Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 22, 2019

Thanks for the summary!

Are there any true fans of Eve, Sarah, Kristen or Lani?
I'm certainly NOT a fan of any of them. I do think Lani is way out of line - she needs to get far away from both Rafe and David! She certainly should not be the one to make decisions regarding Ben visiting David. Supervised visits should be OK! (In my opinion)

Abuse of power. It now seems that Eve wants to use the police department to frame Ben. Somebody should tell her that she's just an unqualified hack appointment, not God. If Eve has her way, Ben will have a great cause of action for harassment and the state attorney general and the Department of Justice just might decide to launch an investigation into the gross violation on civil liberties by the absurd Deveraux administration.
If only these writers were as clever as you are!
I'm ok with Lani [so far] but I can't even look at the screen when any of the other 3 are on.

This is pretty much where I am. I can like Lani when she is written right, though unfortunately it doesn't happen as much as I'd like, and I don't like how she's obsessed with David. The others, just NO. I would also add Claire to the list. I do endure her from time to time, when I feel like inflicting pain upon myself.