can prevail against Kate. (If he wants to fight Ms. Blue Chunk, he ought to research the symptoms or arsenic poisoning.)

Abigail: Anyone who throws herself on the mercy of bloodthirsty barracuda Melinda Trask and that callous dolt Judge Griffin Sims is making a big mistake. She ought to plead self defense. Her attorney could then put the victim, Andre, on trial, and when all is said and done a jury would not only find Abigail not guilty, they'll ask that she get a civic award.

Hope: She actually believes the findings of her hopeless forensics unit? All viewers know that Kate is telling the truth for once. The Salem P.D. forensics unit is so hopeless that it couldn't find any evidence that Ford Decker had been buried in a sorority house basement despite the fact that Max had removed his weeks-old corpse only moments before.

Abe: He actually thinks that Hope is doing a great job? A great job compared to what -- the Keystone Kops?
Do mayors really go down to the police station and look/read/examine all the police files?

How did Abby get into Gabi's room at the prison infirmary?

Abe mentions again having gone to visit Theo in South Africa. Now Claire is going...her second trip, even if the first one was eventually cancelled by the airlines. this a real easy thing to do from Salem? O.K. drive to Chicago, park car. (unless Salem airport has shuttles there). Fly to probably NY first. (or maybe D.C.) Then after waiting and rechecking luggage, etc. the flight to South Africa! amazing they consider it a breeze! As a side note, hard to believe the U.S. doesn't have an outstanding therapy unit somewhere in this country! Oh, well.
She sold the Martin House back to Doug and Julie (or there was a nameless buyer in between them),
The latter. Somewhere I have documented the paper trail (which really amounts to bad writing).

What an awful episode. I want John and Marlena to marry but every other single character can rot. "Supermodel" Ciara should be off my screen jet-setting. Gabi (whom I used to like) I have no use for anymore because the writers don't either. Abby should go to jail for a long, long time or at least a psych ward. Big Zero - yuck all around and his "mother's" "tragic" "death" does not make him sympathetic.

Reactionary Mayor McJerk Abe has no place in Salem politics/policing. Hope and Rafe - do something or get off the pot. I am not believing this is a sweeps week; I've seen more exciting golf commentary.
Thanks, Poirot.

I wonder how much Claire will have to pay because of all her luggage? I haven't
flown in a long time, but I know the rules have changed with how many
bags and weight when you fly.

John should tell Marlena they are eloping and not having a wedding. Bad things
usually happen during Salem weddings.

Was Hope going to stop Rafe from signing the annulment papers?

Thomas has grown a lot since we saw him last.

I hope Abigail doesn't change into one of her alters when she's seeing Gabi.
Abigail: I liked fact she wants to plead guilty, that she's not just looking for an easy out. I realize she's been ill and has hasn't been herself, but I want her to face some consequence for what's happened.
Abigail gets credit for not agreeing to a phony insanity plea, but as noted in a previous post the last thing that she should do is throw herself on the not-so-tender mercies of Melinda Trask and Judge Griffin Sims. For starters, what would she plead guilty to? Did she really intend to kill Andre when she clobbered him with the urn? Did she even intend to injure him or was she afraid at that moment and just wanted the infamous DiMera to back off? Without an intent to kill, there can be no murder charge. Without intent to injure there's no manslaughter charge.

If she feared Andre at the fatal moment, then she could plead self defense. Melinda knows that Abigail would make a sympathetic defendant and that Andre, based on his past deeds, could be painted in the blackest terms by a defense attorney. Given all the uncertainties, Melinda she might be wise to sheath her claws and let Abigail plead guilty to misdemeanor assault with the caveat that she seek qualified psychiatric help.
Big Zero - yuck all around and his "mother's" "tragic" "death" does not make him sympathetic.
Mr. McSleaze has to be the least sympathetic bereaved family member in Salem history, and this includes Andre after Hope murdered Stefano.
I wonder how much Claire will have to pay because of all her luggage? John, should tell Marlena they are eloping and not having a wedding. Bad things usually happen during Salem weddings.
Claire pay for all her extra luggage? Really? She's a Salemite, and being a Salemite means never having to pay for anything: drinks, restaurant meals, medical care, plane tickets, Salem U. tuition, etc. As for John and Marlena, they should get out of town. If they tried to have a real wedding in Salem, anything could happen: Mateo could send thugs to kidnap Marlena; John could trip over a carpet, hit his head, and go into another coma; and Sami might return, interrupt the ceremony, and start screeching about how her mother shouldn't remarry the life-ruiner.
Abe mentions again having gone to visit Theo in South Africa. Now Claire is going...her second trip, even if the first one was eventually cancelled by the airlines. this a real easy thing to do from Salem? O.K. drive to Chicago, park car. (unless Salem airport has shuttles there). Fly to probably NY first. (or maybe D.C.) Then after waiting and rechecking luggage, etc. the flight to South Africa! amazing they consider it a breeze! As a side note, hard to believe the U.S. doesn't have an outstanding therapy unit somewhere in this country! Oh, well.
Shoot Barb, you know they just walk through the "magic portal" in Horton Town Square and are instantly transported to their destination.
We finally got a scene with Claire, John, Marlena and Hope. :love::love::love:

Today was the first day where I really believed we are headed for a teen triangle. I think Tripp still has feelings for Claire and she is in denial about hers for him.

Nice to see the crew at HTS. It seemed awkward that they were all standing around though. At least go grab a table.

Hope clearly doesn't want to end the marriage. Pick a side Hope.

Glad to see Kate face some consequences. Maybe Chad can turn around and do the same thing to Stefan.